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The August Revolution


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Excuse me for interrupting this amusing argument, but someone should go back and catalog all the Vox propaganda threads from that war.* Some of us put out some good stuff that first week.

* I would do this myself, but I'm too lazy. That, and I don't care to sort through the rest of the garbage on the boards.

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Excuse me for interrupting this amusing argument, but someone should go back and catalog all the Vox propaganda threads from that war.* Some of us put out some good stuff that first week.

* I would do this myself, but I'm too lazy. That, and I don't care to sort through the rest of the garbage on the boards.

Most of them have been recorded here. Due to the sheer number of them in the early days of Vox, I am sure some have been missed, but all the most important Vox Populi threads (excluding the This Week in Pacifica series) are there, including my personal favorite, when a Ragnarok member announced one of our milestones.

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