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Most definately.

BTW, the new recruit bonus that HollowEyes spoke of a while ago is:


100K upon joining.

1 Million upon Confederate status (Confederate is made by most people, the difference is, they are more respected people in the alliance, have more rights, responsibilities, ect.).

That policy = pure awesome.

How do foreigners go about obtaining Confederate status? I wanna be a Confederate.. :(

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Could we perhaps get a picture or description of said Fruity Oaty Bars, please? I simply can't go on today without it.

I can show you a commercial for them.

(usual restrictions apply, the Blue Sun corporation cannot be held responsible for feelings of intense lethargy after consuming this product. The Blue Sun corporation gives no credence to claims of people wanting to cut themselves and others after consumption. Relax and enjoy peace)

Dragging this back on topic, everyone should join Browncoats because we rock.

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A Browncoat "Alliance"???


Malcolm Reynolds would no doubt think it a shiny idea to cave in your mouth for putting two such words together like that. I'd advise that you and your friends stay on Planet Bob and avoid the Core Planets elsewise you'll be getting a world of hurt from both the real Browncoats and the real Alliance.

(OOC - it's a reference to "Firefly" for those who don't know what this is about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefly_(TV_series)


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A Browncoat "Alliance"???


Malcolm Reynolds would no doubt think it a shiny idea to cave in your mouth for putting two such words together like that. I'd advise that you and your friends stay on Planet Bob and avoid the Core Planets elsewise you'll be getting a world of hurt from both the real Browncoats and the real Alliance.

(OOC - it's a reference to "Firefly" for those who don't know what this is about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefly_(TV_series)


I'm glad you're here to clarify what our group is about. It's not like we spelled it out in the OP or anything.

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Now, now. No need to get all bitter, we've rum for that...

And "BartSimpson" has a point, a Browncoat "Alliance," in the strictest sense doesn't make a lot of sense... But we're here anyway, and so far, it's working...

Ain't gonna lie though, when/if the crap hits the fan or something happens I reckon there's gonna be a bit of a showdown between those who like the Browncoat ideals and those who prefer a more "Alliance" feel...

But as I say, that's a bit off yet. Hope everybody has their priorities right though...

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