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On the Nuclear Winter


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Due to the fact that most of the Northern World has blown itself up, Pacifica is still a smoldering coal, South America is half overrun with dieseased zombie freaks, and most of North Africa is in the path of approaching fallout Dranagg has offered to start trading Fresh Water, Fish, and Cold Weather Gear to the nations of the world.

Currently additional factories and cottage industry is being pressed into service for the production of the Cold Weather Gear, and commercial ship production is being increased expotentially to provide a commerce fleet to help satisfy potential needs.

Dranagg also invites the GTI company to set up a clothing factory on the Ross Ice Shelf near the Dranagg port if they willing give a 15% royalty on all production as tax.

Edit IC add on:

Dranagg invites Dragonisia to assist in the Republic's plan to provide fresh water, fish, and cold weather gear to the world. Their more permanent ports would be very helpful when Port Dranagg freezes over.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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Dragonisia approves of this, but shipments will have to be done by commercial ice-breaking submarines. We can even come into your ports and just surface in the ice next to the piers if you make sure the docks are deep water. We'll also get you some coal to help with tolerance of the cold climate which I'm sure these recent events will not help.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Grunder Industries has some of the largest coal deposits in the world, we shall be fine. Along with that, its already colder than hell in West Virginia, we will be fine.

Dranagg envies your large coal resources, but mentions that if the temprature outside is -40 degrees F that the trucks will not be able to haul it to the factories without extremely winterized engines. It so happens Dranagg specializes in making extreme cold weather engines, due to their unique geographical location, and is willing to provide 20 8-cylinder engines a month rated at normal operation in tempratures as cold as -60 degrees f.

Dragonisia approves of this, but shipments will have to be done by commercial ice-breaking submarines. We can even come into your ports and just surface in the ice next to the piers if you make sure the docks are deep water.

Due to the fact the port is on the edge of the ice shelf, ocean depth will not be an issue, but boundries of where the submarines surface will have to be set. Plans will be sent along outlining safe areas to prevent possible damage to the port, submarines, or cargo.

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Mariehamm Arms Inc still has blueprints of old Ubersteinian Stirling Engine Generators, and due to the fact that military equipment may not be so popular right now, we are offering to build these heat-run engines to any nation that can pay.

Dranagg extends the same offer given to the GTI company to Mariehamm Arms Inc. A factory near Port Dranagg. Due to the fact that our infrastructure is quite intact, and that the fallout will be hard pressed to pass the Polar winds, we can provide men, materials, and a factory location for the production. However the 15% royalty on all production as tax is still applicable should you accept.

If Nuclear Winter does hit us in the North at the Estovakia Imperium we are wondering if anyone would be able to provide aid as we are totally unprepared for any from of nuclear fallout and effects.

Dranagg would be very willing to supply non-irradiated fish, water, and supplies to any nation requesting it.

Currently a ship builder has designed an amazing new commercial transport dubed 'That Statue with a Torch Ships', and promises and astounding rate of production for these ships. However, they all have Irish names. We're not sure why.


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Dranagg also invites the GTI company to set up a clothing factory on the Ross Ice Shelf near the Dranagg port if they willing give a 15% royalty on all production as tax.


GTI shall accept this.

If Nuclear Winter does hit us in the North at the Estovakia Imperium we are wondering if anyone would be able to provide aid as we are totally unprepared for any from of nuclear fallout and effects.

GTI has never done much research into nuclear fallout, and with the immense resources being put into bringing our people home we can only offer shelter in the "safe zones" in Northern Diberia.

OOC: Need to go... D:

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We do not believe that surface transit on the ocean is shape due to the typically open nature of surface vessels and exposure of the crew. That is why, in fact, we have always used commercial submarines for our shipping. If you don't have subs, your best bet to save lives is to stay in port til the geigers stop going wacky.. in.. a few decades.

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We do not believe that surface transit on the ocean is shape due to the typically open nature of surface vessels and exposure of the crew. That is why, in fact, we have always used commercial submarines for our shipping. If you don't have subs, your best bet to save lives is to stay in port til the geigers stop going wacky.. in.. a few decades.

Lead encased cargo shipping containers, and lead encased crew areas/equipment mean that men never have to leave the safety of the ship while in irradiated areas. Expected radiation recieved for the crews to be only 3 times the normal everyday dosage they would normally recieve.

The only issue we face is that the ships MUST take back cargo with them to prevent the top heavy lead encased areas from capsizing the ship. (edit, lol forgot to end the sentance) We suggest that coal, oil, gasoline, or some other form consumable fuel be used that can be easy, relatively, to clean of radiation. We can use this to power the ships, and set up a open ocean port for them to dock at, or safe land port, and recieve non-irradiated cargo while setting up a reserve of potential fuels.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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The Coal Mines are part of the ever expanding Underground Living Complex of Grunder Industries. Ironforge, in the wake of the Nuclear Attacks on the Northern Hemisphere, shall become our new capital as Charleston will soon be to irradiated. Currently Ironforge only houses 16,000 People, but we expect that number to grow exponentially over the new decade.

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The Coal Mines are part of the ever expanding Underground Living Complex of Grunder Industries. Ironforge, in the wake of the Nuclear Attacks on the Northern Hemisphere, shall become our new capital as Charleston will soon be to irradiated. Currently Ironforge only houses 16,000 People, but we expect that number to grow exponentially over the new decade.

OOC: Wind goes East, not West, you'll be fine

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This is the last thing we needed. Instead of rebuilding what was lost, we have to prepare for nuclear fallout.

It is an unfortunate incident that was fated to happen. Dranagg is thinking of offering a temporary Ice Shelf Shelter program that allows people to come to Antarctica, being protected extremely well by the harsh shield winds, and the outward pulsing winds from the pole, to act as foreign workers for the aid program. The Republic's current population is far to small to man all of the vessels, build them, fish, AND keep everyday production and services running.

All nations that wish to apply will be granted visas for each individual that wishes to arrive. We suggest bringing food and what supplies you have with you if fallout has not already irradiated your stocks.

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Neo Olympia is underground and will run underground hydroponic gardens for the duration so this food will be uncontaminated, We have an adequate supply of power in our shelters from geothermal power and this will also keep our people warm through the winter.

We have addressed the the problem of the irradiated oceans by transporting goods likely to be contaminated by long low level exposure by air and we are refitting our container ships with lead shielding and lead lined cargo containers. The effect of these modifications will mean that the cargo capacity of our modified freighters will be reduced so in combination with the additional danger pay that merchant seamen will receive the cost of shipping will double effective immediately per mile/ton of cargo carried by sea.

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OOC: Tahoe got nuked to correct?

OOC: And FOAB bombed. So there is a LOT of junk blowing in from Tahoe.

IC: At this time, Dranagg will be sending out Radio beacon transmissions, both voice and standard tone, world wide to guide refugees to the Antarctican port. Modular housing units are being put into mass production to shelter at least 14 individuals each house. The ony cost of taking shelter is that all able bodied members of a family must work a sector of the aid program. Either harvesting fresh water from the ice, fishing the ocean, or construction of the houses, ships, and materials.

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OOC: And FOAB bombed. So there is a LOT of junk blowing in from Tahoe.

IC: At this time, Dranagg will be sending out Radio beacon transmissions, both voice and standard tone, world wide to guide refugees to the Antarctican port. Modular housing units are being put into mass production to shelter at least 14 individuals each house. The ony cost of taking shelter is that all able bodied members of a family must work a sector of the aid program. Either harvesting fresh water from the ice, fishing the ocean, or construction of the houses, ships, and materials.

A few thousand citizens of Promised Land would take them up on that offer. Most of the ones volunteering would be used to harsh living conditions anyway, though certainly not freezing ones...

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