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World Map Z


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They made a mistake Kevz...look at Sargun's map on page 35 or 34 I think, that is the most current one to my knowledge. Just ask V, I'm sure he'll give it to you. Just say please and thank you.

Ah I see. Then I shall give V a buzz and get his permission. Thank you Sarah.

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Ah I see. Then I shall give V a buzz and get his permission. Thank you Sarah.



But seriously, hope that works out for you. IIRC Vinnie's a good guy. He should give you at least most of it. :)

EDIT: As a question, is this nation at all related to your others in the past?

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But seriously, hope that works out for you. IIRC Vinnie's a good guy. He should give you at least most of it. :)

EDIT: As a question, is this nation at all related to your others in the past?

Nope and I have asked V to give me any details of what the people were like in the land before I start Rping so that I can keep it consistent. As for the Oda I realised I needed to be on the world map for them to work and there was nowhere for tem to be that wuld make sense.

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Okay, so the Oda are out again in favor of The Icelands?

/me is confused

The Oda were Asian and there is no Asian territory open so Im going to leave them behind. Plus my RP style sucks as I end up usaully rping depending on what I am reading/watching this one is going to be thought out :)

Talked to V and he has graciouslly allowed me to have my claim will have a DoE up shortly.

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The Oda were Asian and there is no Asian territory open so Im going to leave them behind. Plus my RP style sucks as I end up usaully rping depending on what I am reading/watching this one is going to be thought out :)

Talked to V and he has graciouslly allowed me to have my claim will have a DoE up shortly.

As I mentioned through PM, you can claim the whole of Nunavut since the area is so sparsely populated - you probably won't want just a bunch of ice. =P

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As I mentioned through PM, you can claim the whole of Nunavut since the area is so sparsely populated - you probably won't want just a bunch of ice. =P

Not sure if I have the SoI though? Regardless if I do or do not thank you for the offer :).

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My claim is not for usual colonization. Terrain of Antarctica is necessary for a couple of RPs I am running.

That's what everyone says. :rolleyes:

srs, having a colony in Antarctica is a friggin' fad right now, but few seem to note why in IRL there are almost no humans there.

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That's what everyone says. :rolleyes:

srs, having a colony in Antarctica is a friggin' fad right now, but few seem to note why in IRL there are almost no humans there.

I recognize that fact which is why I have RPd out this particular regiment having receiving terrain familiarization. I have background RPs to support this colonization. It is not like one day i jumped in and said "Hey i am going to antarctica!"

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That's what everyone says. :rolleyes:

srs, having a colony in Antarctica is a friggin' fad right now, but few seem to note why in IRL there are almost no humans there.

Antarctica has no permanent residents, but a number of governments maintain permanent manned research stations throughout the continent. The number of people conducting and supporting scientific research and other work on the continent and its nearby islands varies from about 1,000 in winter to about 5,000 in the summer. Many of the stations are staffed year-round, the over-wintering personnel typically arriving from their home countries for a one-year assignment. An Orthodox church opened in 2004 at the Russian Bellingshausen Station is also manned year-round by one or two priests, who are similarly rotated every year.[30][31]

That cover's their research bases I think :lol1: Its me and Kitex that are the odd ones.

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*There are three ways to gain land: A - Claiming it through your SoI, B - Conquering it from a sovereign nation, C- Being given the land by others in a RP'd IC manner. OOC gifting is not allowed.

Also to all the people colonizing Antarctica, most don't meet this special requirement.

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Also to all the people colonizing Antarctica, most don't meet this special requirement.

Hmm, well I'm personally not trying to colonize, but If I may interject, isn't SoI basically how far you can send your military to do your bidding? I'm sure if a nation with a good navy and ground assualt force could easily claim White land and tell everyone to kiss it.

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Hmm, well I'm personally not trying to colonize, but If I may interject, isn't SoI basically how far you can send your military to do your bidding? I'm sure if a nation with a good navy and ground assualt force could easily claim White land and tell everyone to kiss it.

No; SoI is the circle your land forms on the CN map. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=104328

Any white land claimed must be within that or the claim won't be recognized. Now the question is where does that circle's center rest. I personally say as long as the land you are claiming is within that circle, and that circle's center derives from some piece of land you own then its ok.

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