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The Eurasian Union


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Of course. New members will be judged via a round table interview/talk (OOC: Short IC IRC chat) with the current signatories.

In that case, the Bundesrepublik Rheinmark would like to set up an interview on possible membership into this pact.

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However, to Lord Deveraux, I must ask what a South Indian Oceanic nation would have to do with Eurasia. Forgive me, I'm sure you have a history with Europe and why you are leading your services to these new countries. I would just like you hear your own explanation, because if nations like the Dominion can enter in, I think there are many other Eurasian nations that would love to join this alliance for the further stability that Rebel Army can, and will provide for the world.

"You were correct in assuming that the Dominion does indeed have a history with Europe. The links themselves are three fold. First culturally and politically. The Kergulens due to their climate and remoteness have no native population, and thus have no independent culture, as say, a few of the pacific islands do. Our culture really comes from a transplant first by the nation of Whigton, and later by the Imperium, both essentially german-swises in origin. This links us culturally to Europe. Politically we were members of the CEU, as well as allied very closely to a few members of the NC. For awhile we owned Romania, North Western Siberia, and Switzerland. So while a few of the EU nations are new, many of them shared in the CEU, or in past pacts with our nation and its predecessor the Alliance. That being said there exists a trust. We were further removed from Europe and all our holdings, by a cabal of ambitious and jealous members of our own government in an untimely coup and therefore we didn't leave at our choosing. That beings said those reasons alone give the Dominion a sort of link to europe that perhaps a nation in south america, or south Africa might not have. While im not sure what drove the EU to invite our nation; I personally find basing political alliances on geography alone to be a bit blind, as the divisions on a map are themselves arbitrary; and would rather base my decisions on the disposition of governments, and the culture of peoples. So if you are asking us why we would choose to lend our resources to the EU those would be the reasons I would give personally.

Geographiclly however we more or less consider the Indian ocean to be our main sphere of influence, and as such generally consider ourselves to be linked to Asia and the middle east. So I suppose that might have been part of the decision to include us. In general though yes I agree, the bloc has a lot of potential for expansion and future cooperation." -Thomas Devereaux

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Thank you Mr. Deveraux. I hope that in the future the Eurasian Union will come to help and bring diversification and stability to all of Europe. The recent worrying of Hungary between the Polish-Czechoslovakian Commonwealth, Bavaria, and Lubeck brings great fear to Europe returning to war. There was a great amount of peace achieved during during the era of the CEU and I hope to see that again. Hopefully with diplomatic channels open to expansion this will not be a closed club of nations, but a forum for discussion and problem solving. Perhaps in the future, Europe and Asia will work together for the greater good of mankind.

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In that case, the Bundesrepublik Rheinmark would like to set up an interview on possible membership into this pact.

"We would be delighted to have you over. I shall get in contact with Rheinmark's leaders and my peers, hopefully we can have a meeting sooner rather than later."

OOC: This will be a bit of a pain to arrange. >_<

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"We would be delighted to have you over. I shall get in contact with Rheinmark's leaders and my peers, hopefully we can have a meeting sooner rather than later."

OOC: This will be a bit of a pain to arrange. >_<

OOC: Yeah. I guess just PM me some times you can do it because I should be pretty flexible. I appreciate it.

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The Free Provinces (all but Holland, Utrecht and Overijssel) of the Republic of the United Netherlands have agreed with the following statement:

The Republic now realized that her traditional policies did not protect and as such does the Republic ask for candidate membership of the EU.

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The Free Provinces (all but Holland, Utrecht and Overijssel) of the Republic of the United Netherlands have agreed with the following statement:

The Republic now realized that her traditional policies did not protect and as such does the Republic ask for candidate membership of the EU.

"We will discuss your application and make a decision soon."

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