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Re: Valhalla

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Once again - a scale set by those we are fighting - those who you have relentlessly complained about? Are we incapable of evolving and becoming better?

[ooc]I'd hope that in real life we're not still using beheading and chopping off of limbs as justification for our punishment of crimes being too leniant when we sentence people to life or death by lethal injection...[/ooc]

How is judging your light terms against historical precedent making me no better then "them". Your argument is asinine.

And as for your ooc example, there is a lot between a stern talking to and going to bed without dessert and a beheading, but I guess you have to keep exaggerating or you really have nothing to counter my posts with.

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Compatriots? I only see trolls.

Please, do tell me which alliance to whom Valhalla surrendered does not have forums or an IRC.

I invite you to find a post of mine here that puts me in that category.

Forums and IRC were venues that have already been used. As I said earlier, Valhalla has earned a lot of dislike over their tenure here and people need to vent their spleen. I'm sorry that everyone is getting so caught up in the moment, but I think it would behoove you to not take it personally.

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Once again - a scale set by those we are fighting - those who you have relentlessly complained about? Are we incapable of evolving and becoming better?

[ooc]I'd hope that in real life we're not still using beheading and chopping off of limbs as justification for our punishment of crimes being too leniant when we sentence people to life or death by lethal injection...[/ooc]

[ooc]I'd hope that in real life we're not sentencing serial killers to community service because beheading once existed[/ooc]

Although you guys are correct, you're the one responsible for the terms, I don't think anyone here is doing anything about it or intends to do anything about it. Members expressing themselves, though, is something that naturally tends to happen whenever there are controversial events in planet bob.

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You seem to have disregarded what I said in the post you quoted entirely. When I said "more than just pixels" I meant our right to exist. As alliances (forced disbandments) and as nations (P/EZI). If the people you want to slap on the wrist come back and win a rematch, that's likely what this side of the war is facing.

I'm saying that that more probably ought to be done to prevent that, because I don't think these alliances will all of a sudden change after however many years of doing things this way.

You cannot have it both ways. You cannot imply you do not want them to recover while stating you do not want harsh terms.

These alliances probably will come back, I hope they will. That was the point. Now wars can be made more frequently, now they won't be complete stompdowns.

This entire exercise was to show the world that Hegemony was not invulnerable, and it appears some of our "brethren" in Karma can't even see the truth in that. All of you are still so terrified of them, still so "shell-shocked". Get over it. Instead of destroying the friendships that brought us here, why don't you reinforce them to prevent a resurgence of our enemies?

I invite you to find a post of mine here that puts me in that category.

Forums and IRC were venues that have already been used. As I said earlier, Valhalla has earned a lot of dislike over their tenure here and people need to vent their spleen. I'm sorry that everyone is getting so caught up in the moment, but I think it would behoove you to not take it personally.

I didn't refer specifically to you.

Yes, I shall attempt to not take it personally.

Oh, too bad it is personal. I do, after all, wear the AA that is being bashed. I did help in a front of this war. Unfortunately, however, my alliance's sacrifice is not enough. Gosh, I wish we could have taken on that hard alliance...what was their name? TPF? Or maybe Legion. Yeah, that would have been easier.

Edited by Nizzle
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To MK, you will never walk alone.

Thank you Steelrat.

OOC: That's way out of line, we're no Liverpool FC )):

Oh, forgot to congratulate our allies and their brothers-in-arms for the victory. You done good youretheman.gif

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Unfortunately, as shown by your post, the only way you feel you can get the upper hand is by name calling and taking arguments out of context. Well done, good sir! Genmay thanks you for your kindness!

Oh this will be good. What did the STA do to Genmay?

Unfortunately, though, you did not fight Valhalla. Why is that important? Because you continue to cry over the terms. You know, I didn't get mad at you when you helped alliances be forced to disband...

Who did the STA force to disband? Genmay? Show me the terms we gave Genmay forcing their disbandment. We didn't even ask for reps from them. Again, you show your complete and utter ignorance.

Teach us something of resolve, Tyga. Show us how you played nice with the people you now want decimated. Do share stories of atrocities committed with the help of STA. Let's play this game, since you are so intent on "justice" for an AA that still flies while there are others you have denied that right.

I thought the STA showed resolve last war. You may or not remember it. You keep repeating the lie that the STA forced Genmay to disband, show me the proof. We only fought Genmay in the UJW because they attacked our allies and we asked for nothing at the end of the war from them. But keep flailing, it is enjoyable to see you go off the rails.

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How is judging your light terms against historical precedent making me no better then "them". Your argument is asinine.

And as for your ooc example, there is a lot between a stern talking to and going to bed without dessert and a beheading, but I guess you have to keep exaggerating or you really have nothing to counter my posts with.

I never said you were no better than them Tyga - do not put words in my mouth.

I would also say that using a warped scale to justify actions is ignorant. If you want to justify the terms you give to whomever you are fighting, then you have every right to do so. And I will not belittle you either way for the actions you take, as that is your decision and not mine.

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You cannot have it both ways. You cannot imply you do not want them to recover while stating you do not want harsh terms.

These alliances probably will come back, I hope they will. That was the point. Now wars can be made more frequently, now they won't be complete stompdowns.

This entire exercise was to show the world that Hegemony was not invulnerable, and it appears some of our "brethren" in Karma can't even see the truth in that. All of you are still so terrified of them, still so "shell-shocked". Get over it. Instead of destroying the friendships that brought us here, why don't you reinforce them to prevent a resurgence of our enemies?

I've never stated that I didn't want to see harsh terms. :)

My concerns are limited to ensuring the existence of my alliance and the members who've entrusted me with their safety. For me, the entire exercise was to honor my treaty with Sparta. Beyond that, the point of the coalition seemed to me to be to change the world for the better. I don't know that this will do the job.

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I didn't refer specifically to you.

Yes, I shall attempt to not take it personally.

Oh, too bad it is personal. I do, after all, wear the AA that is being bashed. I did help in a front of this war. Unfortunately, however, my alliance's sacrifice is not enough. Gosh, I wish we could have taken on that hard alliance...what was their name? TPF? Or maybe Legion. Yeah, that would have been easier.

By the use of the word "only" I took it as a blanket statement.

Nobody is discounting your sacrifice nor your victory here. People are venting frustration that the concerns they brought up in private were discounted. Again, I understand your reasoning, but that doesn't make it any less chafing.

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Oh this will be good. What did the STA do to Genmay?

Who did the STA force to disband? Genmay? Show me the terms we gave Genmay forcing their disbandment. We didn't even ask for reps from them. Again, you show your complete and utter ignorance.

I thought the STA showed resolve last war. You may or not remember it. You keep repeating the lie that the STA forced Genmay to disband, show me the proof. We only fought Genmay in the UJW because they attacked our allies and we asked for nothing at the end of the war from them. But keep flailing, it is enjoyable to see you go off the rails.

It's enjoyable to see you state that inaction in the face of injustice is excusable for STA, but not those we are currently at war with. Well done, good sir, well done.

I do believe you just scolded RIA for being "reparations hypocrits" or something similar. Now look where you are.

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I never said you were no better than them Tyga - do not put words in my mouth.

I would also say that using a warped scale to justify actions is ignorant. If you want to justify the terms you give to whomever you are fighting, then you have every right to do so. And I will not belittle you either way for the actions you take, as that is your decision and not mine.

It is you using a warped scale to do, well, I'm not sure. Are you trying to convine yourself your terms are harsh? Because I'm not following what you are trying to say by using a cut down scale to compare your terms against.

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By the use of the word "only" I took it as a blanket statement.

Nobody is discounting your sacrifice nor your victory here. People are venting frustration that the concerns they brought up in private were discounted. Again, I understand your reasoning, but that doesn't make it any less chafing.

Apologies, I was going off of your implied audience when you said "compatriots". :P

I don't believe anyone brought anything up in private when terms were being discussed. That's just me. I do believe they just wanted to blindside their "allies" and show what kind of "allies" they are.

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Oh this will be good. What did the STA do to Genmay?

Who did the STA force to disband? Genmay? Show me the terms we gave Genmay forcing their disbandment. We didn't even ask for reps from them. Again, you show your complete and utter ignorance.

I thought the STA showed resolve last war. You may or not remember it. You keep repeating the lie that the STA forced Genmay to disband, show me the proof. We only fought Genmay in the UJW because they attacked our allies and we asked for nothing at the end of the war from them. But keep flailing, it is enjoyable to see you go off the rails.

Sir I will kindly thank you to stop stealing all my glory! Everyone knows it was me who forced Genmay to disband by... well it's not important how I did it just that it gets repeated over and over again that I did. It was all me and NOT YOU!!! Also 9/19 never forget :'( :'( \m/>_<\m/

STA is a real alliance who can go through a losing war without coming apart at the seams unlike some of you !@#$@#$ crybabies. They didn't even need a sweetheart peace deal engineered by secret agreement days before the terms are even presented to the negotiators to agree upon. If anyone can come in here and gripe about the terms of this peace it's Tyga and the gang.

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lol @ kronos; stop being so defensive and stop trying to slander the STA. Tyga is making some extremely valid points and it would do you good to address them. While insults may not be necessay his frustration is understandable after 39 pages. Yes valhalla got white peace for the most part. Yes those terms are extremely light given thier past actions leading up to the war (from tech extortion to the coward coalition), and thier role as aggressors. Its debatable why those light terms where given but to suggest they are anything but light is an insult to the STA for all that they have been through. I think it would do Kronos and Heracles good to issue tyga an apology, privately if necessary.

EDIT: fast thread is fast

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It's enjoyable to see you state that inaction in the face of injustice is excusable for STA, but not those we are currently at war with. Well done, good sir, well done.

I do believe you just scolded RIA for being "reparations hypocrits" or something similar. Now look where you are.

I'm still waiting for the proof of your allegations about STA forcing Genmay to disband. Please provide the evidence at your earliest convenience. My records say we gave them white peace with one nuclear rogue (Dagny Taggart) promising to compensate those nations he nuked.

But I am thoroughly interested in your next story. Lets see the evidence.

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Apologies, I was going off of your implied audience when you said "compatriots". :P

I don't believe anyone brought anything up in private when terms were being discussed. That's just me. I do believe they just wanted to blindside their "allies" and show what kind of "allies" they are.

Issues were discussed in private.

In any case, I'm done here. Enjoy your tunnelvision everyone ( <--- that is a blanket statement. :P )

Edited by bzelger
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It is you using a warped scale to do, well, I'm not sure. Are you trying to convine yourself your terms are harsh? Because I'm not following what you are trying to say by using a cut down scale to compare your terms against.

Haha - This is obviously pointless - never did I state that our terms were harsh - I simply corrected you for bashing a member who claimed that by our own standards, these our middle of the road. I also attempted to correct your opinion that we should base our standards on those of a history written by those we are now fighting against.

To each their own, I see no point in continuing this discussion with you Tygaland - the impression you have left me with is more than enough for my taste.

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Haha - This is obviously pointless - never did I state that our terms were harsh - I simply corrected you for bashing a member who claimed that by our own standards, these our middle of the road. I also attempted to correct your opinion that we should base our standards on those of a history written by those we are now fighting against.

To each their own, I see no point in continuing this discussion with you Tygaland - the impression you have left me with is more than enough for my taste.

I'm not saying you should base your standards on historical scales but the rest of the Cyberverse will. And yes, there is not point discussing this any further.

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lol @ kronos; stop being so defensive and stop trying to slander the STA. Tyga is making some extremely valid points and it would do you good to address them. While insults may not be necessay his frustration is understandable after 39 pages. Yes valhalla got white peace for the most part. Yes those terms are extremely light given thier past actions leading up to the war (from tech extortion to the coward coalition), and thier role as aggressors. Its debatable why those light terms where given but to suggest they are anything but light is an insult to the STA for all that they have been through. I think it would do Kronos and Heracles good to issue tyga an apology, privately if necessary.

EDIT: fast thread is fast

I can respect the opinion that we gave light terms as it's coming from those who have a biased view based on past crimes done to them. However this war is not about revenge (to us anyway) and we are not here to make Valhalla pay for her past actions. We joined this war because Valhalla attacked PC in defense of TPF - we fought them, destroyed them, and then gave them terms that matched their actions for this war.

It is also not my concern as to how STA or Tygaland views our terms and to expect us to apologize for standing by our decision and watching those we fought beside be castrated because their actions do not measure up to those who were harmed in the past is a bit over the top.

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lol @ kronos; stop being so defensive and stop trying to slander the STA. Tyga is making some extremely valid points and it would do you good to address them. While insults may not be necessay his frustration is understandable after 38 pages. Yes valhalla got white peace for the most part. Yes those terms are extremely light given thier past actions leading up to the war (from tech extortion to the coward coalition), and thier role as aggressors. Its debatable why those light terms where given but to suggest they are anything but light is an insult to the STA for all that they have been through. I think it would do Kronos and Heracles good to issue tyga an apology, privately if necessary.

Good points? Apology?

I think it has been agreed, over and over, that the terms were light. I do believe the point of disagreement is that we do not believe Valhalla should have been issued harsher terms. Thanks for reading.

I'm still waiting for the proof of your allegations about STA forcing Genmay to disband. Please provide the evidence at your earliest convenience. My records say we gave them white peace with one nuclear rogue (Dagny Taggart) promising to compensate those nations he nuked.

But I am thoroughly interested in your next story. Lets see the evidence.

Seriously, read. You were a willing participant to the destruction of that alliance, you watched it happen by your ally and never did anything to stop it. Have a great day.

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