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The Khmer Ultimatum.

Maelstrom Vortex

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The bombardment shook Northern Tonkin Province. Many villigers ran from their homes as they had never even heard of a plane let alone seen one. Many military instilations were destroyed in the blasts along with many trrops and machines. This caused General order XVII to be enabled. This order was for guerrilla tactics to be used. All static or heavy artillery in the north of the country to be destroyed. Light motars to be taken with military units who are to dissolve and bled in with local villages. Infrastructure is expendible, destroy bridges following armies, attack at night etc. Important thing is to hide.

With this all static positions that were not destroyed by enemy bombardment were ruined by Tonkin forces. With all military positions abandonded the Guerilla war had begun. RPGs and AA positions were set up in the heavily forested hill sides, waiting for the enivitable helicopters carrying troops that would be used to attempt to flush out the Khmer Army.

OOC: Short and Painful I know.

The General Order XVII was caught by the ELINT planes orbiting outside Khmer Empire airspace. This was promptly transmitted to the field headquarters of 1 Corps.

"So they are going for guerrilla warfare, eh? Hmm. They have destroyed all their heavy artillery, destroyed their infrastructure, blew their bridges, in short they have rescinded all tools and options for conventional warfare, eh?" Lt. Gen. Surjith Singh asked his Intelligence Officer.

"Yes Sir. That means all our track toads would be left without any valid targets and operational scope."

"And so would our air assets. The way I see it we need a more Infantry based approach and it will still be very casualty intensive. We might have to bring in some Air Cavalry assets into the place as well. I suppose even the Black Berets will have to be out in force here." The Operations officer chimed in.

"Hmm. You guys dont get the bigger picture, eh? If Khmer Empire is no longer a conventional threat why should we bother with them anymore? We can claim to have gained just retribution- the self imposed anarchy is apt. If we create a sufficient buffer zone we will not have any problems from them anymore. After all we dont want their territory do we?"

"Hmm. That is an idea, but will the rest of Dragon Empire and Dragon Bloc, concur?" the Ops Officer asked.

"Well that is upto General Staff. I am going to report this to the Commander myself. "

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Mad Dog Bob Denard's Advance Forward Command Team

Bob looks over at the Ripper as they examine a map laid out on the hood of the GAZzler. They hum, they haw, and finally Bob says, "To hell with it. Unleash the spear.

The Ripper, a man of few emotions, manages a feral looking grin as he nods and barks an order into his radio,"All units advance."

1st and 2nd Light Infantry Brigades

The 10,000 men of the two mounted infantry brigades pour across the border in their vehicles. They travel in convoys just large enough to defend themselves from a large attack, but small enough to avoid bombardment. Mad Dog Bob Denard and the 'Bad Ones' travel with the men of the 2nd Light Infantry Brigade. Bob watches the progress of the advance into Northern Khmer with no comment. The command of the brigade rests with the commander unless he were to be killed.

1st through 4th Armored Division Mechanized Regiments

8000 Mechanized Infantrymen in their Bionix 2 (S) APCs rumble to join the fray, but keep their distance. Their orders are to assume operations security of the Main Line of Advance and to pave the way for heavy armored divisions that would soon be coming. Security for the combat engineers and other logistical units is heavy.

Special Forces Teams 20 through 25

All along the route of advance Special Forces teams stop in small villages. They make quiet surveys of the damage, question the natives to ascertain their needs, and make a general sweep to confiscate all weapons.

Leaflets bearing the following message, in Khmer, are handed out:

"Remain in your homes, take no hostile actions against Somal soldiers, and keep us advised of your physical needs. We bring with us doctors, water, food, and engineers to repair your damage."

As they pass out these leaflets the special forces troopers guide in helicopters bearing food and water by radio. These supplies are distributed to the local population with further messages of reassurance. The same helicopters take out wounded members of the community and fly them directly to Somal Medical Stations that have been specifically established for this mission. The familes are reassured that their loved ones will be returned as soon as they are healthy enough to fly back.

1st through 4th Armored Divsions

The divisions rumble their way forward to the border, without crossing it, as they pay special attention to the rear echelon unit's security. Three Divisions are swept forward with one in the rear. Once at the border they wait for further directions as they know their job is to exploit weak points and to smash their way through fortified positions.

Republic of Free Somal Naval Battle Group

The Battleships of the Republic continue to hammer away at the areas surrounding Haiphong. Their job is to isolate the city with a wall of fire. Despite these orders they are careful to avoid shelling the city directly. Further, radio broadcasts are made that indicate free travel down a major coastal highway is allowed for civilians leaving the city between 12 o clock noon and 4 pm in the afternoon. A further message indicates that any traffic into the city will be considered military traffic in nature to reinforce any surviving garrisons.

Mad Dog Bob Denard

Bob listens to the radio as he waits. Hopefully this won't take very long, but he's not optimistic. As he drives down the coastal freeway he notices the wreckage of war. A great deal of the heavy equipment has all the appearances of being destroyed by its former owners. This creates a ripple of concern for Bob as he takes note of the dense jungles indicated on the map for the Central Highlands. The coastal regions being relatively flat are adequete for tanks, but up in those hills it will take infantry.

He dispatches a message to Major General Thomas Johns:


To Major General Thomas Johns

From Mad Dog Bob Denard

More infantry needed, and as soon operational conditions change three of the tank divisions will be rotated home. Further, the Constabulary detachment is inadequete for their role.

The spear has been bloodied.


To Mad Dog Bob Denard

From Major General Thomas Johns

3rd through 18th Light Infantry Brigades and the 501st Airborne Brigade will be dispatched immediately. 3 Frontier Regiments will be detailed to reinforce the Constabulary detachment along with the 26th through 33rd Special Forces Groups.

Edited by Firestorm
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Due to the unstable course taken by the Khmer Empire Kingdom of Cochin calls for a conference of all Dragon Empire and Dragon Bloc combatants. With the elimination of Khmer Empire as a veritable conventional threat we do not see any more reasons to continue with a land invasion. To engage the Khmer land forces in guerrilla warfare for no conceivable reason seems pointless to us. The main rationale for this war was to seek surrender of Khmer Empire and to gain retribution for the crimes committed against us.

It seems to us Khmer Empire has chosen not to surrender. Their surviving government has decided to gamble the well being of their nation and citizens to maintain an endless war condition between our forces.

If we respond to the chain of events by massively increasing our infantry and counter guerilla forces there will be an unacceptable number of casualties all for no point. We propose that we territorially isolate Khmer Empire by maintaining a 100 Km buffer zone on our borders and containing the forces of Khmer Empire within it.

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**Private Reply to Kingdom of Cochin**

Our objectives are local in aim, but we will continue our ground advance at this time. We do suggest that Khmer be cut off from outside sources of supplies for the time being. Any attempt at supplying weapons or munitions to Khmer forces should be viewed as an act of war and treated accordingly.

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xx Private to Republic of Free Somal xx

A ground advance using our armored forces are pointless as all conventional targets have been destroyed and paths of advance blown up. In fact they have done our work themselves. We agree that they shall be cut off from outside supplies of all kinds since we also have to bear in mind that the deranged leadership of Khmer Empire may not be very conscientious regarding the use of certain nuclear weapons they have with them.

We support a complete air, water and land embargo over Khmer Empire till such a time as they find themselves ready to surrender.

No humanitarian aid from third parties would be let in directly to Khmer Empire. Any aid must only be permitted to operate from the demilitarized zone under Dragon Empire supervision.

Any mode of advance at the present state would have to wait in our opinion. We shall also have think about how a total isolation can be truly effected given the ambivalent stance of their neighbors.

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**Private to Cochin**

"A war in Khmer can't be won without the shedding of our blood. The soldiers of Somal are happy enough to shed that blood to bring about a swifter conclusion to this war. Keep in mind that by operating in the coastal areas we will be under the gunnes of our navy at all times. The same 406mm gunnes that are capable of throwing a 2700 pd armor piecing shell that can be launched 24 miles and leave a hole the size of a tennis court will be watching over our forces. We believe our losses will be acceptable in this campaign.

Further, it is our believe that by pacifying an area of Khmer to prove to the people of Khmer that we have their best interests at heart the end will be all the sooner. Simply cutting the country off from the outside merely ensures they'll return to their roots and bide their time."

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xxx Private to Somal xxx

We have no guarantee that a complete isolation of enemy fighters can be effected without understanding from Pax Pacis. No matter how much we rebuild it shall be prone to sabotage and destruction from the anarchical Khmer Empire military who showed no qualms in destroying their state machinery.

What is the point of us building infrastructure if we cannot guarantee security to it? We should first consider what to be done about the guerrillas in the jungle before embarking upon any program of rebuilding.

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xx Private to Somal xxx

That may as well be, but we suggest we confer with Dragonisia and Melvin Republic before moving forward on the land issue. And just because we know them to be potential trouble makers we dont have any right to attack them. Of course any agents or citizens of their country found to be aiding Khmer Empire could be terminated.

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Pax Pacis helicopters are entering the Khmer Empire with their destination being the town of Vinh where our two aircraft carriers are standing with a small security detail on each. The helicopters are carrying the basic crew for the carriers who will be sailing the two vessels clear once they are onboard. The two helicopters will be sending out the friendly IFF that Dragonasia had given them.

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Inspired by the Emperor's speech, the 2nd Banzai Army and 1st Armored begin crossing the border. The divisions see a border patrol and set themselves up to run a banzai charge. When the moment is right, they pop out from their hiding spots and yell "banzai", charging with bayonets up toward the Khmers.

OOC: Chris, I believe you missed this. Just letting ya know.

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OOC: I think we ought to be considerate of the fact he's fending off five us at once. If he misses something don't worry about it. Just keep rolling with it and if he needs something adjusted then change it up. Most others would have rage quit by now.

:) I:Heart:chris...

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Broadcast to military forces:

Wvaes 2 and 3 are go. Unleash the dogs of hell. Jungle fighting is nothing to fear to Dragonisian troops. Our army has always been designed for semi-maritime environments including the clutter of the jungle. They're going to be very dismayed how poorly guerrilla warfare works against us.

ooc: I'll post my part of them later.. it's going to be pretty epic. And yay 6.7 troop efficiency..

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The fighter bombers of Royal Cochin Air Forces are unleashed to finish the job the cruise missiles started and was carried on so helpfully by Khmer Empire itself. The SHARM teams were just riding herd as the Jadayus raced in first to establish Air supremacy. Soon after that the Halob bombers came in waves upon waves to carpet bomb suspected enemy army locations. The locations were well located for their remoteness from civilian population. The Metac Aerial Artillery Platforms then followed in to provide additional support for the Wave 3.

The three armored cavalry regiments rode herd as the 2 mechanized divisions moved in securing the ground. Isolated pockets of resistance were crumbling to sheer firepower belched out by the T100 main battle tanks.

Piranha attack helicopters led the way before the armored juggernauts. Whenever a bridge or river crossing was reported ahead teams of combat engineers raced forward in the Axe jeeps to check for booby traps or to call for BLTs to span them. While the Corps moved forward groups of 4 were assigned per crossing to build and maintain bridges.

Meanwhile the III Air Cavalry Division was engaged in operations of their own. They were tasked to intercept roving bands of Khmer Empire military heading for the jungles to prepare for the guerrilla warfare. The Air Cav troopers in their Blackhawk and MH53 carriers and supported by Piranha gunships brought attenuation to several small groups of soldiers.

The Metac Artillery Platforms were also quite busy demolishing the remaining defense industries of Khmer Empire.

21d25'45"N, 106d16'56"E

Cau Da

North Khmer

Lt. Gen. Surjith Singh pored over the advances of the 1 Corps.

"Ops, inform General Staff that now is the time when we need infantry and special forces. The Three ACRs can be withdrawn now, the 2 mechanized divisions have sufficient armor for the remaining mission parameters. Also inform the 1 Battle Fleet that we too may need some naval gun support. The Jadayu and Mig35 regiments may be phased out and we could bring in 2 more Mig 29 regiments. I also want more AAP assets and Merat support here.

Ops, 1 Corps must have Hanoi tomorrow. "

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Operation Leviathan

Offshore, Mekong Delta region:

Ten 55,000 DWT (Metric tons) cargo capacity submarines settle onto the ocean floors the soft slopes of the delta region. A division of amphibious armor exits each sub. If there are any surface naval concerns, the Cochin navy protects the subs. Each division of amphibious armor is spearheaded by a pair of tanks with side-turret mounts of anti-mine torpedos. Each tanks is also running a slight electrical current through its hull to reduce the possible contact with magnetic mines. (ww2 tech)

The tanks churn towards shore and slowly make their way up the Mekong river.. the goal: Take the cities of Can Tho and Phnom Penh by complete suprise. They rumbled up the delta, using the sonar readings from the offshore subs to take out any mines in their way.. and then entered the mouth of the narrower river. They began to bubble quietly up into the enemy state with a very strong possibility the enemy doesn't even know they're there.


Organization of the divisions going up the Mekong.

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Operation River Vipers

North Khmer.

The Chairman barked out to Tian Long Flight and the Dragonisian air forces in the area, "Wave 2 and 3 are go. We are on the attack. Begin advance."

The tank platoons below crossed into Khmer border for the first time.. many of them driving in river beds or on roads, keeping to river valleys and low-lands which are their strong points. Each tank's treads had been sharpened so as not to simply trample weeds, but to cut them.. clearing a path for the infantry behind. The front of the tanks had been equipped with terrain clearing tools to permit a rapid transit through the thickly forested region. Some tanks had anti-mine outfits to allow for the save removal of identified munitions in high threat areas. Mine clearing missile mounts were also being put on some of the MRLS systems to clear mine fields.

Overhead the air force pierced Khmer airspace. Tian Long flight flew low and spearheaded the mission. Their goal was to avoid detection by air forces and to engage SAM missile and radar installations.

The Chairman's target came up quickly. His advanced micro missile (ADMM) system locked 12 distinct asset targets at the SAM installation location including 6 missile batteries, a central radar, and 2 buildings and 3 vehicles. Once the lock was firmly acquired he released the weapons load out, "Talisman, ADMM Missiles away. Cyclops verify impact and threat negation."

As soon as the load was dropped the Chairman had already gone into a high-g turn even as he verbally responded and began to drop chafe/flares as his launch would have undoubtedly flashed him to radars nearby.

He notified the rest of his flight, "Ground ordinance expended, moving to escort role. Thunder, I think your target is up next, you have the point, begin your run."

Thunder, the pilot of the B2, began their approach on what was designated by Intel to be a hardened communications bunker. The B2 carried a package of small-diameter bombs perfect for bunker killing.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The attack was preceded by an almost continuous naval shelling of Hue ever since the day the MARCOS extracted the bodies of the dead diplomats. The Mig29Ks of CNS Trichur held CAP to ensure that no interference happen. The shelling was also accompanied by inland air raids by the Raven unmanned bombers escorted by naval Hornets. At dawn when command signal came in from RCDF General Staff the Marine Task Forces 21 and 22 crept closer to the shore of Hue. The V and VI Marine Divisions aboard the 2 Task Forces assaulted the beach in a wave of Amphibious Fighting Vehicles roaring at a speed of 50 kmph over the water. They were preceded by a squad of MH53 mine clearers who detonated all possible mines and unfortunately some marine life by carpet bombing the area through its MetalStorm Mine Clearance system. The 3 Million rounds per second weapon system saturated the ocean with a mass of steel bullets to remote detonate any mines. Shortly after the beach was secured a mine clearance craft would come by to magnetically remove all expended rounds and debris.

The AFVs were escorted by Piranha gun ships of the two marine divisions. The V MD made for Quang Dien, while VI MD made for Phu Bai. The two targets were reached by the AFVs around 30 minutes after making landfall. Supported by orbiting gunships they surrounded the town but did not venture in. Though adequately armed against all classes of heavy machine gun fire and even Rocket Propelled Grenades the AFVs were not invulnerable to true high energy weapons. For this purpose the first T100 tanks were being landed at the beach heads secured by the advance parties. The helicopter work groups and missile boats had by then secured a pontoon bridge from the beach past the inner lagoon to the mainland proper. Attempting to bring the LSTs through the estuary would have been a suicide, hence this approach.

The T100s drove gingerly upon the pontoon bridges to finally reach terra firma and end the sieges of Quang Dien and Phu Bai.

After the fall of these two towns a pincer envelopment was launched. The V Marine Division would secure Tu Ha and move South West to block the Northern and Western approaches to Hue.

The VI Marine Division would move North West from Phu Bai to mount siege from South of Hue. Meanwhile the 2 Marine Division would be picked from Beihai by the Task Force 21 and it shall form the side side of a triangular vice to capture Hue when it advances on a direct bearing to Hue from the coast.

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"I ask that the government of Khmer think about their decision, you are condeming your people to a worse future every second that you try to defy the Dragon Empire. I know you are angry at them for attacking and killing most of your government but it is better that you accept their surrender terms and work towards rebuilding a future than dooming your people to a slow destruction".

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"The Empire will not allow this government to make its people suffer. This war will be short, sweet, and targeted against those that resist us. Once the sick government of this state is removed, we will allow the people to chose new representation."

"The Khmer seemed to have fled to the jungle and will be attacking you with guerrilla warfare which is never over swiftly apart from with heavy damage and lots of fatalities. Plus what will you do if the people fully support the current government?".

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"We'll be shocked given what their current government has put them through."

The actions of Dragonisia are noted on this submitted map.


"As we have noted, a Guerrilla war will not be successful against Dragonisia. We thrive in this environment. We love wet, jungle terrains. We are masters of surprise warfare and unconventional tactics."

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"We'll be shocked given what their current government has put them through."

The actions of Dragonisia are noted on this submitted map.


"As we have noted, a Guerrilla war will not be successful against Dragonisia. We thrive in this environment. We love wet, jungle terrains. We are masters of surprise warfare and unconventional tactics."

"Don't act so $@y you might be masters at this type of warefare but I bet that so are the Khmer so that advantage is cancelled out I would say so be careful when engaging the enemy and as for the Khmer citizens remember that you destroyed their government and forced the destruction of vital bridges and have unleashed a bombing attack of massive scale. You might be in the right but to them you are the barbarians at the gates be careful".

In response to worries that Khmer forces may try to slip into Pax Pacis UAV's have been dispatched to the border with the Khmer empire along with most of our military. Whilst we are allies with you Khmer we can not provide refuge for your forces at this time, we must look after our own safety.

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