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Mergerberger II

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OOC: No. He took over Gebiv's nation. Gebiv no longer rolePlays with us

OOC: IF he has Gebiv's nation then, his nuclear amount should not be based on his stuff but Gebivs, which means two nukes and no SDI. If he gets to have Gebiv's infra and troop levels, why does he get to keep his wonders. He should just have two nukes, and rely on Lavo for the rest. You cannot have it both ways.

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OOC: IF he has Gebiv's nation then, his nuclear amount should not be based on his stuff but Gebivs, which means two nukes and no SDI. If he gets to have Gebiv's infra and troop levels, why does he get to keep his wonders. He should just have two nukes, and rely on Lavo for the rest. You cannot have it both ways.

OOC: He doesn't have Gebiv's infra or troop levels. He is using his own.

OR at least, he shouldn't.

If he has been role playing those, please give me links to the specific incidences and I will deal with them.

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OOC: How is he fighting across this massive front against two massive nations compared to his with his infra number. And don't say militia, thats not in game stuff.

OOC: We calculated that he has some 133k soldiers. He has told me he knew this (roughly at least) when he started and that is why he started using nukes since he couldn't beat Merger/Malatose conventionally.

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OOC: How is he fighting across this massive front against two massive nations compared to his with his infra number. And don't say militia, thats not in game stuff.

OOC: 133k soldiers can move around a lot easier than the number he's facing. Not to mention that his entire army is practically decimated by now, along with a large of the invading armies.

KM has acknowledged his new lack of an army.

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OOC: And what of them getting to RP there defenses? Both have missile defenses and ordinance neutralizing weapons as well as SDIs, do they not get to defend but he does?

OOC: SDI doesn't work unless it goes through your own land, as HK has said he supports. He nuked his own land.

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OOC: One could argue if his troops are there is is his land. If its based just on what you claim, I could claim sovereignty over land and nuke it. I think this is an area Hk-47 needs to clarify and I will be PMing him as such.

OOC: My good sir, there is something known as land restraints. There is absolutely no way that your land area is able to extend into Europe from China.

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OOC: My good sir, there is something known as land restraints. There is absolutely no way that your land area is able to extend into Europe from China.

OOC: By your logic if it is based on space between areas rather than country territory than there is no way for Merger and Vektor's SDI not to cover the area. Please be consistent in the measurement you are using.

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OOC: By your logic if it is based on space between areas rather than country territory than there is no way for Merger and Vektor's SDI not to cover the area. Please be consistent in the measurement you are using.

OOC: I am being consistent. Your RolePlay SDI covers your Role Play Territory. Your Role Play Territory is governed by three rules: 1. the limit of your in game land in relation to how much land is available, 2. the land you conquer, 3. the land given to you by another player.

This is how your SDI covers all of your massive territory.

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OOC: My territory is not the issue Mercy. It is the SDI, and Vektor not being able to defend against Martens. If Martens nukes in land Vektor occupies it, Vektor has then conquered it.

OOC: No, he hasn't conquered it yet. Once/if the war ends and Vektor annexes the land, it is only then that he has conquered it.

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OOC: How is he fighting across this massive front against two massive nations compared to his with his infra number. And don't say militia, thats not in game stuff.

The troops that did fight fought either in mountain terrain or performed "post nuke mop-up operations of isolated leftover enemies.

I didn't defeat the ground armies conventionally, I nuked them. The only one I didn't nuke is Triyun's cause it's in Iberia, not Gebiv

Also, Malatose, go ahead and attack, I'll respond with whatever little I may be able to come up with as soon as you formally start attackin.

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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The Five Armies began to split in new ways. The First and Second Armies remained intent on destroying the Iberian line, while the Third and Fourth armies would move to join the Fifth Army at Nice. With the entire Gebivian force fighting the Germans and the Soviets in the East, the road would be relatively easy, only minor encounters with Gebivian local militias, police forces, and angry civilians were expected. Nevertheless, probe drones and satellites constantly flew stealthily over Gebivian territory to map out the exact positions of the enemy. There were none, except for local militias wielding basic weapons like shotguns and rifles for hunting and protection. All civilians. The orders were to eliminate anyone who took a shot at the Armies, and they would be followed.

As the Southern Army (3, 4, 5) rolled towards the city of Nice without much resistance, the Western Army would move against the Iberians. With Francoist and Imperial invasions near Gibraltar in the south of Iberia, it was expected that the Iberians would be more worried about keeping their current territory safe from the Francoists and the Imperials than concerning themselves with the protection of Gebiv. Nevertheless, probe drones still flew over the Iberian Line. An estimate of 60-70,000 was given to Genevan Military Command. They ordered the Second Army to roll straight forward into the Iberian line, which would be stretched fairly thin. They would roll straight through the middle of it, dismantling the Middle Iberian Army, and subsequently turn south to the city of Montpelier. Meanwhile, the First Army would roll north, to outflank the Iberian line from the north, and then roll south.

Orders for the Air Force and Special Ops were to cut off supply routes and communication lines between the Iberian Expeditionary Force and Iberian Main Command in their homeland. The Special Ops forces moved swiftly and stealthily behind enemy lines, and began to eliminate military command centers key to regional command of the Iberian line. The goal of this was demoralization more than tactical advantage. Meanwhile, the Air Force would, with the aid of satellites and probing drones, would bomb enemy supply lines and take out supplies coming from the air as well. Missile strikes from the homeland cruised low over Gebiv into the ocean to take out any Iberian vessels packed with supplies for the army.

Meanwhile, the Dutch Navy began to cross into the Strait of Gibraltar, having just stopped at Gibraltar to refuel and restock with the aid of their Francosit allies. They moved Northeast, towards the Iberian coast and the Gebivian coast, in order to block as many Iberian attempts at aid via sea traffic as possible. With massive ships sold to them by the United Francoist Empire, they would be a large threat to the Iberian Navy, although they were, admittedly, lacking in numbers, they made up for it in technological and manpower advantages. They also harbored a massive number of missiles and planes aboard the various Carrier Groups. It was expected that while the Iberian Naval number superiority would give them an advantage, the technological advantage that the UFE-crafted ships had over the Iberian fleet would match that and the Naval battles would be a stalemate.

Upon reaching the city of Nice, the Southern Army began to roll to the East, directly into Italy. They would travel 30 miles from coast until they had passed the Italian Alps, whereupon the Southern Army would divide into two, the Northern (3rd army) and the Eastern (4th and 5th). The Northern moved north, towards Torino, intent on capturing the city and utilizing resources from there. The Eastern Army continued along the coastline, taking out coastal cities and minor military encampments along the way, heading towards Genova, which they would capture, and as the Northern Army would do with Torino, use as a place to refuel and restock supplies, which was either flown in from the Homeland, sailed in as part of the Dutch Fleet when it had entered the Mediterranean Sea, or be harvested from the city and its surroundings. They would linger around the city, spread thin enough to avoid massive casualties, but packed tight enough to be able to assist one another in any sort of suprise attack from the Gebivians. It was known that Gebiv had developed another Weapon of Mass Destruction, and was intent on using it against the German forces invading from the east, however there was little doubt in Genevan Military Command's mind that the Gebivians would not consider shooting it at them. A high number of SAM systems were sent along with the Southern Army, and satellite systems watched over Northern Italy for signs of any ICBMs launching from Italian silos. If it were launched as a tactical weapon from an artillery encampment as it had been before, they would pray that their SAM systems would shoot it down, as they had before.

The Western Army, in its two Parts, the First and the Second, rolled through the Iberian Forces, suffering losses on both sides. However, the strategic nature of the Dutch deployment on Iberia, coupled with pressures from the Franco-Imperial invasion of Southern Iberia caused distress among the Iberian lines. The more advanced Dutch forces were able to kill Iberian soldiers at a rate of 3:1 in favor of the Dutch. Armored units were being used less conservaitively now, being used more for punching major holes and driving back Iberian strongholds in France than as the backup they had been used for previously. This was the first real fight that the Dutch soldiers had encountered in this war. They knew that they would win, but they sure as hell fought like it was their very homeland in danger. They slowly but surely pushed back the Iberian lines, and with constant Air support from the Air Force, now partially stationed in air fields near Thiers, they caused massive casualties in the Iberian Line, taking a good number of casualties in themselves.

The enemy was being pushed back...

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As the Stealth Aircraft moved through Gebiv unimpeded, they were unable to find much of anything. They could see the nuked zones, utter destruction, no humans, no animals. More importantly, no military units. There were fortifications, but apparently not enough men to man them after having used up the majority of the army in the east.

Upon reaching the city of Nice, the Southern Army began to roll to the East, directly into Italy. They would travel 30 miles from coast until they had passed the Italian Alps, whereupon the Southern Army would divide into two

Before the army was able to divide in two, something would happen. Just hidden within a cave in the alps, an old General was sitting. He was sitting alone, and breathed heavily. He stared ahead, sweating heavily as well, and watched the army pass from his concealed spot. Eventually he received a transmission from the HQ,

"Alright. Now is the time, the entirety of their army is within range. Valhöll!"

Unexpected, an outdated Panzer probably taken from a museum and restored rolled out, old Kaiser Martens (pre-Nordland) flag in hand he shouted out towards the enemy as he fired a shell. "VALLHÖLL!"

This was only symbollic, whether if he was shot or not, right after he finished saying that, the whole location was engulfed in a powerful nuclear blast, somewhat more powerful by the ones used by Gebivian Forces until then. This was done before the army started to cross the mountains, in more amicable terrain. The result would be a near complete destruction of the army, plus the alps being made more difficult to pass through to begin with.

That was all for the arsenal, but work continued around the clock to manufacture more nukes, in preparation for the new German Offensive...

OOC: !@#$. on a second thought, Germany, do not attack. >_>

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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As the Stealth Aircraft moved through Gebiv unimpeded, they were unable to find much of anything. They could see the nuked zones, utter destruction, no humans, no animals. More importantly, no military units. There were fortifications, but apparently not enough men to man them after having used up the majority of the army in the east.

Before the army was able to divide in two, something would happen. Just hidden within a cave in the alps, an old General was sitting. He was sitting alone, and breathed heavily. He stared ahead, sweating heavily as well, and watched the army pass from his concealed spot. Eventually he received a transmission from the HQ,

"Alright. Now is the time, the entirety of their army is within range. Valhöll!"

Unexpected, an outdated Panzer probably taken from a museum and restored rolled out, old Kaiser Martens (pre-Nordland) flag in hand he shouted out towards the enemy as he fired a shell. "VALLHÖLL!"

This was only symbollic, whether if he was shot or not, right after he finished saying that, the whole location was engulfed in a powerful nuclear blast, somewhat more powerful by the ones used by Gebivian Forces until then. This was done before the army started to cross the mountains, in more amicable terrain. The result would be a near complete destruction of the army, plus the alps being made more difficult to pass through to begin with.

That was all for the arsenal, but work continued around the clock to manufacture more nukes, in preparation for the new German Offensive...

OOC: !@#$. on a second thought, Germany, do not attack. >_>

OOC: What exactly did you use to nuke my forces, then? an ICBM, tactical nuke, another artillery thing?
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OOC: As clarified on IRC, a 315mm shell detonated manually, slightly buried underground so not to be immediately visible. I should have clarified this.

Either way I realize its a little weird, I just tried to make RP interesting. If you insist in disliking this, I'll just do what I did elsewhere and say a 315mm hidden arty piece just shot this from afar, I just wanted to do this so it's not just the same !@#$ over and over again.

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With UFE troops repositioned now on the border of the Balkans and Italy, as well as punching through the Spanish flank in the west, the operation would enter into its next phase. The loss of a two hundred and fifty million was the long term estimate, that was bad, but the UFE forces had never been targeted themselves unlike the Rebel Army. Most of its fighting force was still entirely intact.

The UFE and Wightonian forces had scored major victories along the Iberian Front with the FAEB explosives having caused massive damage to the enemies supply lines and ability to regroup. Another wave of fifteen of the IRBMs were fired into the areas which had still not been penetrated by UFE troops to continued and utterly wipe out the spaniards.

Troops would deny enemy forces use of direct engagement as they continued to use guided artillery and propelled blos main cannons to destroy enemy positions as they advanced slowly pushing the enemy back further by several miles. Mortar based land mine shells would cause further disarray among retreating troops, leaving them further and further disorganized as they were pushed back south.

Meanwhile the remainder of the FAEB IRBM force concentrated in the Netherlands would be utilitzed in two directions. Thirty of the weapons would strike in a cluster around the enemy Spanish Capital to reduce it to rubble. The second cluster of thirty FAEBS would be to target the confirmed Gebiv Army positions on the Italian Penninsula.

Three MIRV ICBMs that had been rebuilt since the war would be targetted at Rome and Southern Italty with a total of 75 warheads between them (rated around 60 kilotons each) aiming to wipe the city off the map for good. If the enemy continued to insist on nuclear arms, the UFE would respond in kinda.

The UFE/Wightonian joint fleet in the mediterranian unleashed is missile and rail gun weapons on confirmed Gebivian forces also, with the exception of three of the former Mogar frigates converted for ballistic missile defense, which maintained their weapons at the ready for further counter attacks.

Overhead of the air space, F-50s, F/A-47s, and F-65s continued to engage in long range fighting with the enemy air force that had not been wiped out by previous engagements and the advanced surface to air missile that were employed. A force of Skyhawk-B Stealth Drones were ordered to launch waves of hypersonic anti ship missiles at the surviving Federacion fleet, as Striker hovercrafts moving up from Gibraltar along with ground based anti ship missiles in Gibraltar launched a barrage of more hypersonic missiles at their fleet aiming to take it out.

An additional three nukes were detonated over Rebel Army as an EMP Pulse to knock out the enemies functioning communications for this operation.

The remaining military air bases in the Rebel Army were targetted by missile launchers throughout the far west firing IRBMs and cruise missiles tipped with incidieary and thermobaric warheads. These weapons along with a few MIRV ICBMs with bunker busting FOABs were launched in a second counter attack against the Rebel Army's military positions, mainly air fields and missile launchers as well as radar towers. Lastly a fleet of 4 T-160S Squadrons with F-65 and F-50-Bs fighter escort squadrons from the far west (remember the Far west is not very populated at all for China) moved over the Rebel Army, its targets were simple drop high incidieary and FOAB bombs on the surviving Rebel Army forces. The F-50-Bs and F-65s were ordered to engage the remaining Rebel Army air force in showdown over the skies. The world's largest air force, versus the World's supposed most skilled.

All forces in the UFE remained in their bunkers and shelters as was the cases with forces in the Dilberian Empire. Forces in Europe were spread out and fortified to minimize chances of nuclear counter attacks on their positions.

EDIT: Apparently nukes that are used as EMPs don't count? http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=49248

Edited by Triyun
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