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The Order Of Light Announcement

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Scared? We declared fully knowing that we'll be retaliated upon by their allies. Also, we didn't ignore them. If we honoured RoK's treaty, we'd be ignoring TPFs. Or haven't you gotten that idea yet?

I'll say this though. DT are fighters. You guys are losing a lot of NS fast (in proportion, faster than TOOL), but aren't giving up, props to that.

Why do you guys keep saying that,I'm in RoK and if you guys honored our treaty I still will wonder why you didn't help TPF but when that happens usally good allies would declare neutrality and not help one and ignore the other.So basically what I'm saying is you guys should have been neutral in this war.

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Why do you guys keep saying that,I'm in RoK and if you guys honored our treaty I still will wonder why you didn't help TPF but when that happens usally good allies would declare neutrality and not help one and ignore the other.So basically what I'm saying is you guys should have been neutral in this war.

As has been said many times: We told ALL of our allies prewar that we would not defend anyone who came in aggressively, either by starting the war or on oA.


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you seem to be under the false impression that the dark templar is ungrateful of your generous donation of war slots. Our only beef with tool is they tried to make this war into a PR stunt for them. First by attacking a much smaller sized and unconnected alliance in a vain attempt to minimize losses (ya seems to be working great for ya, hah). Then in the DOW posting comments full of slander designed to falsify how the DT operates and make tool seem like some sort white knight riding into battle, and then continuing with these comments throughout this thread, even daring to suggest that war hunger nations of DT have any fear in them whatsoever. However i would like to again thank you at TOOL for your gracious gift of defense war slots, so that we may ride the downward slide that is your growth chart into the ball pit at mcdonalds.



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We have displayed nothing but respect for the nations we're at war with, so I'm not sure where you get the impression that we're making vile comments towards anyone. TOOL does not attempt to paint itself as a knight in white armor, and can not help you if you see us as such. We are just doing what we feel is right. If you really have so much beef with us, I suggest you wash it down with more whine. I hear red meat goes quite well with it.

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you seem to be under the false impression that the dark templar is ungrateful of your generous donation of war slots. Our only beef with tool is they tried to make this war into a PR stunt for them. First by attacking a much smaller sized and unconnected alliance in a vain attempt to minimize losses (ya seems to be working great for ya, hah). Then in the DOW posting comments full of slander designed to falsify how the DT operates and make tool seem like some sort white knight riding into battle, and then continuing with these comments throughout this thread, even daring to suggest that war hunger nations of DT have any fear in them whatsoever.



You're being extremely naive if you think we attack DT thinking of minimizing damage. We know there were several alliances that would hit us, and they did, and still we didn't complain, like you did.

PR stunt? how would attacking DT serve as a PR stunt, we set our criteria to enter the war before we started, as bama already mentioned.

However i would like to again thank you at TOOL for your gracious gift of defense war slots, so that we may ride the downward slide that is your growth chart into the ball pit at mcdonalds.

Oh noes, we're losing NS.

Edited by Ricardo
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you seem to be under the false impression that the dark templar is ungrateful of your generous donation of war slots. Our only beef with tool is they tried to make this war into a PR stunt for them. First by attacking a much smaller sized and unconnected alliance in a vain attempt to minimize losses (ya seems to be working great for ya, hah). Then in the DOW posting comments full of slander designed to falsify how the DT operates and make tool seem like some sort white knight riding into battle, and then continuing with these comments throughout this thread, even daring to suggest that war hunger nations of DT have any fear in them whatsoever. However i would like to again thank you at TOOL for your gracious gift of defense war slots, so that we may ride the downward slide that is your growth chart into the ball pit at mcdonalds.



You singlehandedly make hitting DT worth it. ^_^

Edited by Galapagos
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you seem to be under the false impression that the dark templar is ungrateful of your generous donation of war slots. Our only beef with tool is they tried to make this war into a PR stunt for them. First by attacking a much smaller sized and unconnected alliance in a vain attempt to minimize losses (ya seems to be working great for ya, hah). Then in the DOW posting comments full of slander designed to falsify how the DT operates and make tool seem like some sort white knight riding into battle, and then continuing with these comments throughout this thread, even daring to suggest that war hunger nations of DT have any fear in them whatsoever. However i would like to again thank you at TOOL for your gracious gift of defense war slots, so that we may ride the downward slide that is your growth chart into the ball pit at mcdonalds.

PR stunt, ha... People troll us, we respond. We've explained time and time again why we entered the war the way we did. I won't explain it again. Read the thread.

Knight in shining armour eh? interesting, TOOL have always been referred to as Paper tigers... I may as well take it as a compliment ^_^. No, we have not falsified how DT operates.

OH NOZ TOOL IS LOSING NS! We don't care... standing up for our allies is more important to us than a number on a screen.

Nah. Me thinks he just wants a Happy Meal. Quick, someone get him a TOOL shake ^_^

I'll get right on it xd

Edited by R3nowned
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You're being extremely naive if you think we attack DT thinking of minimizing damage. We know there were several alliances that would hit us, and they did, and still we didn't complain, like you did.

PR stunt? how would attacking DT serve as a PR stunt, we set our criteria to enter the war before we started, as bama already mentioned.

Oh noes, we're losing NS.

I'm not really buying that you knew several alliances would hit you for hitting us; especially as all of our MADP's were already involved in offensive/defensive/both wars.

Luckily for us, our ODP's in NOIR agreed with the fact that you are all complete cowards for attacking an alliance 1/8 your size.

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I'm not really buying that you knew several alliances would hit you for hitting us; especially as all of our MADP's were already involved in offensive/defensive/both wars.

Luckily for us, our ODP's in NOIR agreed with the fact that you are all complete cowards for attacking an alliance 1/8 your size.

NV was not engaged until the same night we declared. We figured they would hit us first, with their allies supporting them later on. So yes, we not only planned for but expected to be hit back. We knew we would be. We just didn't particularly care. We laid out before the war to all of our allies on both sides what our policy was going to be, and we stuck to it.


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you seem to be under the false impression that the dark templar is ungrateful of your generous donation of war slots. Our only beef with tool is they tried to make this war into a PR stunt for them. First by attacking a much smaller sized and unconnected alliance in a vain attempt to minimize losses (ya seems to be working great for ya, hah). Then in the DOW posting comments full of slander designed to falsify how the DT operates and make tool seem like some sort white knight riding into battle, and then continuing with these comments throughout this thread, even daring to suggest that war hunger nations of DT have any fear in them whatsoever. However i would like to again thank you at TOOL for your gracious gift of defense war slots, so that we may ride the downward slide that is your growth chart into the ball pit at mcdonalds.



I lol'd at that last sentence. You, sir, made my update.

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I wonder what your war guides look like.

Couldnt resist this one. For the enjoyment of all, I present TOOL's offical War Guide:

TOOL Guide to War

What is war? Well, you see, when two grown up nations love each other very much... no wait thats not it. Enough explanations, just follow these steps:

1. Buy some troops. Not too many, your citizens might not be happy.

2. Make sure to set your DEFCON to level 5. Green means go.

3. Deploy all of your troops. Dont worry if it says you will go into anarchy, better you do it to yourself than let the enemy.

4. Use Agressive attacks 100% of the time. This is war!

5. Lather, Rinse, and Repeat.



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oh boy looks like ive hit a nerve, sorry boyos! Anyway good luck on continuing to spin this, its just too bad there arent any merry go grounds at mc!@#$s.

TOOL are great allies, with an attitude like that you will likely never be fortunate enough to know them as we have.


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