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Ladies and Gentlemen of CN

I come before you today, to tell you that Invicta and SNAFU have decided to formalise our great friendship with this great treaty. I speak for SNAFU and Invicta when I say that this is a very exciting day for the both of us and that we both look forward to a great prosperous friendship between our two alliances!

With that, I bring you the text of our treaty.

"The Knocking At Your Back Door Accords" A PIAT between Invicta and SNAFU


One fine day over at Records-R-Us, Invicta and SNAFU were browsing the Hard Rock / Heavy Metal section for a new album. After passing by some Iron Maiden and Judas Priest, they found THE PERFECT album to signify their growing relationship. Carefully taking the Deep Purple album out of the bin, Jorost and Stetson brought it up to the listening station to see if it fit their taste. Here are a few snippets of the song they heard:

Article One:

"Sweet lucy was a dancer

But none of us would chance her

Because she was a samurai..."

This reminded Jorost and Stetson about how they would treat each other with respect.

Article Two:

"...Its knocking at the door

You know its no good running

Its not against the law..."

Jorost and Stetson laughed at this part, because they were reminded of the time when they swore they would never attack each other.

Article Three:

"...Sweet nancy was so fancy

To get into her pantry..."

Jorost and Stetson giggled a bit with this part, knowing how they would sneak over to the other's house and share "secrets" with each other.

Article Four:

"...When lucy met the rockett

And she never knew the reason why..."

Jorost and Stetson snuggled closer, knowing that each was safe....knowing that if something unexpected were to happen to either of them that they would rush to the other's aid....whether it be for money, technology, or diplomatic assistance.

Article Five:

As the song neared its end, Jorost and Stetson took the album off the record player and brought it up to the register. After purchasing the album they walked out of the store holding hands. They knew that either had the option to break it off with 72 hours notice, but also knew that their love for each other was too strong to let anything stop it.

Signed for Invicta:

Jorost of the Triune Republic, El Jefe.

Amonra of Sturmriech , Vice President

Sir Glen of Noumenonopolis, Chief of Staff and lover of SNAFU

Rudekker of the Brewtown Empire, Minister of War

Kn1nJa of Soul Society, Minister of Internal Affairs

Tim of Draconis Combine, Minister of Trade

Atlashill of Kansouri, Minister of Neighbourhood Development (Also, :wub: Dawny :wub: )

ShotgunWilly of Klein Republic, Minister of Finance

Scythegfx of Anarcasia, DMoFA, El Scorcho

Signed for SNAFU:

Stetson of Axeland, Grand FUBAR

Madam CaVi of Spehan, the Power Behind the Throne, Director of Illicit Affairs

Sniper620 of Snipetopia, Director of Damage Control

Hlaine Larkin of Reikland, Director of Making Nations Rich

Joe32320 of Lealand, Director of Alliance Relations

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