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"Representatives of Czechloslavakia are welcome to the floor of the Dragonisian Imperial Legislature where this matter is currently being discussed to make their arguments known. Slavorussia has been a friend of states of the Empire a very long time. We are merely noting we're not going to allow our friends to be bullied, but we're willing to hear you out. All parties in fact are welcome to submit their discussions before the Legislature."

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A task force of 3000 Pax Pacis peace keepers are being dispatched to Slavorussia by sea accompanied by two of our aircraft carriers who will be there to provide air support. Where would Slavorussia like the peace keepers stationed?

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The Empire has officially decided to endorse Slavorussia's claim on the regions formerly part of its state which are located in the CSSR diplomatically and to recognize that claim. We however strongly encourage the use of diplomacy over weapons to determine the outcome of disputes with its neighbors. While security is a concern to all in the region, co-operation would result in a much stabler environment than competition in this matter."

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Slavorussian soldiers fan out from Azov to smaller settlements on the Don River. They capture a key strategic residential town called Elizavetinskaya with little resistance. After capturing Dugino and Kuleshovka Slavorussian forces gain complete control over the Don River’s mouth making it impossible for ships carrying communist rebels to escape into the open waters of the Sea of Azov.

In downtown Rostov, Slavorussian soldiers are having trouble distinguishing communist rebels from civilians. In just 24 hours the communists have killed nearly 100 soldiers and injured dozens more. To avoid loosing control of the situation and suffering the embarrassment of a possible retreat, General Belyakov personally assumes control of all operation forces in southwestern Russia.

While General Belyakov’s men rest and come up with a new strategy to take the city, the communist quietly organize and regroup. They’ve received word from Volgograd to cause enough of a disturbance to draw attention to Rostov, so that when the attack on Volgograd begins Slavorussian forces would be decimated and disgraced.

***Message from General Belyakov to Allies***

Assistance would be most useful in Rostov-on-Don, and securing cities along the border with the Ukraine protectorate.

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***Message from General Belyakov to Allies***

Assistance would be most useful in Rostov-on-Don, and securing cities along the border with the Ukraine protectorate.

Message from Pax Pacis Task Force.

"Roger. Expect three thousand peace keepers to arrive by helicopter in Rostov-on-Don. ETA 45 minutes.Over".

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"Representatives of Czechloslavakia are welcome to the floor of the Dragonisian Imperial Legislature where this matter is currently being discussed to make their arguments known. Slavorussia has been a friend of states of the Empire a very long time. We are merely noting we're not going to allow our friends to be bullied, but we're willing to hear you out. All parties in fact are welcome to submit their discussions before the Legislature."

Stopping them being bullied is okay as long as it happens outside of Europe.

Regarding the land of Ukraine and Moldova Croatian authorities have received information of a movement with the goal of bringing an ancient regime back.

OOC: A new player is going to move into Ukraine, Moldova and potentially Romania..

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Moscow Intl. Airport

Moscow, Slavorussia


Brig. General Garrus Vakarian steps off his plane among a few brotherhood of Mol agents. Flying above is the planes carrying 5000 Molakian Peacekeepers.

Vakarian makes his way to the Molakian Base established outside the airport. He starts taking notes on where to go. His plan: 500-1000 troops to stay and guard the Area, 3000 peacekeeping and the last 1000 in reserve. He marks Rostov-on-Don on a map and will send 3000 men there ASAP.

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The Trans-Caucasus Canal is an interest that must be protected by Drakoria and the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia. With the collapse of the CSSR, under Article VII as previously mentioned by Drakoria, the canal reverts to Drakorian and FRG control. We do not care about the rest of the former CSSR's lands, however land from the Drakorian-CSSR border to .5 miles above the canal should revert to our control, so we can effectively govern the canal. Below is a map of the land in question (labeled light blue)


Should Slavorussia agree to this, we are more than willing to return control of Arkhangelsk to Slavorussia.


Given Drakorian military clearance, 2nd Division is moving up through Drakoria to secure the Canal Zone.

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Should Slavorussia agree to this, we are more than willing to return control of Arkhangelsk to Slavorussia.

OOC: Arkhangelsk? I think it's already in Slavorussia...unless I'm mistaken? :huh: Nevermind, it's indeed a part of the FRG. I nearly didn't see it on the world map. :ph34r:

Edited by JEDCJT
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OOC: Am I one of the Allies? :unsure:

ooc: If you dont have a problem killing communists. Also I typed all this before the other posts from FGR and stuff, I'll get to that later.

ic: General Belyakov establishes his command base in the city of Volgodonsk a city halfway between Rostov and Volgograd on the banks of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir. General Belyakov knew the city wasn’t very strategically important, but it was fairly free from communist influence, or he thought.

A four story office building in the city center was commandeered by Belyakov’s troops and quickly turned into a military fortress overnight. The building was ideal for military operations, the lawn was large enough to land at least two helicopters on, making it easy to safely shuttle army officers and supplies in, or if necessary evacuate it quickly.

“Where are those damn reports I asked for?!” Belyakov barks to one of his subordinates from inside his office, “I asked for them an hour ago, it’s no wonder these damn Bolshevik wannabes are kicking our asses. Lieutenant! Get in here!”

Moments later a short, stout Lieutenant walks into the Belyakov’s office with what appears to be the reports he’s been screaming for. Belyakov looks at the man, then at the reports, then back at the man, then at the reports again. “Are those the battle reports I asked for, Lieutenant?”

The Lieutenant nods his head yes, but doesn’t speak or move.

“Well speak up man! This is the army, not a monastery. You can speak can’t ya?”

The little man cracks a smile and nods again. He goes to put the reports on the Belyakov’s desk, and from seemingly nowhere a deep booming voice says “yes sir! sorry sir!”

Surprised, Belyakov raises and eyebrow. “Such a big voice from a small man. Lieutenant, I want you to get this place in order. It took you an hour to get me this report, we could have commies marching here right now and I wouldn’t know it. Another thing I want you to do is get on the line and get me some tanks, to patrol the streets in Rostov city, and order artillery to the area, tell them to fire blank shells. That ought to scare the hell out of those commie rebels and we’ll be home in time for lunch tomorrow-- Oh, and get this message to Pax Pacis commanders”

***Message to Pax Pacis from General Belyakov***

I’d like your forces to flush out communist rebels north of the Don River and force them south where my forces will apprehend them. I must stress to you that communist forces are not organized military, they are mostly a civilian militia, and they will use innocent civilians as shields. I’m expecting you to take whatever steps necessary to avoid hurting or killing civilians.

Good luck and good hunting,

General Ivan Belyakov.

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The Trans-Caucasus Canal is an interest that must be protected by Drakoria and the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia. With the collapse of the CSSR, under Article VII as previously mentioned by Drakoria, the canal reverts to Drakorian and FRG control. We do not care about the rest of the former CSSR's lands, however land from the Drakorian-CSSR border to .5 miles above the canal should revert to our control, so we can effectively govern the canal. Below is a map of the land in question (labeled light blue)


Should Slavorussia agree to this, we are more than willing to return control of Arkhangelsk to Slavorussia.


Given Drakorian military clearance, 2nd Division is moving up through Drakoria to secure the Canal Zone.

We don't think this will be possible. We control the major cities and settlements at the mouth of the Don River (ooc: obviously part of the canal) and we’re open to negotiations, that don’t allow anyone to own our land. We offer free passage through the canal, rights to civilian administration and taxation of vessels entering the canal, and offer our protection of the canal, but foreign occupation in Slavorussia is over.

ooc: basically I administer the cities and towns north and south of the canal, and the canal including any cities it goes through, but control of the canal remains yours.

Edit: did you guys know there’s already a canal in the area that connects the Caspian Sea and the sea of Azov? It connects the Volga and Don Rivers appropriately named the Volga-Don Canal

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We don't think this will be possible. We control the major cities and settlements at the mouth of the Don River (ooc: obviously part of the canal) and we’re open to negotiations, that don’t allow anyone to own our land. We offer free passage through the canal, rights to civilian administration and taxation of vessels entering the canal, and offer our protection of the canal, but foreign occupation in Slavorussia is over.

ooc: basically I administer the cities and towns north and south of the canal, and the canal including any cities it goes through, but control of the canal remains yours.

Edit: did you guys know there’s already a canal in the area that connects the Caspian Sea and the sea of Azov? It connects the Volga and Don Rivers appropriately named the Volga-Don Canal

If your armed forces are within the canal's region, you are willfully trespassing on FRG and Drakorian territory. We request that you withdraw all armed forces from the region and return the authority to the Drakorian soldiers positioned to hold the canal. It has already been established that we hold administration over the region via the Trans-Caucasus Canal agreement. We respectfully refuse your offer.

OOC: /facepalm. For the third time, people, the Volga Don is way too small for military and large economic ships to go through. You can't stick an aircraft carrier in the Volga Don.

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We know we are on the other side of the world, but we wonder something: is it hard to let Slavorussia to assume the role of the former Greater Nordlandic Reich in its part over the canal? We feel that it would be more satisfactory for all sides if Slavorussia, Drakoria, and the FRG assumed responsibility over the canal, while the land surrounding it would revert to Slavorussian control and Drakoria and FRG would get free transit or something through the specified area. Just our two cents.

Edited by JEDCJT
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If your armed forces are within the canal's region, you are willfully trespassing on FRG and Drakorian territory. We request that you withdraw all armed forces from the region and return the authority to the Drakorian soldiers positioned to hold the canal. It has already been established that we hold administration over the region via the Trans-Caucasus Canal agreement. We respectfully refuse your offer.

OOC: /facepalm. For the third time, people, the Volga Don is way too small for military and large economic ships to go through. You can't stick an aircraft carrier in the Volga Don.

ooc: I didnt realize it was for aircraft carriers, but it can be widenened. Either way now that I know what it's for...

ic: We never recognized the CSSR's control over our country, or their right to sign it away to other countries. The canal goes right through our city of Rostov, right through our country, if you attempt to move our forces or enter our country we will consider it an act of war. If you dont like our earlier offer we'll pay whatever the cost to divert the canal, using whatever companies and workeforce you choose.


We know we are on the other side of the world, but we wonder something: is it hard to let Slavorussia to assume the role of the former Greater Nordlandic Reich in its part over the canal? We feel that it would be more satisfactory for all sides if Slavorussia, Drakoria, and the FRG assumed responsiblity over the canal, while the land surrounding it would revert to Slavorussian control. Just our two cents.

We have suggested that, but so far we've heard nothing productive from either the FGR or Drakoria.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Molakia moves the remanants of its F1 fighter planes into Moscow Intl. Airport (all 12 of them) as Diplomats are worried about a war. 6 Planes would remain to provide Moscow and the Airport with Air Cover while the other 6 join their peacekeepers in Rostov-on-Don.

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ooc: I didnt realize it was for aircraft carriers, but it can be widenened. Either way now that I know what it's for...

ic: We never recognized the CSSR's control over our country, or their right to sign it away to other countries. The canal goes right through our city of Rostov, right through our country, if you attempt to move our forces or enter our country we will consider it an act of war. If you dont like our earlier offer we'll pay whatever the cost to divert the canal, using whatever companies and workeforce you choose.


We have suggested that, but so far we've heard nothing productive from either the FGR or Drakoria.

"This area may have been your land in ancient history, but despite that you did not have authority over it for quite some time, instead the CSSR had authority, and they granted us the right to use and to administer their land. It was not your land at the time, you did not sign the treaty, and you had no say in it, and thus you cannot call this area yours.

"This canal has been placed so that the areas around both the Black Sea and Sea of Azov can gain access to Caspian Sea trade without interfering with shipping routs. This canal has been built. We will not rerout it for the fantasies of a nation that believes it has the right to everything it had before!"

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ooc: I didnt realize it was for aircraft carriers, but it can be widenened. Either way now that I know what it's for...

ic: We never recognized the CSSR's control over our country, or their right to sign it away to other countries. The canal goes right through our city of Rostov, right through our country, if you attempt to move our forces or enter our country we will consider it an act of war. If you dont like our earlier offer we'll pay whatever the cost to divert the canal, using whatever companies and workeforce you choose.

You did not recognize CSSR's control over this land? I seem to recall you surrendering to the Greater Nordlandic Reich unconditionally and allowing the annexation of your land by the CSSR, Germany, the Alliance, Groenlandia, Nordheim, and Norvsea for a short period. You were fortunate to even have been granted back control of the St. Petersburg-Moscow region at the time when it was granted.

Additionally, does it not strike you as odd that you have to go into this 'territory', and you are now stating that you are 're-claiming' it? If it was always yours, then why are there Communist rebellions, why are you re-claiming it, why is everything not peachy like it always is in Slavorussia?

We have suggested that, but so far we've heard nothing productive from either the FGR or Drakoria.

The fact remains that you did not have sovereign right over the land at the time. The CSSR signed over the land where the canal is to Drakoria and Groenlandia, and it was their right to do so at the time. You did not protest it, you did not state that it was 'your land', nor did the world rise up against it, stating that it was Slavorussia's territory and that the CSSR had no right to give it to that joint administration. By this, how can you claim for a second that this land should belong to you? Please do not give me the tired old argument of it was yours in the past, some long time ago. Babylonia formerly belonged to Rebel Army, yet you do not see them making claims to their land.

If you cannot give a legitimate argument as to why this land is, indeed, yours, then please do not argue it further and allow these nations to retain their control over this sliver of land to your south.

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"This area may have been your land in ancient history, but despite that you did not have authority over it for quite some time, instead the CSSR had authority, and they granted us the right to use and to administer their land. It was not your land at the time, you did not sign the treaty, and you had no say in it, and thus you cannot call this area yours.

"This canal has been placed so that the areas around both the Black Sea and Sea of Azov can gain access to Caspian Sea trade without interfering with shipping routs. This canal has been built. We will not rerout it for the fantasies of a nation that believes it has the right to everything it had before!"

This isn’t ancient history, it’s recent history, we‘re talking about something that happened less than a year ago. Either way the fact that we claimed the region first, and we moved and took control first has not changed. If you’re trying to use the canal as a reason to invade us, we will not allow it.

You did not recognize CSSR's control over this land? I seem to recall you surrendering to the Greater Nordlandic Reich unconditionally and allowing the annexation of your land by the CSSR, Germany, the Alliance, Groenlandia, Nordheim, and Norvsea for a short period. You were fortunate to even have been granted back control of the St. Petersburg-Moscow region at the time when it was granted.

Additionally, does it not strike you as odd that you have to go into this 'territory', and you are now stating that you are 're-claiming' it? If it was always yours, then why are there Communist rebellions, why are you re-claiming it, why is everything not peachy like it always is in Slavorussia?

The fact remains that you did not have sovereign right over the land at the time. The CSSR signed over the land where the canal is to Drakoria and Groenlandia, and it was their right to do so at the time. You did not protest it, you did not state that it was 'your land', nor did the world rise up against it, stating that it was Slavorussia's territory and that the CSSR had no right to give it to that joint administration. By this, how can you claim for a second that this land should belong to you? Please do not give me the tired old argument of it was yours in the past, some long time ago. Babylonia formerly belonged to Rebel Army, yet you do not see them making claims to their land.

If you cannot give a legitimate argument as to why this land is, indeed, yours, then please do not argue it further and allow these nations to retain their control over this sliver of land to your south.

The Czechs seem to have an extreme error in their history books. Like we said before this is recent history, not ancient history. If we recognized the GNR as a legal entity, or their occupation of our country we wouldn’t have challenged it at every opportunity.

There’s one major difference between this situation and the RA-Babylonian situation. That being that the RA wasn’t forced to give up anything, they did it out of their own free will and the kindness of their hearts. We were invaded by a group of imperialist under the guise of liberation, and we surrendered under shady circumstances, which we haven’t fully uncovered yet. Additionally if Babylon fell into anarchy, like the CSSR has, the RA would most likely annex the whole country.

The argument that frankly is tired and worn “why didn‘t you protest it before” really holds no meaning to us. The fact is we’re protesting it now and we’re not going to back down.

Our claim is legitimate, they claim to have shed blood for the land, but we actually have. During the CSSR’s vicious attacks, We lost more soldiers in the southern theatre than we did anywhere else. the grass is stained with the blood of Slavorussian soldiers. We’re not entirely opposed to them owning the canal, but not the land south of it, which if you don’t know holds several major cities (100,000+ citizens).

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5 CVBGs have been deployed to the north of Turkey, encase naval assaults and/or shore bombardment is needed.

***Message to Slavorussia***

With all due respect, even if the tiny fraction of land around the canal was yours a long time ago, it is not as such now. Nor is the land of and immediately surrounding the canal "your country", it is land that belongs to Drakoria and the FGR. We request that you leave the area alone as it is not yours and will be in the hands of it's rightful owners if it is not as such already.

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This isn’t ancient history, it’s recent history, we‘re talking about something that happened less than a year ago. Either way the fact that we claimed the region first, and we moved and took control first has not changed. If you’re trying to use the canal as a reason to invade us, we will not allow it.

We are holding our own ground. We would not use the canal as a reason to begin a war that could endanger the citizens of both our nations. In all technicalities, you have invaded Drakoria and FRG by claiming administration over the region and moving armed forces into the region. Again, we respectfully request that all Slavorussian armed forces are removed from the region.

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