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Proclamation from the Greater Nordic Reich


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**Official Statement from the ReichKanzler of the Reich**

Recently, the Slavic Kingdom of Novak succeeded from the Greater Nordland Reich. As soon as the information hit the public presses, the international community began their weak attempts to slam the Reich. These misguided souls claimed the Reich would "send in the tanks." Others claimed we would take various of other actions against the Slavic Empire. Of course, this information holds no substance, and it's only task is to bury the name of the Greater Nordlandic Reich into the sand. When I took the office of ReichKaiser of the Greater Germany and soon after the position of ReichKanzler of the Greater Nordlandic Reich, I made my goal to protect all people of Europa..no matter their religion, culture, or ethnicity.

To rise up my hand against my Slavic brothers would make me a hypocrite. Just like us, they are Europeans. Just like us, they dream of a free Europa. Just like us, they want unity and justice for their people. I cannot stop them from achieving their goal. I can only sit back and wish them all the best in the world. For in the end, we are all European folk. We are all brothers of Europa. That is why, I congratulate the moves that Miri are making. She is leading her people into a new destiny. And I support that. Every nation needs a strong leader to lead them to the light.

While, there isn't much I can do to help her on the long journey, I will try my best to assist her just a little bit. In the East, the Greater Reich holds a protectorate known as the Eastern Nordic Protectorate. It'd be foolhardy to keep that land under our possession; while a new Slavic nation is born. Therefore, the Nordic Reich, hereby, cedes that land to the Slavic Empire. We wish our Slavic brothers all the best in their journey. Just know, that Nordland is behind you.

Heil the Reich

Heil the Slavic Empire

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A great move by the Greater Nordic Reich

Phoenicia supports the Kaiser in this move, the land of the Eastern Slavs belongs to the real Eastern Slavs

Are there fake Slavs?

Edited by mykep
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A great move by the Greater Nordic Reich

Are there fake Slavs?

Perhaps a certain regime in Moscow is being discussed.

I will not be calling names but there are certain groups who do not represent the true Slavic peoples.

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I will not be calling names but there are certain groups who do not represent the true Slavic peoples.

Slavic people are Slavic people. Whether or not you like thier government is another thing. To attack thier culture is something totally different.

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**Official Statement from the ReichKanzler of the Reich**


While, there isn't much I can do to help her on the long journey, I will try my best to assist her just a little bit. In the East, the Greater Reich holds a protectorate known as the Eastern Nordic Protectorate. It'd be foolhardy to keep that land under our possession; while a new Slavic nation is born. Therefore, the Nordic Reich, hereby, cedes that land to the Slavic Empire. We wish our Slavic brothers all the best in their journey. Just know, that Nordland is behind you.

Heil the Reich

Heil the Slavic Empire

Watching the news from her office, Miri's mouth gaped open in shock. She immediately called over an aide.

"Set up the front of the palace for a press conference. I have a statement I would like to make."

"Yes Tsaritsa." and the aide goes to call the news corporations letting them know of the press conference and their seating arrangements.

--Few hours later--

"I would like to thank the Nordland Reich for ceding the land to a Slavic nation. The people of the Empire thank you, and the people of your former protectorate thank you."

A simple statement, Miri walked off the stage and back into the Palace where she had a meeting to attend to.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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Slavorussia is and has always been a true Slavic country. Any claims that we are not a Slavic country are baseless and unfounded. Although we are very lucky to have various Asian and African cultures represented in Slavorussia, at our core we are Slavic. if you take a look anywhere in our country you would see clear proof that the country was built on old Slavic traditions.

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"The rightful owner of that land is Slavorussia. The Republic of Mariehamm views this Novak as simply a Nordic puppet state."

We believe the opposite: it is time to set aside the corrupt entity that is Slavorussia and bring forth the true nation of the Eastern Slavs.

It should be noted that we don't necessarily support the Slavic Empire, but the alternative is the greater of two evils.

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We believe the opposite: it is time to set aside the corrupt entity that is Slavorussia and bring forth the true nation of the Eastern Slavs.

It should be noted that we don't necessarily support the Slavic Empire, but the alternative is the greater of two evils.

Have we harmed you in the past?

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We believe the opposite: it is time to set aside the corrupt entity that is Slavorussia and bring forth the true nation of the Eastern Slavs.

It should be noted that we don't necessarily support the Slavic Empire, but the alternative is the greater of two evils.

It seems the Nordic puppet of Asia decided to show it's head in European politics. Learn about your history before damning Slavorussia. They are a nation of honor and equality.

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Have we harmed you in the past?

You were an ally of the FPB, which caused our people much hardship when Dai Kyokujitsu Teikoku fall. You also participated in the unjust war against Greater Nordland, using the Northern Empire as a proxy.

We do not forget affronts, nor consider double-dealing hypocrites who use allies against each other for personal gains as worthy of respect or existence.

Nevertheless, we reaffirm that we do not support Nordland, for their contribution to tensions in this world.

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"The rightful owner of that land is Slavorussia. The Republic of Mariehamm views this Novak as simply a Nordic puppet state."

"Didn't the Mairehamm Arms industry aid the Nordlanders on their attacks against Slavorussia during that gruesome war a few years ago? Why don't you leave the Slavs alone, for someone that condemns the Nords on every move you should be elated that the Slavs have broken free of Nordic rule. You talk about culture and ethnicity, you talk about free thought away from super states, the Slavs of Novak have done all these things. But I guess that's what politics have become, once a sinner, forever condemned to Hell."

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You were an ally of the FPB, which caused our people much hardship when Dai Kyokujitsu Teikoku fall. You also participated in the unjust war against Greater Nordland, using the Northern Empire as a proxy.

We do not forget affronts, nor consider double-dealing hypocrites who use allies against each other for personal gains as worthy of respect or existence.

Nevertheless, we reaffirm that we do not support Nordland, for their contribution to tensions in this world.

O hai. Slavorussia was attacked. We didnt need to be used. Thanks for labelling my previous country a proxy.

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"Didn't the Mairehamm Arms industry aid the Nordlanders on their attacks against Slavorussia during that gruesome war a few years ago? Why don't you leave the Slavs alone, for someone that condemns the Nords on every move you should be elated that the Slavs have broken free of Nordic rule. You talk about culture and ethnicity, you talk about free thought away from super states, the Slavs of Novak have done all these things. But I guess that's what politics have become, once a sinner, forever condemned to Hell."

"The Mariehamm Arms Company has NO connection to the modern Republic of Mariehamm government. Rebeu was a heartless man who simply joined the winning side. I say with no regret that I am glad he is dead.

Why should I be elated that a false Slavic state is being created in place of the true owners of the land? Why should I support the creation of a puppet under Nordic rule? You forget that I know how these men think, I used to be among their ranks. This is exactly the kind of stunt they would pull to try and get the world off their back."

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O hai. Slavorussia was attacked. We didnt need to be used. Thanks for labelling my previous country a proxy.

You seem to have forgotten it was the Northern Empire that started the war out of the blue. Given Slavorussia's influence in RUSSIAN back then, it is obvious that Slavorussia is the cause of evil.

Their current situation is their punishment for their deeds.

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"The Mariehamm Arms Company has NO connection to the modern Republic of Mariehamm government. Rebeu was a heartless man who simply joined the winning side. I say with no regret that I am glad he is dead.

Why should I be elated that a false Slavic state is being created in place of the true owners of the land? Why should I support the creation of a puppet under Nordic rule? You forget that I know how these men think, I used to be among their ranks. This is exactly the kind of stunt they would pull to try and get the world off their back."

"The Slavic Empire is as much a puppet state of Nordic rule as you are, as Slavorussia is. Open your eyes and see that we broke away because we did not like the Nordic culture, or like the way they chose to be. If you would sit down for a second, you would realize that myself and Slavorussia have much in common, and have no animosity towards one another, so how can you declare us a fake Slavic state when even they recognize the Slavic Empire?"

*Miri pauses for a second to catch her breath*

"Go back and look at your own history, it is riddled with support for the Nords. No matter how little of a connection you have, it will always be there, as the history will always be there. You can't change that no matter how much you try."

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"The Mariehamm Arms Company has NO connection to the modern Republic of Mariehamm government. Rebeu was a heartless man who simply joined the winning side. I say with no regret that I am glad he is dead.

Why should I be elated that a false Slavic state is being created in place of the true owners of the land? Why should I support the creation of a puppet under Nordic rule? You forget that I know how these men think, I used to be among their ranks. This is exactly the kind of stunt they would pull to try and get the world off their back."

"You claim to know these people while you were never accepted within the ranks of the Nordlandic Confederacy nor fought with the Greater German Empire, CSSR, etc. If we would want to control them as a puppet we would have signed a treaty or otherwise rolled the tanks, we did neither"

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"The Mariehamm Arms Company has NO connection to the modern Republic of Mariehamm government. Rebeu was a heartless man who simply joined the winning side. I say with no regret that I am glad he is dead.

Why should I be elated that a false Slavic state is being created in place of the true owners of the land? Why should I support the creation of a puppet under Nordic rule? You forget that I know how these men think, I used to be among their ranks. This is exactly the kind of stunt they would pull to try and get the world off their back."

"First, Nordland will never have the world off their back as I hope any of the blocs will never have the world off their backs. However this Slavic Empire has shown promise and to condemn them as being 'fake' Slavs? They seceded from Nordland on the pretense of desiring to create a stronger Slavic ethnicity, yet they are condemned for being a puppet state while they are the same state that broke away from the Nordic yoke. Condemn them if you will, though we do not see the point. For you, this would be the chance to befriend a young child, but you will simply turn your back because of history. Shame. Especially when you're history, Excellency, is also in league with the Nords. But no matter, if this is how you will treat people that try to think for themselves, then Europe is only divided further."

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"You claim to know these people while you were never accepted within the ranks of the Nordlandic Confederacy nor fought with the Greater German Empire, CSSR, etc. If we would want to control them as a puppet we would have signed a treaty or otherwise rolled the tanks, we did neither"

I once fought alongside Martens. It seems you do not know your history, but what could one expect from one such as you? You obviously know nothing about the fine arts of political control. But if you did, you wouldn't be a puppet state now would you?

"First, Nordland will never have the world off their back as I hope any of the blocs will never have the world off their backs. However this Slavic Empire has shown promise and to condemn them as being 'fake' Slavs? They seceded from Nordland on the pretense of desiring to create a stronger Slavic ethnicity, yet they are condemned for being a puppet state while they are the same state that broke away from the Nordic yoke. Condemn them if you will, though we do not see the point. For you, this would be the chance to befriend a young child, but you will simply turn your back because of history. Shame. Especially when you're history, Excellency, is also in league with the Nords. But no matter, if this is how you will treat people that try to think for themselves, then Europe is only divided further."

I have learned to distrust anything from the Nords, I have learned to be cynical when it comes to these situations, to assume the worst, because usually the worst is the reality. If I am proven wrong over time, then you will not find a man enraged as his wrong deduction, but a man happy that the worst was not true. I simply find it highly suspicious that the Nords would give up this land when they have nothing to gain from it if the owner should turn against them. I follow the reality of the world and watch the trends, I stopped trying to be an idealist ages ago, because it leads to nothing but disappointment.

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I once fought alongside Martens. It seems you do not know your history, but what could one expect from one such as you? You obviously know nothing about the fine arts of political control. But if you did, you wouldn't be a puppet state now would you?

You do not know anything about recent history it seems as I am part of Nordland, you also seem to forget Kaiser Martens is in no Government position nor active in the background. Now if you hate Nordland so much use your Declaration of War and for once in your useless life take action.

Edited by Centurius
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