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The Republic of Free Somal Makes an Announcement


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As we were the voice of opposition in the previously private meeting we issue the following rebuttal to the premises laid out by the republic of free somal.

As a nation which has foreign holdings around the world our ideology as a nation has developed along objective lines which views humanity for what it is, as equal; and holds that the sole factor which divides one person from another is their actions and consequently their merit. In this regard the only thing which objectively matters is first and foremost the safety of the people and their health; and second their material well being. Everything else, be it race, culture, or the location a person was born is irrelevant. In fact these things are simply fantasies that were created by one group to justify their oppression of another. When the anglo majorities saw it fitting to oppress those of African decent they justified their oppression on the grounds of their dark skin color. It is because of this that we beleive that as long as a government carries out that basic mandate, regardless of what form it takes, then as far as we are concerned they are a just and legitimate government. In response to this your nation has scoffed, and has asserted a bitter policy of racist motivations which seeks to separate those of extra-African ethnic backgrounds and politically disfranchise them on the grounds of their skin's chemical composition, and the location of their ancestor's birth. This mentality not only upsets us as sensible political managers, it disgusts us. We live in a global world, where particular scientific realities have confirmed the overall irrelevance of ethnic and racial background, it is time that your nation wake up to this.

Moreover, your discrimination of ethnic minorities from positions in African governments is just as bad as the hundreds of years of oppression the African people suffered in the foreign nations they were brought to to work as slaves. And in this regard your ethnic nationalism is no better than the very Germanic nationalism you despise. It is justified along the same lines as well as carries out the exact same modes of oppression which you presume they are guilty of.

We implore those who have expressed support for their political lines to withdraw it. Their message is not one of self government, or freedom it is one of racial and nativist discrimination. They seek to push a radical and backwards world view of cultural and ethic homogenization upon Africa that will set it back centuries in the global world. They have with their most recent communication threatened to once again fund violent extremists groups if the legitimate nations of africa should refuse to carry their standard.

On this point, we must agree with the Imperial Alliance's statement.

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As a nation which has foreign holdings around the world

It was at this point we, the Republic of Free Somal, stopped reading the words of this hypocrite. Again, this collection of cultural gangsters is welcomed to hold open free elections for self-rule to allow the peoples of their African colonial holdings the right to vote upon their own future.

Anything else is of no interest to us.

Edited by Firestorm
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"Arctica is governed by a non-elected triumvirate whose members all happen to be of European descent, which makes decisions on matters of national importance. Under it, governing the daily lives of the citizens is an elected legislature whose membership is (ethnically) largely representative of the population.

The government is not 'lording over' the Africans. If it were, how might those of African descent overthrow their slavedrivers? Let's see. They could elect representatives. And they have. These representatives are not making policy to 'put the whities in their place' as Somal has suggested is necessary for freedom. How else? They could start a rebellion. But the white man has his army to stop them. Yes, quite, the army that is 60% composed of personnel of Malagasy ethnicity, and the officers which are 40% Malagasy. The army that has had a chance to coup whitie for some time now and has not. The army that, when last August a few rogue divisions acting under foreign influence came close to overthrowing the government, fought against the rebels (along with foreign forces, most of them African) when it had a window of opportunity to finish off 'their oppressors.'

Rather than treating the black man as some sort of second-class citizen, Arctica has promoted the idea of brotherhood and unity among the different races and cultures in our nation, as well as the idea that another nation has presented (another nation whose arguments Somal has been brushing off with vague insults) of humans being humans regardless of skin color. Somalians see a white man in charge getting fanned by palm leaves and gorging on fruit while his people starve. Arcticans see a leader that happens to have different skin."

"That said, I see no indication of Somal changing its mind anytime soon, so Arctica will be ordering an embargo on that country as well as severing diplomatic relations and publicly condemning their recent statements to the world and suggesting other nations do the same."

Yet at the very top where the power really matters its a European government. Your little kangaroo court of a legislature is merely a rubber stamp for you dictatorial triumvirate that holds the real power. A triumvirate that is non-elected, a triumvirate not chosen by the ethnic majority. You even admit that 90 percent of your population is native-African and yet 100 percent of the non-elected head of government is of foreign extraction. For a country that is 90 percent native African your army consists of a mere 40 percent native officers? That's an incredibly disturbing number. It has all the appearances of the old British Raj system of India in which British officers lorded their presence over the native Indian troops.


So really, it pleases us for you to enforce this embargo. Consider the feeling mutual and entirely endorsed.

The only reason we choose to meet with Transvaal is because despite their backwards and blatantly ethnocentric approach to the management of their majority population, they are natives of this continent as well.

You sir, are nothing more than a opportunistic blood sucking interloper.

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Oh look, its one of those Colonialist powers whining about fairness while they are busy oppressing the natives.

Tell you what bub, YOU hold Free open elections that are monitored by a jointly manned African oversight force and then we'll pay attention to your mewling about fairness and freedom.

Till then, be gone..

See that is where you are wrong, the entire government and bureaucracy (and the current leaders) back on the Kerguelens as well as the entire governing party, and the entire local bureaucracy and leadership, is made up of native born Africans that worked and lived in the Imperium a nation which occupied the very land that we now occupy now. We were driven from our land during a great nuclear war which destroyed the first PAC, and relocated ourselves in the former nation of whigton which was a close ally of the Imperium. We are anything but "foreign". Moreover we re-gained the land as a gift from a the local government of naboo which wanted to once again re-submerge itself beneath the sea. We have been nothing but a voice of reason, and a voice for a peaceful Africa and I would like to add we have been here longer than your own nation. Your personal insults are nothing more than the complaints of a radical minority seeking to delegitimatize those who disagree with it.

Moreover, the Alliance isn't a democratic nation to begin with; we reject democracy on the grounds that majority support is nothing more than the reflection of the most powerful minority. Those who have the ability to get out their ideas through institutions like the media, political parties, and those who have the money to hire demonstrates and so forth are capable of manufacturing support much the same way that a company might market its products. This is the case with all democracy, as such democracy is little more than a dictatorship behind the veil of "popular support". We would rather leave our decision making up to an experienced few and not tie their heads to the will of the ignorant majority of people that is why it is merit not popularity which determines social status in the Alliance.

I however challenge you to explain to me and to the rest of the world why people who are born in Africa are inherently better than those born outside it; and why we should implement racist and discriminatory policies against foreigners. Why should a person be excluded from holding political office just because their skin is a different color, or because their parents were born in a different country? Why should a government be overthrown just because it seeks to model itself after other successful models of government rather than the "African" model of government whatever that is? So far all you have done is throw polarizing words like "colonist", "corrupt", and "foreign" around without citing a single piece of historical, or scientific evidence. Meanwhile those who raise very compelling points about science equality and justice get personal and childish insults thrown at them. I challenge you and your nation to be something more than a dangerous demagogue seeking to do nothing more but turn up the hate in Africa against non-Africans.

OOC: Also keep in mind the ethnic majority in the African portion of my nation is basically Caucasian. I am not RPing by traditional history, I said there was a large migration there during European colonial days, and that the races there intermingled and mixed to the point racial boundaries have been basically eliminated. The particular family that is in power has been in Africa since the early 1300s, and has many African roots. While they have a European name, they are hardly European. Moreover the most recent generations of people are the product of genetic engineering. And most recently about 40 Million additional people living in the Kerguelens were relocated to the African portion of my land so if there ever was a majority of "traditional" Africans they were gone about 600 years ago, and now they are completely outnumbered due to the recent relocations. So I mean even if I did have free elections A it would be totally incompatible with my RP and B the current government would just get re-elected anyway. But as my nation has basically no racial, cultural, or ethnic identity we abandoned nationalism and have adopted postmodern considerations about those subjects hence why we are not agreeing :P.

Edited by iamthey
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So you blatantly admit to stripping the native Africans of their right to self-rule and their own manifest destiny by denying the right to vote. Thank you for that, and consider the lands of your collection of dictators, cultural gangsters, thugs, and other criminals embargoed by the Republic of Free Somal.

Any national of your disgusting collective of hoodlums is here by evicted from the Republic.

Likewise, we challenge you to stop spewing your hypocritical nonsense and allow the the native Africans the right to vote on their own self-rule.

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So you blatantly admit to stripping the native Africans of their right to self-rule and their own manifest destiny by denying the right to vote. Thank you for that, and consider the lands of your collection of dictators, cultural gangsters, thugs, and other criminals embargoed by the Republic of Free Somal.

Any national of your disgusting collective of hoodlums is here by evicted from the Republic.

Likewise, we challenge you to stop spewing your hypocritical nonsense and allow the the native Africans the right to vote on their own self-rule.

There is only a right to vote if the government of a particular nation deems it be so, that is the case with any nation. We admit to not subscribing to one particular form of government, democracy; so yes we don't have voting. Whats the point? Moreover consider your embargo mutual. Furthermore we invite non-pure africans who do not feel comfortable with the racist policies of the Republic of Free somal to seek refuge in the Alliance where you will not be judged for your ethnic identity.

Moreover we pose the following question to Somal; is it your desire that the 80 million people who are not pure African in the African portion of our nation to die (basically all of them)? Because any government they form would not be one ruled by native Africans (at least under your definition).

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Now this is truly disturbing, you've shifted a massive population of non-Africans to the continent of Africa. The Republic of Free Somal condemns this Colonialist action and demands that this collection of cultural criminals begin removing these interlopers from the soil of Africa. You clearly are creating your own sad little world here in Africa at the expense of the native culture.

M'Bossa International Airport

Lt. Denal Roule examines the collection of European murderers, rapists, child molesters, and other sick freaks that have for the past few months been cluttering up Somal's labor camps. He says to them, "Go to this dump called the Alliance and keep in mind if we see any of you freaks back in Somal we'll shoot you on sight." The well fed, untortured, properly tried men in a proper court of law criminal foreigners are put on the first plane to the Alliance after each of them has made a voluntary statement regarding their proper care, fair trials, and reasonable living conditions given to them despite their heinous crimes against other humans.

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The well fed, untortured, properly tried men in a proper court of law criminal foreigners are put on the first plane to the Alliance after each of them has made a voluntary statement regarding their proper care, fair trials, and reasonable living conditions given to them despite their heinous crimes against other humans.

OOC: :awesome:

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Now this is truly disturbing, you've shifted a massive population of non-Africans to the continent of Africa. The Republic of Free Somal condemns this Colonialist action and demands that this collection of cultural criminals begin removing these interlopers from the soil of Africa. You clearly are creating your own sad little world here in Africa at the expense of the native culture.

M'Bossa International Airport

Lt. Denal Roule examines the collection of European murderers, rapists, child molesters, and other sick freaks that have for the past few months been cluttering up Somal's labor camps. He says to them, "Go to this dump called the Alliance and keep in mind if we see any of you freaks back in Somal we'll shoot you on sight." The well fed, untortured, properly tried men in a proper court of law criminal foreigners are put on the first plane to the Alliance after each of them has made a voluntary statement regarding their proper care, fair trials, and reasonable living conditions given to them despite their heinous crimes against other humans.

All those living in the African portion of the Alliance were either born here or has parents who were. They are no more colonists than your own people are. In fact I would say your own nation is hypocritical. You claim to be true africans, you claim to have a true culture, yet your own people are as mixed as our own, and your own government is made up of warlords and thugs. If anything we have done better for the people of Africa we hold stewardship over. We have given them utilities, housing, jobs, finished goods, and all the amenities and rights of citizens of the Alliance. What have you done? Your nation has become the spokesmen of radical nationalism, you have falsely labeled and falsely tried foreigners for numerous crimes to justify working them to death. You have made them lie under duress to make propaganda to hide your own brutal regime's acts of discrimination and racism. And even now you have continued to threaten civilized Africa with the threat of funding terrorist organizations. When we posed that question to you we were referring to the 80 million of our people born in Africa that are not pure African. Would you insist that they give up their homes, and their possessions to that "true Africans" can take their place, that is no better than the Germans throwing out the Jews and taking their possessions so that "true Germans" can take their place.


Once the refugees from the Republic of Free Somal arrive they are to be debriefed, and their stories are to be chronicled. Give them a thorough medical, and psychological evaluation. Any who are in fact criminals will be assessed and rehabilitated or imprisoned; those who are not are to be assigned jobs, and housed.

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The Humanitarian Specialists of The University are appalled at these events unfolding in the lands of Free Somal. In a world of increasing globalization and the blurring of racial lines, it is ludicrous to adopt a stance of racial purity and condemn past histories of colonialist acts as evil, especially since the "so-called" heinous colonialist agendas being condemned are part of the history of the peoples of Free Somal as well as any other nation, they are nothing more than a fact of history to be learned from and not repeated. Such a move by Free Somal is not just a step backwards in the advancement of equality and basic human rights, it is a staggering fall down a hillside already littered with the debris of past genocides and mass relocations.

As a conglomeration of multiple nationalities and races, The University strives to secure equality for all of its citizens. Indeed, the positions of leadership that are prevalently available throughout our nascent society are held by individuals of multiple races and nationalities and most often of diverse ethnic heritage. As such, The University opens its borders to refugees fleeing the escalating rhetoric and ill-begotten practices of racial purity prevailing in Free Somal at this time. The University also opens itself to diplomatic relations with our neighboring African nations that stand opposed to this radical move by Free Somal.


Humanitarian Specialists are hereby ordered to mobilize all available assets in-country for the reception and processing of incoming refugees. Medical personnel from University medical facilities will coordinate with the Humanitarian Specialists on-site to assist in the processing of refugees and screening for communicable diseases. Counselors from University educational institutions will participate in final processing of refugees to place them in appropriate educational tracks to begin the process of incorporating these refugees into the nominal society and into employment fields.

Special Notice: Report all documented cases of humanitarian violations as reported by the refugees to the Director of Immigration Services, Nwabudike Morgan PhD. Documented humanitarian violations will be published for review by the international community to determine the appropriate course of action.

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"All nations involved have a valid point of view. It is only right to expect a local government to be better representative of the people than a colonial one, therefore Somal's perspective is correct. It is also right to expect that as time advances colonial governments will occur which are a benign threat to the local populace and in fact there to help its people even if the ruling group happens to be the migrants. When a region is dominated by colonial governments, however, it is fair to believe that the natives to the region are under-represented among the collective of governments there."

"Cultural divisions are a part of life. Those pledging to blend cultures or to mix them.. are missing a critical point. No matter how noble their intentions.. or how they achieve this immersion, stratification, or mix.. they are destroying/affecting the previous culture which was native to the region where this mixing/blending is occurring. They are erasing a heritage, replacing it with a new one, and just as Somal is doing, it is not unexpected for those who are part of that former culture to sometime resist the changes occurring. What makes your blended culture better than theirs? What is wrong with them wanting things to stay as they have been and for their identities to remain in tact untouched by the outside world? I tell you.. there is NOTHING wrong with this."

"Culture is almost like an electron in physics. It can change as soon as you interact with it."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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It was at this point we, the Republic of Free Somal, stopped reading the words of this hypocrite. Again, this collection of cultural gangsters is welcomed to hold open free elections for self-rule to allow the peoples of their African colonial holdings the right to vote upon their own future.

Anything else is of no interest to us.

Terll us how the Imperial Alliance is a hypocrite when they have never pretended to be anything other than what they are?

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"All nations involved have a valid point of view. It is only right to expect a local government to be better representative of the people than a colonial one, therefore Somal's perspective is correct. It is also right to expect that as time advances colonial governments will occur which are a benign threat to the local populace and in fact there to help its people even if the ruling group happens to be the migrants. When a region is dominated by colonial governments, however, it is fair to believe that the natives to the region are under-represented among the collective of governments there."

"Cultural divisions are a part of life. Those pledging to blend cultures or to mix them.. are missing a critical point. No matter how noble their intentions.. or how they achieve this immersion, stratification, or mix.. they are destroying/affecting the previous culture which was native to the region where this mixing/blending is occurring. They are erasing a heritage, replacing it with a new one, and just as Somal is doing, it is not unexpected for those who are part of that former culture to sometime resist the changes occurring. What makes your blended culture better than theirs? What is wrong with them wanting things to stay as they have been and for their identities to remain in tact untouched by the outside world? I tell you.. there is NOTHING wrong with this."

"Culture is almost like an electron in physics. It can change as soon as you interact with it."

We appreciate the DE's attempt at taking the middle ground and we are sure they are well meaning in their message however we disagree. You are right, culture is a constantly altering and changing thing; but that doesn't mean we should be afraid of this change. To introduce new ideas is not to "destroy" the previous idea, it only strengthens it. Generally speaking when aspects of a culture "die" it is because they are aspects we have outgrown. Take traditional medicine why do we need to preserve silly rituals, when instead we can introduce advanced medical surgeries; or utilize local remedies when we can utilize advanced pharmaceuticals and genetic therapies. Why do we need to preserve religions, when such mysticism is little more than lies. Nations like Somal want to freeze the present in its existing state; they want close themselves off for further development. Nations like ours are open to the fact that what we have isn't complete and as such we seek continued progress towards increased modernity and objectivity. Now personally I don't care what the Republic of Free Somal wants to do with its own nation; if they want to isolate and work to preserve their own internal culture that's fine. But they have absolutely no right or say in what occurs in the Alliance or any other territory they do not control.

So yes what they are doing may be natural but that doesn't mean it isn't worthy of objection; what is wrong with what they are doing is that they are attempting to force all of Africa to bend to their own will with regards to cultural conservatism and and ethnic homogenization, they should allow those nations to make their own choices and pursue their own futures. If a society decides to move towards ethnic, cultural, and racial transcendence then that should be left to them not to the Republic of Free Somal.

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Cultures are being destroyed by the colonization of African territory by this cabal of criminals. Cultural change is acceptable to me, but not via the forces that are put into play by colonization. What is being put into play in the lands held by this Criminal organization is not cultural change, but cultural elimination. They are eradicating the native culture by swarming them under with European Interlopers.

This gang of criminals is at best practicing cultural genocide.

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Cultures are being destroyed by the colonization of African territory by this cabal of criminals. Cultural change is acceptable to me, but not via the forces that are put into play by colonization. What is being put into play in the lands held by this Criminal organization is not cultural change, but cultural elimination. They are eradicating the native culture by swarming them under with European Interlopers.

This gang of criminals is at best practicing cultural genocide.

How can a culture change if it is never exposed to anything other than itself? Moreover you are being absurd none of our people be it in the kerguelens, be it in Africa are European. There isn't any cultural eradication going on, it has been the way it has been for over a century. It is your nation that is committing committing virtual acts of genocide. You imprison, and work foreigners to death, you seek to eradicate foreign influence from Africa through violent means. And you and your band of thug warlords you call leaders have lowered yourselves to nothing short of petty insults directed at those who once called your nation an ally.

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You really don't get it do you? No matter, conversation concluded the embargo is in effect and all communications both official and unofficial are severed with your colonial power.

We will not waste our time with those who seek to eradicate the native African cultures and force a government on those who aren't allowed a say in the matter.

Be gone parasite, be gone.

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Sad... This is truly the pathology of a fanatic. They assert a radical position, they target and demonize opposition, they cease to rationally engage arguments posed, and then they cease to debate entirely. The Alliance has only ever served the interest of the African people and promoted cultural objectivity, if anything is a parasite on this continent it is un-free somal and the hateful message it continues to propagate.

OOC: Edit: Whoever owns the seventh Reich owes me for diverting attention away from them :v:.

Edit: Also well played firestorm that was fun :P.

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