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The CN Agency Formation Announcement

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Well one day me and Kenfolk had a little to much to drink went into a dark irc room and by the time we came out we had, had a brain child. We Called it The CN Agency! Our goal is to provide a friendly non-offensive environment for members of alliance and new CN members to find a new alliance and for members of alliances to sign up and promote themselves. We do offer work positions within the Agency and can give you something to do. Or if you just want to sign up and hang out have a good time you can do that to. Our forum provides a canvas for alliances to sell them selves the best they can to anyone who will sign up and listen. It provides a forum for CN members to get to know all their options and what they offer. It is open to any alliance and any member. We turn no one away. You may sign up your alliance today if you wish, and if you don't, well then the members just won't get to hear about your alliance and you may loose out on some pretty awesome members. We are located here http://z8.invisionfree.com/The_CN_Agency/index.php? so come check us out. Just to be clear it is only the people looking for a new alliance that can see all the alliances and their info, recruiters can only see their respective alliance.


The CN Agency Mod Team,

Michael the Squirrel


P.S. Check out our irc Channel #cn_unenployment (yes i know it is misspelled, it is registered that way, and i am to lazy to do it again.)

Edited by Michael the Squirrel
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I don't recommend alliances. If you will look there is no VE section on their as no one has come from VE to set it up yet and i will not be the one to do it as that would as you said create a bias. There is a GGA section but that is not run but kenfolk but another GGA member.

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I don't recommend alliances. If you will look there is no VE section on their as no one has come from VE to set it up yet and i will not be the one to do it as that would as you said create a bias. There is a GGA section but that is not run but kenfolk but another GGA member.

Only time im going to say this, the GGA does not in any way endorse the views, thoughts, or opinions of this forum.

Nor is it a sanctioned forum of the GGA.

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Well our main goal is to present things to the masses in a clear and precise way. OWF can sometimes be cluttered and hard to find info. This is clear cut and dry. Each alliance gets a section to sell itself in and it is easy for prospective members to see all their options with out any trouble in searching them out.

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This fellow is sure to make it into GGA's Triumvir of the Week rotation, though. So, give a couple weeks.

Schattenmann you sadden me, surely you and your many spies are aware that we haven't had a change in the triumvirate in a while now. tsk tsk so much for the unbias news reporting :P

And if you think otherwise you'll find out what NPO thinks about that!

HAR HAR HAR oh wait you matter why again?

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I never said i don't take this seriously i just said i don't really care to register the channel over again and such. I doesn't matter. You guys just want something to criticize about this idea.

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I never said i don't take this seriously i just said i don't really care to register the channel over again and such. I doesn't matter. You guys just want something to criticize about this idea.

In the time it took you to reply to this, you could have registered the channel with the correct spelling.

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