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My first war


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So the other day I was just attacked by some leader named Rhodeistan.

I did nothing to provoke it, and my nation really isn't ready to go to war. (I only had a couple thousand soldiers)

So as I read the emails, of losing soldiers, and infa and land. I'm freaking out, I didn't really expect to be attacked. Though to my satisfaction, I won the second or third battle. And this guy has tanks! XP

After I beat him he stops attacking me with soldiers and starts bombarding my nation with air strikes. >.<

So, I decide to send him a message. Saying stop there is no reason, blah blah. And a peace request.

(I haven't attacked him)

A member of my alliance messages him requesting he stops, and what alliances he is protected by, NpO and Ragnarok. So, he also attacks another weaker alliance member. -I'm 5th, and I don't know the other guys rank. My friend who told me used his real name not his game one-

So then, the three top dogs of my alliance, suddenly have two and three attackers on them. One of them suggests we anarchy, though another argues that's too drastic, and should only be used until we know they aren't going to stop-

So I'm not sure what has been happening to my alliance members. But I log on at one to find I have been attacked by another leader BigBadGerman, who is from the same alliance as Rhode Knowingly Inducing Destruction Squad. Who on his profile states who the "KIDS" are protected by. NpO, WTF, FDA, and Ragnarok. >.<

Now this one I find more fun. As I spent too much money the day before (BBG attacked me today) and didn't have enough to pay my bills. Well he attacks me (after bombarding twice) and loses. Badly, I gained almost 1 million (like 900k) from his equipment. And only lost like 456 soldiers. Then he bombarded me, a couple more times. And I've been losing ever since.

(He too I also asked/told him to stop. Because they have no grounds other than conquest, for attacking me.)

Well that's my first war, that I'm probably gonna lose. XP

Thanks for reading.


So they were protected by the FDA, who is the alliance attacking the higher ups in my alliance.

Which their speaker after being contacted by our Foreign affairs. (Asking, whoa dude, why the hate and violence. Stop please?)

Responded in

"Why? one of your lower guys was talking smack and we got wind of you attacking us! so to bad, we will not be your pearl harbor. We will destroy you unless your alliance agrees to war repariations. Say 600 tech, 100 to be paid to each of my warriors as directed. is it peace or more stopping of your toro, toro, toro (Thats what the attackers yelled at pearl)"

Which I'm personally confused about. As I'm quite sure none of us have. :o

Edited by AuresCrush
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Does your alliance have a forum/IRC channel?

I'm pretty bored so if you want I could try to mediate in this dispute.

Edit: KIDS btw isn't protected by NpO and I highly doubt Ragnarok or WTF are protecting them.

Edited by thaone
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welcome to CN, and raids.

Take it as a learning experience, its going to happen often until you get protection or grow into an alliance size that is outside of most other alliances requirements for a raid to happen.

doesn't mean there aren't people out there who wont attack you anyways. raiding is very profitable, especially when you're small. So learn the game, and swing back.

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It seems that KIDS doesn't have a protectorate as far as I can find, I will message you about getting a screenshot of the supposed extortion and I'll see what I can do to help you out.

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We certainly are not protecting KIDS and take exception to our name being used by extortionists.

Solanine your advice was good and considering they have also attacked STA members they have found an alliance interested.

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man, those KIDS are jerks.

what lameness to demand 600 tech from another alliance and claim that a bunch of bigger alliance will not only back them up, but condone that kind of action.

Is that Smackdown I smell?

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If any of these guys were in my range I'de seriously consider dropping a little vigilante justice on them. Sadly they are not, but I do wish you good luck in dealing with these guys. I don't mind simple raiding but extortion is going too far, and these fools will pay.

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Apparently it has been resolved. "We're going to become a New Polar Order protectorate for the immediate future."

Thanks people who gave their support and read.

Big thanks to those who helped out.

Biggest thanks (as due) To the New Polar Order. =D

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The hunter becomes the hunted...

It is one thing to post rubbish in your bio, it is yet another thing to use that same rubbish in an attempt to extort a small alliance from their hard work.

So MrFAIL finally did something good :awesome:

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Guest lord bitburg
As it turns out, they want 600 tech to cease attack.

I Do not Know KIDS, but Federal Domestic agency attacked your alliance, because one of you was talking smmack and how tough you are and would whip us, So the FDA attacked, we will be no ones Pearl Harbor, you guys got out sneaked. and when we attacked you were not protected. So we got ya at great cost to us, changing out improvments etc. and you guys were WHY WHY BO HO! Because you are sneaky, maybe you screwed KIDS, I do not Know. But I do know FDA is under attack by new polar order full force, we are also small, our strength at start was like .36 and yours was .40 and you all had 300-400 tech and air. we had non untill we attacked. Stop whining its a game, I have 3 Polar guys kicking the hell out of me, and all are gentleman, cool about it being a game. So if they want to surrrender I will allow it, HA HA They are killing me but cool about it. For ZYX to say they got attacked and are now winning is bull, Npo is killing us, while ZYX sits whines and launches missles, bring it lets fight like men, don't hide under the kings legs.

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Guest lord bitburg
So the other day I was just attacked by some leader named Rhodeistan.

I did nothing to provoke it, and my nation really isn't ready to go to war. (I only had a couple thousand soldiers)

So as I read the emails, of losing soldiers, and infa and land. I'm freaking out, I didn't really expect to be attacked. Though to my satisfaction, I won the second or third battle. And this guy has tanks! XP

After I beat him he stops attacking me with soldiers and starts bombarding my nation with air strikes. >.<

So, I decide to send him a message. Saying stop there is no reason, blah blah. And a peace request.

(I haven't attacked him)

A member of my alliance messages him requesting he stops, and what alliances he is protected by, NpO and Ragnarok. So, he also attacks another weaker alliance member. -I'm 5th, and I don't know the other guys rank. My friend who told me used his real name not his game one-

So then, the three top dogs of my alliance, suddenly have two and three attackers on them. One of them suggests we anarchy, though another argues that's too drastic, and should only be used until we know they aren't going to stop-

So I'm not sure what has been happening to my alliance members. But I log on at one to find I have been attacked by another leader BigBadGerman, who is from the same alliance as Rhode Knowingly Inducing Destruction Squad. Who on his profile states who the "KIDS" are protected by. NpO, WTF, FDA, and Ragnarok. >.<

Now this one I find more fun. As I spent too much money the day before (BBG attacked me today) and didn't have enough to pay my bills. Well he attacks me (after bombarding twice) and loses. Badly, I gained almost 1 million (like 900k) from his equipment. And only lost like 456 soldiers. Then he bombarded me, a couple more times. And I've been losing ever since.

(He too I also asked/told him to stop. Because they have no grounds other than conquest, for attacking me.)

Well that's my first war, that I'm probably gonna lose. XP

Thanks for reading.


So they were protected by the FDA, who is the alliance attacking the higher ups in my alliance.

Which their speaker after being contacted by our Foreign affairs. (Asking, whoa dude, why the hate and violence. Stop please?)

Responded in

"Why? one of your lower guys was talking smack and we got wind of you attacking us! so to bad, we will not be your pearl harbor. We will destroy you unless your alliance agrees to war repariations. Say 600 tech, 100 to be paid to each of my warriors as directed. is it peace or more stopping of your toro, toro, toro (Thats what the attackers yelled at pearl)"

Which I'm personally confused about. As I'm quite sure none of us have. :o

I Do not Know KIDS, but Federal Domestic agency attacked your alliance, because one of you was talking smmack and how tough you are and would whip us, So the FDA attacked, we will be no ones Pearl Harbor, you guys got out sneaked. and when we attacked you were not protected. So we got ya at great cost to us, changing out improvments etc. and you guys were WHY WHY BO HO! Because you are sneaky, maybe you screwed KIDS, I do not Know. But I do know FDA is under attack by new polar order full force, we are also small, our strength at start was like .36 and yours was .40 and you all had 300-400 tech and air. we had non untill we attacked. Stop whining its a game, I have 3 Polar guys kicking the hell out of me, and all are gentleman, cool about it being a game. So if they want to surrrender I will allow it, HA HA They are killing me but cool about it. For ZYX to say they got attacked and are now winning is bull, Npo is killing us, while ZYX sits whines and launches missles, bring it lets fight like men, don't hide under the kings legs.

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Guest lord bitburg
I Do not Know KIDS, but Federal Domestic agency attacked your alliance, because one of you was talking smmack and how tough you are and would whip us, So the FDA attacked, we will be no ones Pearl Harbor, you guys got out sneaked. and when we attacked you were not protected. So we got ya at great cost to us, changing out improvments etc. and you guys were WHY WHY BO HO! Because you are sneaky, maybe you screwed KIDS, I do not Know. But I do know FDA is under attack by new polar order full force, we are also small, our strength at start was like .36 and yours was .40 and you all had 300-400 tech and air. we had non untill we attacked. Stop whining its a game, I have 3 Polar guys kicking the hell out of me, and all are gentleman, cool about it being a game. So if they want to surrrender I will allow it, HA HA They are killing me but cool about it. For ZYX to say they got attacked and are now winning is bull, Npo is killing us, while ZYX sits whines and launches missles, bring it lets fight like men, don't hide under the kings legs. signed Lord Bitburg
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