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RL Military Vets or Current Service Members...

Walt Schmidt

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I think it would be hard to base your past military life off of current happenings in CN. Most Military, past and present, being in different alliances, I doubt you would see a pull to current politics. I must say though, the thought is interesting.


Quick look over this thread and I must say that I am surprised. looks to be a civil thread.


Edited by Lord Strider
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My point about reading for objective knowledge (or the closest thing to it) still stands. What's better, actual experience with a piece of ground, or someone describing it to you?

Anyone need this answered for them?

If so, ask anyone with a CIB or CAR (I have my CAR) or CAM... we would gladly explain it to you in a very colorful and to-the-point manner.

p.s For you civilian types they are the U.S.: CIB = Army Combat Infantry Badge, CAR = Navy and Marine Combat Action Ribbon, and CAM = Air Force Combat Action Medal

Edited by Walt Schmidt
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I think it would be hard to base your past military life off of current happenings in CN. Most Military, past and present, being in different alliances, I doubt you would see a pull to current politics. I must say though, the thought is interesting.

I would suggest there are similarities in many areas other than the actual combat itself.

Taking a page from Army General Staff System (The staff numbers are assigned arbitrarily; 1 is not "higher" than 2):

* 1, for personnel and administration

* 2, for intelligence and security

* 3, for operations

* 4, for logistics

* 5, for plans

* 6, for communications or IT

* 7, for Training

* 8, for Finance

* 9, for CIMIC (Civil-Military Co-operation)

Quick look over this thread and I must say that I am surprised. looks to be a civil thread.

From your lips to G-d's ears [ smile ]

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Anyone need this answered for them?

If so, ask anyone with a CIB or CAR (I have my CAR) or CAM... we would gladly explain it to you in a very colorful and to-the-point manner.

p.s For you civilian types they are the U.S.: CIB = Army Combat Infantry Badge, CAR = Navy and Marine Combat Action Ribbon, and CAM = Air Force Combat Action Medal

Don't have any of those, including the CAB (Army's Combat Action Badge) but having been on 4 deployments to to 3 different countries, I can tell you that telling people about what I saw/went through falls short of actually being there. I can tell you about being woke up to the whistle of incoming rounds, but it won't come through with that same shot of adreneline that I got. It just falls short.

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Don't have any of those, including the CAB (Army's Combat Action Badge) but having been on 4 deployments to to 3 different countries, I can tell you that telling people about what I saw/went through falls short of actually being there. I can tell you about being woke up to the whistle of incoming rounds, but it won't come through with that same shot of adreneline that I got. It just falls short.

yeah I have both my gold spurs and CAB, but your right I could tell stories about the IEDs, Mortar rounds and Rockets, I could tell about the night that one of those rounds hit my barracks, but it isnt the same.

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I am here to support the Navy!

Currently deployed to JTF-GTMO. Can't say much more about what I do other than that!

Anyways, I like the idea behind this thread. Although I think we should really focus on a topic dealing with CN or else I fear admin will have this thread moved.

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pfft. just another Dumb @$$ Tanker

Scouts Out!!


19K20 2000 - 2008

11th ACR , 3ID


Participated in Thunder run with 1 - 64 AR , Was in Sadr City with 3 - 15 , Went back to Mansour in 2007 with 1 - 64 AR

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Army for two years in order to get my CCNA, A+ and MSCE certs, and college degree. Served 2 years (ie. two tours) in Iraq, once in/near Fallujah, and the other at the interrogation camp at Abu Ghraib

MOS was/still is (as I'm still a reservist): 33 Whiskey.

Recipient of the Purple heart in 2006. IED explosion shot off shrapnel in my right leg during a convoy.

About to head downrange again in a few months, however this time as a contractor in that lovely green zone B).

Didn't know that many people in CN actually have affiliation with the army during my tenure here. Such an eye-opener thread!

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I was in 2/7 INF 1st Brigade Raiders!

Wait a second, weren't we just in a war together as well on CN. I think we had the same target or something....

You first brigade guys had it rough. Only brigade other than 2nd brigade that I liked. I still have alot of friends there when they rebuilt it from 2nd brigade after OIF III.

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Thinking about doing either Marine Corps Reserves or National Guard right after high school, then moving on to either NROTC or ROTC. I'm not sure. I know that's what I want to do, but am torn between the two branches. On one hand I can go Army, pay less for college, and be in college/ROTC with a friend, whereas, with the Marines, well there isn't much reason for me to go there other than want.

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...I think we should really focus on a topic dealing with CN or else I fear admin will have this thread moved.

We try. Firstly we identify ourselves.

We will have much to discuss if my post from another thread is acted upon...

Perhaps the full terms could be posted here for an objective review?

The full terms are posted on your forums. I'm sure you could get clearance or what-say-you to post them in full here.

Having been offered by Karma, it would seem that necessitates them being posted here in their entirety by Karma.

With that there would be no doubt it was EXACTLY what Karma said, as they said it to NPO.

From there specific/objective discussions could follow.

We can only hope.

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July 4th and I have a day off! B)

I would also like to discuss the peace terms for NPO on here. In my opinion it seemed that Karma never really organized itself past the whole "let's stomp the crap outta NPO" mentality. When the time came for Karma it show it was united under one front and all maintained like ideals, it seems like they left Planet Bob out to dry for a time, while trying to get the peace terms in order. The period of time it took for Karma to give the peace terms gave NPO the belief that if they waited it out long enough the alliance in Karma would eventually either tire of fighting or beginning fighting amongst themselves.

The whole situation greatly resembles [ooc]World War 2 in the way that even though all the big nations allied towards a just cause, when Germany did surrender and the war ended it was shown how weak the alliance between the nations really was. Coming out of World War 2 we launched straight into the Cold War with Russia.[/ooc] While I don't know if Karma will begin fighting amongst itself, I will say that if they are every going to get peace terms from NPO they have to show they are united in their beliefs, as well their fight against NPO.

This is simply my opinion though.

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In the interest of getting to the root of the issue at hand, here are four facts as I see them:

Fact 1: NPO were beaten in the current war

Fact 2: The complete 'terms' as given us would result in NPO (eventually) being 'removed' from Planet Bob [ sure would like Karma to post the complete terms for all to read - coming directly from Karma there would be no question that it is their terms as they gave them]

Fact 3: As such, not accepting such terms is the obvious choice - better to 'die' on one's feet than on one's knees

Fact 4: If the complete 'terms' as given us would not result in NPO being eventually 'removed' from Planet Bob, such terms become the obvious choice

p.s. and if Karma does post the full terms, I stand ready to discuss why such terms do result in NPO eventually being 'removed' from Planet Bob

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Not military yet, but the call of my blood is getting hard to ignore. I'm from a military family. Heh, my name is even a military rank. The furthest ancestor I can trace was a Hessian. Nearly all the males from the past 6 generations have been military. All but 2 or 3 and I'm one of them, including my father for 20 years. That call of blood gets hard to ignore.

To me, "terms" in CN are the opposite of terms in reality. In real life following World War I the losing side was forced to pay reparations. Look how that turned out, but look at the pattern following that. After World War II, how much money did the United States pour into Japan and West Germany? How about Korea? or Vietnam? Afghanistan? Iraq?

By the way though this is in Open World Forum so its all OOC, the whole thread.

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