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Forgive me if I still find the idea of Noir attacking TPF questionable since I don't know your source. (I'm not saying you are lying) If the source is reliable though, I feel confident that no former TPFer in Noir knew anything about it nor did probably 60 or so of the 62 other players.

As for you personally attacking me, we got that out of the way already. When you are one of or the largest member in the alliance you can only expect to war with the largest members of the opposing alliance. If you guys didn't attack us tonight, it looks like RE would have so all in all pixels were going to die regardless of who killed them. Getting rolled is never fun but seeing my land and tech transfer to a friend's account makes it a little easier at least. :wacko:

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Forgive me if I still find the idea of Noir attacking TPF questionable since I don't know your source. (I'm not saying you are lying) If the source is reliable though, I feel confident that no former TPFer in Noir knew anything about it nor did probably 60 or so of the 62 other players.

You can take his word for it man. I've seen the same intel and I vouch for what CP's saying. Your leaders didn't do NOIR much good. Lkeller leaving for boot camp didn't do you guys any good, but DoorNail certainly made some strides towards driving that nail deeper into the coffin.

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It really wasn't NOIR hitting us.

It was NOIR trying to get a bunch of others to hit us.

Certain members were the ringleaders for those actions.

As for you personally attacking me, we got that out of the way already. When you are one of or the largest member in the alliance you can only expect to war with the largest members of the opposing alliance. If you guys didn't attack us tonight, it looks like RE would have so all in all pixels were going to die regardless of who killed them. Getting rolled is never fun but seeing my land and tech transfer to a friend's account makes it a little easier at least. :wacko:

Well, thanks :)

It still reeked though.

We miss you, contractkiller and Stoopid Ace in TPF.

Edited by ClashPoint
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Yeah umm I think this pretty much sums it up. Flattered though I am about being labeled an evil, scheming dictator (check out the sig!) it's not true.

I'm glad i made such an impression on you that you had to boil it down on your sig lol and I think I said some much more interesting things that you could put there but eh whatever. But as much as I dislike Tiberius I was not cool enough to be in on any secret plans or bloc party or any suchness nor was I down for hitting anyone other than RE, organizing other people to do it, whatever it end up as. I have nothing but respect for the guys at TPF and look forward to hopefully meeting you guys on better terms in my next life.

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Well, I woke up this morning and found a nice surprise in my message box in TE. not the war battles or the fact I'm in anarchy, but the fact that it came from TPF....... my jaw hit the floor and I still can't shut my mouth. I too find it very hard to beleive that NOIR was planning on an attack on TPF. There was no doubt I'd be in anarchy this morning, but not from TPF..... I guess you guys had your reason, I'm not going to fight back as it would only cost me that much more money... the round is over for me anyway. maybe next round I will find an alliance that doesn't have a window licking leader.

LK prolly did all this just to be having fun, he knew he was going to training, he had nothing to lose.

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Well, I woke up this morning and found a nice surprise in my message box in TE. not the war battles or the fact I'm in anarchy, but the fact that it came from TPF....... my jaw hit the floor and I still can't shut my mouth. I too find it very hard to beleive that NOIR was planning on an attack on TPF. There was no doubt I'd be in anarchy this morning, but not from TPF..... I guess you guys had your reason, I'm not going to fight back as it would only cost me that much more money... the round is over for me anyway. maybe next round I will find an alliance that doesn't have a window licking leader.

LK prolly did all this just to be having fun, he knew he was going to training, he had nothing to lose.

Oh wow, I express my sincere sorrow to the next alliance you join.

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Oh wow, I express my sincere sorrow to the next alliance you join.

United Commonwealth of Nations..... maybe that will be my next alliance. :-) j/k I'm not sure why you feel sorry for the next alliance I have joined, but whatever the reason, I don't think you know me well enough to make a statement like that without knowing all that has went on in our alliance. LK has made many mistakes, and hasn't exactly informed us members of what he has done, I knew nothing about the "hit list", I knew nothing about attacking TPF, which I still find hard to beleive due to most of our top nations having served with them last round and having top respect for them, and who would never agreed to attack them.

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The Phoenix Federation declares war on NOIR.

We like NOIR, too. Many ex-TPF people in that alliance.

I had to fight one of those myself tonight.

We didn't want it to come to this, and we fought hard against it. TPF and RE had talked getting treaties with NOIR, and RE actually did. Tiberius talked to me just a few days ago about making this an official bloc: TF, TPF, RE and NOIR. he was all excited, talking about what the announcement would say. We were all very high on them. Then things started to change. First, there was this at the NOIR forums:


That apparently predated their treaty with RE.

Were they setting RE up? How could THAT be a mistake?

Except for the mistake of posting it in a public area, of course.

NOIR couldn't understand why Tiberius might get mad at a NOIR hit list of his nations - which had HIM on it, as well. We talked him out of declaring war that time. Then again after they made stupid excuses for it. Then AGAIN when certain other threads in here popped up. WE LIKE NOIR! RE didn't attack them just out of friendship with us.

However. There is a final pushing point.

Just a couple of days ago we received intel that NOIR was in the process of putting together a coalition to attack TF, RE - and TPF as well. We got this from several sources, and to keep them all safe, we won't post it here. All the intel, though coming from different places, matched. NOIR was the ringleaders. We have no doubts.

Tiberius was nice enough not to laugh (too hard) when we brought this to RE's attention. We LIKE those NOIR guys! Yet we felt like we were betrayed, obviously, and had to do something about it. There's no hard feelings. This is TE and NOIR was playin' the game.

Perhaps they thought they were doing the right thing.

They were wrong.

And I attacked Tibirius just cos I could hehehe

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Forgive me if I still find the idea of Noir attacking TPF questionable since I don't know your source. (I'm not saying you are lying) If the source is reliable though, I feel confident that no former TPFer in Noir knew anything about it nor did probably 60 or so of the 62 other players.

As for you personally attacking me, we got that out of the way already. When you are one of or the largest member in the alliance you can only expect to war with the largest members of the opposing alliance. If you guys didn't attack us tonight, it looks like RE would have so all in all pixels were going to die regardless of who killed them. Getting rolled is never fun but seeing my land and tech transfer to a friend's account makes it a little easier at least. :wacko:

Rude, you are one of my Fav peeps playing TE and you know i really liked NOIR. You also know i went to RE and told them i considered you allies and friends of TPF.

They agreed not to attack you because of the friendship with TPF, In fact agreed to add you to the bloc.

Then i had several AA's pm'ing me telling me that NOIR was forming a bloc to hit us, and our bloc.

I was showed copies of the pm that NOIR sent out, who was recieved by our hidden Allies.

You can imagine the betrail i felt as i read the pm, and it saddened me to leave it in the hands

of TPF GOV to take the appropiate actions that i feel any AA would have done if in our shoes.

Now it appears that some of your GOV that plotted this could care less about its members.

How do you propose we solve this?

So i have this right ? It takes 2 alliances of over 100 members to smash one thats got 60 members ?

NO, just TPF is attacking NOIR. However we do have other AA's waiting on the side lines incase TPF is attacked.


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United Commonwealth of Nations..... maybe that will be my next alliance. :-) j/k I'm not sure why you feel sorry for the next alliance I have joined, but whatever the reason, I don't think you know me well enough to make a statement like that without knowing all that has went on in our alliance. LK has made many mistakes, and hasn't exactly informed us members of what he has done, I knew nothing about the "hit list", I knew nothing about attacking TPF, which I still find hard to beleive due to most of our top nations having served with them last round and having top respect for them, and who would never agreed to attack them.

You are always welcome to join TPF next round ;)


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I for one had many friends in NOIR, I didn't relish what we had to do, however as it's been said before, the facts were incontrovertible, from many sources and all pointed to the same thing. For those in NOIR not in the know, you have members who did you NO favors this round, there is zero doubt that you were being manipulated without your knowledge. Considered a backhanded compliment that you were considered the biggest threat to TPF, it says alot about how seriously we take you, and why crushing you was so important. I'll only put one person on the list, and it's not from any intelligence gathered, it's from my own personal experience and has nothing to do with Tiberius. Zergling, you did a major disservice to your Alliance Mates, if you had any honor and decency you'd apologize profusely, retire your Alliance tags and skulk away. Many members of NOIR are honorable and dedicated members of the TE community, you reflect badly upon them. I can only hope that you feel ashamed of yourself for your rudeness, and general annoyance level, you put a bad name on a greatly respectable Alliance.

Now that I have that out of the way though I'd like to move on to just the statistics of the RE-TPF vs. MHA-NOIR war, just for the truly remarkable aspect of the mobilization, being a military history major I can't resist.

In 12 hours, 321 attacks were perpetrated by the RE-TPF bloc. (RE 214, TPF 107), 106 Nations were put into Anarchy ( 75 from MHA 31 from NOIR ) constituting roughly half of the entire nations from both alliances. Considering an average troop deployment of 4000 men, 1,280,000 troops were involved in the assault on just the RE-TPF side. With an Average of 200 tanks per nation deployed, 64,200 tanks took part in the assault. I have no way of calculating the number of CM's and Aircraft involved but it is not hard to assume that at least 600 Cruise Missles were launched, and at least 1000 aircraft took part. To put that into perspective, the largest land battle in Modern History took part between the Soviet Union and The Third Reich in WW2, at the Battle of Kursk. The Soviets Deployed roughly 1,103,000 troops, and 2000 Main Battle tanks, over a period of six months. If we boil down six months into a sixty day period ( one round ) we have can conclude that three days back at the battle of Kursk = 1/3rd a day for CN:TE. So our relative strength in RL Warfare would actually be 3,840,000 troops and 192,600 tanks per day. We then divide the Soviet attack by 60 ( to represent one day ) and then again by 2 ( to represent twelve hours ). Leaving them with roughly 9,192 troops and 17 tanks.

The result is that the assault made by the Coalition of RE-TPF is about 418 times greater than than the largest attack in Modern History in terms of troops involved, and 11,329 times greater in terms of tanks involved. And my estimates for avg troop and tank deployments were conservative.

I think that's worth a "Damn!" for pure impressiveness.

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lol..I'm more impressed at the info you just threw out there!

I'd like to also add that in terms of nations Anarchied, if we were to call each nation a city, then it would be essentially saying that every single city west of russia in Europe with a population over 50,000 had been wiped off the map.

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Altho I retaliated on last nights attacks,I might just refuse to fight against TPF anymore..information gained was flawed about a coalition going after TPF,the target is RE and blitzing us didn't change that.

Anything said about TPF was with hope that they'd step away from RE as allies,in a scenario that was inquired about where TPF would defend RE,I stated the obvious.no ill intentions came from NOIR that I know of,we know TPF are respectable,friend or foe.

The treaty between NOIR and RE never really took hold,it was never announced to the rest of NOIR by forums or PM.plus it wasn't two or three days later,Tib was demanding we stop beating up TBH for thier leader Josh's bad decision not to try and talk with us,before a counterattack of full force was ordered on our guy, that raided a TBH nation with 2 GA's and a peace offer.yes,a treaty may have been agreed upon in IRC but not by NOIR as a whole.

I was asked to come to that IRC channel by JonBoy16,it would have been rude of me to say "no".Tib is cool till you cross his beliefs that RE has won already.It almost looks as if TPF was used by him to help satisfy his thirst for victory.

The giant is still amonst us and it's quest for blood shall be quenched ;)

edit2 my typing skills are horrible :/

Edited by DoorNail
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The treaty between NOIR and RE never really took hold,it was never announced to the rest of NOIR by forums or PM.plus it wasn't two or three days later,Tib was demanding we stop beating up TBH for thier leader Josh's bad decision not to try and talk with us,before a counterattack of full force was ordered on our guy, that raided a TBH nation with 2 GA's and a peace offer.yes,a treaty may have been agreed upon in IRC but not by NOIR as a whole.

Let me repost this, Doornail:


That was a really big mistake in so many ways - especially against someone you were forming a treaty with. You're acting like they have no right to be mad at you. They DO. It really has nothing to do with the round or anything else - it mostly has to do with THAT, and the poor excuses made for it.

That's not such a good way to treat a treaty - or to perform diplomacy.

This kind of diplomacy was much what TPF was treated to by NOIR's leadership as well.

I, and TPF, as we have repeatedly stated, have little problem with the vast bulk of NOIR's membership. They are good guys and we would know this for sure since so many of them used to ride with TPF, as recently as last session. Yet, I've seen what I've seen on NOIR's leadership's intentions. Though it came from several sources, it all matches together and we don't doubt it for a moment. We didn't attack NOIR because of RE - we attacked because it was what we felt was needed to be done for our own safety. To head off potential bigger problems at the pass, so to speak.

We don't regret defending ourselves, even preemptively.

I also doubt this will last much longer anyways - we DO like NOIR.

However, TPF isn't going to separate from RE. All this sniveling (not from you, from several quarters) about our ties is only serving to strengthen those ties. We value integrity and honesty in our dealings. Attacking our allies is the same as attacking us. Recruiting people to attack us is also the same as trying to attack us.

We don't turn our backs on our friends and allies - and I think our talking RE out of attacking NOIR so many times should show this emphatically. We stood up for NOIR just like we stand up for RE, and most of NOIR we consider to be friends as well.

Just not all of it.

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I'd like to also add that in terms of nations Anarchied, if we were to call each nation a city, then it would be essentially saying that every single city west of russia in Europe with a population over 50,000 had been wiped off the map.

All Europeans cities west of Russia EXCEPT Rome of course! We'll throw in Mongolia, Tibet and the Philippines for good measure!

Edited by ColonelTom
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We don't turn our backs on our friends and allies - and I think our talking RE out of attacking NOIR so many times should show this emphatically. We stood up for NOIR just like we stand up for RE, and most of NOIR we consider to be friends as well.

Just not all of it.

I would really like to reiterate this in particular guys. Right up until we had multiple multiple multiple, independent reports of a clear and present danger being created to US, not to RE, did we launch an offensive. Literally to almost the very last moment we tried to find a diplomatic solution, We put our necks out to protect NOIR from RE, and then a decision was made by NOIR to stab US ( again not RE ) in the back. I know the vast majority of NOIR had no knowledge of this, the wars you now find yourself involved in, the Alliance that is crumbling, and the accusations that are flying back and forth are the result of a few members who unfortunately spoke for you. I would like everyone to put yourself in our shoes just a moment, how would you feel if a good friend, someone you've known and trusted, was sleeping with your spouse? and you heard about it, and when people asked you about it, you denied it, made excuses for your friend, even went so far as to hold a second friend back when he wanted to whip the first friend, only to find out at the end of the day, what you had heard was true, except he wasn't just sleeping with your spouse, but your sister too.

That's what TPF was hit with, so don't blame us if you are a NOIR member and weren't involved in this, blame the NOIR members who were.

Also question why on earth WE found out about it and YOU didn't. I will tell you this much, our intelligence was gathered independently, RE wanted to kick the hell out of NOIR for similar reasons I'm sure, but I don't know because we don't depend on RE to tell us things, we are completely independent from them, aside from being good friends and faithful allies. So before anyone fires back with "RE lied to you" let me end that right here and now. We gathered the info, not RE, US. This was between TPF and NOIR, always was, always has been, always will be, you can stop harping about RE already, they had NOTHING to do with it.

Again, for those in NOIR who it turns out TPF knew more about what your own Alliance was doing, than they bothered to tell you, I'm truly sorry you had to pay for other people's sins.

Edited by Gabryal
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Again, for those in NOIR who it turns out TPF knew more about what your own Alliance was doing, than they bothered to tell you, I'm truly sorry you had to pay for other people's sins.

cause i thought that we were just jumped on out of nowhere when i logged in today. last night i decided to go to sleep instead of check up on CN. big mistake. i am on vacation, so i dont have time to check up on the forums that much and i had no idea what happened....

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cause i thought that we were just jumped on out of nowhere when i logged in today. last night i decided to go to sleep instead of check up on CN. big mistake. i am on vacation, so i dont have time to check up on the forums that much and i had no idea what happened....

i found out about some of this last night from an RE member, way too late to do anything about it. Not much to argue about the way I see it. I talked to Tib while he was in our IRC channel, but things were pretty heated and that was before I knew everything that had happened. I still don't like him or how he went about things, but I don't blame him or TPF for doing what was done. I have not retaliated nor will I against any TPF nation. I'll take my whooping and go on.

I was a member of TPF last round too, I pretty much follow Rudeland wherever he goes.... maybe thats my problem. LOL, just kidding.... anyway. I have sent peace to each nation.... whether they accept or not is up to them. I'm just glad you explained why you went to war with us...... I am sure I would not have ever been told exactly what happened to get us in this position..... its never a good thing to find out the information you provided here from the attacking alliance.

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