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LFM Kill TE Initiative MADP BLoc


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I know this might be a bit early, but I'm looking for people to take these guys out NEXT round. Send me a message please if you're interested.


Rodentia Dominatus considers each round as a new start.

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I know this might be a bit early, but I'm looking for people to take these guys out NEXT round. Send me a message please if you're interested.
Each new round is a fresh start. I doubt you'll find any credible alliances willing to hold a grudge into next round.

Especially since we are ending this war now. And will probably be signing new treaties! :P

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Especially since we are ending this war now. And will probably be signing new treaties! :P

YES! More treaties! That's exactly what this game needs more of! I am so glad that bloated politics, which led to this, is now begetting even more bloated politics.

o/ turning a mini, 2-month game into something ridiculously full of red tape. We all play TE just because we can't get enough of the stagnation that is omnipresent in SE, and this is one way to assure that stagnation carries over! YAY :lol:

I can't wait until every round turns into a ridiculous cold war between two ridiculously proportioned sides, with fighting only taking place in the last two weeks. The dynamics of this game will truly be far more invigorating if they're far less invigorating.

Edited by George the Great
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Im the MoFA of The Fellowship. One of the Initiative alliances just FYI. When you find enough alliances/nations to destroy the Initiative please do contact me personally. I love jokes :)

Your arrogance belittles your own alliance sir.

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Really? I suppose then that we can expect your presence on the opposing side of the Initiative next go around then? It would be quite nice.

Does it make you significant by calling out a smaller alliance to a super power you had no part in the creation of?

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The Initiative was a reaction to a threat and not a permanent Coalition of Alliances. As this war has run its course its safe to say that said Coalition no longer exists therefore there can not be another round. The Fellowship respects our enemies and wishes them the best of luck for the rest of the round.


United Kingdom

The fellowship

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Hey Wiley, you realize Fellowship isn't even in the Initiative? It's easy to pretend to be a hard-$@! when you're hiding behind the big kids.

Why do you think we weren't part of The Initiative?

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Hey Wiley, you realize Fellowship isn't even in the Initiative? It's easy to pretend to be a hard-$@! when you're hiding behind the big kids.

I could say the same about you and your allies from past rounds

The Initiative was a reaction to a threat and not a permanent Coalition of Alliances. As this war has run its course its safe to say that said Coalition no longer exists therefore there can not be another round. The Fellowship respects our enemies and wishes them the best of luck for the rest of the round.


United Kingdom

The fellowship

Heh, heard the same thing last round. Prove it to me by attacking the what ever bloc is called. But I doubt you won't grow a pair to do that

Maybe we should remember that next time we are asked to assist in a war by TPF. As we had a MADP with TPF we are a De Facto member of The Initiative.


That's like saying I'm allied to x alliance who is allied to x alliance who is allied to MHA. That makes us treaty partners

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Maybe we should remember that next time we are asked to assist in a war by TPF. As we had a MADP with TPF we are a De Facto member of The Initiative.

No, you are a de facto ally of the Initiative. But go ahead and remember it, because we didn't need everyone dogpiling RE. Real helpful. :rolleyes:

I could say the same about you and your allies from past rounds

I don't choose my allies because I'm not .gov, but I'm certainly not hiding behind anyone. I'm going to be a loud jackass no matter what the score is.

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Here is where I am: There was a movement called The Initiative and we were part of it. After the initial strike the initiative was formalized as an entity and we weren't part of that.

For The Fellowship, The Initiative was a means to an end, and that end has come for the time-being. I've made it no secret that I think TE suffers from being swamped by too many treaties.

The Fellowship did not hide behind anyone. A mutual threat was perceived, sides were picked, things escalated and we acted. TPF would have fared less well without TF, just as we would have fared less well without them.

With or without support we will answer any threat. We may burn, but not easily. But to turn away support would be folly when treaties are the nature of TE.

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Somone from the Fellowship should put a muzzle on this guy, hes quite the embarassment.

Awww we got us a creative one boys :) Better watch out he a scrapy little feller.

Hey Wiley, you realize Fellowship isn't even in the Initiative? It's easy to pretend to be a hard-$@! when you're hiding behind the big kids.

Big kids? I guess considering that were the No.8 alliance with more nukes then most of our competitors. I dont know where your definition strength comes from. Especially since we were ASKED by the TPF to be part of this war. Document or not we founght BESIDE them. We attacked our enemy and organized all our own attacks.

Does it make you significant by calling out a smaller alliance to a super power you had no part in the creation of?

No help in the creation of huh? So i didnt send out any recruitment messages at all?I didnt Participate in a fellowship trade circle to help out growth? I didnt fight in a war with them and i sistained no damages? And apparently being the MoFA i had not the least bit of influence in anything fellowship related? Wow im curious as to where the line between significant and insignificant falls for you? And im not calling out anyone, if i wanted to i would just post a war declaration and have at it. But obviously i havent. If we were the bully's you say we are then we would be a tad more agressive then this. Nice try but no.

To everyone else. I would like to point out that from day 1 we have made it a point to have an alliance free from treaties so that something like this we could avoid. It just so happens that the treaties we do have got us caught up in a war. You may think we are the bad guys because the odds of the war weren't very even but if called into a war by allies you would have done the same thing. In respect to the MHA and Allies we have refrained from the gloating and bragging simply because they have showed class in being defeated we can have the class to do the same.

Edited by NEWiley
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