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Alagaesian Session of Congress

thor gold

Alagaesian Congressional Vote  

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(Alagaesian House of Congress, Ellesmera) The Alagaesian 1st Congress has come to session. Today, to be voted upon are the following propositions:

First, the institution of Mandatory Military Service for all males, beginning between the ages of 18 and 35. To be voted upon is the institution of such a law, and if it is to be so, for how long involved citizens must serve. The agreed upon timetables to be chosen from are the minimums of 10, 5, and 2.5 years, as well as the option to dismiss MMS altogether.

Second, the minimum sentencing of those convicted of piracy. Piracy, itself a capital crime against Alagaesia, currently has a generalized minimum sentencing. Reports from Palancar to Leona have consisted of judges' sentences ranging from $100 fines to death by hanging. This must certainly come to an end, thus the following choices for sentencing are proposed: Sentencing to death, life in prison, prison for 50 years, prison for 25 years, prison for 10 years, or a public flogging.

If a pirate is sentenced to death, the following means of capital punishment, specifically designed to reflect the life of a pirate:

-Death by immurment (starvation) at sea

-Death by confinement in a non-watertight container which is lowered into the sea (resulting in the convicted's drowning)

-Death by firing squad (shots would be exlucsively to the torso to balance deserved agony and humanity)

-Death by slow hanging (a style of stranglation that minimizes the risk of instant death by breaking the condemned's neck)

-Death by confinement in tank of live sharks until devourment

Edited by thor gold
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OOC: The execution choice actually legalizes all those measures, on the whim of the judge.

In theory I could execute a pirate by starving him to death in a shipping container with a rope around his neck, then about two weeks into his starvation dump the tank in shark-infested waters. As the sharks pull at his flailing, drowning body, the rope will tighten, strangling him. Finally, a quartet of snipers will land blows in his arms, legs, and finally chest to maximize the punishment before he dies. *Yes, it's inhumane and gruesome, but this is SPARTA!*

Edited by thor gold
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OOC: Meh, I have a fear of bugs, so I'd never be so cruel as to kill someone by being eaten by bugs (I know that is possible... some species of South American ant can kill small children by swarming and suffucating them, and have been known to rip off chunks of flesh and carry it back to the nest O_o). And hitting a guy in the balls is just UNUSUAL cruelty. I mean sharks, yah, it's inhumane. But a ballshot... damn, you're sick :P

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OOC: Meh, I have a fear of bugs, so I'd never be so cruel as to kill someone by being eaten by bugs (I know that is possible... some species of South American ant can kill small children by swarming and suffucating them, and have been known to rip off chunks of flesh and carry it back to the nest O_o). And hitting a guy in the balls is just UNUSUAL cruelty. I mean sharks, yah, it's inhumane. But a ballshot... damn, you're sick :P

OOC:That's scary man. Yea, and the whole ballshot thing = HECK NO! That would be extremely bad!

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OOC: Or even better: strap them to a chair naked and hit the family jewels with a whip. Sadly this only applies to male pirates.

OOC: Actually, the female private parts are similarly sensitive as the male's, you simply need another angle. A friend of mine did that once to a gigantic B- who deserved it (reasons I will not disclose, but she did deserve it) and cringed just like any man would.

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OOC: Actually, the female private parts are similarly sensitive as the male's, you simply need another angle. A friend of mine did that once to a gigantic B- who deserved it (reasons I will not disclose, but she did deserve it) and cringed just like any man would.

OOC: All the more reason to not do that then

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A tall man in sea boots, a long coat, and a feathered cap stomps into the chamber. "What nonsense be ye babblin' on about? We pirates en't criminals, we're... eh... Nautical property acquisition and redistribution specialists with certification in salvage and customs activities. Aye, that's what we be. An' if ye can find summat criminal in that there trade, then ye be mad, stark ravin' mad!"

Someone in the crowd tried to apprehend this obvious pirate, but he drew his sword from its scabbard and shouted, "Ye best be keepin' yer hands off o' me 'n' me mates, ye sea dog. We be the diplomatic mission from th' Pirate Federation o' the Spanish Mainland, wot ye may know as th' Federacion Iberiana. I be... wot's the blasted word... immune from yer prosecution. Now, I'll be takin' me leave. If'n ye pass any sort of penalty on piracy, then ye be committin' an act o' war on the Pirate Federation!"

OOC: This is the debut of my new pirate government. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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