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Siberian Tiger Alliance Announcement

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That comment was also intended for people trying to follow the thread who are not familiar with the situation, but may be curious as to the state of our alliances view toward each other.

We could go back and share the quotes for them that would show them their own silliness for continuing to press this. Certain parties though have their own reasons for continuing this and it mainly has to do with their own agendas.

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We could go back and share the quotes for them that would show them their own silliness for continuing to press this. Certain parties though have their own reasons for continuing this and it mainly has to do with their own agendas.

We could. But those kinds of posts are long and boring and nobody really cares about the minutiae enough to read it. We would be wasting our time.

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So you NAP'd yourselves to several White team alliances while it was convenient, right?


Also, obligatory since TOOL was in the OP: :wub: Mia :wub:

It's always been a joke to STA. I was amazed when they signed onto SNOW, since they had snubbed their noses at most prior white-unity exercises.
Nice use of the past tense there, bzelger.

Also, curious that you say you have an interest in a healthy sphere, when you cancel a treaty promoting a healthy sphere because it wouldn't let you move in and attack people on the sphere.

If I ever waver in my faith in orange unity, I need only read this and my faith in orange is restored.
I guess I know one alliance that feels this way now.

Noted for future reference.

I've learned over time that the guy speaking "just for himself" is usually an alliance's opinion with truth serum added. But thank you regardless for the status update on our relations with our allies, I had no idea.
Which allies of ours do you speak for in that regard?

Take it to PM if you wish, not looking to take this further off topic.

Very true, many do. :awesome:
No, I saw it. Perhaps time will prove my initial assessment hasty. Just making an observation that venom on the scale he is passing out is rarely an unshared opinion.
I look forward to being proven wrong in my generalization and seeing that the mindless venom is isolated to you alone.

And with that, I take my leave.

Mindless venom? Here, let me show you above a few posts of mindless venom. Why again have you decided to come here with your obvious agenda of attacking STA? Is the best you got to attack me, someone whom has his own issue with you guys from before he was even part of STA? You are trying to build positive PR over in your thread, don't ruin that here.

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The respect your alliance used to have was also gone the moment you took yourself out of the great war in order to protect your infra as soon as you realized your long time allies did something the rest of the world really wasn't going to like.

This is not true. Please take this to PMs however, it hurts seeing allies fight. Even if it is just random members.

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This is not true. Please take this to PMs however, it hurts seeing allies fight. Even if it is just random members.

Then you should speak with your allies about coming into our announcement thread and spewing forth their mindless venom. I would have spoken with them elsewhere but they do not like me showing up there.

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Why would you cancel a NAP besides for the implicit reason of going right to war? Perhaps to end a war brought upon your allies in a nonaggressive manner? Oh wait, that is exactly what we did. Look at the dates, see when the NAP was over? See when the war between TPF and our allies ended? You think it wasn't connected?

Let give you a bit of truth serum. I do not like your alliance, that is my personal belief and I am no where near the top government of STA so that belief is mine and mine alone right now. Continue to act as you are here in trying to put that on STA and you just might find their beliefs slowly becoming more like my own. My issue with you came from my time with NPO. I didnt leave it with NPO. Don't like that? Tough.

Oh, so you only wanted it to go as far off topic as your post? Perhaps you hadn't noticed but the days of you and your cronies saying whatever you want without much response are over and have been over. The respect your alliance used to have was also gone the moment you took yourself out of the great war in order to protect your infra as soon as you realized your long time allies did something the rest of the world really wasn't going to like. If you wish to continue to judge go ahead, I am truely enjoying this.

It has not gone unnoticed the length of which TPF members are willing to go to show this willingness to work on issues between our alliances. For what it's worth I appreciate it but all of that is for our leaders to decide.

Well you can add me to this whole quote as I could say it none the better...You were the initial aggressors and when you saw the coming hordes to attack you went peace mode and left the war...let it be a duckroll and they're all for some allies and fighting for same for any excuse...fair fight or one not in their favor...peace mode we're not with them anymore and we quit... :rolleyes:

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Well you can add me to this whole quote as I could say it none the better...You were the initial aggressors and when you saw the coming hordes to attack you went peace mode and left the war...let it be a duckroll and they're all for some allies and fighting for same for any excuse...fair fight or one not in their favor...peace mode we're not with them anymore and we quit... :rolleyes:

Actually you prove with this post that you have no idea why TORN removed itself from the conflict. I would expect you to brush up on the way events unfolded before you go around making this accusation again.

Now to all the tinfoil hat people, FFS ITS A NAP! Big deal! They didn't break the treaty, they are canceling because they no longer think they belong in it. Now move along and find drama somewhere else.

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Actually you prove with this post that you have no idea why TORN removed itself from the conflict. I would expect you to brush up on the way events unfolded before you go around making this accusation again.

Now to all the tinfoil hat people, FFS ITS A NAP! Big deal! They didn't break the treaty, they are canceling because they no longer think they belong in it. Now move along and find drama somewhere else.

No actually I read all about their "reasons" for leaving the war and I agree it was to save infra and that's the only reason they deserted their allies... :v:

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OK, I'm happy for STA members to post their opinion but ask they remain remotely respectful when doing so. Voicing an opinion is one thing, doing it civilly and properly another thing entirely.

While your views are your own, you are representing the alliance on the world stage and I ask you consider that before typing.

Why TORN left the war is their own business. My issue with what bigwoody said was his lame attempt to say one member's opinion was indicative of the alliance as a whole. I believe that issue has been addressed sufficiently and ask it be left at that.

Edited by Tygaland
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No actually I read all about their "reasons" for leaving the war and I agree it was to save infra and that's the only reason they deserted their allies... :v:

As an ally of yours and an ally of TORN's, that is not how it went down. I can't stop your opinion, but I sure as hell can tell you its wrong.

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While I'm on the outside of all this drama, I'm going to go with AirMe on this and say that it didn't have anything to do with infra. I know bigwoody, and I know he'd go to hell and back for an ally that is honest with him, regardless of infra.

In regards to this whole SNOW deal: STA is no longer part of SNOW. So what? I do believe that Tyga gave his reasoning adequately over the last 14 pages as to why it has been dropped. Perhaps SNOW would have been better without the NAP portion, sticking purely to economic benefits. I mean, it would be common courtesy to not allow your protectorates to attack a NAP ally, but it happened (oh so long ago, so why does everyone bring it up?) and there's nothing that can be done about it now.

I know that on Orange, it's just common not to attack other oranges, no matter what. A few alliances have learned this the hard way, but are now a part of OUT as a result of their mistake. I think that, until everyone can get along (at least on a mutual understanding level) the NAP portion of SNOW will be worthless, especially when there isn't a taboo against white-on-white conflict.

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I can't speak for everyone, but my impression was that STA was not asked to take part because they were still under terms at the time.
STA got out of terms in early January. Why didn't they merit an invitation after their release?
But it is interesting that protectorates get all the bonuses of SNOW membership but can still be used by their protectors to sidestep the NAP clause in the treaty.
Clearly things that walk like ducks, and talk like ducks, are actually hippopotamuses!
Now to all the tinfoil hat people, FFS ITS A NAP! Big deal! They didn't break the treaty, they are canceling because they no longer think they belong in it. Now move along and find drama somewhere else.
I say it's the "Hegemony" side grasping at straws to gain some PR after the cluster$%&@ that was the Karma War. Edited by Fallen_Fool
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