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The World Congress


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Tahoe wishes to become an observer member. As many of the goals of the World Congress are admirable, we do not wish to tie ourself to an organization we cannot fully trust. As such, we seek observer status, so we may participate but not have a vote.

Promised Land will support this.

We would also like to remind those who are wary of joining simply because of the failure of the last World Congress...many of those who opposed it the first time around are gone, or have since changed dramatically. We see at least two seperate signatures that come from nations that previously opposed it.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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We must protest Andonia's entry into the Congress. They are not a sovereign nation and thus do not meet the requirements for joining the Congress.

We are a soverign nation. We are not on any map because then you would go kill us. If anyone should banned it should the Dutch.

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We must protest Andonia's entry into the Congress. They are not a sovereign nation and thus do not meet the requirements for joining the Congress.
We are a soverign nation. We are not on any map because then you would go kill us. If anyone should banned it should the Dutch.

Before this escalates, please take it to more private channels.

We do not wish this to become a mud-throwing fest.

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Enforcing peace through war is a contradiction, Procinctia learned the folly of overenthusiastic peacekeeping through our near destruction. Those who carry acts of international aggression, interfere with the territorial integrity and political independence of nations, deny equal rights and self-determination of peoples, or commit outright genocide do not often tolerate interference. Not all states adhere to international law, and pushing those who do not will create the very conflict this organization is trying to prevent.

Procinctia would rather see an international assembly or forum than an international congress, but would like to request observer status.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

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The Helzan whilst intrigued by this World Congress will not be joining. As our High General as said "War, Violence and Greed are all part of being human to change that would be like commanding the sea to stand still".

We cant stop all wars, but we can ask a large percentage of the world to observe peaceful methods rather than jump into war. That is our goal, to cut down on war and violence.

The World Congress is to stop conflicts before they start, not to enter the conflict itself. We will only participate through relief funds, blockades, and other methods. We do not force those who do not want to follow our rules, but members who do break them will face the judgement of the council.

Observer status for Procinctia and Tahoe permitted.

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We cant stop all wars, but we can ask a large percentage of the world to observe peaceful methods rather than jump into war. That is our goal, to cut down on war and violence.

The World Congress is to stop conflicts before they start, not to enter the conflict itself. We will only participate through relief funds, blockades, and other methods. We do not force those who do not want to follow our rules, but members who do break them will face the judgement of the council.

Observer status for Procinctia and Tahoe permitted.

"If two or more nations wish to fight and kill then they shall regardless of your means. You might delay them but theconflict will still occur and you must think clearly what you are doing. If you stop the war but not the feelings then you shall soon find the violence occuring in the form of terrorism".

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"If two or more nations wish to fight and kill then they shall regardless of your means. You might delay them but theconflict will still occur and you must think clearly what you are doing. If you stop the war but not the feelings then you shall soon find the violence occuring in the form of terrorism".

If two nations fight each other, there is nothing we can do. If two governments fight each other, its the people we are looking out for. There is no reason people should suffer for thier governments wrongdoing. Nevermind the fact that peace will be looked to IF you are a member.

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If two nations fight each other, there is nothing we can do. If two governments fight each other, its the people we are looking out for. There is no reason people should suffer for thier governments wrongdoing. Nevermind the fact that peace will be looked to IF you are a member.

"So are you saying you only help the Wolrd Congress member nations to find peace or will you look towards other such nations who may be preparing for a war and try to assist them in reaching a peaceful solution?"

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Naturally, an organization cannot claim to have power over something which is not a member. Thus we have an obligation to NOT interfere when they participate in bloodshed not affecting the members of the World Congress. I would like to propose a doctrine of neutrality, with the exception of when Weapons of Mass Destruction are used.

In this instance, Weapons of Mass Destruction are those in which effects spill over into other nations.

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"So are you saying you only help the Wolrd Congress member nations to find peace or will you look towards other such nations who may be preparing for a war and try to assist them in reaching a peaceful solution?"

The WC will help seek peaceful solutions for outsiders. We are not obligated to, but will interfere if a participating nations asks us... We are not the World Police and will not enforce our involvement on others...We will however step up if asked. We are moreso obligated in helping those who are apart of the organization.

Naturally, an organization cannot claim to have power over something which is not a member. Thus we have an obligation to NOT interfere when they participate in bloodshed not affecting the members of the World Congress. I would like to propose a doctrine of neutrality, with the exception of when Weapons of Mass Destruction are used.

In this instance, Weapons of Mass Destruction are those in which effects spill over into other nations.

Again, we cannot interfere with member nations treaty obligations. All we can do is ask that members stay peaceful unless a SERIOUS incident happens. Not violation of water borders, Not a plane flying over airspace, Not arguments over protectorate areas, Not claiming area near another nation. These things can be avoided with simple talking and a community of nations that agrees on who is right can be the deciding factor in what saves lives. Being a member nation asks you to be peaceful, and if the circumstance comes where you must make a stand, you will hold out for the WC's vote after presenting your case to avoid a conflict.

WMD and Neutrality Declarations are seperate legislatures that interfere with the inner workings of Internal Affairs and Foreign Affairs. This is not on our agenda.

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Tom Clark, head Diplomat for Dragonisia came forward.

"We ask the world congress to act to facilitate peace talks between Dragonisia, Neo Taiwan, and Greater Aoteara. Recently, a Greater Aotearan vessel left New Caladonia after we ceded the islands to Greater Aoteara to prevent a military conflict. Afterward, one of our military platforms strayed into Greater Aotearan territory due to a pilot error. Despite explanations, Greater Aoteara declared war on Dragonisia. One of its Super Cruisers left port in New Caladonia and intercepted the unarmed transport ships of New Taiwan, a Dragonisian friend and ally, and sunk them. In response, we had detected their movements out of port with our sea-crawler sensor net, we sent a squadron armed with Canadian Mach 6 Anti-ship warheads and sunk the vessel before it could harm more unarmed innocents. Since, Greater Aoteara has been very silent and we do not know their intent but we are ready for anything they may be preparing against us but we won't be able to sustain a prolonged war. This war is unnecessary and an act of nothing more than a bully throwing their weight around in the Pacific. We simply want the conflict over at this point before more lives are unnecessarily lost."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Tom Clark, head Diplomat for Dragonisia came forward.

"We ask the world congress to act to facilitate peace talks between Dragonisia, Neo Taiwan, and Greater Aoteara. Recently, a Greater Aotearan vessel left New Caladonia after we ceded the islands to Greater Aoteara to prevent a military conflict. Afterward, one of our military platforms strayed into Greater Aotearan territory due to a pilot error. Despite explanations, Greater Aoteara declared war on Dragonisia. One of its Super Cruisers left port in New Caladonia and intercepted the unarmed transport ships of New Taiwan, a Dragonisian friend and ally, and sunk them. In response, we had detected their movements out of port with our sea-crawler sensor net, we sent a squadron armed with Canadian Mach 6 Anti-ship warheads and sunk the vessel before it could harm more unarmed innocents. Since, Greater Aoteara has been very silent and we do not know their intent but we are ready for anything they may be preparing against us but we won't be able to sustain a prolonged war. This war is unnecessary and an act of nothing more than a bully throwing their weight around in the Pacific. We simply want the conflict over at this point before more lives are unnecessarily lost."

Promised Land would offer to host the peace talks...but we are hardly neutral in this matter. We do wish for a peaceful conclusion to this conflict, however.

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