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The North has gone Red


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Uralic Bashkortostan refuses to recognise a government established against the will of the majority, especially one established so violently.

Until the true government of the Northern Empire is restored, all diplomatic contact between our two nations will be suspended, and no official from this current regime will be allowed on Uralic-Bashkir soil.

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OOC: 153, not 155 (or is there a reason for that?) :P

From the GTI HQ inside of The Northern Empire, Public Broadcast

We can provide peacekeeping and assistance to the country; and we already have men plus equipment in the country that can do so.

Private to Nothern Empire

Perhaps we can "peacekeep" & be sure nothing...appears...on the news.

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Public Imperial Announcement

From this point forward, the Imperial Navy is closing off Imperial territory as well as beginning a blockade of the Northern Empire's Pacific Coast.

Due to the recent hand over of East Pakistan to Marscurian Empire, the Southern Fleet is already on its way home, and will be aiding in the enforcement of this policy.

We promised to help the Emperor, and he's now dead. We recognize only the Imperial Government of the Northern Empire, and we pledge to help them in anyway.


Imperial Intelligence began working on ways to begin contacting any leaders of the 60% of the people who did not vote communist. The 1st Army began moving into the Northern Empire from Enkaido. Marines were landing all over the Kamchatka Peninsula, and the Navy had begun landing people on the Eastern Seaboard. In all nearly 100,000 troops were going to be deployed

OOC: pre-approved by Mykep

Edited by Lord Frost
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OOC: Keep in mind the other 60% are nationalists...who believe thier Emperor and Leading Generals were killed by another nation. They dont care right now who is in charge, they just want to kill something. Thats the hitch on the plan. We cant get the other 60% to agree to our cause...we'll unite them under a whole new cause altogether...putting ourselves in charge...

Get me?

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OOC: Keep in mind the other 60% are nationalists...who believe thier Emperor and Leading Generals were killed by another nation. They dont care right now who is in charge, they just want to kill something. Thats the hitch on the plan. We cant get the other 60% to agree to our cause...we'll unite them under a whole new cause altogether...putting ourselves in charge...

Get me?

OOC: explaineth via pm before we continue pl0x

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***Classified to Saboria***

Something is fishy about this whole situation. However, we cannot attack without good reason, or a direction. We therefore request permission to have several of our ships dock in your ports until the situation is clearer.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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The Norden Kingdom is disturbed by all the violence has taken place. However, we have always had extremely friendly relations with The Northern Empire, and we hope that your protection for our growing nation continues. Our borders remain open and unguarded as always and we hope TNE prospers.

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Imperial Intelligence began working on ways to begin contacting any leaders of the 60% of the people who did not vote communist. The 1st Army began moving into the Northern Empire from Enkaido. Marines were landing all over the Sahklin Peninsula, and the Navy had begun landing people on the Eastern Seaboard. In all nearly 100,000 troops were going to be deployed

OOC: Wait, how did you move from Enkaido into TNE when Manchuria is in front of you?

Also, Sahklin Peninsula?

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***Classified to Saboria***

Something is fishy about this whole situation. However, we cannot attack without good reason, or a direction. We therefore request permission to have several of our ships dock in your ports until the situation is clearer.

*Classified response*

Indeed, most fishy. It is unlikely that Manchuria, a good friend of the Northern Empire, would fire a cruise missle. A single one, that is. Had they fired dozens and then invaded, it would be more believable, though quite traitorous.

Anyways. Feel free to visit the Canadian Pacific Islands (nearby Japanese Guam) or our Northwestern ports near the USNA. You can bring cake, too.

*End of*

*Public message to the NE*

Mykep was a friend of the Chairman and as such, we would like to send a team to investigate the exact circumstances. Depending on what is found out, we will or will not take further action.

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We shall recognize the new regime. However, there is till the issue of finding Yuke political opponents who are still hidden in the country when Mykep was in charge.

OOC: Basically, I now need a new place for Nikanor to hide in, with the socialist rebellion and all.

IC: <<Hidden in the Siberian wastes>>

Nikanor did make it to the capital. But communist attacks and revolutions forced him and his friends to retreat to the wastelands. They now know that the Northern Empire wasn't safe. He would have to leave Russia. But where, and how.

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*Classified response*

Indeed, most fishy. It is unlikely that Manchuria, a good friend of the Northern Empire, would fire a cruise missle. A single one, that is. Had they fired dozens and then invaded, it would be more believable, though quite traitorous.

Anyways. Feel free to visit the Canadian Pacific Islands (nearby Japanese Guam) or our Northwestern ports near the USNA. You can bring cake, too.

*End of*


"Thank you. Then that is where they will head."

At that moment, two of the carriers stationed in the AC protectorate moved out, along with escorts and transports. The 10,000 men were being dispatched from there.

One battlegroup made for the islands, while the other headed towards the Northwestern ports.

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Which part of Manchuria. East or West?

Also, we do not have any types of missiles and as such we do not think how this can come from our silos.

OOC: I have no Missiles IG XD

OOC: Cruise Missiles aren't based from IG stats I believe.


We can forward you the Satellite Images if you want.

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GTI Harmless 9 Satelite was sent over & above Manchuria in secret. It would soon take pictures of likely places within military bases for the missles to have launched (if it originated from Manchuria). After, several of Aperture Science's best photo-manipulators would change the photos untill it looked like a cruise missle could come from there. Then the next time the General would arrive they could give him "evidence" that there are cruise missle functions in Manchuria.

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"Thank you. Then that is where they will head."

At that moment, two of the carriers stationed in the AC protectorate moved out, along with escorts and transports. The 10,000 men were being dispatched from there.

One battlegroup made for the islands, while the other headed towards the Northwestern ports.


While it would take some time for the carriers (and likely their escorts, too) to arrive, they would be greeted happily by the Canadians in each port.

Meeting friend was always a happy occasion, after all.

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OOC: No! GO AWAY :) Sorry, had some RL and also needed to research some of RP. Can't have an amazing RP without background and including background RPs.

Through some enlightenment, the growing Communist government approached a more...peaceful approach to the layout to the government. The written works of Dr. Tomas Pons (OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=46257) made thier way to the leadership of this new government. They would adopt the ideals of Canada, and form themselves into a mixture of Ubersteinian and Communism. The Socialist stand points would remain, but the mix would involve revolutionary ideas only available to the Chairman of Saboria, and the later Canada.

Letter from the Socialist Coalition to Canada:

We invite Fjodor Leclerc, the Chairman of Canada, to help us make our government into something of your design.

(OOC: If you do not want, on your visit I wont steal your ideas)

Letter to the public:

We are sorry for our violent actions and our inability to stop the riots and rebellions. We ask Communists government to help aid us so with ideas and plans to change our Capitalist system.

We also offer a full apology for any aggressive stance you believed us to be in, but we are going to allow all to investigate the murder of the Emperor and the Generals. Local goverments have banded together to help us restore order. We assure the international community that the Northern Empire will remain strong and united. The general population has worked together in the absense of the Emperor and has become more favourable of the helping Coalition.

A poll of the recent demagraphics of support will come out soon, but until then our borders are open for investigation.

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