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We understand your position, and we’re trying to be reasonable, but no one here seems to understand, or care about our position. Technically the canal is not ours, but the CSSR probably should have tried to stop the completion of the canal after the GNR broke up therein lies the problem. The agreement that was shown to us by the Drakorian government says:

Article VII. Trans-Caucasus Canal

The signatories of this treaty and the CSSR will have joint control of the canal. Should one of the three aforementioned nations cease to exist, control reverts to the remaining nations. All revenue and debt, policing, and administration of the canal must be split equally among the controlling nations, preferably through the creation of a Trans-Caucasus Canal Authority.

Our position can be reversed. We could recognize this as a legal and binding contract therefore we wouldn' own the canal. They can transport whatever they want through it and we couldn't and wouldn't try to stop them, but since the territory south of the canal is not included in this agreement it should be ours again.

Edit: Merger, pretend I said something witty about fighting the communists.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Edit: Merger, pretend I said something witty about fighting the communists.

OOC: Well then, pretend I said something moderately aggressive which would likely incite more issues than it would solve, while at the same time gearing myself up for a conflict. In the meantime, I am making comments to myself about what you said and trying to figure out how to contradict you. Maybe I go and change the song I am listening to in between, but then I just don't post at all and go to other threads to yell at Comrade.

Yes, I think that's how it works....

Edited by Mergerberger II
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Our position can be reversed. We could recognize this as a legal and binding contract therefore we wouldn' own the canal. They can transport whatever they want through it and we couldn't and wouldn't try to stop them, but since the territory south of the canal is not included in this agreement it should be ours again.

Indeed your position can be reversed. You could recognize it. But the question is: Will you?

OOC: See me seeing what u did thar? :awesome:

Edited by Drakedeath
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Indeed your position can be reversed. You could recognize it. But the question is: Will you?

If what we just said is agreeable to you, then yes.

Edit: I don't really see what I did there, so no.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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"I see no reason why a compromise cannot be reached on this matter. I understand both sides of the argument and both claims are unfortunately legitimate. I would recommend Slavorussia take all land north of the Canal. The other states take all land south of the Canaal. Ownership of the canal itself would be shared between all bordering states."

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"I see no reason why a compromise cannot be reached on this matter. I understand both sides of the argument and both claims are unfortunately legitimate. I would recommend Slavorussia take all land north of the Canal. The other states take all land south of the Canaal. Ownership of the canal itself would be shared between all bordering states."

"We maintain the belief that, as Drakoria and the FRG built the canal, it should remain under our administration. All nations have access to the canal, but they will have to pay a fee to pass through."

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We would find it agreeable if the canal was inside Drakoria's borders to allow us to easily defend it if war ever came knocking.

Its doubtful we would be to let that happen, because it was not part of the original deal. You came to us and told us you owned the canal, and you gave us proof, so we're not going to contest ownership of the canal. We took a step back from our position hoping to cooperate, will you return the gesture?

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In line with General Belyakov’s commands a small Slavorussian artillery brigade is brought just outside Rostov City limits. Mechanized infantry units with loudspeakers drive through the city streets giving the insurgents instructions on how to surrender, and using variety of physiological warfare tactics. With the threat of foreign assistance the already outnumbered communist insurgents are on their toes. They’ve faced constant attack from Slavorussian forces, throughout the day and night, with little time to eat or sleep. Now that they’re tired and hungry, Slavorussian soldiers expect the insurgents to surrender soon.

At just around midnight when the fighting calms down the artillery brigade starts firing their dummy rounds at the city. They constantly use this tactic to frighten the nearby insurgents, and every hour they fire a few live smart missiles at insurgents encampments to keep them awake and aware. After a few hours the false shelling starts to achieve the desired effect when small numbers the communist insurgents begin surrendering. Victory seems to be well within Slavorussia’s grasp, but that will end when communist insurgents in Volgograd make their move.

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A task force of 3000 Pax Pacis peace keepers are being dispatched to Slavorussia by sea accompanied by two of our aircraft carriers who will be there to provide air support. Where would Slavorussia like the peace keepers stationed?

The area being disputed is in Europe, as it is north of the Caucasus mountains. Stay out of Europe. I'm aware your peacekeepers have already landed, but you have no treaty obligations here. You have no business outside of Asia. Withdraw from Russia and attend to your own borders.

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The area being disputed is in Europe, as it is north of the Caucasus mountains. Stay out of Europe. I'm aware your peacekeepers have already landed, but you have no treaty obligations here. You have no business outside of Asia. Withdraw from Russia and attend to your own borders.

Bavaria seconds this.

Pax Pacis has no business in Europe, which is defined geographically by being west of the urals, north of the caucasus and northwest of the bosporus.

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Slavorussia has requested our presence to deal with problems occuring in their territory and as such we shall comply with their request as for saying we have no treaty obligations. No we don't but then we don't sign many treaties instead we react on what we think is best.

North of the Don River, at an expected Communist area.

Rising from behind the horizon a wave of Pax Pacis helicopters rose into view as they sweeped in towards their target. The area they were heading towards was reported to have a sizable communist presence and as it was there mission to flush them south it was a good place to start. With their target in sight the helicopters split off into four groups.

Each group flew into the city before them going towards a different corner area where they began to deploy their troops to cover the exits that any communists would take to leave the city except a southern exit which they left open on purpose. As the peace keepers either roped down or disembarked from the helicopters a series of speakers began to inform citizens that Pax Pacis peace keepers were taking up positions to rid the city of any hostile presence and that for safety reasons it would be best to stay inside their homes for now.

OOC: Justinian could you provide a city for which they would be operating in rather than me just saying a city with no name please?

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Message to Slavorussian Command.

"International opposition to our deployment is too high and hostile. We will be unable to provide support. Commencing the pull out of all Pax Pacis troops currently in operation. Our apologies."

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In order to alleviate some of the hostilities we will accept this deal. The canal and land .5 miles on each side will revert to joint FRG and Drakorian control. In order to protect the canal, we will be implementing a no fly zone and nothing may cross it, including telephone lines.

In addition, 5,000 FRG troops will be stationed in the canal zone.

Edited by Californian
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To reiterate Groenlandia's statement, telephone lines may not cross the canal's area. Cell towers should be corrected to a new radius, as the signals may interfere with the canal. A no fly zone is now in existence above the canal; violators will be shot down after one warning. And we feel it is best, for now, at least, that Slavorussia be blocked from the canal until such time that the entire CSSR region has been stabilized and it is 100% clear to us that the people are used to their new leaders.


King James Drake

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Rostov City is sits on both sides of the don river. Certain things are reasonable, like a no fly zone, but destroying bridges and power lines is not. Civilian infrastructure is not a threat to you. It’s starting to look like you’re just being petty now. The passage is yours the land is not, but we will treat the river and canal like we would treat an embassy since armed guards need to be on hand to keep the water from-- whatever...

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Rostov City is sits on both sides of the don river. Certain things are reasonable, like a no fly zone, but destroying bridges and power lines is not. Civilian infrastructure is not a threat to you. It's starting to look like you're just being petty now. The passage is yours the land is not, but we will treat the river and canal like we would treat an embassy since armed guards need to be on hand to keep the water from-- whatever...

On this matter, we tend to agree with Slavorussia. They have shown a willingness to compromise...why can Drakoria not seem to do the same?

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On this matter, we tend to agree with Slavorussia. They have shown a willingness to compromise...why can Drakoria not seem to do the same?
They already have

The main problem here is that they're beginning to get petty concerning a small stretch to water. If they feel they need to protect the canal from the "big mean Tsarist Russia" that's fine, but what danger are power and telephone lines to them?

edit: spell check

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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The main problem here is that they're beginning to get petty concerning a small stretch to water. If they feel they need to protect the canal from the "big mean Tsarist Russia" that's fine, but what danger are power and telephone lines to them?

edit: spell check

We await Drakoria's response to that. Croatia seems to be ignoring these little details.

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