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I.S.A.F. is gone


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*International communications and notification*

As the last remaining active member of the I.S.A.F. bloc Dranagg is forced to terminate the entity that once controlled the Antarctic continent. All communication with higher government on East Antarctica are gone, and no news has been received. At this time The following nations are considered to have vanished into the wastes.

Borderland Republic of Antarctica

Union of Antarctica


Dranagg declares that protectorate status be established in all of these nations, and the I.S.A.F. headquarters, to ensure that a higher government authority is able to plan and distribute resources to the populations existing in these locations.

Due to the vastness of the Protectorate region, Dranagg invites The Hanseatic Commonwealth in for talks for possible equal administration rights, as well as the USA, GNR, and ComIntern entities for their possible interest in taking tertiary administration status of parts of the protectorate area.

The invited entities that are interested in gaining protectorate administration should meet at the Capital of Dranagg not later than 120 hours from the sending of this message.

OOC: basically Phytoon went inactive. Turns out he's borderland republic, and he was watching URPR for Apollo. Phytoon hasn't posted/been active since the 11th of May. I basically want to claim parts of URPR for protectorate and the ISAF Headquarters for Protectorate, and divide the rest up mostly to sarah, and then ComIntern, GNR, and USA if they want to join into the RP. If not Me and Sarah will just protectorate away :P

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Right. Allow northern hemishphere nations to attend this land grab while nations housands of miles closer are ignored?

Dranagg wonders when the Pacific got closer to the Atlantic.

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We would like to attend the meeting, we believe that members of the Pax Pacifica should be allowed to put a protectorate on the antarctic.

OOC: New Zealand is the closest to antarctica, apart from South America. Geography much?

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We would like to attend the meeting, we believe that members of the Pax Pacifica should be allowed to put a protectorate on the antarctic.

OOC: New Zealand is the closest to antarctica, apart from South America. Geography much?

IC: Why is the Pax Pacifica interested in Antarctic land that if you head North of leads to the Atlantic?

OOC: the nations in question are in East Antarctica. Check the world map. Transavaal and South America are closer ;p

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Surprised was a good word to use here. The Hanseatic holdings in Niflheim and the old Republic holdings had been quiet for most of their existence, mainly used for mainstay scientific research and some industrial capabilities, but with the addition of Japan and the Russian Far East, the density problem that had pushed Brisbane to the breaking point during the exodus had subsided. However with the recent wars and problems in Antarctica, it seemed that this was a step in the right direction. Sarah accepted the invitation with open arms at the possibility, not really to expand the Commonwealth but create new way stations for goods traveling in the southern seas, points for scientific study and above all. Help Dranagg keep an eye on the recent political problems on the continent.

After leaving Brisbane, Sarah landed once again on the Antarctic, which she had not done since her meeting in Niflheim with Martens. Thinking back to that day still gave her shivers, as she touched her neck where the needle and pierced the skin. As she landed at the airport and the vehicles, which were well made to traverse this type of environment, took her and her small escort from the plane, across the frozen waste to the capital of Dranagg. The city was something she had not seen before, a mixture of stone and wooden buildings that were able to survive the extreme cold of the wastes. She herself was dressed in some of the most uncomfortable Arctic gear and could barely move her muscles, let along her head to see the beauty around her.

Finally the vehicle pulled in towards a large wooden pavilion where the ISAF tunnel had been constructed and where the meeting was to take place. She found her seat, plopped down in her coat and snow pants and waited for the other diplomats to arrive.

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Dranagg wonders when the Pacific got closer to the Atlantic.

Glorious Aotearoa wonder why northern hemisphere nations were even invited. Evidently you want to schmoose the current powerblocs given the state of tension you have just emerged from, which could have had your nation provide the spark for globally influenced war between these blocs.

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Glorious Aotearoa wonder why northern hemisphere nations were even invited. Evidently you want to schmoose the current powerblocs given the state of tension you have just emerged from, which could have had your nation provide the spark for globally influenced war between these blocs.

As ComIntern is not localized in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Greater Nordland Republic has a protectorate on the Continent we have no idea what problem Glorious Aotearoa, a mainly tropical nation, has with who we invite.

Perhaps they seek a South Atlantic/Indian Ocean colony, and other such things they recently Demonized Tahoe about?

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Four Dranaggan officials are there to meet the diplomats.

Edward Ligi, Kera Xifer, Telfa Rizors, and Sabih Patt.

Edward: "Greetings honored guests and diplomats from around the world. I know you all know why you are here so let us get out of the cold and into the tunnel so that we might get down to the discussion. If you please, this way."

Edward led the group into the entry way for the Tunnel system. It was not unlike a regular lodge's foyar for the front, but the back simply opened out onto a large open area with a huge hole in the ice covered by what looked like a giant wooden circus tent from the outside.

Kera: "Welcome to the Dranaggan tunnel project. It is still under construction, and has been for some time. Watch your step onto the elevator."

The elevator was a large metal contraption with only a rope railing around three sides. Two other such elevators appeared on the other sides of the tunnel. The fact that the elevator seemed to only have one speed setting, that of to fast to stop safely, probably didn't help anyone who had motion sickness. Lights lit the way past the ice where storage and foot transit tunnels appeared cut into the frozen face. However this quickly turned to rough cut rock as the elevator went to its destination. It slowed to a gentle stop long before the bottom.

Edward: "We will be traveling to the ISAF tunnel network, and the real reason we asked you all here. We wish to show you the network and see if any of you wish to take part in the care of this system. This is in addition of course you the protectorate your represented entities will acquire."

The section they were in was a platform that was cut as a ring around the main shaft making any elevator have access to this part of the system. All of the paths were marked with the same identification "ISAF Polar Tunnel --->"

Kera: "I must inform you. Anyone that has no interest in continuing on to the Tunnel system has the opportunity to leave now. Once we board the train we will not be able to turn around."

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Sabih: " Transport will be provided on the other side. We are already informing the air crews you arrived with of this change. They have the option of meeting us there, or you may take a Dranaggan aircraft back to your home. However we must admit that our long distance aircraft are not as comfortable as most diplomatic planes, but it will get you anywhere you wish to go."

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Philip Noln, diplomat from the Greater Nordic Reich, looked puzzled at the odd contraption, but he stepped forward.

"What an interesting peace of..architecture you have here. I look forward to the ride"

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"Daunting indeed." Sarah said, looking up at the imposing structure that was the Polar Tunnel. She smiled turning back to the Dranaggian diplomats. "But its always interesting to see what lays ahead in the dark. I'm very excited to see what lays inside the tunnel and on the other side."

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OOC: I'm going to pretend I arrived.

Clad as usual in his long Imperial Coat clad with a scant fraction of the awards he was permitted to wear, the Imperator observed the happenings with vague interest. He was more concerned with preventing the possibility of war from happening again rather than partitioning the territory; the United States would not push hard for Antarctic land so long as he was down there.

He gave the system a puzzling look but nonetheless stepped forward to stand next to the Nordic Representative.

"The Darkest Shadows are filled with the most interesting secrets; so speaks the Holy Writ. I trust we will not be disappointed."

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Edward led the group down one of the tunnels toward the ISAF tunnel. Along the way they passed another side tunnel still being dug from the rock. It wasn't long however that the walls took the more smoothed look of concrete coverings and smoothing. Eventually a airlock greets them. The door is open, but the exit is closed.

Edward: "We keep this airlock as a safety precaution. We will not have to wait though as there is a train at the station right now."

Opening the door he stepped out onto a platform next to a waiting Maglev train. The train was quite obviously not of Dranaggan manufacture, and more so obvious by the repeated "I.S.A.F." markings painted or stamped on most of the surfaces of the train and platform area, and the tunnel itself went off into the distance where a large airlock door could be seen before the tunnel diameter shrank abruptly to barely accommodate the size of the train.

Edward: "Welcome to the ISAF Transity Tunnel System. The branch to Dranagg is this Maglev train due to the extreme distance to the central hub which we will be visiting. The tunnels have their air pumped out so we cannot stop to get out. If you'd please we have a meeting table set up in the first car."

Edward directed towards the lead car. Some of the cars further down had compartments that hinged completely open to allow larger cargo to be placed into the train. Towards one of these cars Telfa Rizors went to.

Telfa: "Excuse me, I must leave the group I must do my work."

Edward: "Please excuse our minister of trade and natural resources. She is constantly on task for our mission across the continent. There are still people there that need supplies, and resources that have mines..." "Now if you please, watch your step when boarding, and watch your head on the door."

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Due to the vastness of the Protectorate region, Dranagg invites The Hanseatic Commonwealth in for talks for possible equal administration rights, as well as the USA, GNR, and ComIntern entities for their possible interest in taking tertiary administration status of parts of the protectorate area.

The invited entities that are interested in gaining protectorate administration should meet at the Capital of Dranagg not later than 120 hours from the sending of this message.

Right. Allow northern hemishphere nations to attend this land grab while nations housands of miles closer are ignored?

We have to wonder the same thing. The only one really close, excepting the Nordlandic Protectorate region, is the Hanseatic Commonwealth. We ask why at least the Australian Powers (other than the Hansa) were not invited to the meeting, as we are physically closer than any other nations.

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The nearest coastline in Australia to the nearest border of the region in question is estimated at over 3000 kilometers or more. The nearest non-Antarctic nations to these lands is Transvaal and Natal, which we have no diplomatic connections with, Arctica, who our last contact with was laced with hostile threats toward our nation, and the Imperial Alliance, which has only shown an interest in research instead of massive population organization.

We feel we must remind everyone that Dranagg has the only land route to this region. No ships or planes required. We must also remind everyone that the entities that have been offered a chance to discuss potential for protectorates are some of the largest organizers of the world. the GNR has most of Europe under an efficient, and as yet peaceful, system. The ComIntern maintain stable protectorates and peace throughout the world. The USA is represented on three continents with the power to protect itself. The Hanseatic commonwealth has shown itself more than capable of running a 4 continent nation as well as the head of the White Cross. That is without mentioning the Peace measures taken by the Hanseatic Commonwealth for their entire history.

Should any other nation, organization, bloc, or entity step up with the same record as these four we shall consider their invitation to ease the strain on Dranaggan resources in the administration of this protectorate.

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The nearest coastline in Australia to the nearest border of the region in question is estimated at over 3000 kilometers or more. The nearest non-Antarctic nations to these lands is Transvaal and Natal, which we have no diplomatic connections with, Arctica, who our last contact with was laced with hostile threats toward our nation, and the Imperial Alliance, which has only shown an interest in research instead of massive population organization.

We feel we must remind everyone that Dranagg has the only land route to this region. No ships or planes required. We must also remind everyone that the entities that have been offered a chance to discuss potential for protectorates are some of the largest organizers of the world. the GNR has most of Europe under an efficient, and as yet peaceful, system. The ComIntern maintain stable protectorates and peace throughout the world. The USA is represented on three continents with the power to protect itself. The Hanseatic commonwealth has shown itself more than capable of running a 4 continent nation as well as the head of the White Cross. That is without mentioning the Peace measures taken by the Hanseatic Commonwealth for their entire history.

Should any other nation, organization, bloc, or entity step up with the same record as these four we shall consider their invitation to ease the strain on Dranaggan resources in the administration of this protectorate.

The Pax Pacifica, a bloc to which we doubt even a single nation holds harsh thought is again over looks due to our success. We have had no pretense of cold war, no angered exchanges, just a continuing peace in the Pacific. Once again, you schooze up to those who you claim are closer, but are simply powers you may hang off the coattails of.

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