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Declaration of UFE Support


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OOC: Dagaestan (I know that it's spelled wrong, but I'm too lazy to find the right spelling) posted something the other day, but I would love to see lgtromm purged finally, but it would still cause the same massive uproar it does every other time someone has tried to purge him.

OOC: Dagaeston did? Proof that he posted please.

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ooc: Since we're on the subject, several nations need to be purged along with the ones mentioned above. Igntromm and Dagaestan immediately come to mind. when they find they have time in their lives to continue regular rp then they can come back and try to get their land back, or new land.

OOC: I was going to do a purge today, actually :awesome:

also, I thought I did something about igtromm already. apparently not

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OOC: RP is on hold for the moment.

The updated G-RP-G's state the following:

*When engaging in a CNRP war, the out come should be decided before hand by the participants. In cases of rather obvious out comes, common sense can be used, but with larger nations, fortified nations and older RPers coming to an agreement before hand is a much easier and less hateful path than the OOC mud slinging which most wars devolved into.

Obviously, this was not prearranged or predetermined. Since this has turned into an OOC mud slinging contest, I'm going to halt this war and let Maelstorm/Triyun/Mudd/etc. discuss privately what to do. If they want to continue this war, they must come to an agreed upon conclusion. If they want to start over, the GM's will consider that.

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*When engaging in a CNRP war, the out come should be decided before hand by the participants. In cases of rather obvious out comes, common sense can be used, but with larger nations, fortified nations and older RPers coming to an agreement before hand is a much easier and less hateful path than the OOC mud slinging which most wars devolved into.

OOC: but it is not a requirement, nor would it ever be, and forcing it to be required would never be recognized

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CNRP is for those who like to Rp with the occasional war or so. This isnt a "I only like to fight, so i'll do that." No, the nations did not develop...at all...Thus they should not be able to fight. CNRP is for RPing traditional politics, for yuo want to just RP wars, go to Game-related RP (IC) where even in the discriptions say: "Come here to roleplay events such as wars."

Get out of the game if arent going to play the game.

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CNRP is for those who like to Rp with the occasional war or so. This isnt a "I only like to fight, so i'll do that." No, the nations did not develop...at all...Thus they should not be able to fight. CNRP is for RPing traditional politics, for yuo want to just RP wars, go to Game-related RP (IC) where even in the discriptions say: "Come here to roleplay events such as wars."

Get out of the game if arent going to play the game.

OOC: Or, you can always have unofficial RP war games.

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CNRP is for those who like to Rp with the occasional war or so. This isnt a "I only like to fight, so i'll do that." No, the nations did not develop...at all...Thus they should not be able to fight. CNRP is for RPing traditional politics, for yuo want to just RP wars, go to Game-related RP (IC) where even in the discriptions say: "Come here to roleplay events such as wars."

Get out of the game if arent going to play the game.

OOC: I agree with this fully.

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ooc: Facts:

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=45281&hl= <--- last post of Tuland Jan. 20th

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=45041&hl= <--- last post of Elsyian plains, Jan. 20th

You want to rp a war, got to prepare for it

These times are greater than 20 days, these nations should be removed from the map of CNRP.

[OOC]Actually, I posted Feb. 1st, Feb 11th, and Feb 13th. Also, I have RP'd building up my millitary much before, through purchases from UFE and Malatose's nation.

My winter was busy and I didn't have as much time to dedicate to RP'ing. No I should be gettting some free time to RP more.[/OCC]

Edited by SkiingGuru1611
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[OOC]Actually, I posted Feb. 1st, Feb 11th, and Feb 13th. Also, I have RP'd building up my millitary much before, through purchases from UFE and Malatose's nation.

My winter was busy and I didn't have as much time to dedicate to RP'ing. No I should be gettting some free time to RP more.[/OCC]

Could you show your post on the 13th?

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[OOC]Actually, I posted Feb. 1st, Feb 11th, and Feb 13th. Also, I have RP'd building up my millitary much before, through purchases from UFE and Malatose's nation.

My winter was busy and I didn't have as much time to dedicate to RP'ing. No I should be gettting some free time to RP more.[/OCC]

OOC: I don't think that "I wish to purchase a sufficient amount of planes" qualifies as building military. If you want to be recognized in CNRP, real RP is a requirement. Go out and do something other than declaring allegiance to Triyun and letting him control your forces while you slip back into inactivity.

EDIT: This also brings me to an idea I had a while back, where the one post every 20 days goes bye-bye, and instead, it becomes something like 5 posts every twenty days unless you say you will be inactive beforehand, that way we keep out the people who don't want to RP, but still refuse to be taken off the map.

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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What people need a war world RP.

The environment and nations reset on a monthly basis and you can RP any war you like anywhere in it for whatever reason you like.

This will stop people getting bored and just declaring war for lulz in the main RP.

I have noticed on IRC (yes I lurk a lot, I usually do not have much to say) that people sometimes get bored and start a war for totally OOC reasons.

If there was an outlet for this with a recurring war RP in a separate canon then there would be a more realistic number of wars in the main RP with perfectly valid IC reasons for them.

Also on the subject of inactive players joining just for wars, CNRP is a RP of statecraft and nation building war is just one aspect of the whole experience of running a government, and players who only want to fight wars should probably consider forming a more specialised RP where they can fight all day long without bothering with diplomacy or economics or social RPs. CNRP for me is about playing the whole package of running a nation not just one small aspect of that.

Personally I would not allow an inactive to join for just a war, These nations have absolutely zero RP history so they can not possibly have a IC reason for declaring war or support for anyone.

All it takes is a minimum of one three sentence post every twenty days covering some aspect or aspects of their national development.

For instance an announcement that they have built a barracks (or some other infrastructure) or post their signature on a treaty would be sufficient. And if a player can not be bothered taking this minimal effort beforehand then they should not be allowed to join wars in CNRP. Perhaps they would better suited to the war world RP that I have proposed instead.

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Personally I would not allow an inactive to join for just a war, These nations have absolutely zero RP history so they can not possibly have a IC reason for declaring war or support for anyone.

OCC: my nation is a protectorate of UFE via The El Fuego Pepquifina Treaty. Article III alone is reason enough for my support of UFE.

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OOC: I'd have better odds of asking the Terrestian empire to join in a war since he actually posts ocassionaly. I wouldn't PM paraganea to join in a war though. He's been inactive. Calling him back for a war is poor RP etiquette, and just asinine.

If you don't like the RP, dont join the RP community. You can't just come in when your allies need a bail out without having done squat to add to the RP community.

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OCC: my nation is a protectorate of UFE via The El Fuego Pepquifina Treaty. Article III alone is reason enough for my support of UFE.

Dated January the 12th and this is your next RP post so I think that is a lot more than 20 days between posts thus your nation was out of the RP due to the inactivity rule. sorry

I would love to have more active NPO players in the game to advance my storyline considerably and greatly benefit me in game, but I like to see certain standards of minimum activity. And as I have said before CNRP is a game of many aspects and wars is only one of those aspects. If you want to play in CNRP then make some posts about other aspects of your nation. They do not have to be big posts, just a minimal amount of effort is required and it will keep you from getting hit with the inactivity rule.

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