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A Statement from the Red Cross

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Your opinion on whether or not the Moldavi Doctrine is the right thing to do is completely irrelevant.

The point is, he would not have done this if NPO were not at war with like 843 different alliances. That is a coward. There is no honor to be hailed here, no "first step" taken. Just a guy that started an alliance because NPO is otherwise engaged.

Again, whether or not you agree with their policing the red sphere is completely irrelevant. The fact that he does this while NPO is engaged in a massive conflict tells me all that I need to know about the integrity of the OP.

So they were supposed to set up the alliance when the NPO could crush them?

The bottom line is that just because the NPO makes a revenge doctrine doesn't mean that everyone has to recognize it. Since the NPO can't enforce the revenge doctrine right now, they have no business claiming the red sphere as their own. Therefore any alliance should be able to set up on red team if they so choose.

Edited by Bleh32
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Too bad you arent breaking moldavi doctrine.

We're playing poker here.

Indeed. This is absolutely pointless. This is no better than bandwagoners kicking NPO while they're down. Pacifica does not have the resources to police the red sphere right now, as the Moldavi Doctrine requires, so this weasel gets his 15 minutes by creating a red team alliance.

If and when Pacifica renegs on the Moldavi Doctrine, a real alliance will enter the red sphere. Until then, this guy is just a coward that's taking advantage of the current global situation, while not having the balls to stand up and fight. If you dislike the Moldavi Doctrine so much, sir, why don't you do something about it? I'm sure there's someone in your range that would be happy to oblige.

Lady Gaga,

I've heard of you once or twice before but have never had the pleasure; quite clearly, we have completely different views on what this represents.

We do not believe that the decision to create a small alliance represents an action that is deserved of policing. I will not answer your personal allegations as I do not believe they are qualified; however, we do not recognize the right or ability of the New Pacific Order to determine which spheres may have multiple alliances on them and which may not.. that is a sovereign nation's determination. This isn't a subtle attempt to subvert rules or circumvent tyranny disguised as legislation, this is an honest attempt to ignore your desires while we enjoy our existence on Planet Bob [OOC: in not only our favorite color but the color of a well-respected organization and 1/2 of the flag of the country that we live in].

Or he's a player that's looking to establish a new alliance on a sphere, like everyone else has the right to do. He seems to be polite and a nice guy, he even has forums, that's better than half of the new alliances out there. Get over your self.

Thank you for the great compliments! :blush:

I plan on pushing for that to be a point, yes.

I look forward to seeing many red alliances.

I think that's a great idea! :lol:

We're hoping that small and medium-sized alliances follow suit; all it would take is for a few of them to announce that they're going to switch colors.

An interesting opportunity to see if red can be shared fairly... best of luck, Modus!

Thanks Duke! Hopefully we can have some more Bollywood Film Festivals! :lol:

It doesn't matter whether or not NPO renounces the doctrine... As they have been so fond of pontificating, international rights only extend to the point you can defend them... just another nation in a state of nature claiming its rights.

Excellent post! Couldn't agree more! :D

Open up the red sphere?

It's a decent idea, let's see if it lasts. Maybe it will, maybe it wont, but someone had to try it first.. good luck to you guys for trying it first.

The real credit belongs to the inspiration of New Reverie's Senate run. :wub: Thank you for the well wishes!

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Your opinion on whether or not the Moldavi Doctrine is the right thing to do is completely irrelevant.

The point is, he would not have done this if NPO were not at war with like 843 different alliances. That is a coward. There is no honor to be hailed here, no "first step" taken. Just a guy that started an alliance because NPO is otherwise engaged.

Again, whether or not you agree with their policing the red sphere is completely irrelevant. The fact that he does this while NPO is engaged in a massive conflict tells me all that I need to know about the integrity of the OP.

Vox did it when we were outnumbered :awesome:

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Your opinion on whether or not the Moldavi Doctrine is the right thing to do is completely irrelevant.

The point is, he would not have done this if NPO were not at war with like 843 different alliances. That is a coward. There is no honor to be hailed here, no "first step" taken. Just a guy that started an alliance because NPO is otherwise engaged.

Again, whether or not you agree with their policing the red sphere is completely irrelevant. The fact that he does this while NPO is engaged in a massive conflict tells me all that I need to know about the integrity of the OP.

His integrity being... that he waits for a door to open before walking through it?

You seem to have confused this gentleman's forming of an alliance based on a particular color for some sort of act of cowardice. Your mistake will be forgiven and forgotten the first time, as I see no reason to make you look foolish for an elementary error.

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His integrity being... that he waits for a door to open before walking through it?

You seem to have confused this gentleman's forming of an alliance based on a particular color for some sort of act of cowardice. Your mistake will be forgiven and forgotten the first time, as I see no reason to make you look foolish for an elementary error.

Oh man thats the point right there, well done.

When the local hoodlums get kicked out of a certain part of town its a perfect time to set up shop knowing they aren't going to kick over your bins and brick your windows.

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Oh man thats the point right there, well done.

When the local hoodlums get kicked out of a certain part of town its a perfect time to set up shop knowing they aren't going to kick over your bins and brick your windows.

In fact, many people would consider the first business owner to return to an area such as that as courageous.

I hail Red Cross for their bold move, and wish their articulate, intelligent leader the best in his endeavor.

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In fact, many people would consider the first business owner to return to an area such as that as courageous.

I hail Red Cross for their bold move, and wish their articulate, intelligent leader the best in his endeavor.

Agreed. It took balls to do this, not cowardice.

Lady Gaga, what the NPO says or thinks at this point regarding the red sphere is pretty irrelevant. If someone wants to have their alliance on the red team, they should by all means be allowed to. The NPO should not and does not decide who can be on red team, at least right now.

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Agreed. It took balls to do this, not cowardice.

Lady Gaga, what the NPO says or thinks at this point regarding the red sphere is pretty irrelevant. If someone wants to have their alliance on the red team, they should by all means be allowed to. The NPO should not and does not decide who can be on red team, at least right now.

The point I've been trying to make here is that this did not require any balls. He can get away with it - and I won't argue whether or not he SHOULD be able to create a red team alliance. I don't care one way or the other. I'm not defending Pacifica's right to the red team. I honestly don't care if they keep the Moldavi Doctrine or not. The point is that this makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. Now, if he recruits about 50 nations, then it would be the first step towards an open red sphere, which many are pushing for, and will probably get in the end. (Again, I really don't give a $%&@. Seriously. I'm completely indifferent to the Moldavi Doctrine)

As for having balls?

Vox did it when we were outnumbered :awesome:
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I don't believe he did it to grandstand, the guy wanted a red team alliance. If the red sphere had been open like it is now I probably would have chosen it myself for no other reason than I like red.

He is now free to do what he wants to do, and he has. Nothing wrong with that.

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The point I've been trying to make here is that this did not require any balls. He can get away with it - and I won't argue whether or not he SHOULD be able to create a red team alliance. I don't care one way or the other. I'm not defending Pacifica's right to the red team. I honestly don't care if they keep the Moldavi Doctrine or not. The point is that this makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. Now, if he recruits about 50 nations, then it would be the first step towards an open red sphere, which many are pushing for, and will probably get in the end. (Again, I really don't give a $%&@. Seriously. I'm completely indifferent to the Moldavi Doctrine)

As for having balls?

While I do not agree with your statement about the Red Cross' actions not requiring "balls," I will point out that the OP never advertised having mentionable balls, and that he was simply trying to form an alliance.

Past that you have called this fine gentleman a coward, have questioned his integrity, have insinuated that he is some sort of opportunist, and have even unnecessarily brought into question his private parts.

Is this the path you really want to take in this thread?

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While I do not agree with your statement about the Red Cross' actions not requiring "balls," I will point out that the OP never advertised having mentionable balls, and that he was simply trying to form an alliance.

Past that you have called this fine gentleman a coward, have questioned his integrity, have insinuated that he is some sort of opportunist, and have even unnecessarily brought into question his private parts.

Is this the path you really want to take in this thread?

Brought into question his private parts? lol. Get a grip. :P

The timing is just too good to be a coincidence. He didn't just decide, in the middle of a war, that he wanted a red team alliance. He chose this opportunity because it presented itself. That is not courageous, merely opportunistic.

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Brought into question his private parts? lol. Get a grip. :P

The timing is just too good to be a coincidence. He didn't just decide, in the middle of a war, that he wanted a red team alliance. He chose this opportunity because it presented itself. That is not courageous, merely opportunistic.

Taking control of red when quite a few alliances couldn't challenge them, or when the world had just begun could also be viewed as opportunistic.

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The point I've been trying to make here is that this did not require any balls. He can get away with it - and I won't argue whether or not he SHOULD be able to create a red team alliance. I don't care one way or the other. I'm not defending Pacifica's right to the red team. I honestly don't care if they keep the Moldavi Doctrine or not. The point is that this makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. Now, if he recruits about 50 nations, then it would be the first step towards an open red sphere, which many are pushing for, and will probably get in the end. (Again, I really don't give a $%&@. Seriously. I'm completely indifferent to the Moldavi Doctrine)

As for having balls?

I'm pretty sure if the NPO surrenders, recovers, and keeps the doctrines intact they will go after this red team alliance and others that set up shop there during the period of the war.

The point of this announcement is not to show that 50 nations have united under one alliance on the red team, the point is to show that the NPO can't protect what they claim as theirs (again only they are claiming this... if i wanted to set up an alliance on red team i dont give a !@#$ what the npo thinks) and that alliances are free now to set up on the red team.

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Brought into question his private parts? lol. Get a grip. :P

The timing is just too good to be a coincidence. He didn't just decide, in the middle of a war, that he wanted a red team alliance. He chose this opportunity because it presented itself. That is not courageous, merely opportunistic.

"Opportunistic" in the same way that you would walk into an elevator after the door opens instead of while it is closed, I guess.

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The point I've been trying to make here is that this did not require any balls. He can get away with it - and I won't argue whether or not he SHOULD be able to create a red team alliance. I don't care one way or the other. I'm not defending Pacifica's right to the red team. I honestly don't care if they keep the Moldavi Doctrine or not. The point is that this makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. Now, if he recruits about 50 nations, then it would be the first step towards an open red sphere, which many are pushing for, and will probably get in the end. (Again, I really don't give a $%&@. Seriously. I'm completely indifferent to the Moldavi Doctrine)

As for having balls?

Lady Gaga, with all due repect..

If I wanted* to show my balls I would post one of my streaking pictures. Yes, this declaration was made because it was a strategically sound move because the only obstacle to our declaration of existence (whether or not there should be an obstacle, I agree, should be a separate debate) has been removed for the interim.

Now, I personally don't care about sanction or statistics; if I can be part of a community with awesome people who I can laugh with and have a good time, I'd be happy with just a few friends. I'm not interested in numbers; a wise man once said that you were a lucky man if you can count your friends on one hand, I agree with him.

The point is, there is nothing you should be upset about; I understand that the Red Cross is not IRON, etc. I know that this alliance is not important.

I do not care, however, because this has been an awesome time for myself and a few of my friends. Personally, I've been on Bob for three years and this is the most fun that I've had yet; that's a good thing.

Edited by ModusOperandi
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Lady Gaga, with all due repect..

If I wanted* to show my balls I would post one of my streaking pictures. Yes, this declaration was made because it was a strategically sound move because the only obstacle to our declaration of existence (whether or not there should be an obstacle, I agree, should be a separate debate) has been removed for the interim.

Now, I personally don't care about sanction or statistics; if I can be part of a community with awesome people who I can laugh with and have a good time, I'd be happy with just a few friends. I'm not interested in numbers; a wise man once said that you were a lucky man if you can count your friends on one hand, I agree with him.

The point is, there is nothing you should be upset about; I understand that the Red Cross is not IRON, etc. I know that this alliance is not important.

I do not care, however, because this has been an awesome time for myself and a few of my friends; personally, I've been on Bob for three years and this is the most fun that I've had yet; that's a good thing.

Let's make a concerted effort to ignore the attention-seeker and move along, if you wish.

Also, I was curious to see if your organization had an IRC channel.

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I'm sorry whats wrong with him taking an opportunity, a door opened he walked through it.

You think there is a problem with that seemingly, why?

NPO encourages/ed the philosophy that might makes right. However, they seem to forget that they are no longer mighty, and cannot enforce their decrees. Old habits die hard. The only solution, one might think, is to end their owners. It's much quicker that way.

Furthermore, to whine and complain about one's own inability to prohibit another from doing something (STAY OFF MY LAWN, YE DAMN KIDS) is not "honorable" nor is it "courageous". You (Lady Gaga) sound like a 5 year old who doesn't want to share their favorite toy.

Get over it.

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If you saw the Revenge Doctrine cancellation, put your hands up.

*looks around*

Yep, thought so.

NPO aren't exactly laying in the gutter curled up in the foetal position yet. They could still reasonably enforce the Revenge Doctrine. Good luck, because you'll need it.

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