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  1. Public Service Announcement - From the Office of the Acadmecian The Constitution for The University has been finalized and ratified and will be published presently. All citizens are encouraged to read the constitution. - Isak Ødegård: Isak Ødegård Academician of The University _______________________________________________________________________________ Project Initiation - From the Department of Energy in association with the Energy Credit Exchange In accordance with the plans to maintain a clean energy grid and for the formation of the economic base of The University's Energy Credit Exchange, new facilities for the power grids of the Canary Islands and for the North African territorial holdings of The University have broken ground today. The construction of numerous clean power facilities have been initiated to update the and replace the existing Power Grids currently in place. - For the Canary Islands Geothermal Power Facilities are presently under construction to utilize the present nominal volcanic activity of the Canary Islands to provide energy for each island held within the territorial holdings of The University for the Canary Island Districts. The facilities are being constructed as subterranean power stations deep within the island landmasses themselves. Massive earth-mover projects are being coordinated with this project in association with the Robotic Divisions of Industrial Improvement, utilizing primarily automated processes to excavate the subterranean facilities. Additionally, research is being conducted in the specific area of harnessing offshore water currents with the aim of developing an underwater tidal harness and ocean current mills for the purpose of generating hydroelectric power to add to the present Canary Island District power grid. - For the North African Territory Power Grid projects in the North African District have been initiated with the goal of constructing massive photovoltaic arrays for harnessing solar energy. Sites have been scouted and established. The initial process will involve sheltering these sites from the harsh elements of the local desert climate with the secondary goal of maximizing power output while minimizing environmental impact. Other sites are beeing scouted and evaluated for the employment of wind mill farms to harness the desert winds for energy as well.
  2. The University solicits the RSB to open a branch within our territories for the further development of our economy and to further implement our Energy Credit Exchange. Likewise, we request the opportunity to establish a regional headquarters for our EC Exchange in Zurich. We also pride ourselves on the maintenance of privacy within our financial records, and agree to the conditions of the RSB. It is acceptable to us for the RSB to open a regional headquarters in our capitol of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and we open to the RSB the option of opening local branches in our other urbanized districts. As part of the arrangement we open the option of full partnership participation within our EC Exchange for the purposes of participation in investment opportunities offered within the EC Exchange. From the Desk of Nwabudike Morgan, PhD, Director of Energy Credit Exchange for The University
  3. OOC: I am role-playing a democratic society, operating in a technocracy. This results in an accurate representation of the composition of the entire populace of my territories, and also permits instantaneous results by issues voted on by the citizenry. *IC: At this time The University politely declines any association with NAPO. We are presently engrossed in the internal issues with organizing our nascent nation.
  4. We graciously accept this trade of territories. We will follow suit as well for the Maderia Islands as far as the infrastructure involved. Again we appreciate the generosity and fairness shown to The University by the Alliance.
  5. The Humanitarian Specialists of The University are appalled at these events unfolding in the lands of Free Somal. In a world of increasing globalization and the blurring of racial lines, it is ludicrous to adopt a stance of racial purity and condemn past histories of colonialist acts as evil, especially since the "so-called" heinous colonialist agendas being condemned are part of the history of the peoples of Free Somal as well as any other nation, they are nothing more than a fact of history to be learned from and not repeated. Such a move by Free Somal is not just a step backwards in the advancement of equality and basic human rights, it is a staggering fall down a hillside already littered with the debris of past genocides and mass relocations. As a conglomeration of multiple nationalities and races, The University strives to secure equality for all of its citizens. Indeed, the positions of leadership that are prevalently available throughout our nascent society are held by individuals of multiple races and nationalities and most often of diverse ethnic heritage. As such, The University opens its borders to refugees fleeing the escalating rhetoric and ill-begotten practices of racial purity prevailing in Free Somal at this time. The University also opens itself to diplomatic relations with our neighboring African nations that stand opposed to this radical move by Free Somal. *Internal* Humanitarian Specialists are hereby ordered to mobilize all available assets in-country for the reception and processing of incoming refugees. Medical personnel from University medical facilities will coordinate with the Humanitarian Specialists on-site to assist in the processing of refugees and screening for communicable diseases. Counselors from University educational institutions will participate in final processing of refugees to place them in appropriate educational tracks to begin the process of incorporating these refugees into the nominal society and into employment fields. Special Notice: Report all documented cases of humanitarian violations as reported by the refugees to the Director of Immigration Services, Nwabudike Morgan PhD. Documented humanitarian violations will be published for review by the international community to determine the appropriate course of action.
  6. Notice of Confirmation Energy Exchange of The University We confirm the purchase of 100,000,000,000.00 Energy Credits (EC) by the Alliance. Exchange rates will be provided shortly in a subsequent communique. Signed, Eladio G. Calderon Director of the Energy Exchange of The University
  7. "So let it be written. So let it be done." Isak Ødegård: Isak Ødegård Academician of The University
  8. "I believe we are agreeable to the terms of this treaty. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss? Or shall we sign it and begin the celebrating?"
  9. Excellent! You are most correct in that we were dependent on Canadian resources to keep our island communities going. But we hope that in a short time, that that issue will be resolved through trade and land acquisitions. We also look forward to a trade in technology with your fellow scientists. I wouldn't worry too much over our 'need' for miners. Being small island communities which are little more than volcanic sea mounts, there is little mining we can do. And what mining that is being conducted is being carried out through fully automated processes which are monitored by our engineers." responded Academician Ødegård as he finished the last of his Kava. He smiled knowingly across the table at Administrator Devereaux and thought to himself that this partnership may indeed prove lucrative not only for The University, but also for the Alliance. He was always quite amused by negotiations, and the subtle displays of power and intellect that were employed by both sides to achieve the bet possible deal out of self-interest. "As for transportation services, this is of course a primary concern to us since we are but a nascent nation with very little in the way of export/import infrastructure of our own since the dissolution of the Canadian Territories. As we speak, we have managed to acquire several modestly sized merchant freight vessels for our needs. You can imagine that they are but a stop-gap measure in keeping the flow of goods and services going, and that we will need to expand on this infrastructure in the near future to meet our expanding needs." the Academician paused to accept the glass of ice water brought to him by one of the Administrator's servants. "With that said, however, I am extremely interested in your maglev freight rail technology. Especially, given that we have just instituted our own internal maglev commuter line. It is a small affair really, but necessary to reduce the impact we have on an already taxed ecosystem. It is the thought of myself and my advisors that the construction of an undersea maglev line utilizing your technology would greatly benefit both our nations where commerce is concerned." "Once the requisite transportation issues have been resolved, I imagine the next issues to discuss is that of resources we'll be needing and the methods to pay for them, as well as the transportation issue. We'll certainly be needing an amount of mineral and other natural resources to maintain growth of our society. My advisors have the pertinent figures concerning what we'll be needing and in what quantities. So, I would like to focus primarily on payment for these goods and services." "As I mentioned earlier we are operating an energy economy, where all goods and services have an 'energy credit' amount associated to them based upon the energy required to generate the product or service and the energy produced/consumed as a result of its consumption. The balance between these two values and the supply and demand of the product or service determines its intrinsic economic value. Luckily, because of the geothermal power sources we utilize, our energy credit economy is booming, and a financial sector has risen to deal with the inherent exchange issues. I would like to suggest that we will of course pay the agreed upon cost of the materials and services we purchase from your nation in your preferred currency, but I suggest that you may be interested in reinvesting a portion of that as energy credit back into our own economy to help it grow. Given the present interest rates within our economic system, the profitability of such a choice will become readily apparent to you. Though the choice is obviously yours. What do you think of such an agreement?"
  10. "I am most pleased and honored to be here in your great domed city of New Lausanne. The technology evident throughout your society is refreshing to me, as well as to my colleagues here. I suppose an introduction to our nascent nation-state is in order." replied Academician Ødegård, who then casually sipped from a cup of Kava that was generously supplied by the servants of the Administrator for this meeting. The Academician noted that Administrator Devereaux was well informed given that it was not well known that his beverage of choice during such types of gatherings was Kava. And from the taste, it appeared that the Kava had been prepared freshly, which showed some fore thought on the part of the Administrator, as Kava is a product of the polynesian islands and not of any naturally occurring Atlantic locality. "Well, I can tell you that we are not all that different from you in our guiding ideology of government. As a result of our recent independence we have settled on a Techno-autocratic state. Technology is the driving force behind the resolution of issues we face. And therefore the acquisition and development of technology is of paramount concern to us. Thus, we place an exceptionally high premium on the education of our citizens, and to providing an environment where our citizens can pursue research and technology in as unfettered a setting as possible. Because of this drive, we already have one of the highest education quotients per capita in the entire world, and it continues to grow as scientists flock to our shores." The Academician paused, sipping from his Kava, and nodded to one of his economic advisors that had accompanied him to the meeting. The advisor had been quietly working at a portable computer terminal, not unlike a laptop computer, but smaller and far more powerful than what was commercially available. A projection screen that had previously been dormant stored away in its carriage, now descended to fully extend the screen, and at the opposite end of the conference room the digital projector came alive. Presently, an image came into focus on the screen displaying some statistics of The University. The slightest trace of concern darkened Administrator Devereaux's face at what had just happened, but to his credit he recovered remarkably fast. Academician Ødegård continued, "Don't worry yourself too much with the ability displayed at manipulating technology. My advisor here has quite the knack for manipulating such media devices through information technology using wireless networks. It is a simple matter, and I assure you that your security has in no way been compromised. But I'd like to point out a few things about our little nation. As you can see from the diagram on the screen, our nation has a significantly high population of recent immigrants from a myriad assortment of other nations. Their primary professions include numerous scientific disciplines and fields of engineering. Notably among these immigrant groups, are of course Canadians fleeing the recent dissolution of the Canadian Territories in favor of a more stable environment given the choice in the interim. Also we have a significantly large population from Europa Magna having fled the recent nuclear holocaust. We also have some from the former Imperium, and the UFE as well. And also many from the Omniscient Empire. All of them having fled for various reasons, or just leaving in search of greener pastures. In fact, once the the re-organization of the government has been finalized, we intend to put out a call for more scientists, engineers and similarly qualified individuals to immigrate to The University. We promote an artmosphere free of the more typical moral and ethical restraints that other nations practice, within reason of course. But we seek to use our developing techno-economy to supply our citizens with all their needs and wants and to turn us into a powerhouse of our own right. Presently we are operating our economy on an energy basis, where all things have an assigned value in energy credits which is directly related to the energy consumed and produced by the products and services available in our economy. And being an island nation which, at the moment at least, has no mainland territories to support it, we are in need of an influx of materials and services to keep our burgeoning country going." All throughout this introduction by Isak, images appeared on the projection screen to emphasize his points in exact timing. "Of course, in the future, we will be seeking some mainland territorial holdings to expand into, and it is possible that the Alliance may be of some assistance there as well." he said ending his statement with another casual sip of the Kava. "Now, shall we get on to the matter of discussing what it is the Alliance has to offer The University, and what we may have that possibly interests you in exchange." as he set the cup of Kava down, and placed his hands in his lap as he reclined in the chair at his position at the head of one of the table's ends.
  11. *Private Communique sent in reply to the leadership of the Alliance* The Academician graciously accepts your proffered opportunity to open economic relations with The University, and will gladly travel to New Lausanne to meet with the General Administrator. The Academician will be accompanied by a small entourage of our most notable economic specialists. *Internal* The Academician and his entourage leave presently for New Lausanne from Santa Cruz de Tenerife. During the flight he reads a dossier prepared by an advisor on the General Administrator and Provincial Governor for Province IV, as well as an intelligence brief on the Alliance.
  12. Report from the AP: Wild rumors flew about while "The University," formerly known as the Canary Islands underwent some internal re-organization to become an independent state following on the heals of the dissolution of the Canadian Territories. Many were uncertain as to what path the nascent nation-state would follow as it took its first steps towards becoming an independent nation. However, after long hours, the chosen representatives of the islands' inhabitants have made some headway and statements are being issued about the newborn country. One representative leaving the conference this evening was quoted as saying, "We are truly creating a revolutionary new system of governance. Just wait and see what we have in the works. It is incredibly surprising, and in many ways quite controversial." Shortly thereafter, an offical statement was provided to the AP to be published for the world to see. Presently, the AP has managed to compile some statistics on "The University" Population: ~3,032,000 citizens Literacy: 96.70% and climbing rapidly Technology Level: 304.50 Soldiers: ~242,560 (Detailed Statistics unavailable at this time) Tanks: ~12,580 (Detailed Statistics unavailable at this time) AirForce: All Statistics unavailable at this time Navy: All Statistics unavailable at this time CMs: All Statistics unavailable at this time Nuclear Weapons: All Statistics unavailable at this time
  13. Since Canada has voted to disband its government, the people of the Canary Islands were satisfied with having their own government, and as a result are presently re-organizing into an independent state. The Canary Islands now fashion themselves as "The University" led by a Provost. As the new state is in a state of flux due to the process of internal reorganization details are sketchy at best, but are trusted to be forthcoming in the coming days.
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