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The Pax Pacifica.


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As a Central Nation I oppose the DE upgrading it's membership. We, well I for one, like to deal with single nations, not merged countries that one person controls and therefore has control over everyone else. And also, the majority of the DE's land is actually mainland China, not coastal.

We are, however, happy for Singapore to join... I am very sure that this nation will not be sucked into the black hole which is the Dragon Empire.

Edited by Madame Unicorn
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The Chairman laughed, "We wanted Singapore to be independent, we even proposed such to the Australasian Coalition ourselves." He then calmed himself a bit and continued, "The Empire is only wanting one vote.. as a core member, not a vote for every state. We are a nation, not a body of nations. One person does not control the Dragon Empire. One person speaks for it, but there is a body legislature that must consider just about every decision we make. That's how a representative democracy works. I am not an Emperor as I was in the old days, I am just one of a collective of leaders looking to protect Asia, the Pacific, and Australia and its inhabitants. That is all.. no more, no less."

"And before you get the wrong idea. I want to protect them from war and hardship. I have no desire to control those areas.. the D.E. only wishes to control its own region, Asia, where its membership lies."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Indeed. GA votes for admittance of Singapore to this pact, and moves that since the country which signed this pact in the name Dragonisa has actually turned into another entity they be struck from the list of signatories.

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Two out of three, if I'm not mistaken:

We welcome Singapore to the Pax Pacifica, and ask that their representative gives us a signature.

I also suggest that Dragonisia's signature be struck from the list... If their representative would like to re-apply as the Dragon Empire then they are able to do so.

If DE's representative were to take my advice, I would tell them to not bother reapplying.

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"We thank you very much for admitting Singapore into this treaty. Now, for our signature..."

Signed for the Republic of Singapore,

Goh Chok Tong, President

Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister

Abdullah Tarmugi, Speaker of Parliament

Chan Sek Keong, Chief Judge

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OOC: Question, for the records only. Is Singapore a full member or a Pacific Holding Nation?

OOC: As small as I am, I could only be Central, because 100% of my land is within a circle of roughly 50 kilometers diameter.

OOC: Central Nation - Full member

OOC: <3

I'll stop the OOC now.

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"Would Annihilation like to state its logic for its denial? We're not sure why it would not want us as a member."

Glorious Aotearoa would also be opposed to your admission on the grounds not more than 50% of your land is within the required distance from the Pacific Ocean and hence, you are unable to be accepted as a Pacific Central nation..

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"Ah, not even as one of the signers, non central states? I can understand that logic, but I thought we'd fit the external member treaty as previously."

Then you would have to withdraw and resubmit your application.

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Dragonisia withdraws as a state and requests to re-sign as the Dragon Empire as a holding state with territorial borders to the region and within it to a more limited degree.

Glorious Aotearoa cannot see a reason to deny you holding status.

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Annihilation, after talks with other Pacific Central Nations, supports the Dragon Empire's request.

With three out of four Central Nations voting for the Dragon Empire, we welcome them to the Pax Pacifica as a Pacific Holding Nation.

If you could please give us a signature, that would be lovely.

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