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Fascisti march on Rome

Agostinho Neto

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The Italian re-unification has been met with mixed responses from the Italophone community of Viniland (roughly a third of the country's population) - some are glad to see Italy finally unified under a state willing to protect its people, while others still denounce the Fascist government, claiming that state control is hampering the growth of the Italian economy and worsening the Italians' standard of living.

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The territory from Latitude 42N down corresponds to the whole southern part of the peninsula, we cannot meet such request.

In that case, we request the provinces of Lazio from 42N down, and Campania.

OOC: I don't know, depends on how much he wanted.

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In that case, we request the provinces of Lazio from 42N down, and Campania.

OOC: I don't know, depends on how much he wanted.

We still cannot meet such requests. Lazio is historically the region of Rome and Campania one of our culturally richest regions. We are not planning to give out any region or province after all the efforts we put in Italy's reunification. Money cannot bribe our unity.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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We still cannot meet such requests. Lazio is historically the region of Rome and Campania one of our culturally richest regions. We are not planning to give out any region or province after all the efforts we put in Italy's reunification. Money cannot bribe our unity.

Fine, we will reduce our request even further. We only ask for Rome, as Rome is our second holy site. It is the site where St.'s Peter and Paul were martyred for their belief in Christ, and it has been the head of the Church for a long time now.

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Fine, we will reduce our request even further. We only ask for Rome, as Rome is our second holy site. It is the site where St.'s Peter and Paul were martyred for their belief in Christ, and it has been the head of the Church for a long time now.

Rome is one of the greatest European cities with a history spanning from bronze age to present, Rome's influence on Italy has just been too great and too important, and we cannot give away the Eternal City.

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To history, Rome was the capital of a brutal civilization, but to Christianity, Rome is a Blessed site. Besides Rome isn't even your capital city. We would also like to note that other cities, such as Naples, Florence, Tuscany, Venice, and Turin have also contributed to your culture.

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To history, Rome was the capital of a brutal civilization, but to Christianity, Rome is a Blessed site. Besides Rome isn't even your capital city. We would also like to note that other cities, such as Naples, Florence, Tuscany, Venice, and Turin have also contributed to your culture.

Rome was the Capital of the greatest of European civilizations, and christianity is a religion, not a country. For this reason we are not willing to give up any of our cities. And yes, Rome is our Capital, i think we can prove that.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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To history, Rome was the capital of a brutal civilization, but to Christianity, Rome is a Blessed site. Besides Rome isn't even your capital city. We would also like to note that other cities, such as Naples, Florence, Tuscany, Venice, and Turin have also contributed to your culture.

OOC: You can ask for the Vatican, y'know. :P

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OOC: Considering today's Vatican behavior toward italian politics D: i don't think i will make the same mistake of my real life "predeccessors" lol

OOC: Heh, but the Italian Fascist dictatorship did tolerate the presence of the Vatican, even going as far to signing a Concordat with the Holy See in 1929, so... :P

Edited by JEDCJT
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Here is yet another offer that will hopefully meet your satisfaction. We only ask for the grounds of The Vatican, the Saint John Lateran Basilica, the Basilica of Mary Major, the Basilica of St. Paul outside the walls, and some land in between these four Papal Basilicas. You may keep all of your other government buildings and cultural centers, but this is all we ask of.

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Here is yet another offer that will hopefully meet your satisfaction. We only ask for the grounds of The Vatican, the Saint John Lateran Basilica, the Basilica of Mary Major, the Basilica of St. Paul outside the walls, and some land in between these four Papal Basilicas. You may keep all of your other government buildings and cultural centers, but this is all we ask of.

We are not willing to give out any building or city or territory to a religious organization inside our boundaries, since the roman chatolic church is not a nation but a religion, we cannot meet such requests. Italy belongs to the Italian people and the Republic.

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OOC: Darn, I just have terrible timing! I tried asking Biohazard for part of Rome, but he wouldn't give me any! Same for Lavo with the Old City of Jerusalem. And that was what, two months ago?

OOC: Well...Rome is an integral part of Italy and Jerusalem (Yerushalaim) is the capital of the RA. Perhaps you can ask Lavo for some of his protectorate? If that doesnt work, perhaps I can give you a place within New England... ^_^

Edited by JEDCJT
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We congratulate the Italian Republic on their tremendous achievement in the unification of the whole of Italy. Hopefully you will someday unite the whole of Italy including the old Kingdoms of Sicily and Sardinia. We also wish you luck on adapting and constructing government buildings in Rome to meet your standards and needs.

Unlike other more thick-headed nations, we recognize this achievement, even if it is by a fascist state, that doesn't make a difference to us. Italy has not harmed anyone in its fascism and so long as it continues to refrain from doing so, we will continue to support the Italian state.

OOC: KingChris, you could look for Bethlehem, also I would agree that Antioch may work, or perhaps Damascus.

Edited by Mergerberger II
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OOC: No, Antioch got taken over by Muslims. It's also more known for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.


OOC: Ok, so it got taken over by Muslims. It used to be a holy place of Christianity. Revert it to it's roots, if whoever owns it (Lavo, I think) will give it to you.

OR try Istanbul, which was once Constantinople, the Byzantium. "New Rome."

Edited by Drakedeath
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