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The Indian Job


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New Delhi

New Delhi was the gem of Decca, for it was the center of life in this part of Indochina. However, its soul was to be gone soon.....

The city had an extensive gas line system to power the city, but it was so connected that an accident could cause a major disaster. And a disaster happened this particular night.

Several massive explosions erupted all over the pipelines, setting off a chain reaction as the lines caught fire one after another. Soon, the entire area turned into an inferno, swallowing up all life......

When the police started investigating, they would find the signs of the Solairen Federacy and the Marscurian Empire near where the explosions first started......


"Strike One has happened, Bokun."

"Good. Prepare for Strike 2."

OOC: Niko approved beforehand about this.

Edited by Sumeragi
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This was the first time an attack on IndoChinese civilians hit home. Completely unready fire squads gave way to the relentless fire, which then proceeded to engulf half the sprawling metropolis. A toxic brew of chemical fires, and the dust of asbestos, made what remained of New Delhi an uninhabitable wasteland. No figure has even been raised as the death toll, which is expected to be around 250,000...

Police investigations, helped by the Ministry of Intelligence, began soon after the fires receded. When they retraced the fire's steps back to the roots, they found a trace... A trace of explosives.... Using foreign machinery, the MoI traced the explosives to a certain state armory in... Marscurian Empire! Just as they were about to leave, however, a fainter trace was discovered. It was soon checked, and came out as being from the Solarein Federacy National Arsenal.

The Chairman was enraged. He threw his fist into the air, showing his bulging veins

"Demand an official response from them IMMEDIATELY!"




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Gujarat was the heart of the heavy industry of Indochina, producing 19% of India's Industrial Output, 10% of its mineral production, 40% of pharmaceutical products, and 47% of petrochemical production. It was, so the speak, the engine that kept Indochina, and India as a whole, modernized enough to compete with the world. It was in this place that another massive attack on the People's Socialist Union was to take place.......

In the evening, television programming all over the world was interrupted with the breaking news that Gandhinagar was virtually under siege. Gandhinagar is one of Indochina's—and the world’s—largest cities. Commentators inside the city observed that all activity but that of the police and other authorities had come to a halt by the day after the attack.

Ten to twelve locations were identified as targets by eyewitness observers, all located in the wealthy areas of town. They included the Taj Mahal Hotel, the Oberoi /Trident Hotel, a Chabad House (an orthodox Jewish organization), one or two hospitals, a train station—the , Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, the Leopold Cafe and a domestic airport and a police station.

The Taj Mahal hotel was emptied fairly rapidly by the police and the army, but the Oberoi hotel was still believed to have 200 people inside, as well as an unknown number of attackers, the next day.

In several of the locations, attackers opened fire. In the hotels they took hostages, seeking out foreigners and especially European citizens. Grenades were set off in other areas. The Taj Hotel was hosting a parliamentary conference and a number of visiting dignitaries were ensnared in the violence, but none were harmed.

The reports of the numbers of killed and injured varied in the midst of the attack. As of the second day of the attack, most reports indicated that about 100 victims were killed, and at least 200 injured. These included members of the police and security forces.

The identity of the attackers was not immediately known. They were described in first hand accounts as young me wearing jeans and tee-shirts.

An e-mail claiming responsibility and signed by the "Maratha Mujahideen" surfaced shortly after the attack. This group is not known, and may be associated with more established groups who have committed other terrorist attacks in India, claiming retaliation or revenge for Chinese attacks or, more broadly, long term discrimination. India was divided into several countries, allowing the Chinese to overrun the northern parts.

Experts rushed to declare links to parent state organizations; some Indochinese politicians blamed outside forces -- by which they mean Solairen and Marscuria; others suggested Kyokujitsu links or likenesses, which seem unlikely. Yet others noted the youthfulness of the attackers and observed that they were likely a loosely coordinated group motivated in part by the passionate energies of youth itself.


The sole captured terrorist, Ajmal Kasab


"Strike 2 has succeeded."

"Prepare the knockout blow. Make sure it'll be seen by everyone"

Edited by Sumeragi
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The Police was soon overwhelmed with this mass onslaught of terrorist strikes. Soon the national army was called in to put down the terrorist insurrection. After days of mass fighting, the Army soon realized that surrounded terrorists all had a tendency to... commit mass suicide. All but one died, and the lone survivor, Ajmal Kasab, was captured. After being taken to Lubyanka prison in XiaJing, he was tortured repeatedly, and deprived of sleep. Given only salted fish, he was offered water if he confessed. On the third day, he finally cracked. "We're the Mujahadeen of IndoChina! We must liberate IndoChina!" On searching of his documents, the authorities found an Mascurian Identity card. He was given water, but then beaten until he divulged information on his allies. "They... they're the Marscurian Empire!!! They harbored us, and gave us weapons!" With this in hand, the interrogators took him into a large room and put a bullet through his head.



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The Azerbaijain Republic would like to know on which basis they blame small nations like the Marscurian Empire and Solarien Federacy for these organized and apparently well funded terrorist attacks. It should be abundantly clear that these nations are not capable to organize nor coordinate such powerful attacks in Indochina withouth the Secret Services to stop them, specially in the Capital City.

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OOC: Sorry, I've been asleep through all of this

IC: Reply to Indochina:

We know nothing of this dispicable terrorist attack that has been dealt against your innocent civilians. This attack was not authorized by the Kaisermelech, or any of his generals. You are free to look through all of our records, electronic and paper, for proof of our innocence. In a gesture of good will, we will be dropping off a large amount of humanitarian goods at the border railyards outside the City of Wonder. You are free to take them and distribute them as you see fit. We will start an investigation inside our country and keep you up to date with its progress. Rest asured, if the terrorists did come from our lands, they will be hunted down without mercy. The man you interogated is lying. The Marscurian Empire harbors no group that embraces religious extremism, infact, we immediatly make them illegal and force them to disband, as we did with the CJSM. The fact that ethnic Marathas make up less than 10% of our population also weakens this obvious liar's case. We have experienced terrorism first hand, and we will do whatever it takes to keep our friends safe.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail I
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The Elective Dictatorship of Palintine is both appalled that this attack occurred, but adamant about the prevention of armed conflict without merit or reason. Greater attempts at diplomacy should be taken instead of this absurd saber rattling that is taking place now.

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OOC: Wait what :P, I see replay of 26/11 god I thought Gandhinagar was Gujarat, didn't know Maharahstrians wanted control over it.

IC: We wonder why IndoChina is wondering who did these terror attacks instead of actually finding solid evidence of this case. Also instead of sending out war threats why not actually do an effort to help victim families and shocked citizens and help make IndoChina a safer place. A government that is willing to blame outsiders for the failure of their own security forces to see this coming is highly weak. Stop making useless threats.


Our border with IndoChina must be kept under close watch. We don't want scum like their citizens in our country. Get 25,000 more troops guarding the area. Luckily we have a small nation and small borders.

Edited by Sir Keshav IV
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The room was quite barren with a simple metal table and a few metal seats inside with three walls blank and the last one taken up by a map of the Indian area of the world. On the map was marked the territory of the Solarian Federacy as well as Indochina. The High General was seated at the table as was the Commander of the Airforce and the Commander of the Navy. Meanwhile the Commander of the Army was busy pointing out that it would be in there best interests to use the navy's helicopters to insert a number of special force units into the Solairian Federacy's capital city before the rest of the army arrived on the beaches. After a quick discussion on some of the finer points of the plan it was decided and the call was put out for the majority of the army to assemble at the docks to board the vessels there. The helicopters that the navy used for transporting its marines were warmed up ready for the quick launch they would be needed to make.

*Private message to the Solarian Federacy*

"As per our agreement Helzan forces are currently underway to help provide security for your nation. They should be arriving shortly".

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It seems that your nation has been framed. Please stay on full alert in case of futher thefts of your arsenal weapons.



The Socialist People's Union of IndoChina demands a response, an admission of guilt and a confession or an explanation with proof of innocence. If there is no response with 96 IRL hours, we will untertake protective measures.


IndoChinese security forces have revised their searches, and with the cooperation of fairly trustworthy Marscurian officials, recognize that the Marscurian Empire is free from any guilt other than an apparent failure to conduct timely inventories of their weapons. There is still no reply from the Solarein Federacy.

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It seems that your nation has been framed. Please stay on full alert in case of futher thefts of your arsenal weapons.

Encrypted Response:

We thank you for your trust. To keep both of our nations safe, we have doubled the armed guards that guard our armories, and quadrupled the guards that guard the more dangerous weapons. We have also increased the number of armored vehicles that guard convoys carrying weaponry. In response to this attack, the Maratha Mujahadeen has been made an illegal terrorist organization, and we are now obligated to ensure its disbandment and arrest its leaders on the charges of terrorism and treason. Leaders will be transfered to Indochina for trial and punishment. To insure against futher attacks, army checkpoints have been set up on all roads leading into IndoChina, and all vehicles are subject to search. If you need any help housing, feeding or providing care for the victims, the Marscurian Army has set up a refugee camp outside the City of Wonder. It has room for several thousand people, and several field hospitals can care for the wounded.

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"It would be in Indochina's best interests to stop sending threatening ultimatums to the Solarian Federacy, unless they're trying to start a conflict. I can promise you that if Indochina starts a war with the Solariam Federacy Slavorussia will be there to end it." -Prime Minister Kolesnikov

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"Uniforms and explosives are relatively easy to steal. Perhaps you should investigate a little deeper than uniforms and explosives."

General Ivan Belyakov and roughly 10,000 peacekeepers are prepared to go to the Solarian Federacy to supplement the additional 5,000 already in the country. Slavorussia is adamant that this will not escalate into war, and requests other Asian nations to contribute to make an international peacekeeping force.

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The transports carrying 100,000 of Helzan's finest and best soldiers are uurently a minimum of two hours away from reaching the Solarian Federacy and upon arrival will move to defend the Federacy from any form of attack and any form of attack will be classed as an at of war against The Helzan.

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Just how will you get them there? All of Solarien's coastlines are surrounded by my territorial waters, and are currently under blockade until they explain themselves... We have not threatened war... We have threatened a full complete embargo of their nation until the situation is cleared up.

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