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Celebrating a new Europe


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Dear World Leaders,

In celebration of the recently announced Central European Union I wish to invite you all to a ball in the Belvedere Palace in Vienna. It would do me a great pleasure should you come and we will ensure you will enjoy any kind of luxury you could desire. This ball will be held within 2 days after you receive this letter and on arrival all arrangements have been made.

Yours truly,


The letter was send across the World as the preparations had been made the palace that had remained unused for decades would once again be a center of art and a gathering of the elite within the world.

After the 2 days Nadine kept walking through her room she was a bit nervous as for the first time she would be on an event with dozens of leaders representing her nation she was lucky more older and experienced leaders from the CEU were there too to cover it up a little.

OOC: As the thread suggests just rp what you want within the realm of reality :) Forthe record she is not actually downstairs yet so you will first see other Government Officials.

Edited by Centurius
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Natarle Badgiruel will be attending in full dress uniform as the leader of Pax Pacis. We do wish to know if armed bodyguards are allowed to attend as a security precaution?

They are allowed however are requested to remain unarmed.

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Arriving at the ball Natarle Badgiruel ,with a young man named Athrun Zala, entered the building after making sure her bodyguards had handed over their weapons to the security forces. The bodyguards then moved to give Natarle Badgiruel and her guest room to move about, which they began to.

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Prime Minister Johns will attend this event,

Expect our government jet to arrive on the day of the event.

We will have several of our unarmed close protection officers accompany the prime minister as part of her entourage.

Would it be acceptable for several arbitrator air marshals to remain with the plane to provide security for this valuable asset?

It is not anticipated that these officers will be required to leave the aircraft.

*A full flight plan is submitted with details of the jet, (It is a Boeing 737 type of jet). Also included is the personnel records of all the entourage including the air marshals and bodyguards*

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Prime Minister Johns will attend this event,

Expect our government jet to arrive on the day of the event.

We will have several of our unarmed close protection officers accompany the prime minister as part of her entourage.

Would it be acceptable for several arbitrator air marshals to remain with the plane to provide security for this valuable asset?

It is not anticipated that these officers will be required to leave the aircraft.

*A full flight plan is submitted with details of the jet, (It is a Boeing 737 type of jet). Also included is the personnel records of all the entourage including the air marshals and bodyguards*

Considering as said Jet is your own property and such sovereign territory you are free to do there as you desire. The Armed men are not required to stay on the plane but will not be allowed to attend the event while armed. So yes we approve all requests.

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King Beauregard will be flying to Vienna in a private jumbo jet colored red and gold, it's unmistakable, as it has the coat of arms on the stabilizer wing. With him will be Deputy Chancellor Frederickson.

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Director Egon arrived at the Ball, looking very sharp in a three-button black tuxedo with a thin line of velvet on the lapels, white tuxedo shirt with emerald studs, and a white vest with a white long tie. Consul of State Worthington was dressed similarly but more traditionally, with a one button black tuxedo, white cummerbund, and white bow tie. Deputy Consul of State Foster looked stunning in a one shoulder, floor length black gown with hints of green in it. The dress was classy, yet had an allure to it as it hugged her in all the right places. Her hair was up in a simple bun and she wore emerald stud earrings and an emerald and white gold necklace.

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It seemed like ages since Sarah had attended a true multi-national ball. Sure they had held small parties in Brisbane with aristocrats from across Oceania, but when she had received the missive from Nadine inviting her to Vienna, her heart nearly stopped. Vienna of course was in the young woman's mind, the center of European culture. Some of the greatest musicians, artists, and philosophers had birthed from the city and Sarah's literary shelves in Solidor Manor were filled with the fairy tales that were inspired by this magnificent city. In addition to the majesty of Vienna, the celebration itself was enough to be joyous about. A gala celebrating a Free Europa, a Europa who had since been enslaved for various years was stretching her muscles and welcoming liberalism back into the fold of its marble halls.

There was no need for an escort of course, Sarah trusted the Croatians like brothers and sisters, and Nadine as her very child. Especially considering the fact that her mother, Relena, was still imprisoned in a Coalition jail somewhere in Northern Europe. A private jet landed in Vienna airport, with two Lillian Guards in escort. They were armed only with sabers and pistols, who would then exit the limousine before pulling up to Belvedere Palace. As they exited a couple of blocks down the road, they gave the Lady Protector well wishes before the chauffeur escorted her the rest of the way to the palace gates.

Arriving, Sarah hoped out of the limousine as quick as she could, and alone walked up the pathway through the gardens towards the entrance. Around her, Croatian, Hungarian, and Austrian aristocrats took in the mood of the gala, while in the distance could be seen diplomats from around the world. Xaristan, New England, various Asian and other European countries, and her mood as the social butterfly immediately began to come out. The sounds of Strauss, Mozart, and Hayden could be heard from inside, as violin orchestras strung their bows for the dancing tonight, while the aroma of a great feast seeped from the marble corridors.

It would be a night to remember, a night and an age that Sarah had been waiting for for much of her life.

Now, all that was needed was to thank her hostess for the invitation and descend lightly into the dancing and conversation.

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Using images from the past the Palace was completely restored to show the art of Europe and the neo-renaissance that could be seen in the Palace. It truly showed the road Europe was heading, one of modernization looking back at the glorious past she once had. The Palace itself showed this, from the free Austrian people to the oppression of Germany back to the free Austrian people however this time with a different capital. In the Palace almost no flags could be found only at the entrance they would see a banner showing the Coat of Arms of the Empire. With many arrived and even the Guest of Honour there now was the time for Nadine to show herself.

"Are you ready, your highness?"her personal Lieutenant asked.

"Yes Dragan lets go"she said while looking for the last time in the mirror if everything was fine. She was wearing a Black Dress personally designed for occasions like these. Security within the Palace was truly low, only a few guards were there and they mostly guarded the more Private Parts of the Palace such as some archives. From the outside all possible measures were taken, complete blocks were declared a no-go and no-fly zone as to make sure nothing would happen. Of course guests could still pass but the last thing they wanted was an event to celebrate a free Europa turn into something completely else.

As she left the room with her Personal Lieutenant she heard the music, it was personally selected by her and truly fitted the situation as she descended from the stairs the Imperial Dignitary requested the attention of those in attendance.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, her Imperial Highness the Empress Nadine Audrey Peacecraft"


She slowly descended from the stairs with a smile, happy to see so many people there though all the eyes made her again somewhat nervous.

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Standing off to the side of the staircase where Nadine was descending, Sarah could only smile. She felt a feeling in her stomach, much that a mother received when she saw her own daughter graduating from college, or standing on the altar. Looking down at her feet, Sarah sighed, she sort of wished that her father had been in the same position for her, but at least she was able to be there for Nadine when Relena could not. Slowly she moved away from the sides of the room, approaching Nadine. When she was able to get close and wait for any other conversations to finish between the Empress and her guests, Sarah stood there like any proud guardian would.

"You look lovely tonight Nadine. I was never really able to say how proud I am of what you have accomplished in so quick of a time and I know your mother is proud of you as well." Sarah placed her hand on her shoulder. "I will do everything in my power to bring her back to you, to make these marble halls more welcoming. But I think tonight will be spectacular for all of us."

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Natarle moved around the hall greeting people and discussing a few different topics of conversation as she got to know where people were from and their general feelings, she also introduced Athrun Zala a fair number of people were surprised that she would have her main rival's son with her but it didn't seem to bother the pair. Natarle had just moved away from a couple of diplomats when she spotted Nadine making her way down the stairs and she moved to a spot where she could be seen and yet wouldn't be imposing herself.

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Standing off to the side of the staircase where Nadine was descending, Sarah could only smile. She felt a feeling in her stomach, much that a mother received when she saw her own daughter graduating from college, or standing on the altar. Looking down at her feet, Sarah sighed, she sort of wished that her father had been in the same position for her, but at least she was able to be there for Nadine when Relena could not. Slowly she moved away from the sides of the room, approaching Nadine. When she was able to get close and wait for any other conversations to finish between the Empress and her guests, Sarah stood there like any proud guardian would.

"You look lovely tonight Nadine. I was never really able to say how proud I am of what you have accomplished in so quick of a time and I know your mother is proud of you as well." Sarah placed her hand on her shoulder. "I will do everything in my power to bring her back to you, to make these marble halls more welcoming. But I think tonight will be spectacular for all of us."

Right at the moment Sarah came Nadine wanted to search her. "Thank you for your kind words and I only request you to make sure justice will be served even if it means the imprisonment of parts of my family". "How have you been lately? As I didn't get a chance to talk with you after Brisbane"Nadine asked as they walked towards the other guests.

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Just as Empress Peacecraft walked down the stairs, the Bavarian King got out of the limousine bringing him here. He was quite interested in meeting the leaders of Europe and, indeed, the world.

However, unlike almost anybody else, King Maximilian III. arrived not in a tuxedo or any such clothing.

He wore more traditional clothing.


He walked into the building, watching the many people attending the event, wondering about some what country they were leading. He knew only europeans leaders at the moment, but surely that would change soon.

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Right at the moment Sarah came Nadine wanted to search her. "Thank you for your kind words and I only request you to make sure justice will be served even if it means the imprisonment of parts of my family". "How have you been lately? As I didn't get a chance to talk with you after Brisbane"Nadine asked as they walked towards the other guests.

"I've been well. Trying to hold up as best as possible. Brisbane is rebuilding itself nicely, so things around around the country are much better. I do want to thank you again for the countless amounts of aid that have come into our ports. Seeing the Croatian flag on the crates, well it almost makes me want to cry and I promise that I will return the favor ten times over, if Croatia ever requires it." She smiled at Nadine's first comment. "You're growing up already. But don't lose your heart to politics just yet, emotion and love are rare in this world and they are more respected than the most feared leader."

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