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Khmer Falling... the Battle for Phnom Penh

Maelstrom Vortex

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Pnnom Penh: Day 1: The Seige

Most of Khmer, by now, was under Imperial Control. Extreme resistance had been encountered at Phnom Penh, because of this Imperial forces halted outside the city and had set up a blockade. As forces of the Empire rallied together around the city to attempt to finally bring the still resisting government to its knees. Those Dragonisian Sea-Tyrant assets that had not been out on patrol had been called back out to the city, resulting in the assembly of about 3 armored divisions on the perimeter.

Eight special forces teams were sent into the city. Their goal was to illuminate targets for precision strikes, such as enemy bunkers and armor centers. Several tunnel-rat teams were also on hand in case they found the enemy to have gone underground significantly. The first day of the battle was fairly silent as these teams began their reconnaissance operations without any Dragonisian fire coming into the city.

Alpha and Bravo teams crept in from the north, Delta and Epsilon teams filtered in from the west. Gamma and Kappa teams crept in from the east. X-Ray and Zeta teams from the south. They would look for unoccupied structures to hole up in and to hide in to perform their tasks silently and without drawing fire from the enemy if at all possible. They proceeded with great care, doubting the city would be to heavily mined given it is the enemy's home, but still wary anyhow because the regime may be desperate.

Overflight reconnaissance came in, but wasn't proving as typically useful due to the resourcefulness of the enemy in using ground camouflage techniques. A few groups of enemy forces tried to exit the town, but came into heavy fire at the perimeter and were forced back into cover as the Dragonisian forces had entrenched in tree-lines just outside the city.

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The Khmer forces had entrentched them selves deep inside the city of Phnom Penh. There would be no way this was a repeat of Ho Chi Minh city. Taking to buildings, streets and Sewage pipes, the Khmer forces were not going anywhere. The first sight of Dragonosian Troops was met with fire from all directions. Making full use of the cramped space that was phnom's residential and industrial areas Phnom Penhs defence forces waited for the enemy to come.

OOC:Heres a map to convey what I mean.


And Subtle it was my bad. Ive been away again so I didnt get a chance to post till now.

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Midnight in Phnom Penh

Gamma and Kappa teams had been given fire priority. They made their way up to the banks in scuba gear and actually didn't come fully out of the water.. staying under the cover of darkness and using the banks of the river to obscure view of them. They had one goal, get a visual angle on the enemy dugouts so that rocket artillery could be used on them with accuracy.

Given the enemy was holding up on the shoreline and would be taking machine gun fire from across the river if they showed themselves outside.. probability is that the special forces teams would not be seen. The Dragonisians were taking the slow approach to siege.. they intended to very gradually systematically eliminate every pocket of resistance to reduce their manpower loses and to maximize enemy casualties. Gamma trained its IR laser designators on the south island and kappa trained their IR designators on the north island dugouts. The illuminated structures would come under MRLS fusilade. Targets included the Buddhist institute where a large number of the enemy forces were garrisoned and the large 3rd IT division cluster on the north island as well as the dugouts in front of it on the river bank. MRLS under GPS guidance are extremely accurate.. only needing a single missile per designated target.

If the enemy began to vacate these positions, then Sea-Tyrants and infantry would start to come up on shore to begin occupying them. MRLS, aware of their troops and tanks location through the military network, would slowly increment their fire pattern to keep it just ahead of the advancing spearhead as it moved into the city. The current goal was to dislodge the 3rd IT division from the east bank. The minefields were being completely circumvented by the amphibious assault forces.

A-10 sorties carrying GBU-Paveway munitions flew over the city and dropped bombs on heavy enemy fortifications and armor. AC-130-U flew over the east bank of the river firing across the river at enemy strong points with on board artillery and machine gun fire and were being backed up by Apache helicopters. At altitude, a AWACS was running radar and jamming suppression making it extraordinary difficult for radar guided SAMs to lock.

A B-2 flew over the city and dropped a 1000 LB bomb right into the center of the fields of the Olympic Stadium where special forces were being garrisoned. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Hotel Combodiana as well as surrounding structures were under heavy assault from forces coming up out of the river. The Goal of Day 1's operations was to make it to the Hong Kong Center.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"This is Squadron Leader Han Chin of the Melvin Republic Airforce. Air Command has given my squadron, the 24th, and our comrades the 38th, orders to give ground support to Dragonisian forces during this seige. Keep in mind we are mostly air superiority fighters and only have a few precision-fire missiles and bombs, as well as strafing capabilities.

The next time you see a suitable target, be sure to identify it and report it to us. If any Dragonisian forces come under serious assault, mark your position with yellow smoke and the enemy's direction with blue smoke.

We will have planes in the air for the next 48 hours, please do not hesitate to ask for support."

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"Targets located, closing in. Advising all Empire soldiers to find cover... Engaging in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

The planes released a volley of air-to-surface missiles with the intent of busting up the hard targets in which Khmer guerrillas were reported to occupy.

"The Theatre to the North has taken 2 direct hits ... Hotel Cambodiana has sustained 3 direct impacts and Pilot Ryin reported a collapse of the several top stories. The National Assembly has been struck and sustained serious damage, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"Dragonisian ground command, all targets have sustained hits except for the Imperial Garden Villa and Hotel. We expect heavy resistance in the area based on our infrared imaging. We are returning to refuel, but will leave one plane in the area to provide strafing support."

Edited: Thanks MV

Edited by sir jesus
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Midnight in Phnom Penh


The bombs rained over the Khmer Capital. Buildings exploded and the loss of life was huge. Still many Khmer chose to fight on. With the sight of Dragonosian troops Motars and RPGs from the buildings on the waters edge. From beneath in the Sewers raid teams were ready to attack the Dragonosians from behind. What little armour that was in the city and survived the Melvin Bombs manouvered its way to the roads near the Dragonosians where they were disabled to create blockages stopping the Dragonosian tanks from getting into the city.

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At base camp on the east bank of the river: 6 AM

"Sir, we have reports of resistance from the sewers." A young sergeant from the radio room reported.

"Send in the tunnel rat teams then. Equip them with flamethrowers. Given the methane content of the sewer's atmosphere that should make

for a very swift end for the resistance from below!" Genera Kim Bao Rang instructed.

Inside a Water-Dog APC Marine group on the west bank of the river.

The sergeant gave the orders by radio and teams of marines trained for tunnel incursions left their protective covers inside their APCs. They came to the first manhole which had been cleared by advancing forces, lifted it, fired the flamethrower down it once just to make sure there weren't any enemies immediately beneath the cover and flash burning everything for 100 feet in either direction from methane gas ignitions. They had hip wading equipment on and expected this to be a putrid mess, but they really had no choice.. they hopped down into the sewers. "I hope you guys got your shots." One of them joked to the others.

"Are you kidding? Going rabid could only help us down here!" Joked another.

They poured into the sewers and began to dispense into the underground labyrinth. The team was about 100 men and by policy they would distribute a team of 4 with one flamethrower unit per every branch in the artery of the sewer system.. they began to spread beneath the streets.

On the surface just inside the city upon the west bank of the river

The gunners on the sea-tyrants were busy busy busy.. turn.. fire.. turn.. fire.. went the turrets of the tanks and the MG turrets atop them. Supporting infantry had exited some of the APC's and began to blow open walls of the buildings with tactical shaped charges and then invade the buildings. The first building they began to clear was the foreign ministry.. second was the hotel across the street. They flowed into the buildings like water. The fighting was floor by floor.

The tanks which had been put in way of the Sea-Tyrants didn't matter. The Tyrants would either go over them or simply push them out of the way with their massive engine blocks. The blockades.. while slowing them down.. were proving ineffective and made great cover for advancing Dragonisian forces who would crouch behind them like they were sand bag barricades.. allowing them to fight equally with the enemy forces which had shelter in buildings further down the street.

The RPGs and mortars fired from buildings at the tank were intercepted approximately 75% of the time as the tanks were equipped with the

and the
system was being used on the Water-Dog APCs. Still, this left several tanks being disabled on the banks of the river. Unfortunately.. as soon as the mortars and RPGs fired, they gave away their position. They were answered usually by a 155 MM gun from the tank they fired at.. but sometimes when the tanks were busy with other targets.. it was by a single GPS guided MRLS round fired from over 15 miles away.

Broadcast to Imperial Joint Command

"Hold fire on all buildings immediately adjacent to the river banks with large ordinance. Our troops are going in to occupy."

As the sun came up.. smoke hung low over the city giving the sky a red haze... The tanks rolled into their first objective, the circular intersection just to the north west of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Phase two would begin soon.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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7AM: Artificial Darkness

Kim Bao Rong spoke with this team, "We need to turn this battle asymmetric and gives ourselves a distinct advantage. I propose we smoke the city. We take advantage of our superior technological armament and supplies by providing the thickest pall of smoke possible in the city.. making forces not equipped with IR systems completely inert and blind."

"Sounds like a wise decision, Sir. I'll post the order to the MRLS batteries and we'll begin to block out the rising sun with a massive smoke screen with cluster smoke shell dispensers." His Lt. Noted.

"Let no sun shine on Phnom Penh this day." the General noted.

"Meteorologists are indicating low winds to stagnant air.. it should allow for maximum effect." his Lt. noted. "Got to love jungles and the tropics.. always so stifling."

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OOC: I'm back :).


*A Classified Message from Yuktobania's Ministry of Defense to the Allied forces in the assault of Phnom Penh*

We plan on sending in a Yuke Spetsnaz team to enter from the southern part of Phnom Penh, firstly to support the liberation of the capital from Khmer agression. We plan on attacking from the South, with plans to take the Interior Ministry, and the Ministry of Planning. We hope you approve the plan and wish you the best in your landings.

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At base camp on the east bank of the river: 6 AM

"Sir, we have reports of resistance from the sewers." A young sergeant from the radio room reported.

"Send in the tunnel rat teams then. Equip them with flamethrowers. Given the methane content of the sewer's atmosphere that should make

for a very swift end for the resistance from below!" Genera Kim Bao Rang instructed.

Inside a Water-Dog APC Marine group on the west bank of the river.

The sergeant gave the orders by radio and teams of marines trained for tunnel incursions left their protective covers inside their APCs. They came to the first manhole which had been cleared by advancing forces, lifted it, fired the flamethrower down it once just to make sure there weren't any enemies immediately beneath the cover and flash burning everything for 100 feet in either direction from methane gas ignitions. They had hip wading equipment on and expected this to be a putrid mess, but they really had no choice.. they hopped down into the sewers. "I hope you guys got your shots." One of them joked to the others.

"Are you kidding? Going rabid could only help us down here!" Joked another.

They poured into the sewers and began to dispense into the underground labyrinth. The team was about 100 men and by policy they would distribute a team of 4 with one flamethrower unit per every branch in the artery of the sewer system.. they began to spread beneath the streets.

In the sewers the Khmer heard the incoming Dragonosians. The started to fight but many were lost to the flamethrowers. So the pulled back luring the enemy deeper into the city. Then the sewers would exploded from charges set on the roof of the tunnels crushing them all.

On the surface just inside the city upon the west bank of the river

The gunners on the sea-tyrants were busy busy busy.. turn.. fire.. turn.. fire.. went the turrets of the tanks and the MG turrets atop them. Supporting infantry had exited some of the APC's and began to blow open walls of the buildings with tactical shaped charges and then invade the buildings. The first building they began to clear was the foreign ministry.. second was the hotel across the street. They flowed into the buildings like water. The fighting was floor by floor.

The tanks which had been put in way of the Sea-Tyrants didn't matter. The Tyrants would either go over them or simply push them out of the way with their massive engine blocks. The blockades.. while slowing them down.. were proving ineffective and made great cover for advancing Dragonisian forces who would crouch behind them like they were sand bag barricades.. allowing them to fight equally with the enemy forces which had shelter in buildings further down the street.

The RPGs and mortars fired from buildings at the tank were intercepted approximately 75% of the time as the tanks were equipped with the

and the
system was being used on the Water-Dog APCs. Still, this left several tanks being disabled on the banks of the river. Unfortunately.. as soon as the mortars and RPGs fired, they gave away their position. They were answered usually by a 155 MM gun from the tank they fired at.. but sometimes when the tanks were busy with other targets.. it was by a single GPS guided MRLS round fired from over 15 miles away.

The Fighting was fierce but the Enemy Dragonosians were relentless. The incoming forces were so great that as the Khmer retreated they were forced to fire bomb the buildings as they left in the hope to start a huge fire that would kill the enemies as they tried to occupy the buildings.

--Classified at the high command--

The high command was standing around a map of the city. "Hmm maybe if we go here" "Nah we should try here" they said to each other. It went round and round until an aid ran in and said "The stock Market is ready to be announced at the wars completion." The High Command looked at the aid. One of them said "Oh really? Is that going to win us the war? No. SO GET OUT!" The aid hung his head in shame and left the room. The High command went back to bickering at each other.

OOC: Got my stock Market :awesome:

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--Classified at the high command--

The high command was standing around a map of the city. "Hmm maybe if we go here" "Nah we should try here" they said to each other. It went round and round until an aid ran in and said "The stock Market is ready to be announced at the wars completion." The High Command looked at the aid. One of them said "Oh really? Is that going to win us the war? No. SO GET OUT!" The aid hung his head in shame and left the room. The High command went back to bickering at each other.

OOC: Got my stock Market :awesome:

OOC: That's hilarious. Freakwars, in realtime RP the war is probably over but we(they) want to make it fun. Just RP the withdrawal of your troops from the Khmer Front if you want to do a continous RP.

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OOC: Freakwars, in realtime RP the war is probably over but we(they) want to make it fun. Just RP the withdrawal of your troops from the Khmer Front if you want to do a continous RP.

OOC:I just need to find out what happened to the troops I dropped directly into Hanoi. I cant find a response to my attacks in the Khmer Ultimatum thread.

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3 Yuktobanian Ch-47 Chinooks landed in southern Phnom Penh, with orders to eliminate the Khmer forces in southern Phnom Penh, as well as find the hidden location of the Khmer's Ministry of Defence, to acquire their databanks to use in "Projct Scinfaxi." The soldiers landed near the Comfort Star, about 2 clicks from the Interior Ministry. The first objective would be to prevent potential resistance by capturing the Interior Minister. The Spetsnaz, divided into 2 teams of 10 each, were to split up, one taking the south route using an allyway, the second would take the longer way through Monivong Blvd into Oknha Khek Tioulong and attack the ministry from the north. A sniper team would stay at the hotel and snipe enemies alongside the major road.

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Centcom HQ, Khmer Front

"General Rong, word has it the enemy is implementing scorched earth policies and are using ferocious urban guerrilla tactical retreat tactics. They're firebombing their own buildings and collapsed the sewers." The Lt. stated. "We're estimating 200 dead, several hundred more casualties. What are your orders, sir?"

"Scorched Earth, eh? Release the Dobermans.. it'll delay their sabotage attempts and give them away in their retreat."

"Yes Sir! Sending in the War Dog Brigade." the Lt. Replied.

The War Dog Brigade was another of Dragonisia's atypical and asymmetrical battlefield tactics. The Dragonisian Army was a master at exploiting the resources in its environment to capitalize upon during times of conflict. The War Dog brigade was a masterful representation of this. The Dogs were trained in a number of missions, but this particular brigade was an attack brigade. The dogs roles were to silently enter the city.. when they identified enemy forces by uniform or insignia, they were trained to bark.. and act kind of playful to keep the enemy off guard and to make them seem more of an inconvenience. The dogs carried no markers and wore the tags of pets with addresses from within the city. The dogs.. were doing a covert attack. By barking when they identified an enemy unit, they would give away the enemy's positions and since only Dobermans were being used.. a very distinct bark would act as clear markers to the Dragonisian Military. They would signal where there enemy was and what they were doing.

"Speed up the advance.. if they're using scorched earth.. they're desperate. Our best bet to stop their butchery is to over-run them. Begin the assaults from the other cardinal directions around the city.. begin operation pressure cooker. The enemy is encapsulated, surrounded, cut off from the world. Soon they will be out of ammunition. It is time we destroyed them. Just to be on the safe side.. make sure that our ground sonars are in use to make sure we're not missing any active subterranean supply tunnels that may be in use at this time by our enemies. Inform the 2nd Armored Division spearheading the northern assault that I want them downtown by sunset tomorrow if possible."

The Lt. saluted and went to perform his duties.

Rong was a master of the 3 dimensional battle space. He had learned from Anthony Davis during his time serving in Dragonisia. If he won this battle decisively.. he would go home a war hero and a political juggernaut.

The Streets of Phnom Penh about Noonish: Day 2

A cute doberman strode up to a group of resting Khmer troops around an ad-hoc grill trying to catch a meal amidst the fray. It danced around playfully and barked a few times acting like it would like some of the food. It had a dog tag which in Khmerian read that it belonged to a family a couple of blocks down the street. However, only about half the dogs were serving in this role.. and while many might be shot.. the few that lived to alert approaching forces saved many lives..

The other half were back with the advancing infantry being managed by their handlers.. and helping hunt down the scorched earth teams fielded by the Khmerians which were destroying their own city.

ooc: A tribute to the real hounds of war.

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