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My Actions

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Today, I come to you disgraced at the actions that I have taken. For those of you who do not know, I attacked Amazon Nation who was not even remotely involved in any of the conflicts. They considered me to be a friend… they trusted me as a friend. This was something that was so.. disgusting for me to do… it makes me sick that I have done it. According to the message I received 4 hours after my attack was made, the following terms were made to me.

1) You must publicly surrender.

2) You must publicly post an apology.

3) You will pay reparations for the damages.

4) You will change you AA to AzN PoW.

I have completed #4 and I feel that this post should be as Item #2 and #1.

I am still waiting on conformation that these are the final terms. They’re extremely kind terms if this is it… if not, I shall still understand.

I did a very wrong thing to someone who was a friend, for my actions as a leader of an alliance, I am sorry. I should have known better. For my actions as a friend, I did so much wrong to you by declaring that it disgusts me looking back upon it. I will understand if you can never forgive me for this. I wouldn’t blame you.

Deltacon hereby announces its cessation of all military actions and announces it’s offer to complete Terms of Surrender.

To Randalla, I am sorry for doing what I did to you and I’m sorry that I wasn’t smart enough to prevent myself from doing this.

To those who I attacked, I’m sorry for attacking and I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you. Amazon Nation is a great alliance and there really was no reason that I attacked.

I made a really bad decision and I hope that Amazon Nation will allow me to pay for what I have done.


Deltacon Emperor

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A 'Well, that was stupid.' would be more fitting for my actions.

King, it looks good on you to man up like this. Randalla and the other ladies at AzN are a very cool bunch, and I'm sure they will treat you ok.

And hey Randalla, been a while!

King, good luck in getting this resolved.



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Indeed, we were friends before this reckless declaration, and I believe his sincere apology is the first step in repairing that damaged friendship. To be clear, the damage was not caused by the loss of a few "pixels." My reaction was made via private message, and will remain private.

I know he means well in his enthusiasm, and simply doesn't always think things through. Thus my terms were intended to be lenient and non-political.

The AA AzN PoW is now under our protection. While he is in the process of making reparations to the Amazons he attacked, which involves the expiration of aid slots in order to do so, he will remain under our terms of surrender and our protection. When reparations are made in full, he will be released.

This "stern talking to" has been brought to you by the Amazon Nation. Thank you.

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I cannot applaud you for attacking Amazon nation, a protectorate of an engaged alliance who aren't engaged themselves. This was very pointless and unnecessary. However, it is good that you are now admitting your mistake and, as a result, receiving lenient surrender terms.

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I am glad that Randalla has given me the option to pay for the mistakes that I have made. Really, I went into this without a clear head. I didn't keep my cool and I probably over reacted to some things that I had heard earlier on in the day. However, I'm not allowed to discuss those things with other people.

The simple fact was probably that it's because I'm leaving, and I want to get my last bit of fun in before I am gone. I am indeed leaving the game... I'll probably make a last thread before I leave though.

Once again, I am indeed sorry that I broke Randalla's trust and that I declared on someone who wasn't even close to being involved in the conflict.

[ooc] Exactly how drunk were you last night? lol [/ooc]

King601 was not under the influence of alchool last night when the DoW was issued.


Deltacon Emperor

Edited by king601
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