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The End of Imperial Shilla


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OOC: I'm doing this for all of you CNRPing noobs so you all can RP knowing that there is a GM that doesn't give a rat's $@! either way what happens in the RP. Which also means neutrality. Total. Neutrality. So this means you'll see a lot more of Samsung and LG from here on out.


Announcing the Kim Doctrine

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Citizens of Shilla and Citizens of the World,

Recently, the Empire has attempted to take a step back from international politics so that we may focus upon the betterment of the Shillan people and the Shillan nation. However, it seems that our attempts were not strong enough and were incomplete. Therefore, in order to create a more perfect union of peoples and to preserve the people of Shilla in these times of destruction and death on this planet, I, Emperor Kim Seho, Twelfth Monarch of Shilla, hereby do order the following:

*The cessation of the following lands from the Empire: Kaya, Shillan Taiwan, Shillan Jilin. The following cities (and a fifty kilometer wide area of protection outside of these cities) will remain a part of the Empire: Dalian (Jilin), Vladivistok (Jilin), Taipei (Taiwan), and Solari City (Kaya).

*The lands aforementioned lands will be handed over to the following nations respectively: Rebel Army, Palintine, and the Realm of Magenta.

*The immediate declaration of neutrality in all foreign conflicts.

*The immediate withdrawal of Shllan militaries to the homeland.

*A revision in Shillan border policies. All military vessels may pass through Shillan waters provided that their course and heading be reported as regular trade vessels do and provided that a Shillan green water flotilla escorts these vessels.

*The cancellation of all non-economic treaties.

*The immediate call to the world to recognize the new Shillan policies and to sign this document.

*The creation of the Shillan Open Arms Policy in which Shilla shall accept refugees from all conflicts provided that they have no criminal background or any other similar record.

*The creation of the Shillan Safe Haven Policy in which Shillan banks are hereby allowed to begin low-interest rate savings programs that would allow the investor to keep his goods safe from all political pressure--both foreign and domestic--for a period of up to fifty years. Should any such accounts be left untouched for fifty years, the Imperial Government retains the right to seize the accounts in question.

*The creation of the Shillan Peace Protection Agency in which the Imperial Government shall offer to serve a mediator in any and all international conflict provided that the parties in question choose to begin diplomatic talks.

*The renaming of the Empire to the Empire of Korea from the New Shillan Empire.

So ordered this day,

The Fifteenth of February, in the Year of Our Lord, 2009,

By his Imperial Majesty,

Emperor Kim Seho,

Empire of Korea

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OOC: I love you, and thank you

OOC: Same here.

"We, The Parliament of Solaris hereby recognize this document and wish Imperial Shilla the best of luck in this policy transition.

Sincerely, The Solarian Parliament"

Similarly, Saboria recognizes the document. Best of luck to Shilla.

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OOC: Have I recently told you that you're my favourite?


The Realm of Magenta recognizes this, and promises both the residents of the new Magentian lands, and the world at large, a peaceful and stable transition. As well, the Royal Army of the Realm will be on guard to defend the now neutral Shilla in the case of any aggressive attacks.


His Excellency

Lord Ammon, son of Ammon

The Realm of Magenta

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OOC: Have I recently told you that you're my favourite?


The Realm of Magenta recognizes this, and promises both the residents of the new Magentian lands, and the world at large, a peaceful and stable transition. As well, the Royal Army of the Realm will be on guard to defend the now neutral Shilla in the case of any aggressive attacks.


His Excellency

Lord Ammon, son of Ammon

The Realm of Magenta

OOC: No. No you haven't. :P

IC: The Empire of Korea would like to wish the Realm the best of luck in this new exchange and thanks them for their pledge of support.

The Rebel Army wishes Shilla luck in her endeavors. If you ever need us, you know where to call.
The Chairman applauds this move.

The Empire thanks our great former allies of the Rebel Army and of the Dragon Empire. We hope that our friendship can continue though it may not be in the form of a formal treaty.

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Crimea Iso hereby recognizes these policies.

The Empire thanks Crimea Iso.


Imperial Decree 132578912B.

All civilian and military industries, power centers, control centers, etc. are to begin complete and near total EMP protection. Begin running the entire power grid underground (at least 20 feet) and any others (specifically radar) on a separate power grid. This is to be given top priority.

Imperial Decree 132578913C

Begin construction of the Great Wall of Korea. Ten meters in height, two meters thick, lead lined titanium walls. All around Korea, ten meters off the coast and along the northern border.

Edited by MercyFallout
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We have a short question:

How will this policy affect the electronics you planned to build for use in the space station?

The Empire has laid no additional restrictions upon the exports of Korean goods to the outside world. The electronics will flow.


To: MilCom, LocGov

From: ImpCom

RE: Operation Shield

Due to recent major policy overhaul, Operation Shield will also be edited.

1. Should a major attack/other disruption occur, immediate martial law will go into effect. Local garrisons and military divisions are to secure all cities, towns, etc. in their designated districts.

2. Local Governments/Military divisions are to begin stockpiling nonperishable foodstuffs, medicines, clothing, etc. Stockpiles are to be completed within 48 hours of this revision.

3. Local Governments/Military divisions are to, in the case of a major power blackout, begin laying emergency telegraph lines using whatever labor necessary along a number of predesignated routes.

4. Ensure that the rest of Operation Shield maintains in effect as well.

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We would like to request that LVN engineers help retool the Therminograph so that it will be effective within Shillan territory.

The engineers will most certainly come and help you with that. We will have to reconfigure the software though.


The upgrades were upgrades, but the highly encrypted code in the unique language contained a dehablititating virus which would activate about 2 days after the engineers left, and it would stop the machine even turning on, leaving the supercomputers as little more than useless circuit boards.

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