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The Sovereignty of Nations

Voodoo Nova

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**Classified to the Commonwealth**

20,000 Marines are en route to Poland-Czechoslovakia. Should war actually break out, they will serve as Drakoria's first line of defense there.

**Classified to Top Gear**

We request that, in the event of war, you remain neutral.

**Public Statement**

If it is indeed true that there are new nations where the Commonwealth has mobilized, then is this not something they should speak with the Commonwealth about? If those states are indeed sovereign, yet are not the signatory of a protectorate with the CEU or Lubeck, then this is between themselves and the Commonwealth, not the CEU.

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**Public Statement**

If it is indeed true that there are new nations where the Commonwealth has mobilized, then is this not something they should speak with the Commonwealth about? If those states are indeed sovereign, yet are not the signatory of a protectorate with the CEU or Lubeck, then this is between themselves and the Commonwealth, not the CEU.

"They had prior knowledge of this new nation emerging, and they never approached us over Hungary. Also, until the state formally exists, we are protecting the regions under attack. From how I see it, their land is currently protected by Lübeck, and as an off-shoot, by the CEU."

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"If this can not be solved in a civilised way, then, we have no choice but to activate the Central European Union's defence clause, due to your violation of the treaty, therefore, we demand that Prussia, Finland, Sweden and Norway, in accordance to Article III, Section II. I'm sorry to say this, Prussia, yet it is still active, thus, you are inclined to assist, not to be neutral in this."

"It is not the CEU's place to defend protectorate regions that we urged Lübeck to place under the domain of the CEU, yet you refused. You created this predicament yourself."

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"They had prior knowledge of this new nation emerging, and they never approached us over Hungary. Also, until the state formally exists, we are protecting the regions under attack. From how I see it, their land is currently protected by Lübeck, and as an off-shoot, by the CEU."

"Clearly they had no knowledge of the states emerging, as in their announcement they targeted Lubeck, not Serbia or Hungary."

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"Clearly they had no knowledge of the states emerging, as in their announcement they targeted Lubeck, not Serbia or Hungary."

"As I mentioned earlier, would this mean that they will release their Croatian lands, due to what they are charging the state of Lübeck with?"

Edited by Franz Ferdinand
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"As I mentioned earlier, would this mean that they will release their Croatian lands, due to what they are charging the state of Lübeck with?"

"Lubeck legally transferred that land to the Commonwealth. Their qualm is that you didn't properly defend your new territories, and failed to respect them, not simply that you took them in the first place."

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"As I mentioned earlier, would this mean that they will release their Croatian lands, due to what they are charging the state of Lübeck with?"

They took that small bit of land so their landlocked nation could have a port. So if that is your position I am sure you are against letting Bavaria have Koper as a port, right?


We will support our allies if they are attacked.

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"It is not the CEU's place to defend protectorate regions that we urged Lübeck to place under the domain of the CEU, yet you refused. You created this predicament yourself."

"Protectorate regions that have been put into the hands of capable rulers by Lubeck. Will you not defend these new nations from unnecessary aggression by others?"

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"Protectorate regions that have been put into the hands of capable rulers by Lubeck. Will you not defend these new nations from unnecessary aggression by others?"

"As these nations are not legitimate and have no known system of government, no, we will not. This is Lübeck's problem, not mine or anyone elses. If there was a sovereign nation with an active government in the area, this would be different. However, it is a protectorate region, one that Lübeck, not the CEU (as it was denied multiple times) must protect."

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Hey my apologies The Armageddon Libertarian Free state shall officially be announcing our existance on Planet Bob within the next 36 hours.
"As these nations are not legitimate and have no known system of government, no, we will not. This is Lübeck's problem, not mine or anyone elses. If there was a sovereign nation with an active government in the area, this would be different. However, it is a protectorate region, one that Lübeck, not the CEU (as it was denied multiple times) must protect."

"See the upper quotation.

They had not yet announced their existence, but they do in fact exist."

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"Then this is no longer the world's business. Let the Commonwealth and the new nation deal with this."

"As neighbour of both these countries, it is our business.

We do not wish the new nation to be gobbled up in a needlessly aggressive move by the Commonwealth."

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"As I mentioned earlier, would this mean that they will release their Croatian lands, due to what they are charging the state of Lübeck with?"

Our intentions with that land will be made clear quite soon. We intend to release the whole of the land into the administration of the new Dalmatia, with whom we are close friends and allies. We will remain in lease of territories based around dockyards and, specifically, the city of Zadar, so that trade may come directly to the Commonwealth, instead of needing to pass through Dalmatian ports and harbors. Our nations already have a freedom of trade established, and once the whole of the territory is transferred to local administration, you will find that it is self-governed by local ethnicities and the Dalmatian peoples of Dalmatia. The Commonwealth will continue to lease a small portion of ports, harbors, and dockyards with the intention of building a navy to both defend itself and its allies from attack, as well as ensure the security of other interests worldwide.

As for the possibility of the emergence of a localized independent Hungarian nation, we will discuss those matters internally first, and then come to a conclusion regarding the direction which the Commonwealth will take. Until a decision is reached, the region will remain under the administration of the Commonwealth, and as we work to secure the safety of civilians and ensure the cooperation of local leaders, we will begin to do all that we have previously promised, and ensure prosperity in the region.

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As for the possibility of the emergence of a localized independent Hungarian nation, we will discuss those matters internally first, and then come to a conclusion regarding the direction which the Commonwealth will take. Until a decision is reached, the region will remain under the administration of the Commonwealth, and as we work to secure the safety of civilians and ensure the cooperation of local leaders, we will begin to do all that we have previously promised, and ensure prosperity in the region.

"We do hope that your decision will not result in something that is detrimental to the state of Armageddon."

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"Zargathia is strongly opposed to using war as a tool of Order. War is of Chaos, and only Chaos could come forth from such an action, in one form or another. It is similar to fighting fire with fire: Regardless of whether you weep for loss or cheer for victory, in the end you're still standing on the ashes.

Given that this situation appears to have resolved itself with the upcoming Declaration of Independence in Hungary, we assume the Commonwealth to be withdrawing their troops again as their reason for invasion is null and void. We fear this invasion will spark a powder barrel of ethnic tension in the region as more ethnic groups will wish to claim independence using the Force that has been so eloquently advocated."

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"Attaching fancy words to a doctrine of war doesnt make it justified. Many throw words like justice, order, peace and soverignty around to make thier purpose look more legit to their fellow world leaders. A reasoned declaration of war justifies the resort to war by stating the grievances that have made peace intolerable and the remedies that will restore peace. Your reasoning is that the provinces do not belong to Lubeck. Well what makes them yours? What makes them so important that people must be killed for it? Are the people there rebelling? I'm sure that that would make headlines if entire provinces were so eager to rid themselves of one tyrant just to get another.

Yet, in the darkness of the clouds of war, a new nation can and is arising. The light is shining through and a new government is forming. The question is, will you embrace these provinces wishes or will you continue to go about it your own way?

Another point I would like to make is that in the midst of all this chaos, where is the diplomacy? When an offensive war in the name of soverignty over provinces that arent yours is declared, where did you attempt to reach a peaceful means with the tyrants? Diplomacy is a matter of policy, War is also a matter of policy. But if war is your policy, then there needs to be an absolute need to articulate that policy, a war without a clearly articulated policy leaves the world troubled.

In short, are you willing to go to war for every province that is not culturally connected to its ruler? If that is the case, then I shall expect a declaration on me tomorrow. If that is not the case, then what is your reason for being in this war? Imperialism? That isnt Soverignty, that is childish.

To those attacked, Lubeck and allies, I ask for you to not turn this more or less hypocracy upon them. What is done is done, and hopefully a new nation will not suffer for it. "

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"Attaching fancy words to a doctrine of war doesnt make it justified. Many throw words like justice, order, peace and soverignty around to make thier purpose look more legit to their fellow world leaders. A reasoned declaration of war justifies the resort to war by stating the grievances that have made peace intolerable and the remedies that will restore peace. Your reasoning is that the provinces do not belong to Lubeck. Well what makes them yours? What makes them so important that people must be killed for it? Are the people there rebelling? I'm sure that that would make headlines if entire provinces were so eager to rid themselves of one tyrant just to get another.

Yet, in the darkness of the clouds of war, a new nation can and is arising. The light is shining through and a new government is forming. The question is, will you embrace these provinces wishes or will you continue to go about it your own way?

Another point I would like to make is that in the midst of all this chaos, where is the diplomacy? When an offensive war in the name of soverignty over provinces that arent yours is declared, where did you attempt to reach a peaceful means with the tyrants? Diplomacy is a matter of policy, War is also a matter of policy. But if war is your policy, then there needs to be an absolute need to articulate that policy, a war without a clearly articulated policy leaves the world troubled.

In short, are you willing to go to war for every province that is not culturally connected to its ruler? If that is the case, then I shall expect a declaration on me tomorrow. If that is not the case, then what is your reason for being in this war? Imperialism? That isnt Soverignty, that is childish.

To those attacked, Lubeck and allies, I ask for you to not turn this more or less hypocracy upon them. What is done is done, and hopefully a new nation will not suffer for it. "


I have no idea what you're talking about.

Why so serious?"

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"Attaching fancy words to a doctrine of war doesnt make it justified. Many throw words like justice, order, peace and soverignty around to make thier purpose look more legit to their fellow world leaders. A reasoned declaration of war justifies the resort to war by stating the grievances that have made peace intolerable and the remedies that will restore peace. Your reasoning is that the provinces do not belong to Lubeck. Well what makes them yours? What makes them so important that people must be killed for it? Are the people there rebelling? I'm sure that that would make headlines if entire provinces were so eager to rid themselves of one tyrant just to get another.

"People are not being killed. Please make sure you know what this is about."

Yet, in the darkness of the clouds of war, a new nation can and is arising. The light is shining through and a new government is forming. The question is, will you embrace these provinces wishes or will you continue to go about it your own way?

"They're already discussing it internally. Let them make their decision."

Another point I would like to make is that in the midst of all this chaos, where is the diplomacy? When an offensive war in the name of soverignty over provinces that arent yours is declared, where did you attempt to reach a peaceful means with the tyrants? Diplomacy is a matter of policy, War is also a matter of policy. But if war is your policy, then there needs to be an absolute need to articulate that policy, a war without a clearly articulated policy leaves the world troubled.

"If you'd been listening, diplomacy is already prevailing. War is being avoided, and the Commonwealth is re-evaluating their stance."

In short, are you willing to go to war for every province that is not culturally connected to its ruler? If that is the case, then I shall expect a declaration on me tomorrow. If that is not the case, then what is your reason for being in this war? Imperialism? That isnt Soverignty, that is childish.

"What in God's name are you blabbering about?"

To those attacked, Lubeck and allies, I ask for you to not turn this more or less hypocracy upon them. What is done is done, and hopefully a new nation will not suffer for it. "

"We'll quote Bavaria on this one."


I have no idea what you're talking about.

Why so serious?"

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I have no idea what you're talking about.

Why so serious?"

Saying the declaration wasnt needed. Force wasnt needed. The Commonwealth should have went to the diplomacy rather than start a mess.

"People are not being killed. Please make sure you know what this is about."

Soldiers were moved and war was recognized. A bullet wasnt shot and that was a hypothetical question.

"They're already discussing it internally. Let them make their decision."

Again, I await thier decision to be made.

"If you'd been listening, diplomacy is already prevailing. War is being avoided, and the Commonwealth is re-evaluating their stance."

"Diplomacy, Construction, and Trade have all but failed, and that means that Force is next. For this reason, Force will be used to restore the order to Hungary."

Yes I was, I was saying this wasnt needed. The quote from above was from the original statement. If said diplomacy was used, then we wouldnt have had a possible war about to break out would we.

"What in God's name are you blabbering about?"

Did you even read what you quoted? Did you even read what your allies wrote? They stated they would defend the soverignty of a province that wasnt theres. Why are they not declaring on all who have territory outside of thier cultural bounds unless there is a malicious purpose behind it.

"We'll quote Bavaria on this one."

Not escalate this into a war and to allow diplomacy to be achieved even though force was used for no apparent reason when not only would talking to Lubeck would have work (as seen in the diplomacy being used now) and that a new nation is coming forth in the areas where soverignty isnt being shown.

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Due to our new found friendship, AirTG is now dispatching 5,000 troops to the nation of Lubeck to be positioned on their defensive lines, followed by a further 15,000 in 8 hours time.

The Rheinmark is not happy with foreign continental troops being positioned preemptively in what should be a European matter decided by diplomacy. We are neutral in the affair but are very displeased with the positioning of foreign troops in Europe, something that has inflamed and compounded conflicts in the past.

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The Holy Imperium is announcing it's total support of it's ally Lubeck and proclaims the full might of it's army to be available at the behest of the Lubeckian Government.

"Lubeck has not reclaimed the land yet. It was unoccupied until the Commonwealth re-entered."

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