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Make sure to trust only yourself

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truest thing i heard. Smaller alliances are probably the biggest liers. because they want you to stay they will tell you that they will give you money and piece

You have to remember that every alliance at a time was once a small alliance dude. Again you can't look down on small alliances just because of one bad incident. When i joined PPO I was promised protection/3mil starter aid/tech deals.

I haven't needed the protection part but not too long ago one of our nations were attacked and not even half an hour later aid was sent and a topic was made to alert everyone else. it was a bit late with the starter aid but that was because of an alliance event that was going on at the time, i got my first tech deal not even 5days in/now i'm part of our alliance's Internal Affairs Division after both the leader and the Commander of IA asked me if I wanted a job. Only bad thing i can say about the alliance is that it needs more members tbh.

You probably joined a rogue alliance to begin with and tings just got worse when the leader had a grudge with you for one reason or another.

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Heh, at MFO we don't promise starter aid or anything. it just so happens, however, that new members often get flooded with money just from some of the friendly nations. In large alliances, you'll often apply to receive 1.5mil or 3mil after a great war. In MFO, we usually fill your slots if you get raided or something. War always turns into a huge profit for the individual nation. So yeah, we're not an alliance that advertises or uses these gimmicks. We have fewer than thirty members. We have no protectors. So we don't fit all of HHAYD's categories, but we've been around since early 2007 without problem, and only one of our members has left the alliance for another in the entire history of our existence (not counting new recruits who left within a week or those who went to deletion).

So yes, it's true that you don't necessarily need to join one of the alliances promising money and protection. However, your circumstance isn't necessarily all that common. Many alliances promise money and deliver it within a couple days, true to their word. I can recommend you to many on the black sphere (those are the ones I know best), if you are still looking.

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Its not a way to advertise its something that happend to me. Im just telling people that joining for fake promises. I am not showing that all alliances are like this just big ones and the toleration believers. You know the ones that dont let you talk about freedom to vote and the freedom of speech

I'm not doubting that you are sincere. I'm also not suggesting that you are trying to advertise. And even if you were, I'm not necessarily saying that it's wrong regardless. Perhaps I'm too skeptical but whenever a national leader posts something on the international forum, he or she is trying to convince someone else of something IMO (I'm trying to convince you of my point, am I not?) Add names of alliance(s) in the post and to me it looks like advertising regardless if it is intentional or not. (and thus my reaction is to ask myself "what is the author trying to gain out of this for him/herself and/or alliance?)

Look at it this way, if your readers really want to know which alliance you are praising, all you have to say is "my current alliance" and they can look at which one you are in at the left of your post. As far as making negative comments regarding a particular alliance, there are only two times where I could imagine myself doing that on this public forum and naming the alliance -

1) To defend my alliance or an ally alliance against posts made by someone else or

2) in a DOW

otherwise, in my personal opinion, it just should not be done on this forum. I'm not saying you can't do it. I am saying that after over a year of being a national leader on Planet Bob, IMO - I've never seen it done well (including any good coming from it) in any situation except one of the two I've mentioned above.

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You're making a massive generalisation. If you want to find a good alliance then it is up to you. Do research on their charter, look at aid screens, look at strength and time the alliance has been going. Also, you can ask questions and if you're not happy with the responses, don't join!

Anyway, you are now seemingly happy at WF so I hope that's working out for you.

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I dont know but i know now i will never be that strong again

Two Words: MOVE ON

it's game life

i had a 75K nation and dropped down to 18k and i deleted my nation. i moved on and stopped crying about old nation and starting focusing on my new nation. so stop griefing and move on. ;)

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you can get that strong again by doing tech deals and participating in alliance events, if you show that you are willing to help your alliance then they will be more than willing to help you out more.

considering the size of your nation and seeing how that guy is either deleted by now or twice as strong by now it's going to take some time. so in other words, just write down the guy's name on your nation's notepad, bide your time, and don't announce your attack beforehand.

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Hmm philip put it in a rude way but that will make sense but also where am i going to get the money from? And i will move on but first you know got to finish what he started. You know ZI him when i find him

sorry for being so hard on you but i can give you a couple million for free. no need to pay back.

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the only thing im mad about at this moment is that now because of my old alliance i have to restart and over 12million dollars worth of infastructure is destroyed now

$12million in infa is something within easy range. To get to 1,000 infa it about $4million (rough guess) and to get 2k is more than 10million. Probably ~1.5k infa is $12million.

I made my nation in May and I'm about to pass the 2k infa jump. With the right amount of good management, you can do it champ.

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You made a huge generalization (as others said already), that isn't true for many alliances.

Example: The requirements for aid at Invicta are simple, a few days to prevent alliance-hoppers and minimal posting (10 posts). New members are given their aid ASAP.

To get more aid, access, etc, people do need to pass a test. However, the guides are all easily accessible.

Example 2: http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.as...&Extended=1

He jumped on 3 of our nations, saying Invicta was weak and some other crap (don't remember exactly what). By the next day we had his defensive slots filled, and were defending our nations. We also filled most of the defender's slots filled with aid, to ensure that they weren't anarchied and didn't need to collect during wartime. EXAMPLE

TL;DR: Don't make assumptions made on one bad experience, there are many, MANY alliances out there, and only a handful of rotten apples.

Also, shameless alliance promotion FTW :P

Edited by Timtacious
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the only thing im mad about at this moment is that now because of my old alliance i have to restart and over 12million dollars worth of infastructure is destroyed now

Get over it, I got ZIed by a rogue last year and lost nearly 1,000 infra while holding 4,999 infra during the Karma War (total money loss from the war? A little over $90 million).

Edited by HHAYD
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This is a warning for people looking for alliances. Make sure it is one you trust and feel that it is a place you can feel safe. I joined an alliance a while back in which i thought i can trust them and feel safe but ended up being backstabbed and seemingly planned attack which took place on my birthday. I was attacked by the leader himself and a random rogue, and before that was denounced in a forum page which called me stupid, slow in thinking, and that i would be ZIed before the leader left to join another alliance. Soon after i was killed of a man from the World Federation saw what the leader said about me and took me to join the World Federation. This is true cause it happend to me. This isnt to inflict distrust in people but to warn them about choosing there alliance. I thought i found one safe but i was killed off in the end untill the World Federation found me and took me to a better alliance. Make sure to watch your back. You may be stabbed in the back.

Wait, what was the name of the alliance and their leader?

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I ask you all to ignore this fool's ranting and attempts at sympathy(tc). I used to be in the same alliance as this guy, and formally resigned to join Sparta. Contuine was the kind of member that ignored military orders, refused to construct a war chest, and expected a financial hand out every few days; not even a joke. The alliance in question has at least 24 topics of his begging for cash, and snapping at those that wouldn't hand him out any. Even more curiously is that they were never even in the same board, he posted them wherever he felt like putting them under. Furthermore, his posts were usually sad attempts at humor compiled with bad grammar and excess in insults.

Not only is all of this grounds for expulsion, but it is also grounds for altogether banning in some alliances. And yet the government and administration never took any action. Finally, after a few members voiced their concern about Contuine's actions and role in the alliance, we guess his feelings were hurt and he attempted to make a resignation. Albeit, in the same post he said "actually nvm im not leaving". He then expected his former alliance to give him financial and military aid after the alliances leader resigned and went after countinue

This is not an issue about betrayal, nor am I loyal to the alliance in question. I just feel people should know the truth; the issue isn't alliance betrayal, but rather individual stupidity.

That is all.

Edited by Tillistan
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Also, his former alliance(UCR) had a communist defense policy, which gave their nations the option for intervention when they came across on a war being waged against a communist nation(both unaligned) unfairly. They intervened and defended Contuine, and then extended their membership proposal. We all had strict orders not to promise aid or anything we couldn't provide. All the messages spoke off was peace and unity.

Not to mention that 95% of Contuine's wars were declared by himself on other people, in accordance to that very doctrine above.

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how can you possibly justify what he did. I trusted them and i got a knife in my back, besides you were the one who wanted me to die to if i remember correctly. Yes i did ask for money it was because i kept getting dragged into the alliances wars and ended up becoming more damaged. I was thrown in the front lines under order not under my own consent. Besides they wouldnt have a target list which has like every small nation on there. I even found out most of them have done nothing to provoke the UCR. So if you ask me i am now glad i left that alliance. I trusted you guys untill i was killed my there previous leader.

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First off, I'm offended that you think I'm sad enough to take this game so seriously as to wish another player to die, regardless of how annoying they are. I never said anything of that sort, and even told you not to leave, and asked why no one was helping you out against Nikita(turns out it was because you resigned).

Finally, Nikita was not the UCR's leader. He had already resigned at the time of the attacks; he was sick of you trolling, flaming, and whining, so he decided to end his CN career by ZI'ing you. That was an issue between you and him. No UCR nation EVER attacked you. YOU RESIGNED! I don't know how the hell you go about saying you got backstabbed. Now you're just showing off your own fail by making false statements, begging for sympathy, and posting repeated topics about the same lie.

Also, the target list was highly unpopular, if you don't recall, and it was completely optional as Nikita stated over 20 times. IT WAS NEVER ORDERED. Seriously Contuine, the UCR put up with more of your trolling than any other alliance would, and you still have the audacity to start this topic accusing not only the UCR of stuff that never happened, but to make false statements about the membership too.

Either way, everyone is in different alliances now of their own choosing. I have no further desire to argue with you. Only that you stop spreading biased lies. Thank you.

Edited by Tillistan
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First off, I'm offended that you think I'm sad enough to take this game so seriously as to wish another player to die, regardless of how annoying they are. I never said anything of that sort, and even told you not to leave, and asked why no one was helping you out against Nikita(turns out it was because you resigned).

Finally, Nikita was not the UCR's leader. He had already resigned at the time of the attacks; he was sick of you trolling, flaming, and whining, so he decided to end his CN career by ZI'ing you. That was an issue between you and him. No UCR nation EVER attacked you. YOU RESIGNED! I don't know how the hell you go about saying you got backstabbed. Now you're just showing off your own fail by making false statements, begging for sympathy, and posting repeated topics about the same lie.

Also, the target list was highly unpopular, if you don't recall, and it was completely optional as Nikita stated over 20 times. IT WAS NEVER ORDERED. Seriously Contuine, the UCR put up with more of your trolling than any other alliance would, and you still have the audacity to start this topic accusing not only the UCR of stuff that never happened, but to make false statements about the membership too.

Either way, everyone is in different alliances now of their own choosing. I have no further desire to argue with you. Only that you stop spreading biased lies. Thank you.

Can you get a sreenshot of this? :huh:

Edit: Post 100 YAY! :awesome:

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