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GDA Protects World Federation

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Summary: The World Federation (henceforth referred to as WF) has requested protection for their new alliance from the Global Democratic Alliance (henceforth referred to as GDA)

Article I: Protection

The GDA will protect WF from any unwarranted aggression against WF. If WF starts an offensive alliance-wide war* against another alliance, GDA would appreciate warning at least 72 hours prior to the war. If the warning from WF is not given, GDA does not guarantee continued help, and this treaty may be considered null at that time.

Note: An Alliance-Wide War is defined as three or more nations declaring on multiple nations with the same alliance affiliation within 24 hours.

Article II: Guidance

The GDA offers guidance in a multitude of forms. The GDA will have a diplomat given a special mask to WF's forums in order to oversee and ensure WF is traversing on the correct path, GDA offers the use of GDA's guides to WF, and GDA will answer any and all questions to the best of her ability.

Article II: Blue Team Senate

The nations of WF recognize that they do not have a nation that is a viable candidate for senate, and agree to vote for GDA's senate candidate.

Article II: Tech deals

GDA understands that WF is new to Planet Bob, and will attempt, to the best of her ability, to teach WF how to do tech deals. WF will keep all tech deals either in WF or with GDA to ensure that nations of WF are able to pay their technology, and to ensure that there are no excessive debts obtained to external alliance(s).

Article II: Upgrade

Every three (3) months, this treaty will come up to GDA's senate, and government for a democratic vote. At this time, GDA will agree to upgrade this treaty, or to hold it at a protectorate.

Note: The nation(s) and leadership of WF's opinion(s) will be taken into account.

Article II: Cancellation

Both GDA and WF reserve the right to cancel this protectorate agreement. There will be a 72 hour notice given, unless circumstances, such as the one outlined in Article I section I, occur.

Signed for World Federation,

- Enrage(WF majority leader)

- LordAngelWilliam (Co-leader)

Signed for the Global Democratic Alliance,

Capitalistic Policies, President

Compound, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Sippyjuice, Minister of Internal Affairs

BacTalan, Minister of Economics

Kiado, Minister of Recruitment

On behalf of the senate

NeoNation, Senator

Edited by BacTalan
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Why so many protectorates?
Their terms just expired, I assume they were waiting until they could actually protect someone before signing protectorates. :P

Congratulations GDA. :D

That and why not? :D

We had a couple break offs from GDA because of the war, but we are furthering relations regardless, and we have a new presidency with which we are moving towards a new era.

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