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World Map Z


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Please make a few changes to the map of Conti:

  • Colour should be yellow.
  • "Bailiwick of Conti" should be above the northern shore of Brittany and on the left of the Channel Islands (both possessions of Conti)
  • I slightly modified the border with France. There is a tiny bit on the current map that does not belong to Conti but to France.

It should look like this:



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Nagato the Great has been wanting that land for a while guys.. time to man up and actually put him on the map.

This new map is missing a crapload of new updated. La Palma in the Canaries and the rest of the Greenland protectorate is now Grøenlandia. Also, as per the RP thread please update my Central asia claims:


Brown- Caucasia

Purple - mein thanks.

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Nagato the Great has been wanting that land for a while guys.. time to man up and actually put him on the map.

Ah, so you try to convince the mapmakers to give the land to Nagato, but I've been asking for Texas since March and still haven't gotten it!? <_<

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The Dominion still needs to be relabeled as a Raochin Protectorate. We really need a more effective way of updating the maps. Whomever the mapmakers are should go through every post since the last update and copy all the map requests to be put on there before they go off and make it.

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Now that Welshgazza has been purged I request that Wales be returned to me (Scotland) as I initially gave it to him upon request. The land was not a protectorate but actual, sovereign territory of mine.

Also to anyone inquiring about the Scottish Protectorate, do not make claims in this thread without asking me through PM.

Edited by King Penchuk
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