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Neo Soviet Union

General Orlov

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Today Premier Orlov officially declared the Neo Soviet Union into existance. We pledge to be a strong global activist for ultimate global proletariat revolution, and defender of equality. From the frozen Eastern corner of Russia, we carved out a union on the foundations of true equality for the worker and the vision of a socialist world shared by all of its contributing inhabitants. We will defend the virtues of the clenched workers fist and fight the vices offered by the imperialistic hand that seeks to manipulate and conquer the world. Workers of the world unite!

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The General Council of the Socialist Tribal Confederacy of The Mongol-Swedes acknowledges and recognizes its Comintern comrade and will avail whatever means are available of the Steppes to ensure the sovereignty of the Neo Soviet Union as a workers state.

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Andonia welcomes this new nation to the world.

We would like to establish an embassy with you.

OOC: Botha claimed his territory in every version, so I think it is okay.

We accept your embassy and would like to establish a Neo Soviet Embassy in your nation as well.

OOC: ok thanks

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Procinctia is extremely disappointed in Kyokujitsu Teikoku’s reaction, and does not look forward to the inevitable Comintern response.

Out of CharacterL

The Kyokujitsu Northeastern Army, 100,000 men strong, crushed this insignificant rebellion as soon as it appeared.

There will be no Red Scum in the sacred land of the north.

You really ought to play the 100,000 men crushing the ‘insignificant rebellion,’ vague unilateral statements do not constitute roleplay. Edited by Generalissimo
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There will be no Comintern response, unless they want a world war.

Simply put, no communist movement, or a government for that matter, will be allowed in the Siberian Protectorate without our permission. The Neo Soviet Union is just an example to what happens to "governments" that disregard the fact.

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Does Kyokujitsu Teikoku realize they are entirely surrounded by Comintern nations?

You are significantly outnumbered, how does this ideological posturing benefit anyone?

OOC: I already had troops located there. Check this thread.
This is CNRP-R that information ought to have been in your factbook. Edited by Generalissimo
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Does Kyokujitsu Teikoku realize they are entirely surrounded by Comintern nations?

You are significantly outnumbered, how does this ideological posturing benefit anyone?

This situation goes beyond ideological posturing. We had already given the world the notice that we will not tolerate any government that establishes itself in OUR protectorate without our permission. For the Comintern to think that they can back up a state in violation of our soverginty, they are mistaken.

OOC: Busy with RL. I'll get everything nice in March.

OOC: Still, you didn't rp any battle, or action, against the soviet union. And you can't have that many soldiers.. you have 11.500 soldiers ingame.

OOC: You can have full soldier count without actually having it. I can had 44,000 troops in game, meaning I can RP 440,000 troops.

Plus, NSU can have less than a thousand troops at his level. It is no contest.

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The combined forces of your communist neighbors outnumbers the Kyokujitsu Teikoku by such a margin this is not folly, it is suicide.

Out of Character:

OOC: Busy with RL. I'll get everything nice in March.
Between now and March Kyokujitsu Teikoku may be destroyed (again), please reconsider, don't start a World War. Edited by Generalissimo
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The combined forces of your communist neighbors outnumbers the Kyokujitsu Teikoku by such a margin this is not folly, it is suicide.

And how will they come? By blasting through China and Japan? By crossing the Pacific which is full of anti-communists?

They already knew of our doctrine. Disregarding it does not make them right.

Between now and March Kyokujitsu Teikoku may be destroyed (again), please reconsider, don't start a World War.

OOC: Sorry, but I'm not going to reconsider something that I've done before the the International came into being, or before NSU came into being.

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And how will they come? By blasting through China and Japan? By crossing the Pacific which is full of anti-communists?
Kyokujitsu Teikoku is undoubtedly aware their own borders adjacent with three Comintern members.

Northern Soviet, Mongol-Sweden, and the Neo Soviet Union are likely to become the Comintern front lines.

Procinctia is extremely apprehensive about the role of the USSR in this affair, while not currently a member of the Comintern, the actions of their Kyokujitsu Teikoku neighbors may force the USSR into the Comintern.

Edited by Generalissimo
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