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Vintovka DoE


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The nation of Vintovka has been formed . The nation is currently in the middle of a Civil war because of the fight political groups ( Communist , Democratic etc ) .

The nation does currently have a leader but he only controls the capital region his name is Vlad Patov the Dictator .

Here is our Position on the world Map


and here is our regions map


OOC : The FactBook will have more information .

Edited by TV9078
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OOC: Details on the factions would be nice ;)

IC: The republic of Euzkadi recognizes the democratic forces within Vintovka as the legitimate government, we are prepared to extend both diplomatic and material support tot he forces of democracy.

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Here is a short description of the fighting factions

The Peoples army : A well armed group of Communists that hope to unite Vintovka under Communist rule

The Kings League : A small group of highly well armed soldiers under the rule of a man named Ivan Bloka who thinks he is the rightful Kind of Vintovka

The Democratic Army : A well armed army that hopes to make Vintovka a democracy

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Here is a short description of the fighting factions

The Peoples army : A well armed group of Communists that hope to unite Vintovka under Communist rule

The Kings League : A small group of highly well armed soldiers under the rule of a man named Ivan Bloka who thinks he is the rightful Kind of Vintovka

The Democratic Army : A well armed army that hopes to make Vintovka a democracy

OOC: nice ;), battles by proxy anyone? :D

IC: The Republic of Euzkadi will dispatch agents and some military advisors to aid the Democratic Army, furthermore we shall prepare supplies of cash, weapons and ammunition for clandestine shipment.

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The Church believes that all hostilities should stop so that the people of Vintovka may vote for their preferred form of government. However, if that is not possible (which we don't see why that could be), the Church supports the Democratic Army.

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The Republic of the United Netherlands withholds any recognition of this country until the end of the Civil War and asks all parties involved to go to the negotiation table and conclude this struggle for power with a democratic coalition government. Don't make the mistakes that we made before our re-unification.

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--Communique to the Democratic Army--

Both an initial delivery of supplies and a small number of military advisors should be reaching soon enough, we hope the help provided will give the extra amount of superiority over your rivals to assure final victory.

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Message to the King's Men:

Several briefcases have been secretly transported into the country. They contain hundreds of thousands of rupees, and there's more where that came from if you continue to win battles. Give us a call if you need something more... substantial.


Pictured: Something substantial

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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-- Secret Memo --

To: Euzkadi Armed Forces High Command

From: Colonel Imanol Etxegarai

Head of the Euzkadi advisors team, Vintovka.

Happy to report that the supply route to Vintovka is in place, we have managed to secure the loyalty of cirminal gangs in Slavorussia and in Vintovka up towards Democratic Army territory. So far we have ensured that the DA is well stocked with ammunition and supplies, they are well armed in regards to smallarms anyhow and i believe they simply to require support.

However to improve their chances on the battlefield i took the liberty of ensuring a fair number of M120 Mortars and 84 mm Recoilless Rifles be delivered to increase firepower among the DA troops. So far our advisors have maintained a strictly training role in the rear areas helping to raise new recruits for the DA, i am confident that our help will be enough to ensure victory.

However rumours have reached the DA that other foreign nations are also aiding other factions in the Civil war, we will of course monitor this and update you on the situation when more info becomes available.

Col. Imanol Etxegarai.

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-- Secret Memo --

To: Euzkadi Armed Forces High Command

From: Colonel Imanol Etxegarai

Head of the Euzkadi advisors team, Vintovka.

Happy to report that the supply route to Vintovka is in place, we have managed to secure the loyalty of cirminal gangs in Slavorussia and in Vintovka up towards Democratic Army territory. So far we have ensured that the DA is well stocked with ammunition and supplies, they are well armed in regards to smallarms anyhow and i believe they simply to require support.

However to improve their chances on the battlefield i took the liberty of ensuring a fair number of M120 Mortars and 84 mm Recoilless Rifles be delivered to increase firepower among the DA troops. So far our advisors have maintained a strictly training role in the rear areas helping to raise new recruits for the DA, i am confident that our help will be enough to ensure victory.

However rumours have reached the DA that other foreign nations are also aiding other factions in the Civil war, we will of course monitor this and update you on the situation when more info becomes available.

Col. Imanol Etxegarai.

No you haven't. If you're trying to smuggle weapons into my territory they'll be confiscated, and the smugglers will be arrested. If an interrogation finds out your government is funding this there's going to be some rocky roads ahead.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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OOC: ops! :blush: i was under the impression Slovorussia was somewhat anarchic, my bad :D

ooc: Just in a few cities in the south, where CSSR loyalists are trying to stay in power, but it would probably be too much trouble for you to get anything through there.

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