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Anarchy in Somal

king of cochin

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OOC: Firestorm has been banned, so going to RP taking over his nation to maintain peace and stability until a new african nation comes claiming for the territory.


As the news of the fall of Somal govt reached the Hill Palace in Cochin, the King ordered immediate deployment of the X Infantry Regiment to M'Bossa to take over the nation.

The 1 Shock Army Division's entire personnel were also shipped to Bosaso where they loaded up from the massive equipment warehouse and were directed to various parts of Somal.

The goal so far is to maintain the territorial integrity of Somal and to prevent from any external agents to wreak havoc on a population suddenly bereft of governance.

Royal Cochin Defense Forces which had been operating in Somal for a very long time were very familiar with the customs, languages and traditions of the Somali people so an orderly transition is expected.

For the moment the Republic of Free Somal would be considered a Protectorate of Cochin governed from Bosaso and M'Bossa.

The Cochin Ambassador Dr. Fahad Abdul Majeed said in a press announcement that Kingdom of Cochin has no interest in annexing the nation and shall maintain protectorate over the region until a stable force emerges to claim governance.

We hope to receive cooperation from other African nation to bring peace to Somal.

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We are unaware of any transitional military government in place , however we are more than willing to maintain relations with the Nation of Nod. We restate our position that we do not intend to annex this territory. We would request NoN's cooperation in stabilizing Somal.

As of now we are bringing in additional units for basic support and are bringing in additional food and medicines for the population. By evening today we expect to establish a fresh network to bring food and medicines to the needy population.

OOC: Do you have any link of this transitional govt?

Edited by king of cochin
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We are unaware of any transitional military government in place , however we are more than willing to maintain relations with the Nation of Nod. We restate our position that we do not intend to annex this territory. We would request NoN's cooperation in stabilizing Somal.

As of now we are bringing in additional units for basic support and are bringing in additional food and medicines for the population. By evening today we expect to establish a fresh network to bring food and medicines to the needy population.

OOC: Do you have any link of this transitional govt?

During the opening stages of the EAW, Somal attempted to bomb NoN civilian targets. Public outcry and backlash caused Momma Bernard to resign, a military regime taking her place, as evidenced in the North African Conference for Peace.

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During the opening stages of the EAW, Somal attempted to bomb NoN civilian targets. Public outcry and backlash caused Momma Bernard to resign, a military regime taking her place, as evidenced in the North African Conference for Peace.

That entire government has fallen now. Somal as of now has no other governance agencies other than us.


That military govt all went into basket when firestorm got banned. Anyway diplo relations will be quite good between u and me!! :D I am not a very aggressive expansionist.

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That entire government has fallen now. Somal as of now has no other governance agencies other than us.


That military govt all went into basket when firestorm got banned. Anyway diplo relations will be quite good between u and me!! :D I am not a very aggressive expansionist.

OOC: :v: just informing you on the transitional military government in place previously...i'm well aware of his meeting with the ban hammer.

EDIT: Also thanks, looking forward to it

Edited by Executive Minister
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The 1 Shock Army Division and X Infantry Regiment now have fully secured Somal. A conference was called by the Ambassador and Military Attache with the local leaders to establish the modalities of Cochin Protectorate.

Meanwhile Royal Cochin Navy has secured the newly built harbor and naval base facilities at M'Bossa and relief supplies are currently being brought in through here.

The RF23 Mig35 regiment based at Bosaso is now maintaining a passive patrol over Somal Air space.

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"Why don't you let an African nation handle the protectorate? It will be correct if an African nation is the protector of African Lands rather then an Asian. Otherwise, we are happy to see Cochin trying to aim for stability for their fallen allies."

We would have had no objection to that. However we have worked in Somal for quite a long time and are very familiar with its peoples and customs. We are rather confident that we can assure peace and stability. Moreover we have secured the support of Nation of Nod, neighbors of Somal, for this move.

Moreover we also had forces i theater which could support the move.

Regrdless of the geo-political concerns the Republic of Euzkadi commends Cochin on steeping in to fill the vacuum.

We thank you for your support. We shall be holding this protectorate until a new and stable government comes to claim the land.

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The Kingdom of Serca would be more comfortable with an African power protecting Somal rather than an Asian Nation. Nothing against Cochin but we would rather protect African lands as to keep foreign powers from having to much control in Africa. We wish for sercan troops to either protect Somal or join Cochin forces there.

20,000 Sercan forces have been readied to be moved into Somal.

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We strongly recommend that this situation be handled by the Africa nations within NAPO instead of a foreign power. Although your efforts are commendable, the UMS is strongly opposed to the military presence of Asian powers. With that in mind, however, as Somal and Cochin were close allies, we will allow temporary stability, but we strongly advise that the land be turned over to NAPO protectorate status.

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The Kingdom of Serca would be more comfortable with an African power protecting Somal rather than an Asian Nation. Nothing against Cochin but we would rather protect African lands as to keep foreign powers from having to much control in Africa. We wish for sercan troops to either protect Somal or join Cochin forces there.

20,000 Sercan forces have been readied to be moved into Somal.

We have no problem with Sercan forces joining us for the protection of Somal however Cochin is here to stay in Somal. We have made heavy investments in the city of Bosaso which is on a long lease to us and we will not accept any interferences with it. Any new nation claiming for the land of Somal will have to arbitrate with us and might have to assure the safety of our investments.

The Sercan troops are welcome in Somal but will have to work under guidelines established by Kingdom of Cochin. I hope we can have your cooperation under the said framework.

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We strongly recommend that this situation be handled by the Africa nations within NAPO instead of a foreign power. Although your efforts are commendable, the UMS is strongly opposed to the military presence of Asian powers. With that in mind, however, as Somal and Cochin were close allies, we will allow temporary stability, but we strongly advise that the land be turned over to NAPO protectorate status.

As we said earlier we recognize the preponderance of African nations in matters concerning Africa. However we too have to protect our investments. We are agreeable to guidelines for joint protectorate so long as our investments in Bosaso are secure.

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Zarfef looks at the news that Somal went into anarchy and the government there fell.

Zarfef: We had nothing to do it! (Looks Von Zepplin whom *might* have been planning to run a coup de'ta there) I think. We think it should become a NoN protectorate but... it's highly unlikely that it will happen.

OOC: Firestorm got banned O_O. T_T I liked Firestorm.

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We have no problem with Sercan forces joining us for the protection of Somal however Cochin is here to stay in Somal. We have made heavy investments in the city of Bosaso which is on a long lease to us and we will not accept any interferences with it. Any new nation claiming for the land of Somal will have to arbitrate with us and might have to assure the safety of our investments.

The Sercan troops are welcome in Somal but will have to work under guidelines established by Kingdom of Cochin. I hope we can have your cooperation under the said framework.

As we and UMS Stated before Wew are strongly against foreign powers is Africa. We will allow you to occupy the city of Bosaso but omal is an African nation whmust be placed under African protectorate.

We strongly urge for the turnover of Somal to NAPO protectorate.

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We agree with the Sercan statement and stand by it. We can allow your investments in Bosaso to remain intact and the UMS will also recognize this by signing a treaty if need be. However, the rest of Somal was African and Somal fought very hard to keep Africa an Africa-based community. It was very opposed to foreign powers, and it would be an insult to her legacy to allow a foreign power to control her.

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As we and UMS Stated before Wew are strongly against foreign powers is Africa. We will allow you to occupy the city of Bosaso but omal is an African nation whmust be placed under African protectorate.

We strongly urge for the turnover of Somal to NAPO protectorate.

Bosaso is currently a plot of area 40km by 40 km square. If you can assure handover of a 60km by 60 km square area centered around Bosaso City as a sovereign territory of the Kingdom of Cochin we have an agreement and we shall withdraw our forces from the rest of Somal. When Republic of Free Somal we could be assured that the region would be peaceful and friendly to out interests. The extra land we seek is to create a buffer zone.

We would also seek a Non Aggression Pact and Free Trade Pact with both of your nations. We are also willing to sign a No Expansion Policy pending the expanded Bosaso settlement.

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What are your investments in Bosaso? And any such treaty would require a complete demilitarization of the city, meaning absolutely no military involved. Police forces, however, would be allowed naturally.

We have constructed several industries and factories in Bosaso as can be seen here . We also have a substantial naval base, air force base and army base in Bosaso. Complete demilitarization is out of the question. As a mark of good faith we have offered a No Expansion Policy in Africa. A similar treaty was signed with Somal during the handing over of Bosaso to us.

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The Buffr zone shall be 20km by 20km Square area. That area must also remain demilitarilized. Once this can be agreed upon the handover can take place.

We would also be happy to sign a NAP FTA and the No Expansion policy must be signed by all parties.

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You are, essentially, making a stake in Africa. When you built your industries and bases there, you assumed the possibility of complete destruction and failure. The fact is that we will not have any form of Asian military presence within Africa that holds distinct sovereignty over a portion of land. That is out of the question. The UMS is all for compromise, but you must know that your military bases will never function at the capacity they once did.

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