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Restoring Order


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The Department of Defense announced today that troops of the Army have crossed across the border into the neighboring Theocracy of Rebel Virginia, approaching toward the major cities and towns in the country.

According to the federal government, this course of action was to reestablish law and order and eradicate anarchy and lawlessness. Nearly a year ago, the Republic of New England withdrew its military forces from the area as it turned over control of its former protectorate to the Rebel Virginian government in the hopes that it would provide prosperity and stability to the region. Turns out it wasn’t the case. Rebel Virginia had caused alarm in the federal government by stating that it supported terrorism – which is something we never condone – and then all communications to and from Rebel Virginia ceased. And it has continued for a good part of a year.

And this brought up the frightening possibility that Rebel Virginia may have collapsed into anarchy and lawlessness, which is something we must step in to prevent. Through that context, the federal government invoked the Kennedy Doctrine – which states that if the Rebel Virginian government and state collapse in any way because of any circumstances (war, instability, anarchy, etc) for any reason, the territory would immediately revert back to New England’s control and jurisdiction, and New England had the sole right to enforce this by any means (military, economic, diplomatically) – and sent troops into the region.

Immediately after Army troops entered the country, soldiers in Fort Washington advanced into neighboring Washington City and re-occupied it. Law and order were re-imposed. After hours of advancing, troops entered major cities (Columbus, Richmond, Baltimore, Dover, Cincinnati, and Wheeling, along with many others), and soon the whole region was under New England’s control. Law and order were also re-imposed.

Following the successful operation, there were deliberations in the National Assembly of whether the region would be reestablished as a Protectorate once again or incorporated into the Republic of New England as territories. After days and weeks of debate, the National Assembly finally voted to admit the region into the Union; Maryland, Delaware, Ohio, West Virginia, Columbia (Washington City), and Virginia became Territories of New England. The reasoning behind this is illustrated through a referendum undertaken shortly after the region was taken over: an overwhelming majority of the population had experienced ‘endless disorder, suffering, and anarchy’ because of the recent UAS-Xaristani war, a problem that was exacerbated by the inaction of the Rebel Virginian government. They desired lasting peace, stability, and prosperity, and they saw New England as a sure means to attain it, and so the National Assembly honored the people’s wish. Almost immediately, New Englander laws, acts, and resolutions took effect in the new territories.

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Xaristan condemns this blatant imperialism firstly, and this worrying propaganda secondly. The people of the former UAS were not in "endless disorder, suffering, and anarchy" as you put it. All vital and basic needs were restored by the Xaristani military after the war with the UAS, and the people lived in peace with the military acting as a police force for the area. Saying that they lived in "disorder, suffering, and anarchy" is not only untrue, it is completely defamatory.

New England has shown themselves time and again to be nothing more than an imperialistic and land-hungry nation on the North American continent. We call upon all North American nations to stop this blatant imperialism and biased propaganda on this continent before it launches us down the path of total war once again.

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Xaristan condemns this blatant imperialism firstly, and this worrying propaganda secondly. The people of the former UAS were not in "endless disorder, suffering, and anarchy" as you put it. All vital and basic needs were restored by the Xaristani military after the war with the UAS, and the people lived in peace with the military acting as a police force for the area. Saying that they lived in "disorder, suffering, and anarchy" is not only untrue, it is completely defamatory.

New England has shown themselves time and again to be nothing more than an imperialistic and land-hungry nation on the North American continent. We call upon all North American nations to stop this blatant imperialism and biased propaganda on this continent before it launches us down the path of total war once again.

While such times are few and far between, this is a case where we must agree with the Xaristanis. New England has sytematically expanded through the Mid-Atlantic ever since control of the now non-existant protectorate was transfered to them, starting with their annexation of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the collapsed New Jersey. Their apparent constant need to prove to others that they have a rather large ego to satisfy is worrying at best and at worst, threatening, to the stability of North America and the safety of the people who reside on it. Perhaps the best news (or worst, depending on your point of view) is that they've gobbled up whatever they can without violating someone's sovereignty, although if your the least bit pessimistic or cynical, such a situation would be of grave concern.

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So, you're saying that somebody cannot do what they want with their own protectorate? Xaristan has a noble cause, but they are getting paranoid. Every move is imperialism and tyranny! What's next - donating money to charity is a scam to get good PR so that we can bomb orphanages without repercussion? The anarchy of the area was evident: there was no government, no providers of needs once the 'local people took over'.

OOC: If he had waited two days and RV was wiped, it would have reverted to him anyway..

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Xaristan condemns this blatant imperialism firstly, and this worrying propaganda secondly. The people of the former UAS were not in "endless disorder, suffering, and anarchy" as you put it. All vital and basic needs were restored by the Xaristani military after the war with the UAS, and the people lived in peace with the military acting as a police force for the area. Saying that they lived in "disorder, suffering, and anarchy" is not only untrue, it is completely defamatory.

New England has shown themselves time and again to be nothing more than an imperialistic and land-hungry nation on the North American continent. We call upon all North American nations to stop this blatant imperialism and biased propaganda on this continent before it launches us down the path of total war once again.

So…eliminating anarchy and lawlessness, and respecting the people’s wish is imperialism, eh? What, you prefer anarchy and lawlessness to our so-called “blatant imperialism”? We apologize that our “imperialism” disturbs you so greatly, but it was aimed at eliminating lawlessness and restoring prosperity – and it was done in the spirit of a democracy, where the people’s wishes were taken into consideration.

As for our "propaganda", we were referring to the times DURING the war, not AFTER it. We are aware the Xaristanis had provided basic needs during the time the area was their protectorate, and we have done the same – but such wasn’t the case under the rule of the Rebel Virginian government. We are sorry Xaristan has devolved into such paranoia that it feels it must label our actions as “imperialism” and “propaganda” to make itself feel better. Oh, and if “total war” breaks out in North America, it will not be started by us.

Have a good day.

While such times are few and far between, this is a case where we must agree with the Xaristanis. New England has sytematically expanded through the Mid-Atlantic ever since control of the now non-existant protectorate was transfered to them, starting with their annexation of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the collapsed New Jersey. Their apparent constant need to prove to others that they have a rather large ego to satisfy is worrying at best and at worst, threatening, to the stability of North America and the safety of the people who reside on it. Perhaps the best news (or worst, depending on your point of view) is that they've gobbled up whatever they can without violating someone's sovereignty, although if your the least bit pessimistic or cynical, such a situation would be of grave concern.

Hm, we take into account Ardoria’s concerns. We can assure you that everything we have done recently wasn’t done to enlarge our egos – in fact, we believe that having a large ego wouldn’t be good for us. The reason we did so was to restore prosperity and eliminate anarchy – and the only reason we “expanded” was because the people desired to join New England, as in the case of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. How could we deny the people these wishes? Simply to put it, IF the people in these areas had NOT wanted to join New England, we would’ve held it as a protectorate. We are not the type of nation to force the people to join us if they didn’t desire it. But we thank you for your concerns.

Edited by JEDCJT
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So…eliminating anarchy and lawlessness, and respecting the people’s wish is imperialism, eh? What, you prefer anarchy and lawlessness to our so-called “blatant imperialism”? We apologize that our “imperialism” disturbs you so greatly, but it was aimed at eliminating lawlessness and restoring prosperity – and it was done in the spirit of a democracy, where the people’s wishes were taken into consideration.

As for our "propaganda", we were referring to the times DURING the war, not AFTER it. We are aware the Xaristanis had provided basic needs during the time the area was their protectorate, and we have done the same – but such wasn’t the case under the rule of the Rebel Virginian government. We are sorry Xaristan has devolved into such paranoia that it feels it must label our actions as “imperialism” and “propaganda” to make itself feel better. Oh, and if “total war” breaks out in North America, it will not be started by us.

Have a good day.

Simply because Rebel Virginia has not sent out any communication out of Rebel Virginia, they are in anarchy and lawlessness? We have seen no reports of anarchy and lawlessness besides your own reports, which, considering how fast your nation has expanded, are questionable at best. There were no reports of anyone in that territory wanting to join New England while Xaristani troops were occupying the area, and yet as soon as we leave, they all wish to join? With no international inspectors to these elections, we can only go on your word, which is not very good right now. Even your own treaty partner is questioning your actions, that should tell you something.

Further, your actions ARE imperialism. You are expanding your nation continually. You are not a stabilizing force on the continent, you are a de-stabilizing one. And yes, it will be you who sends us down the road to war again because of this imperialism because it will be your actions that started everyone down that road.

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Simply because Rebel Virginia has not sent out any communication out of Rebel Virginia, they are in anarchy and lawlessness? We have seen no reports of anarchy and lawlessness besides your own reports, which, considering how fast your nation has expanded, are questionable at best. There were no reports of anyone in that territory wanting to join New England while Xaristani troops were occupying the area, and yet as soon as we leave, they all wish to join? With no international inspectors to these elections, we can only go on your word, which is not very good right now. Even your own treaty partner is questioning your actions, that should tell you something.

Further, your actions ARE imperialism. You are expanding your nation continually. You are not a stabilizing force on the continent, you are a de-stabilizing one. And yes, it will be you who sends us down the road to war again because of this imperialism because it will be your actions that started everyone down that road.

OOC: You just want the land, don't you <_<

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Simply because Rebel Virginia has not sent out any communication out of Rebel Virginia, they are in anarchy and lawlessness? We have seen no reports of anarchy and lawlessness besides your own reports, which, considering how fast your nation has expanded, are questionable at best. There were no reports of anyone in that territory wanting to join New England while Xaristani troops were occupying the area, and yet as soon as we leave, they all wish to join? With no international inspectors to these elections, we can only go on your word, which is not very good right now. Even your own treaty partner is questioning your actions, that should tell you something.

Further, your actions ARE imperialism. You are expanding your nation continually. You are not a stabilizing force on the continent, you are a de-stabilizing one. And yes, it will be you who sends us down the road to war again because of this imperialism because it will be your actions that started everyone down that road.

Actually, we believe we ARE a stabilizing force on the continent. It is only your paranoid views of us that makes you believe we would actually 'send us down the road to war again' because of our so-called "imperialism."

As for our treaty partner questioning our actions...let the world judge our actions, and that truly will tell us something.

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Actually, we believe we ARE a stabilizing force on the continent. It is only your paranoid views of us that makes you believe we would actually 'send us down the road to war again' because of our so-called "imperialism."

As for our treaty partner questioning our actions...let the world judge our actions, and that truly will tell us something.

So you care more about the opinion of the world at large instead of those of your treaty partner? Interesting. I'm sure all your treaty partners will love to hear that.

As for our "paranoid" view, as you call it, one of your treaty partners shares the same view. But obviously you are too wrapped up in your dreams of conquest to realize the ramifications of your actions.

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So you care more about the opinion of the world at large instead of those of your treaty partner? Interesting. I'm sure all your treaty partners will love to hear that.

As for our "paranoid" view, as you call it, one of your treaty partners shares the same view. But obviously you are too wrapped up in your dreams of conquest to realize the ramifications of your actions.

We didn't state that. Stop putting words in our mouth. We do care about our treaty partners' opinions, and we care about the world's opinion too. After all, aren't they a part of the world?

Obviously you are too wrapped up in your paranoid thinking to realize the good intents of our actions.

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We didn't state that. Stop putting words in our mouth. We do care about our treaty partners' opinions, and we care about the world's opinion too. After all, aren't they a part of the world?

Obviously you are too wrapped up in your paranoid thinking to realize the good intents of our actions.

So saying that "letting the world judge your actions" and that that will "truly tell you something" after a treaty partner has already told you they are concerned with your actions doesn't mean that the world's reaction is more important to you than your treaty partners? We really must get a copy of a New England dictionary sometime.

There are no good intents to your actions. This is only a thinly veiled cover for your imperialism, which we have many examples of now.

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So saying that "letting the world judge your actions" and that that will "truly tell you something" after a treaty partner has already told you they are concerned with your actions doesn't mean that the world's reaction is more important to you than your treaty partners? We really must get a copy of a New England dictionary sometime.

There are no good intents to your actions. This is only a thinly veiled cover for your imperialism, which we have many examples of now.

Feel free to get one. Perhaps it will help you to understand our good intents more clearly. Point is, we took over the region to restore order and prosperity, all with good intent – no matter how much you decry us of "having no good intents", as you so eloquently put it.

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Feel free to get one. Perhaps it will help you to understand our good intents more clearly. Point is, we took over the region to restore order and prosperity, all with good intent – no matter how much you decry us of "having no good intents", as you so eloquently put it.

OOC: Really? You're going after my grammar? I've backed you into a corner so you go after that? That's low.

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OOC: Really? You're going after my grammar? I've backed you into a corner so you go after that? That's low.

OOC: Uh, what? I thought that part about getting a dictionary was sarcasm...sorry about that. No offense meant, ofc. :unsure:

You could have at least asked other neighboring American nations if they want to help out with the restoring order.

We are perfectly capable of handing it all on our own.

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OOC: As far as I can tell, I don't think I ever signed a treaty with New England. :P We came close but never got to an actual treaty at the last RP meeting we had (the one about the SOSUSs),


Before thise little debate continues any further, we would like to know who this treaty partner of New England is. So far, it appears that only ourselves and the Xaristanis have criticized the move, neither of which hold a treaty with New England.

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We are a treaty partner with New England by way of Mutual Defense Pact and we must say that there is nothing wrong with the moves implemented to restore order within the lawless zone of Rebel Virginia. It is likely that Xaristan received no reports of Anarchy because, due to the state of lawlessness, there is no-one with enough time to SEND the reports.

Xaristan has no right to meddle in the affairs of a sovereign nation and the land which is, by legal definition its' protectorate. We kindly recommend they mind their own business lest they be accused of hypocrisy. After all, one aspect of Imperialism is using the sovereign affairs of a nation as grounds for any attack, be it diplomatic or on the field of battle.

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OOC: As far as I can tell, I don't think I ever signed a treaty with New England. :P We came close but never got to an actual treaty at the last RP meeting we had (the one about the SOSUSs),


Before thise little debate continues any further, we would like to know who this treaty partner of New England is. So far, it appears that only ourselves and the Xaristanis have criticized the move, neither of which hold a treaty with New England.

OOC: Oh...I forgot about that. :o

IC: Oh yes! We thank Ardoria for reminding us. We don't have a treaty with Ardoria, meaning our allies haven't criticized us yet so far.

We are a treaty partner with New England by way of Mutual Defense Pact and we must say that there is nothing wrong with the moves implemented to restore order within the lawless zone of Rebel Virginia. It is likely that Xaristan received no reports of Anarchy because, due to the state of lawlessness, there is no-one with enough time to SEND the reports.

Xaristan has no right to meddle in the affairs of a sovereign nation and the land which is, by legal definition its' protectorate. We kindly recommend they mind their own business lest they be accused of hypocrisy. After all, one aspect of Imperialism is using the sovereign affairs of a nation as grounds for any attack, be it diplomatic or on the field of battle.

We thank the Holy Imperium of Man for their support. :wub:

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