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"Atler states that he has no problem signing this pact." Nasko says after making the call.

"Excellent. Once we have finished the pact, we will send the document to him so he can sign it, unless he has given you the power to do so."

I see no problem with this treaty, and our CEO will be most pleased signing it as he supports Communism and we are a heavily Socialist state, but I shall make a call to him first.

"Understood. The telephones are there." Once again, the Chairman pointed to the door.

The Azeri Minister of Foreign Affairs is recalled to Baku due to the events taking place in Europe

Completely understandable. You may join at a later time, if you wish to do so.

The Socialist Republic Of Colstream wishes to send an Ambassador to this conference.

OOC: This is secret, Colstream. You wouldn't know about it.

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We agree to the editted treaty made by Saboria. Honestly we are willing to put all of our resources into this treaty. We will support this treaty so long as our economic ideaology remains a mix of socialism and communism. This will probably the remainder of the New Northern Empire's line to remain.

If for any reason one of the nation leaves the ideaology, I do not believe expulsion should be in order. They should be free to leave at thier own will and invest in individual treaty signings.

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We agree to the extra article.

OOC:Edited the Treaty

I agree with all of the changes made.

OOC: btw Colestream, nice av!

"I'm glad that you are happy with the extra article."

We agree to the editted treaty made by Saboria. Honestly we are willing to put all of our resources into this treaty. We will support this treaty so long as our economic ideaology remains a mix of socialism and communism. This will probably the remainder of the New Northern Empire's line to remain.

If for any reason one of the nation leaves the ideaology, I do not believe expulsion should be in order. They should be free to leave at thier own will and invest in individual treaty signings.

"Similarly, Canada will support the ComIntern - we have proposed it, after all.

Regarding the ideology-change, we would like to handle that on a case-by-case basis. Obviously, if their people voted for it in peaceful and non-rigged elections, not much action will be taken, while a coup d'état could result in military intervention by us. But again, this should be done on a case-by-case basis.

Now, is there anything else that should be added to the treaty? Otherwise, I believe we can go public with it once everyone has signed."

OOC: Meaning I'll post a new topic with the treaty once everyone's signed it.

Edited by Lynneth
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Due to Sargun, we have to cancel the techsharing article. Apparently, I any person can only receive one techshare and give one techshare.


OOC: What? :blink: I know we're only allowed to RECEIVE one techshare, as it would be pointless to get more than one anyway...but only give one? That's a new one.

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OOC: What? :blink: I know we're only allowed to RECEIVE one techshare, as it would be pointless to get more than one anyway...but only give one? That's a new one.

OOC: Sargun said so in IRC D=

Also, only the Beijing signature needed now. Then I'll post two new threads - one to announce the ComIntern, the other for internal discussions and applications.

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