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Given the vast evidence arrayed against the five leading People’s Trial judges in court in Boston, as well countless testimonies of the victims, the court found them guilty of “substantial abuses of power, desecrating the value of life, and excessive punishment that transcended the moral foundation of New England, as well as the cruel and unusual punishment that they inflicted upon their victim in name of justice.

The five People’s Trial judges—Mathew Edmund, Albert Robb, Scott Waterby, Walter Robert, and Matthias Ridgeway—stood in silence as the jury announced their verdicts (“Guilty!”) and Judge Joseph Brown slammed his gavel on his desk that signaled that court was adjourned. The sentences: Life in federal prison without the possibility of parole.

Judge Brown also ordered that compensations be paid to the victims and their families depending on how long the victims were 'unjustifiably incarcerated' and the severity of their injuries that they sustained while in prison. The compensations is expected to run in the hundreds of millions, and possibly more.


Following the trial of the five People’s Trial judges, a federal court ordered the closure of Camp Democracy and Camp Happiness in both New York and Vermont. The state governments, after some debates about what to do with the criminals and prisoners in these prisons, implemented these orders, transferring the prisoners under heavy guard to federal prisons and penitentiaries located in these states. The statuses of the other three remaining labor camps—Camp Glorious, Camp Revolution, and Camp Liberation—remain undecided.


After reviewing the recommendations of the Stasi and Military-SS Commission, the DSS chose to put forward some of its recommendations and modifications. They are as follows:

  • Instead of being dissolved, the State Security Administration (SSA) will be transferred to the DSS, where it will be incorporated into the State Security Bureau, a sub-agency of the DSS.
  • Both the Stasi and Military-SS, components of the SSA, will be formally incorporated into the DSS.
  • The Stasi will be referred to as the Uniformed Secret Service Police (USSP), and the Military-SS the Uniformed National Security Militia (UNSM), within the DSS.
  • The troops of the UNSM are to be reduced to 70,000, instead of 50,000.
  • Full-time and part-time informers are required to register with the DSS in lieu of losing their sources of income.
  • All, not half, of the officials, staff workers, and informers that have been let off the two agencies will be provided assistance and support by both the federal and state governments in finding jobs.
  • They will receive ‘special funding’ and unemployment benefits from the government as long as they are actively looking for a job (otherwise, that support will be cut off).
  • Erich Mielke will remain as the head of the SSA and will report to the SSB of the DSS.

Other than that, all other prerequisites are perfectly acceptable. The drafts of the DSS’s suggestions have been submitted to the Commission and the National Assembly.

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The Department of Defense had announced with satisfaction that all civilian and military vehicles in all major cities all over New England—such as New York City, Washington City, Baltimore, Columbus, Richmond, along with others—have been successfully hardened against EMP. At the same time, work in hardening all government, military, and strategic buildings and installations, as well power and electronic grids and generators throughout the nation (both the states and territories) is drawing to a conclusion.

Overall progress is reported to be 83% completed.


Nearly three years after it was implemented, the National Surveillance Modernization Programme Act was an initial success. CCTV cameras, for their part, had been fitted in New England’s cities and towns, and were now fully-online and functional. Both the ANPR and Oyster systems have been largely—and successfully—incorporated into New England’s communication and network systems, giving the police vast surveillance power throughout the country. Hundreds of Forward Intelligence Teams have been formed and commissioned into service, through they will not be made a part of the Stasi, as originally planned. Instead, they will work for regular police on local, state, and federal level. However, due to the ongoing reforms of the Stasi, there are continuous debate about whether a national database will be needed—through the CRIMINT database have been given a green light of go ahead, and is nearing completion.


At President Johnson’s insistence, the National Assembly passed a resolution. Named the Resolution in Amending the Chain of Command Rearrangement Act, the resolution merged the National Air Defense Command and National Missile Defense Command into a unified National Aerial Defense Command (NADC). All staff as well responsibilities will be merged. The reason for this is to establish closer cooperation and coordination between the spheres of New England’s defense command as to enhance New England’s defense capabilities.


Lastly, the National Assembly passed a resolution once again modifying the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, through the Resolution to Rectify the National Drinking Age, to lower the legal drinking age back to 21. The current penalties as applied under the Act remain in effect, but people aged 21 and older now can legally drink without government interference (unless they commit a crime while drinking or something similiar, of course).

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After reviewing the DSS’s proposal, the Stasi and Military-SS Commission accepted and modified its original recommendation. With the confirmation of every member of the Commission, the finalized version of the resolution was submitted to the National Assembly with the DSS’s support and approval. After deliberations, the National Assembly voted (72-28 in the Senate and 395-45 in the House of Representatives) to approve the resolution and it officially entered into effect. Series of orders and instructions were thus sent to state and local governments as well the DSS.

Almost immediately, the reorganization of the Stasi and Military-SS took place as the Stasi and Military-SS and their staff was incorporated into the DSS, under the aegis of the SSA. The Stasi was duly renamed the Uniformed Secret Service Police (DSSP) and the Military-SS renamed the Uniformed National Security Militia (UNSM). The reduction of the Military-SS and Stasi began as 30,000 soldiers and staff was to be let off the UNSM and 10,000 staff and personnel from the DSSP. Lastly, the Stasi Border Troops was officially renamed the New Englander Border Patrol (NEBP) and made a part of the DSS. Border guards and troops now received orders from the DSS instead of the Stasi.

Lastly, government workers began compiling lists of these who were to receive government support and benefits; they also prepared notification letters to Stasi informers all over the nation. The letters stated that, upon receiving them, informers have to go register at the nearest DSS Registry Office and file an application as soon as possible.


The Unified National Command duly submitted its report to the Department of Defense. Next, the Department of Defense finally authorized the fortification of Bermuda. Tens of thousands of workers, as well vast quantities of resources and supplies, will be sent to Bermuda to begin construction. The plan goes as follows: Bermuda’s major cities and towns (including its capital, Hamilton) will be heavily-fortified and as will its shorelines. Aerial defense facilities and installations (such as anti-aircraft guns and missile silos) will be established in strategic points throughout the island. Bunkers, pillboxes, and bases will also be established throughout Bermuda, and will be protected against air strikes and nuclear attacks. Lastly, all government and military buildings, installations, and electronic and power grids in Bermuda will be EMP-proofed, followed by civilian buildings and installations. Meanwhile, civilians are urged to submit their cars to their auto-dealers for EMP-proofing as soon as possible; the military in Bermuda will do the same with their vehicles. Progress in Bermuda will be recorded in the next update.

Border fortifications:

  • First line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Second line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Third line (Pennsylvania): 100%
  • Mid-Atlantic Line: 81%
  • Virginia Line: 94%

Coastal defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%

Air defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • West Virginia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%

Seaborne defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 100%

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Trial of hundreds of former People's Trial lawyers and plaintiffs have begun.


The Unified National Command submitted its report to the Department of Defense. Update on Bermuda have been included.

Border fortifications:

  • First line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Second line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Third line (Pennsylvania): 100%
  • Mid-Atlantic Line: 95%
  • Virginia Line: 100%

Coastal defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 2%

Air defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • West Virginia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 3%

Seaborne defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 100%

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After receiving authorization, and funding as well, from the federal and state governments, the Educational and Culture Channel officially went on air.

Educational and Culture Channel


“Well, well, what do we have here? My, the first audience for this channel! Oh? Who am I? Oh, how highly impolite of me! Let me introduce myself and this fine channel! My name is Olaf von Bismarck, and I’m the representative of the Educational and Culture Channel! Yes, tacky, huh? And people say I look like the famous actor Jim Carrey, but eh, I’m more handsome than him, anyways (and I’m not related to him, by the way). With that out of the way, let’s get this show going!”


“Oh! What do we have here? What is this fine city? Why, it is Philadelphia! With a population of some 1.5 million, Philadelphia is the largest city of the State of Pennsylvania and the second largest city in the Republic of New England. You may not believe me, but the city was intensively bombed by the Xaristanis when it was a part of the former United Atlantian States. Yes, these darned Xaristanis had to wreck that beautiful city! But luckily, the city was rebuilt almost from scratch and restored to its original beauty, albeit with some improvements and modifications. You can see the result of our achievements! God bless New England.”


“See the way the city is built and organized? That’s the beauty of engineering and city planning, and it has borne great fruit! True, Philadelphia may not have the tallest skyscrapers like New York City or Imperial Center, but it has a beauty that simply cannot be matched! Who needs supertall structures and all that stuff? Less is more, and that is true! Philadelphia is simply magnificent, and its inhabitants are proud to be New Englander citizens. You will never find such patriotism in New England the same as in Philadelphia and the rest of Pennsylvania! Well, except Boston, New York City, and other areas, of course.”


“Beautiful, aint she? Philadelphia has a thriving nightlife, and that can be seen through the countless of nightclubs, bars, and taverns that teems with activity throughout the night. And that’s not mentioning that the city is very safe—indeed, crime levels is very low. The efficiency of the Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) can attest to that.


“Philadelphia has an impressive skyline. Yes, she has. Perfectly curved and positioned. Eh? I was kidding, I was kidding. But still, she looks gorgeous, eh? You know, if she was an actual woman, I’d marry her in an instant. Yes, I would. Man, I need a woman….anyways, as I said, Philadelphia looks magnificent at both daylight and night, and this illustrates that. As you can see, her skyscrapers truly shine at night, showing the prosperity and success of the city that is the second city of New England. You know, if Boston ever lost its status as national capital, Philadelphia would become the capital. Simple as that. Philadelphia was the capital of the first United States of America from 1790 to 1800, and the city gave inspiration to the American Revolution and the ideals of democracy and liberty.

Well, that’s all. Hope you enjoyed this show. Once again, my name is Olaf von Bismarck (remember it well!). As the old saying goes, ‘that’s all, folks!’ Oh wait, perhaps I used the wrong quote...?”

Edited by JEDCJT
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Tom Dobbs sighed and then wrote a very public message to New England.

"If you'd like us to send someone over to punch the Austin Courier in the face for you, just let us know."

President Lyndon Johnson chuckled as he read Dobbs's message. Getting a pen, he wrote a response.

"Well, if you want to do that, go right ahead. But I do believe that a bit of criticism should be tolerated, heh."

Edited by JEDCJT
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Educational and Culture Channel


“Well, well, hello there! You remember me, right? What? You forgot? You actually forgot? Son…I are disappoint. Fine, very well. I’ll introduce myself once again. My name is Olaf von Bismarck. Yes, Olaf, Olaf, Olaf! Remember it well, I say! And no, my mother didn’t call me after Otto von Bismarck, thank you. With that said, let’s get this show going!”


“My! What is our lucky contender this time? No, it’s not Philadelphia, sorry. Think, people! That monument! That eclipse! That white house in the background! Yes, you’re correct! It’s Washington, DC! Oh, pardon me. I mean, Washington City!”


“As you may as well know…oops! Got the wrong picture, though I must admit I look mighty handsome, don’t I? Take that, Jim Carrey!”


“Anyways, as I was saying…you may as well know that Washington City is a city rich of history. It was the capital of several nations for much of its history. For over two centuries after 1800, Washington City served as the capital of the first United States of America. Oh, I forgot about the beginning! Let me retrace myself. Washington City was mainly built to not only honor George Washington, the hero of the American Revolution and the father of the United States of America, but also to serve as a permanent seat of government for the fledging republic. Of course, this isn’t the case today, but still. Construction of the city began in 1790, the same year the US government moved to Philadelphia to temporarily work there, and lasted for ten years. On November 17, 1800, Washington City officially became the capital as the US government moved there. After the United States, Washington City became the capital of Rebel Virginia, and then the Atlantian Federation (later the United Atlantian States). It is currently the capital of the Territory of New Columbia.”


“Here is the White House. For a long time, it served as the residence of the President of the United States as well the place of affairs. Oh, I didn’t just phrase that, did I? What I mean, it was the place for the president to conduct affairs of state. There, that’s better. Anyways, it is a National Historic Landmark and a Historic Site, and is a popular tourist destination.”


“This is the Capitol. It was the meeting place of the United States government, and then the Rebel Virginian and Atlantian governments, and now the current government of the Territory of New Columbia. As with the White House, the Capitol was heavily bombed by Xaristan in its war against the United Atlantian States, and was subsequently rebuilt. It’s beautiful, aint it?”


“Can you guess what this is? No, it’s not in Greece. Why, it’s nothing other than the former Supreme Court Building! From 1935 onwards, this very building housed the Supreme Court and its justices, and it is now a National Historic Landmark and a Historic Site. It was destroyed in the war between the United Atlantian States and Xaristan, but was rebuilt. It stands proudly in Washington City.”


“This is the view of the White House and the Washington Monument, as well as the National Mall. Oh yes, I almost forgot.”


“This is the famous Washington Monument! The tallest structure in Washington City and one of the tallest structures in the world, the Washington Monument serves as a enduring monument to George Washington as well a testament to the role he played in the establishment of the United States of America and the ideals of freedom, liberty, and democracy. It, too, was rebuilt after it was bombed by the Xaristanis. Darn! Why must these Xaristanis bomb everything?! Note, this is only directed at the former Xaristan, not Pravus Ingruo.”

“Well, that’s all for today. Hope you enjoyed, and keep your eyes peeled for the next installation of the Educational and Culture Channel! My name is Olaf von Bismarck, remember it well! And I really mean it!”

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Surprisingly, New England's Education and Culture channel received good ratings from critics in Promised Land. Evidently these critics were not the typical humorless ones.

OOC: No actual comment from the government, but I wanted to compliment you IC-ly.

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The Unified National Command submitted its report to the Department of Defense. Construction of the ML have been reported completed. Both the ML and VL are now fully-manned and functional, while thousands of SSAG-1 (Surveillance and Security Automated Guard) robots have been put into commission and are fully operational. Lastly, progress in Bermuda have been 20 percent completed regarding coastal defenses and 21 percent completed in air defenses, so far.

Border fortifications:

  • First line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Second line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Third line (Pennsylvania): 100%
  • Mid-Atlantic Line: 100%
  • Virginia Line: 100%

Coastal defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 20%

Air defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • West Virginia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 21%

Seaborne defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 100%

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The Unified National Command submitted its report to the Department of Defense. Progress in Bermuda have been reported to be 32 percent completed regarding coastal defenses and 34 percent completed in air defenses.

Border fortifications:

  • First line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Second line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Third line (Pennsylvania): 100%
  • Mid-Atlantic Line: 100%
  • Virginia Line: 100%

Coastal defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 32%

Air defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • West Virginia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 34%

Seaborne defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 100%


The Massachusetts state government, at the behest of Governor Deval Patrick, authorized the construction of what is called a "Great Monument" in Boston. According to plans, a massive statue of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy will be constructed in Boston's main park (to be named the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Park in his honor), located near the city center, and is estimated to cost up to $35 million.

According to Art Hamlin, director of the project, the construction of the statue dedicated to President Kennedy “will not only honor the President—who was slain while on a state visit to the Commonwealth of Texas on November 22, 2017—but also will further cement the relationship between the people and the government.” The statue, Hamlin states, will symbolize the role Kennedy played in the establishment of New England, as well as the ideals of freedom, democracy, and liberty, that he had promoted and guaranteed. The federal government authorized the project, and President Johnson even offered to personally fund the project out of his own wallet.

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With the takeover of southern Virginia following the collapse of New Anglica, the region was formally incorporated into the Territory of Virginia as the region’s administrative system was rearranged in accordance to Virginia’s current system (as in being divided into counties). The Territorial Assembly of Virginia duly granted municipal charters to the cities of Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, and Chesapeake, as well as many others. They, in effect, became independent cities as local and municipal governments were (and are still) formed and established. On a related note, the inhabitants of southern Virginia were accorded New Englander citizenship with all duties and responsibilities.

Lastly, millions of funds began flooding into the region as corporations, anxious for new business opportunities, began investing and lobbying Boston, and Richmond as well, for approval and support. The goal now is to raise the standard of living in southern Virginia to match that of New England’s, and it is estimated that, according to economic specialists, thousands of new jobs could be created and bring prosperity to the new region.


Shortly after southern Virginia was taken over and formally annexed, the Department of Defense authorized plans to expand the nation’s defense systems (aircraft and missile defenses, seaborne defenses, coastal defenses, undersea defenses, and EMP-proofing) to the new region. However, Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates opted not to construct border fortifications at the new border on the same level as the ML and VL and other lines in New England. Rather, he ordered a simple system be established: two lines of electrified fences made of reinforced steel and topped with barbed wire, and a minefield.

In addition, new forts and bases will be constructed at the new border as to enable Army troopers and New England Border Patrol (NEBP) personnel to monitor and maintain the new border. Lastly, NEBP troops began setting up temporary border checkpoints as to monitor the new border with Pravus Ingruo.

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In Richmond, a new lobbying party was formed: the Virginian Statehood Party. Led by Jefferson Randolph, the Virginian Statehood Party has but one goal and one only: to secure the accession of the Territory of Virginia into the Union as a state. “Given the support we have seen in the Virginian population, I can safely say that we are gaining momentum of helping Virginia to become a state and thus gain a voice in the National Assembly in Boston.” Randolph stated in a speech to a crowd in front of the Virginia Territorial Assembly building Richmond today, pointing, literally, in the direction of Boston. “If I may say so, it has been my vision for Virginia to become a State and for her to rightfully join the perfect union of brothers and sisters. So God help us, amen.

Support for the Virginian Statehood Party, however, is slowly growing as few hundred of Virginians, mostly centered in Richmond and Alexandria—but most particularly in southern Virginia—is joining the party each week. But nevertheless, it is quite a success, for very few Virginians had expressed their interest in statehood then, being content of remaining as a Territory for the time being. Journalists and political analysts, however, are examining and discussing the case behind the peak of interest and support for Virginian statehood. Is it possible that the ‘reunification’ of Virginia as in the takeover and incorporation of southern Virginia after the collapse of New Anglica may have a cause behind this?

This exactly is what they’re going to find out, for there has been a noticeable level of public support for statehood from the new citizens in southern Virginia. The Virginian Statehood Party currently has about 800 supporters so far, fairly low when compared to Statehood Parties in other territories, such as Ohio (480,000), Maryland (104,000), New Columbia (297,000), and Delaware (85,000). Only West Virginia doesn’t have a Statehood Party, though process are currently underway into establishing one as activists struggle to get authorization from Charleston to do so.

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Upon granting the now-former Territory of Virginia independence, the National Assembly, in addition to welcoming the new regime in Virginia to the world and modifying the Kennedy Doctrine, issued orders for the Army and New Englander Border Patrol to take positions at the new border. The NEBP began building new border checkpoints at the new border between New England and Virginia. Jefferson Randolph, the founder of the now-disbanded Virginia Statehood Party, decided to move to West Virginia, settling in the capital of Charleston. He, according to friends and supporters, was in a "bitterly disappointed mood", his vision and dreams of Virginia as a New Englander state shattered.

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The Unified National Command submitted its report to the National Assembly regarding the progress in Bermuda. Virginia has been crossed out in the report because it is no longer a part of New England.

Border fortifications:

  • First line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Second line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Third line (Pennsylvania): 100%
  • Mid-Atlantic Line: 100%
  • Virginia Line: 100%

Coastal defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%

  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 43%

Air defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%

  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • West Virginia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 45%

Seaborne defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%

  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 100%

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Educational and Culture Channel


“Well, well, what do we have here? This is my third appearance on the Educational and Culture Channel! What a record, huh? Now, you remembered my name….right? What? You didn’t?! I am disappoi—what, you remembered? My name is Olaf von Bismarck?! Oh my, I’m touched, you actually remembered! Never before have I been so proud in my life! Allright, I’m rambling and I’m sure you didn’t tune in to this channel just to hear me ramble—what, you love to hear me ramble? Man, I should get into acting…”


“Ladies and germs, this is our lucky contender! And oh boy, is she a hot one! After Philadelphia and Washington City, we have ourselves Boston, the capital of this glorious republic! Founded in 1630 by Puritans, Boston is among the oldest cities in New England, if not North America. With a population of some 609,000, well 4.5 million if you count the metro, Boston is the fifth largest city in New England. Look how Boston shines? It is because of the ongoing efforts of the city to become “green”, that is, to become environmentally friendly. So far, it has made some pretty good progress. Carbon emissions and pollution, as well usage of bad energy, have been reduced and the city has made progress toward clean fuel and stuff like that. I’m not an expert on that, y’know. Gosh, Boston’s so beautiful. She has never been greener!”


“Here’s Boston at night. And oh boy, does she shine! Boston, as in many New Englander cities, has a vibrant night life and for a good reason. Boston boasts many nightclubs and bars, and boy, they’re quite packed! I should know, I went to one of them once, and I had the greatest night in my life. Boston is THAT awesome. Oh, and did I mention that Boston’s the capital of New England? Well, both the state of Massachusetts and the republic of New England, that is. It is the meeting place of both the National Assembly and the Massachusetts State Legislature and as the result, politics are the life there! The city is abuzz with political and government activity.”


“Like other cities, Boston boasts some pretty darn impressive skyscrapers, as you can see here. And for good reason; Boston is a center of education, medicine, finances, and technology. In fact, she has more jobs per square miles than anywhere in the country—even New York City itself! No, I didn’t get these from Wikipedia, mind you.”


“This gleaming metropolis that you see before you is both the official and unofficial capital of New England. What I mean is that Boston is the spiritual, if not economic and financial, center of New England itself. It is such to the extent that it is assumed that if she ceased to be the capital, there would be no New England. Interesting, huh? Yes, it is true. Bostonians are very proud of their city, its status, and prosperity, perhaps a bit too much. Well, let me whisper you something…"

[Olaf looks around slyly]

“…They are proud to the extent that they consider them superior to anyplace of New England! Yes, it’s true! Sorry about that, Bostonians! Allright, I’m exaggerating somehow, but you get the idea. The population of Boston is proud of their city and to live in the national capital, in the same city as the President of New England himself! I mean, how would you feel to be living in the national capital, in the seat of power? Exactly, that’s what I mean!”


“And speaking of seat of power, this is the New Englander Capitol! Indeed the seat of power of New England, the Capitol is where members of the federal government meets and work. And eat and exercise and read, stuff like that. Yeah. That. It is a beautiful building, isn’t it? Y’know, it was known as the Massachusetts State House, until it was changed to its current name under the leadership of President John F. Kennedy, our beloved President. Man, I really miss that guy. He was a wonderful person who did much for this Republic…”

[Olaf remains silent for a moment, a somber expression on his face]

“Well…that’s all for now! Hope you enjoyed this episode of the Educational and Culture Channel! I’m Olaf von Bismarck (which you remembered, aww!). Until next time, folks!”

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"Boston is still not and will never be superior to any major city in Texas. Oh, and JFK was a *insert expletive*." - Austin Courier

President Lyndon Johnson sighed and wrote a very public letter to President Tom Dobbs of Pravus Ingruo.

"You know what? You may give the Austin Courier a good punch. Please and thank you."

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President Lyndon Johnson sighed and wrote a very public letter to President Tom Dobbs of Pravus Ingruo.

"You know what? You may give the Austin Courier a good punch. Please and thank you."

President Johnson would receive this letter:

"Dear Mr. President,

The Austin Courier, a newspaper based in Austin, Texas, has recently informed me that you wrote a very public letter requesting badwill towards their paper. They have found this rather insulting and wish for me to declare war. Obviously I'm not going to do that, but I do hope that we can resolve this conflict peacefully.

Yours truly,

President C.N."

Among the headlines of the Austin Courier the net morning:

Former President Kennedy Guilty of Adultery

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Inhaled the Drugs

Robert Kennedy Found Trying to Bribe Pope Into Prostitution

Edward Kennedy Favors Child Labor

Lyndon Johnson Discovered to Be Hormonal Female Cross Dresser

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