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Swing and a miss.

Swing, and... a miss.

Your backtracking fails.

And a swing...and another miss. That's three. Very poor play for sympathy.

Maybe it's just all those other things you said before that last one.

I doubt anyone believes you are a demon, as that implies some level of ferociousness. I had hoped that one such as you would at least argue your case decently.

Perhaps I hope too much.

I could nt help myself, i had to reply to this child.

Maybe you are a attention seeker but i am not. I do not want sympathy. If you read the whole thread properly (If you can read) you would notice that i have not backed out from war with ANYONE even once. I do not need sympathy and i could nt care less even if i get knocked down to 10,000 ns at least than i can raid children like you on the way down.

And how dare you attempt to discribe my level of ferociousness i know that if i were to battle you i would rip you to bits. I was involved in talks with ender at my DPM request and i made it quite clear that he would feel the full military force of my nation. He asked me to surrender and i lol'ed. I am not weak and have never been. I can fight and i have fought with some of the best.

You are a joke, from now on stick to discussions that concern you.

Edited by christian trojans
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Good. War is indeed fun, I am happy you are enjoying it. Sucks that you were singled out when I can think of a bunch of people who left NATO on the eve of war.

Hi wentworth,

Just to let you know, i left NATO on good terms. NATO was a really cool Alliance actually and there were lots of great guys there. The only reason why i left was to join poison clan to become a bit more involved in the war function.

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It really bothers me that someone who has done a whole string of actions that I dislike had a nation that was ranked #3 in the game.

His nation got there through stepping on others, bailing on alliances, avoiding consequences for his actions, or anything of that nature.

Perhaps it is some twisted sense of justice I have - it really bothers me if you get somewhere using means of the manner he did. I no longer even care about whether or not he has changed: his nation was built upon despicable acts and betrayals. I do not want him to have a "nice thing" that was made through such means. So he won't. I am doing everything in my power to reduce the extent to which he has been able to have profited from those actions. Him having changed really has no bearing on that.

If that makes me a coward or whatnot, so be it.

And who made you judge over anyone. So what if people do things you dont like, does that give you good reason to go rogue on them.

I got to where i did because i worked very hard on sledding, trade swapping and tech deals not by stepping on others. I have never stepped on others. I have fought in a number of wars but like i said i refused to fight for the pompous and arrogant. It takes more balls to leave an alliance when you know they will cause trouble for you than it does just being a sheep.

And you said "I do not want him to have a "nice thing". LOL. i had that nice thing and that can never be taken away from me, i was rank 3 in the entire CN world but i still have a nice thing whether my nation is rank 3rd or 1000th. I still have that nice thing because i place different value on my nation now.

Your attacks have changed nothing about my attitude to my nation. Weeks before you even attacked i decided to chill out on growth and focus on saving and military wonders. You can ask platino or fury this. They know this. So ender you have achieved absolutley nothing in my view. I am the same person as i was weeks before your attacks.

Edited by christian trojans
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Hi wentworth,

Just to let you know, i left NATO on good terms. NATO was a really cool Alliance actually and there were lots of great guys there. The only reason why i left was to join poison clan to become a bit more involved in the war function.

Ah, as I just told you via pm, I can't remember when any one member left. I am happy you enjoyed your stay though. NATO is full of good people, but most people wouldn't know it :P

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I do not need sympathy and i could nt care less even if i get knocked down to 10,000 ns at least than i can raid children like you on the way down.

Kind of hard to raid people from nuclear anarchy :awesome:

It's also hard for me to go even one post without needing to share my love for Rebel Virginia, for he is great.

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Kind of hard to raid people from nuclear anarchy :awesome:

It's also hard for me to go even one post without needing to share my love for Rebel Virginia, for he is great.

I'm sorry, I can't get through one of your posts without laughing. Maybe I am just too tired. :lol1:

Seriously though, I really hate the whole grudge thing that seems to be happening. I actually happen to like CT after rehashing a bit and getting back to some old memories. Now, was I upset when CT left NATO? Yep, but I was always upset when someone left. However, it really is a whatever kind of thing. People leave alliances all the time, and I really don't see how this is any different. Have we really got to a point of boredom that we have to start singling out people?

FnKA, kudos for sticking up for your member. Had CT joined my alliance, I couldn't care less about his past behavior. We give spies, and all other kinds of mistakes second chances, and I would give him one too.

o/ FnKA.

Edited by Wentworth the Brave
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I'm sorry, I can't get through one of your posts without laughing. Maybe I am just too tired. :lol1:

Seriously though, I really hate the whole grudge thing that seems to be happening. I actually happen to like CT after rehashing a bit and getting back to some old memories. Now, was I upset when CT left NATO? Yep, but I was always upset when someone left. However, it really is a whatever kind of thing. People leave alliances all the time, and I really don't see how this is any different. Have we really got to a point of boredom that we have to start singling out people?

FnKA, kudos for sticking up for your member. Had CT joined my alliance, I couldn't care less about his past behavior. We give spies, and all other kinds of mistakes second chances, and I would give him one too.

o/ FnKA.

Wentworth Thank you very much :)

Actually i have noticed something, All the guys with a bit of class and stature like wentworth, hellangel etc have accepted that well maybe this is all out of hand and I am not that bad. I have noticed that it is the little insignificant attention seekers that are always quick to make insulting comments just to be part of the gang cause they have no friends. :( These people who are weak and have no self confidence.

Edited by christian trojans
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And how dare you attempt to discribe my level of ferociousness i know that if i were to battle you i would rip you to bits. I was involved in talks with ender at my DPM request and i made it quite clear that he would feel the full military force of my nation. He asked me to surrender and i lol'ed. I am not weak and have never been. I can fight and i have fought with some of the best.

You're welcome -_-

And who made you judge over anyone. So what if people do things you dont like, does that give you good reason to go rogue on them.

I got to where i did because i worked very hard on sledding, trade swapping and tech deals not by stepping on others. I have never stepped on others. I have fought in a number of wars but like i said i refused to fight for the pompous and arrogant. It takes more balls to leave an alliance when you know they will cause trouble for you than it does just being a sheep.

And you said "I do not want him to have a "nice thing". LOL. i had that nice thing and that can never be taken away from me, i was rank 3 in the entire CN world but i still have a nice thing whether my nation is rank 3rd or 1000th. I still have that nice thing because i place different value on my nation now.

Your attacks have changed nothing about my attitude to my nation. Weeks before you even attacked i decided to chill out on growth and focus on saving and military wonders. You can ask platino or fury this. They know this. So ender you have achieved absolutley nothing in my view. I am the same person as i was weeks before your attacks.

No one made me judge over anyone. That is why this I consider this "nuclear roguery" (as much as LM or others want this to be a sanctioned action or such) and not a "war."

The several thousand infra you have lost already changes something, so regardless as to what you personally think about the situation, I know that something was changed. Part of your "nice thing" is not going to remain when our time is over, unless you have the billion or so you need to rebuy the infra on hand currently (which you do not). From a mixed ooc/ic view, being able to obtain a 3rd ranked nation out of almost 30k by despicable IC actions is something I do not want you to reap the benefits from. Part of those benefits are being taken away from you by me personally.

And if you have changed personally well then all the better too.

Regarding the bolded, I find it highly difficult to believe that you realized that NPO was "pompous and arrogant" only after they started a war in which they were expected to lose about 10 minutes after the declaration and never noticed that prior.

It takes a lot more balls to honor and fulfill a committment that will lead your nation to destruction than it does to simply break it.

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You're welcome -_-

No one made me judge over anyone. That is why this I consider this "nuclear roguery" (as much as LM or others want this to be a sanctioned action or such) and not a "war."

The several thousand infra you have lost already changes something, so regardless as to what you personally think about the situation, I know that something was changed. Part of your "nice thing" is not going to remain when our time is over, unless you have the billion or so you need to rebuy the infra on hand currently (which you do not). From a mixed ooc/ic view, being able to obtain a 3rd ranked nation out of almost 30k by despicable IC actions is something I do not want you to reap the benefits from. Part of those benefits are being taken away from you by me personally.

And if you have changed personally well then all the better too.

Regarding the bolded, I find it highly difficult to believe that you realized that NPO was "pompous and arrogant" only after they started a war in which they were expected to lose about 10 minutes after the declaration and never noticed that prior.

It takes a lot more balls to honor and fulfill a committment that will lead your nation to destruction than it does to simply break it.

Right you mentioned numbers so i am forced to comment: Several thousand? :o Bro i have lost less than 2000infra and sorry to tell you this but this amt includes the gramlins damage who also attacked . So the damage you have caused is not that much actually. Anyway i think every single bit of infra i lose is worth it as long as you get smashed up. And lets not forget that you have lost over 4000 infra, 4000 land and nearly 1000 tech not to mention the millions that you keep losing in ground attacks. You have lost 25,000 NS in just 3 days.

The benefits you speak of mean nothing to me! I dont care about sitting at the top anymore. It was cool though. :)

Firstly let me say that i respect nations like seti cruncher, klondike, mahdi and the other NPO nations that fought properly . They have tight conradeship and i think that is very honorable. I have massive respect for the guys who fought. But i was not in that place i had no personal committment. But i do now with FnKa and have had for a while before you declared.

Edited by christian trojans
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I thought you of all people would support a something like this - leaving your alliance to pursue something you believe in strongly to which you are willing to sacrifice your nation.

And since people seem to think that I have a "grudge" or whatnot, I am not sure where you get that image. If Action Jeff had a nation still I would have another offensive war - the fact that I happened to have personal connections to CT from a prior alliance has nothing to do with whether or not I would have attacked him.

Yeah, but I'm fighting FOR someone. I'm not doing this because I hate Karma.

Huh? So you're saying you have another grudge bigger than this one, but the guy deleted his nation?


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I have noticed that it is the little insignificant attention seekers that are always quick to make insulting comments just to be part of the gang cause they have no friends. :( These people who are weak and have no self confidence.

If only they had a big nation like yours! :D

Really, the only insecurity here seems to be coming from you, squire.

I must state that if anyone else declares on me, this time there will be no negotiations. I will launch full scale attacks and will nuke that nation every day until the war is over.

This is very scary and intimidating and will certainly dissuade anyone looking for a piece of you from declaring :v:

Or not. Seriously, you think people wanting to take you down a peg are expecting a few cruise missiles only in return? Obviously not. Judging by the numerous comments on your character in this thread the terrible infra damage that they'll take seems to be worth it just to wreck your stuff and watch you cry over your just desserts.

Edited by Aimee Mann
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Right you mentioned numbers so i am forced to comment: Several thousand? :o Bro i have lost less than 2000infra and sorry to tell you this but this amt includes the gramlins damage who also attacked . So the damage you have caused is not that much actually. Anyway i think every single bit of infra i lose is worth it as long as you get smashed up. And lets not forget that you have lost over 4000 infra, 4000 land and nearly 1000 tech not to mention the millions that you keep losing in ground attacks. You have lost 25,000 NS in just 3 days.

Ok, sorry, you have lost only 1991.67 infra, not 2000. My bad. I have only lost just over 3000 infra actually (I started at about 6990 or so). All things considered, I would say I am doing quite well in this war in terms of damage received vs damage done, considering that I have lost about 10 GAs from people other than yourself and Fury since this started, which combined with their CM damages, adds up to about the 1k difference in our infra losses.

If you want a different story add up the total value of the infra lost and see who "won." Just Furys damages from my one nuke and sporadic attacks probably are worth close to as much as the entire value of all the infra I started with.

The benefits you speak of mean nothing to me! I dont care about sitting at the top anymore. It was cool though. :)

I am not sure why you think I even care whether or not you want them. I care, and since I am the one who initiated hostilities for that reason, it is all that matters.

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Yeah, but I'm fighting FOR someone. I'm not doing this because I hate Karma.

Huh? So you're saying you have another grudge bigger than this one, but the guy deleted his nation?


I am fighting for an ideal I hold. I am not doing this because I hate him.

Action Jeff actually fought against his former allies and alliance on two separate occasions, both times which he switched sides immediately prior to the war (or after I believe in the Karma war, I forget which).

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Actually i have noticed something, All the guys with a bit of class and stature like wentworth, hellangel etc have accepted that well maybe this is all out of hand and I am not that bad. I have noticed that it is the little insignificant attention seekers that are always quick to make insulting comments just to be part of the gang cause they have no friends. :( These people who are weak and have no self confidence.

Every time I read something like this, I doubt the sincerity of the "I've changed" comments, and make me more glad I have rejected every attempt at peace for the past four days.

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I am fighting for an ideal I hold. I am not doing this because I hate him.

Action Jeff actually fought against his former allies and alliance on two separate occasions, both times which he switched sides immediately prior to the war (or after I believe in the Karma war, I forget which).

If it's simply because you hold an ideal that goes against leaving your alliance before a war, I presume you'll soon be attacking everyone else who did this before the Karma War. Or is it just CT?

Someone in TOOL did this, someone I counted a friend. As soon as he found out we'd be defending TPF he went to an alliance at war with TPF. I sure wouldn't shed any tears for the guy if he were to get nuked, but there's just no sense in spending many hate-filled months plotting my moment of revenge. What a waste of a few months. Nor will I give him the cold shoulder on IRC til the end of time... There's no point to holding on to that hate. I won't look at him the same way again, but what is gained by getting revenge for his choice or even just hating him for it? I don't know about you, but it sure wouldn't make me feel good inside.


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I don't know about you, but it sure wouldn't make me feel good inside.

We get it, you can rise above it all like the superior human being that you are. Now can you please allow the world to get on with it's (fun) grudges and (fun) plotting?

Edited by Aimee Mann
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Bama, when you want to read my posts, let me know and I will dignify your misrepresentative, factually incorrect, and "words in my mouth" post with a response.

Until then, cheers.

If you really think nuking CT will accomplish something or make you feel good, do it. But don't be surprised if it doesn't.


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If you really think nuking CT will accomplish something or make you feel good, do it. But don't be surprised if it doesn't.


Where have I said anything implying that was my goal, or that it would do so?

Please let me know Ender Land, err, bama.

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Where have I said anything implying that was my goal, or that it would do so?

Please let me know Ender Land, err, bama.

You said that this was in line with your ideals and not a matter of hatred against CT specifically. But if that's the case, why do you only want to nuke CT and Action Jeff and not the countless others who have done the same things?


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You said that this was in line with your ideals and not a matter of hatred against CT specifically. But if that's the case, why do you only want to nuke CT and Action Jeff and not the countless others who have done the same things?


Where have I said anything implying that was my thought, or that it would do so?

Please let me know Ender Land, err, bama.

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Where have I said anything implying that was my thought, or that it would do so?

Please let me know Ender Land, err, bama.

1) You're only attacking CT.

2) You stated that you would also like to nuke Action Jeff.

I assumed that if you wanted to make a stand against such behavior in general, rather than against CT specifically, you would have hit 3 deserters. (OOC: You are quitting, right? If so, why not hit 3 people?).


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1) You're only attacking CT.

2) You stated that you would also like to nuke Action Jeff.

I assumed that if you wanted to make a stand against such behavior in general, rather than against CT specifically, you would have hit 3 deserters. (OOC: You are quitting, right? If so, why not hit 3 people?).


Ignoring the fact that the answers you give here are avoid the specific question, I will respond anyways:

Action Jeff and CT are the only two I am aware of having done this repeatedly with large nations, and since I am not "out to get people" (even though I think that, err you think I think), going out and researching this was not something I could be bothered to do.

However, if as you seem to imply I think, I was out with vengeance and intent to "punish the traitors of the world" or whatever you phrased it as, it would have made sense for me to have done that and I probably would have. As I have said before that is not the case. Perhaps your logical fallacy can convince you of what my own words have not done previously.

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