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Change in the Aerial Missile Defense


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OOC: After talking with mercy, it was ruled that nuclear missiles have to have a flat 60% chance of being shot down by a SDI.

IC:**Classified briefing within the Australasian Coalition, also to Wighton, from the University of Merktiv**

"After extensive testing, we have found that our satellite shoots down exactly 60% chance of all missiles in range. It seems that the proximity, origin, and destination of the missile do not matter. We have always been able to hit the missile on target, and the missile always has a 60% chance of being shot down.

Thus there is no more probability distribution based on distance. A more accurate map is shown below."


(OOC: I used 2750 mile radius, since my land is usually 5500 miles diameter. Currently it's 5250 mile diameter due to a government change, but it'll be changed back to 5500 in 2 days.)


"All missiles that are found in this region can be hit once if we aim the satellite at it. Upon being hit, the missile has exactly 60% chance of being shot down.

Outside this region, it is almost impossible to hit the missile due to the curvature of the Earth."

Edited by XRCatD
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OOC: Would that mean a 60% chance of getting them the first time and an 60% additional chance if the first SDI fails?

OOC: Mercy said a missile can only be hit once (assuming the 60% is applied after the hit). Thus it's only 60% chance ONE time.

In other words, it acts as if there's only one SDI working on it.

Edited by XRCatD
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OOC: Mercy said a missile can only be hit once (assuming the 60% is applied after the hit). Thus it's only 60% chance ONE time.

In other words, it acts as if there's only one SDI working on it.

OOC: What? That's not what he said way back when those three South American Nations attacked Diberia for access to the sea. he calculated each shot based on ALL SDI's that would be in position to intercept ICBM's.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: What? That's not what he said way back when those three South American Nations attacked Diberia for access to the sea. he calculated each shot based on ALL SDI's that would be in position to intercept ICBM's.

OOC: HA! good times, lol. operation hammer down

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OOC: Only if the missile passes over the ally. For example, if I fired a missile at you, Promised Land would be unable to intercept but say...Palintine could.

OOC: So basically, unless it passes directly over territory I control (whether land or sea), I can't do anything with my SDI, even if it has the range to do so?

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ooc: Yup, your SDI defends your territory according to IG CN.

OOC: You meant RP CN right? Because if it's IG, then Subtle and I overlap over our entire RP territories, so all missiles that pass through our RP lands would be covered by both.

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OOC: You meant RP CN right? Because if it's IG, then Subtle and I overlap over our entire RP territories, so all missiles that pass through our RP lands would be covered by both.

OOC: ^^This...I'm curious what you mean as well...

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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