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Announcement From Slavorussia

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"Fair? Fair would be returning the land to it's rightful owner, not the invader. You're attempting to create a compromise, which is not what this situation needs."

"We're giving the nation credit for its investment since the war. That is fair. Yes, we are creating a compromise of sorts because the situation merits somewhat of one, mostly favoring Slavorussia over CSSR, but also considering CSSR work in the region. Again, let us do our job as arbitrators please. If it gets down to it and the dispute cannot be resolved we will remove ourselves from resolution efforts."

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"We're giving the nation credit for its investment since the war. That is fair. Yes, we are creating a compromise of sorts because the situation merits somewhat of one, mostly favoring Slavorussia over CSSR, but also considering CSSR work in the region. Again, let us do our job as arbitrators please. If it gets down to it and the dispute cannot be resolved we will remove ourselves from resolution efforts."

"I do not see any evidence of the CSSR investing in the area. I have a question, if someone invaded your territory, took all of India from you, built a few houses, and then you managed to return to power, would it be fair to you to only take half of India back?"

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"Then that would lead us to option C. Slavorussia would compensate CSSR for the full price of any investment and Slavorussia would obtain the land in entirety based on historic pre-gnr war boundaries."

Compensation can be arranged, despite the fact they nearly bombed us to the stone age.

"Fair? Fair would be returning the land to it's rightful owner, not the invader. You're attempting to create a compromise, which is not what this situation needs."

Compromise, is the root of diplomacy. If we’re too harsh we we'll only risk giving the CSSR another reason to war with us again. One thing is certain however, Slavorussia will be whole again.

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"If it brings a permanent peace to this near-asian region, the Dragon Empire would be glad to fund 0 interest financing out of the Sovereign Wealth Fund. I know your region's been harmed greatly in the conflict, but this would make sure you had what you need to rebuild and to keep CSSR from losing its assets."

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"If it brings a permanent peace to this near-asian region, the Dragon Empire would be glad to fund 0 interest financing out of the Sovereign Wealth Fund. I know your region's been harmed greatly in the conflict, but this would make sure you had what you need to rebuild and to keep CSSR from losing its assets."

"You keep claiming they have assets. I have yet to see any evidence of this."

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The Chairman facepalms, "You're not giving them time to present it either." He sighs.

"They have had PLENTY of time. The war has been over for almost a YEAR. It is not our fault their government is unstable and slow. If they are this slow to respond to a diplomatic situation, what evidence is there that they can build infrastructure quickly?"

Edited by BaronUberstein
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"We are unsure of two things:

1: Why would a nation that has said in the past that it will take to care to politics of the world out of Asia brokering this agreement? It seems absurd. Europe is capable of handling it's own problems. Go away.

2: Why is this even an argument? The CSSR attended no peace talks. They did nothing but surrender. They should have to pay like every other nation. Now, they are refusing to cooperate, and have done nothing but continue old polices. They derve punishment, and a cede of lands to their rightful owner seems like the least they should be required to do."

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"I guess the ones debating our presence here haven't noticed that CSSR and Slavorussia thus far have appreciated our efforts and our time for reasons they have stated. We care about peace. We are not meddling, we are facilitating. If we find our efforts will not be fruitful at all, we do intend to move on and not bother any further. This is us trying to solve a situation between a pair of friends. If something is ignoble about that I would like to know what it is."

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"I guess the ones debating our presence here haven't noticed that CSSR and Slavorussia thus far have appreciated our efforts and our time for reasons they have stated. We care about peace. We are not meddling, we are facilitating. If we find our efforts will not be fruitful at all, we do intend to move on and not bother any further. This is us trying to solve a situation between a pair of friends. If something is ignoble about that I would like to know what it is."

"Your terms of the peace are completely spineless, you are letting the aggressors of an unjust war keep their ill-gotten lands because they claim to have built more on it in a year than Slavorussia has in hundreds."

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"I am not the one issuing terms here. I am helping terms be negotiated. You should be careful who you call spineless. We are working towards a joint resolution. I have many options the sides may chose between. I understand the depth of what i am negotiating, your allusions I do not are insulting. I will let the wisdom of Slavorussia determine what they are willing to and not to accept. They know what they can withstand."

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The Tahoe Republic supports Slavorussia in its reunification efforts. It is nothing more than a crime against humanity to force a nation to live apart from itself and the region in question has been part of Slavorussia for hundreds of years and, excluding recent times, an integral part of the Slavorussian state in whatever form. We call upon the CSSR to cede Southwest Russia to Slavorussia immediately.

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You own land that does not belong to you. You claim to be against Imperialism, yet own land that was never yours and does not belong to you. You claim that a few months of infrastructure is worth MORE than hundreds of years of history. You forget that you have surrendered unconditionally, you have no say.

OOC: I remind you this is private correspondance.

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"We need to know what both parties think of option C. Option C is that CSSR gets compensated for its development work during the post war period and Slavorussia reclaims its lands."

We like option c, it seems like a willingness for both sides to compromise, and set a tone for future relations. We’re willing and capable of compensating the CSSR. Despite the current condition of our economy, our coffers are very deep.

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The Chairman looked at his watch. He then looked to Slavorussia's delegation. "The Empire has seen this nation's.. 'willingness' to talk.. so we're walking away from this as it's making no forward progress. Feel free to take whatever action you like. We won't be disturbed.. in the slightest."

With that the Imperial delegation stood up.. shook their heads.. picked up their things and left. "If you need any help, our salvation army will be ready to distribute humanitarian aid."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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