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Surrender Terms for TPF & Allies


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It already looks like Burning Glory has made the decision to continue the war by demanding an ineffective yet amusing surrender terms for the Judgment Reborn side.

Fast facts before we go to the terms:

1) TPF and her allies are not in a position to make such demands:

* 82% (105/128 nations) of TPF are in anarchy

* 78.7 (78/99 nations) of TUF are in anarchy

* 88.5% (85/96 nations) of MI are in anarchy

* 47.6% (20/42 nations) of NVO are in anarchy

* TOTAL NUMBERS 79% (288/365 nations) of TPF and her allies are in anarchy

2) Thaisport the Tyrannical (nice ring to it eh?)

* We were not the ones raiding people at will pissing people off before the war (wait doesn't that sound like MI?!?)

* All alliances with in Judgment Reborn Bloc entered this war on their own free accord

* No Ability and Honor... well I think the stats above speak for themselves in terms of leadership ability in times of war. As for honor,

I did lose my battles against BG as he sent his #1, #5(BG), and #11 guys after me. At that time #1 was a top 1% nation, BG was

a top 4% nation, and #11 was a top 5% nation. I was top 8% nation and was in two wars with nations in above my level. I would

say I was honored in getting such attention from TFP's top brass but it was a gross use of war resources on BG's part to try and

prove a point. My duty is to my alliance first, my bloc second, and my nation last. If my alliance and bloc do very well in the war

then I have all ready succeeded in my job.

3) Now with the AA changes, I have not made any official posts on the forum regarding changing AA. Yes people will do what they will in individual wars but those actions don't represent the bloc as a whole. I know there are people who changed AAs either to hide or because they want out of the war. I don't blame any nations on TPF side for doing so and if they want they want out of this continuing war caused by BG's blinding ego and his inability to admit defeat I'm sure they will find another AA so they can be left alone. I don't know who would accept them and it's not my concern.

Surrender terms for TPF and her allies...

If you want the war to end, just ask for it. You will get a clean no-strings attached white peace. No public apology, no admitting anything, no changing AA, no lame terms.

Hopefully the terms are simple enough to understand.


Edited by thaisport
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Thaisport the Merciful?! :ehm: We didn't even start this war but we have enjoyed it. Though myself was expecting more alliances on the other side. I must thank those allies that have fought. To the enemy its been a good fight and if we must carry on then so be it.

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It already looks like Burning Glory has made the decision to continue the war by demanding an ineffective yet amusing surrender terms for the Judgment Reborn side.

Fast facts before we go to the terms:

1) TPF and her allies are not in a position to make such demands:

* 82% (105/128 nations) of TPF are in anarchy

* 78.7 (78/99 nations) of TUF are in anarchy

* 88.5% (85/96 nations) of MI are in anarchy

* 47.6% (20/42 nations) of NVO are in anarchy

* TOTAL NUMBERS 79% (288/365 nations) of TPF and her allies are in anarchy

2) Thaisport the Tyrannical (nice ring to it eh?)

* We were not the ones raiding people at will pissing people off before the war (wait doesn't that sound like MI?!?)

* All alliances with in Judgment Reborn Bloc entered this war on their own free accord

* No Ability and Honor... well I think the stats above speak for themselves in terms of leadership ability in times of war. As for honor,

I did lose my battles against BG as he sent his #1, #5(BG), and #11 guys after me. At that time #1 was a top 1% nation, BG was

a top 4% nation, and #11 was a top 5% nation. I was top 8% nation and was in two wars with nations in above my level. I would

say I was honored in getting such attention from TFP's top brass but it was a gross use of war resources on BG's part to try and

prove a point. My duty is to my alliance first, my bloc second, and my nation last. If my alliance and bloc do very well in the war

then I have all ready succeeded in my job.

3) Now with the AA changes, I have not made any official posts on the forum regarding changing AA. Yes people will do what they will in individual wars but those actions don't represent the bloc as a whole. I know there are people who changed AAs either to hide or because they want out of the war. I don't blame any nations on TPF side for doing so and if they want they want out of this continuing war caused by BG's blinding ego and his inability to admit defeat I'm sure they will find another AA so they can be left alone. I don't know who would accept them and it's not my concern.

Surrender terms for TPF and her allies...

If you want the war to end, just ask for it. You will get a clean no-strings attached white peace. No public apology, no admitting anything, no changing AA, no lame terms.

Hopefully the terms are simple enough to understand.


Thai this isn't propaganda, your peeps have sent out pm's to my guys base on your order.

Don't try to twist your BS around or deny it! Just because your afraid to post it publicly doesn't mean you didn't give the orders.

I didn't send anyone after you, I beat you down by myself...if not post all of the others battle reports.

Also if anyone attacked you it was by their own will, and dislike for you disloyalty and back stabbing!

they were not my top peeps at that....Good try! way to make yourself seem like a victim of your own war!

You guys have lost, and your pathetic ramblings of how this is honor for you and your weak bloc

is just more proof of your inability to take on TPF by your self.....You boy are a sissified leader.

Let me make this clear for you; TPF did raid, but MHA raided as much or more and so did every AA in your

bloc. TPF never raided your members, and any of TPF members that raided any AA in your bloc were new to my AA

and didn't know we had treaties with them. Also TPF and our allies were raided many many times by your bloc members.

This is yet another twist to your story of why you back stabbed us in the first place, one of which you never implied in

your past ramblings, and back stepping. Maybe you thought people would forget about those post, well i don't think they have.

Just admit you failed to beat us....

Just so everyone's clear, Fark is not part of this.

Just so everyone knows my personal opinion, Judgement Reborn sucks.

I don't think you have any worries there....And most of TE knows JR sucks!!

I would however recant your statement as they tend to all gang up on AA's they see as a threat.

But if they do, TPF will be there to get your back the best we can.

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Wow... BG is now resorting to name calling as well. I guess every time I think you have hit a low, you keep finding ways to go even lower.

Twisting my BS?!? Maybe the nations that sent out those PMs are fedup with your antics on this forum. Let it be known (in case people don't already know) that I HATE the stupid idea of demanding AA changes. This is CNte not CNs. I hated it in the MI war, I hate it now. People can make their own choices about their nations.

Victim?!? You have mistaken there... Even if my nation was weaker, I wasted your precious slot for war. It's called stradegy. Maybe you need to read Sun Tzu.

Raiding... please, RE was extremely upset at your raidng them over and over and over again after the MI war when they were down. Others have noticed your practices of getting as many treaties as you can so you can raid freely without people "bothering you" but like MI people got pissed. People make stupid raids. I know MHA members have done so but leaders of those respective alliances come to be and we quickly solve these issues and it never makes CNte forums. Other alliances are now trickling in because they are pissed at TPF for raiding them.

As for failing, I don't know if you read the stats, but it looks a lot like you guys are hurting pretty bad. NVO is the only one that has done well on your side so kudos to them.

As of JR sucking, hmm let me see, it's the same person posting the same comments on a different post. I don't know if you even notice but the same exact people who are commenting on the TPF side are always the same ones commenting. Don't give me the "most of CNte" bull crap.

With respect to prior posts... ummm... maybe you need glasses. These posts on this forum go ALL the way back to round one. People don't forget posts and rounds which is why there is such BS politics in CNte. That said, you will notice that I am very consistant with what I say in all my comments.

As for failing, please keep telling yourself you won. Tell all your nations and allies you are all winning. Tell the your nations who were dragged into this war and have nothing left that you won. Let the 79% of all your combined nations who are suffering in anarchy that have lost everything know that they won. Don't forget to also let them know that their alliance is getting a sadomaschistic beatdown, they have won.

Enough Said... and to quote YouWish959... "Piss the hell off" :D

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Thai this isn't propaganda, your peeps have sent out pm's to my guys base on your order.

Don't try to twist your BS around or deny it! Just because your afraid to post it publicly doesn't mean you didn't give the orders.

I didn't send anyone after you, I beat you down by myself...if not post all of the others battle reports.

Also if anyone attacked you it was by their own will, and dislike for you disloyalty and back stabbing!

they were not my top peeps at that....Good try! way to make yourself seem like a victim of your own war!

You guys have lost, and your pathetic ramblings of how this is honor for you and your weak bloc

is just more proof of your inability to take on TPF by your self.....You boy are a sissified leader.

Let me make this clear for you; TPF did raid, but MHA raided as much or more and so did every AA in your

bloc. TPF never raided your members, and any of TPF members that raided any AA in your bloc were new to my AA

and didn't know we had treaties with them. Also TPF and our allies were raided many many times by your bloc members.

This is yet another twist to your story of why you back stabbed us in the first place, one of which you never implied in

your past ramblings, and back stepping. Maybe you thought people would forget about those post, well i don't think they have.

Just admit you failed to beat us....

I don't think you have any worries there....And most of TE knows JR sucks!!

I would however recant your statement as they tend to all gang up on AA's they see as a threat.

But if they do, TPF will be there to get your back the best we can.

first off let me say BG STFU im in your alliance and even im telling you to STFU im tired of your bs and i would gladly switch to help JR if they hadnt already pumbled me with our a warning or reason (tho i did manage to fight off three and make one peace out :D but then a forth kicked my $@! anyways) im tired of your non sensical bs and im tired of having to yell at that johnboy because the messages you tell him to send everybody either make A)no sense or B. ) r just freaking retarded! ive led my own guilds and alliances in other games and ive never EVER been such a horrible leader even when i was a noob at leading ppl! and when i fight i fight with freaking respect which is clearly what thaisport is showing us and you seem to be lacking! i would like to go on record and say that thaisport it would be an honor to fight you it would be a respectful fight and one that is fun not some little drama filled BS fight....you have lost all of my respect BG so grow up and remember THIS IS TOURNEMENT EDITION THIS IS THE SERVER FOR FIGHTING!!!! THERES TO MUCH BS POLITICS GOING AROUND HELL THERE SHOULDNT EVEN BE POLITICS! JUST FIGHTING LIKE ITS BUILT FOR!!!!!!!! my god my friend was right this is turning into a second server

Edited by DirtDiver
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first off let me say BG STFU im in your alliance and even im telling you to STFU im tired of your bs and i would gladly switch to help JR if they hadnt already pumbled me with our a warning or reason (tho i did manage to fight off three and make one peace out :D but then a forth kicked my $@! anyways) im tired of your non sensical bs and im tired of having to yell at that johnboy because the messages you tell him to send everybody either make A)no sense or B. ) r just freaking retarded! ive led my own guilds and alliances in other games and ive never EVER been such a horrible leader even when i was a noob at leading ppl! and when i fight i fight with freaking respect which is clearly what thaisport is showing us and you seem to be lacking! i would like to go on record and say that thaisport it would be an honor to fight you it would be a respectful fight and one that is fun not some little drama filled BS fight....you have lost all of my respect BG so grow up and remember THIS IS TOURNEMENT EDITION THIS IS THE SERVER FOR FIGHTING!!!! THERES TO MUCH BS POLITICS GOING AROUND HELL THERE SHOULDNT EVEN BE POLITICS! JUST FIGHTING LIKE ITS BUILT FOR!!!!!!!! my god my friend was right this is turning into a second server

I love you


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first off let me say BG STFU im in your alliance and even im telling you to STFU im tired of your bs and i would gladly switch to help JR if they hadnt already pumbled me with our a warning or reason (tho i did manage to fight off three and make one peace out :D but then a forth kicked my $@! anyways) im tired of your non sensical bs and im tired of having to yell at that johnboy because the messages you tell him to send everybody either make A)no sense or B. ) r just freaking retarded! ive led my own guilds and alliances in other games and ive never EVER been such a horrible leader even when i was a noob at leading ppl! and when i fight i fight with freaking respect which is clearly what thaisport is showing us and you seem to be lacking! i would like to go on record and say that thaisport it would be an honor to fight you it would be a respectful fight and one that is fun not some little drama filled BS fight....you have lost all of my respect BG so grow up and remember THIS IS TOURNEMENT EDITION THIS IS THE SERVER FOR FIGHTING!!!! THERES TO MUCH BS POLITICS GOING AROUND HELL THERE SHOULDNT EVEN BE POLITICS! JUST FIGHTING LIKE ITS BUILT FOR!!!!!!!! my god my friend was right this is turning into a second server

wow i was wondering if all of TPF was in some kind of black hole where they can't do anything but think BG is the greatest. finally, a shred of light!

i'm not saying anything about the war right now or reasons or antyhing, but i fully agree!

o/ to you, DirtDiver! that was a beautiful chunk of text up there :-D

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first off let me say BG STFU im in your alliance and even im telling you to STFU im tired of your bs and i would gladly switch to help JR if they hadnt already pumbled me with our a warning or reason (tho i did manage to fight off three and make one peace out :D but then a forth kicked my $@! anyways) im tired of your non sensical bs and im tired of having to yell at that johnboy because the messages you tell him to send everybody either make A)no sense or B. ) r just freaking retarded! ive led my own guilds and alliances in other games and ive never EVER been such a horrible leader even when i was a noob at leading ppl! and when i fight i fight with freaking respect which is clearly what thaisport is showing us and you seem to be lacking! i would like to go on record and say that thaisport it would be an honor to fight you it would be a respectful fight and one that is fun not some little drama filled BS fight....you have lost all of my respect BG so grow up and remember THIS IS TOURNEMENT EDITION THIS IS THE SERVER FOR FIGHTING!!!! THERES TO MUCH BS POLITICS GOING AROUND HELL THERE SHOULDNT EVEN BE POLITICS! JUST FIGHTING LIKE ITS BUILT FOR!!!!!!!! my god my friend was right this is turning into a second server

Might not have done well in the technical program, but he nailed the artistic presentation.

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i'll go ahead and reply to this topic for burning glory, to save him the time.


"something something something curbstomp.

something something something we're winning and you're a backstabber."


BG, i figure that will save you 20 minutes of typing and all of us 5 seconds of reading :-D

Edited by Sethly
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I've been trying to say that for some time. :wacko:

Nevertheless, while it could have used a little more editing, you hit the nail on the head there.

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It already looks like Burning Glory has made the decision to continue the war by demanding an ineffective yet amusing surrender terms for the Judgment Reborn side.

Fast facts before we go to the terms:

1) TPF and her allies are not in a position to make such demands:

* 82% (105/128 nations) of TPF are in anarchy

* 78.7 (78/99 nations) of TUF are in anarchy

* 88.5% (85/96 nations) of MI are in anarchy

* 47.6% (20/42 nations) of NVO are in anarchy

* TOTAL NUMBERS 79% (288/365 nations) of TPF and her allies are in anarchy

2) Thaisport the Tyrannical (nice ring to it eh?)

* We were not the ones raiding people at will pissing people off before the war (wait doesn't that sound like MI?!?)

* All alliances with in Judgment Reborn Bloc entered this war on their own free accord

* No Ability and Honor... well I think the stats above speak for themselves in terms of leadership ability in times of war. As for honor,

I did lose my battles against BG as he sent his #1, #5(BG), and #11 guys after me. At that time #1 was a top 1% nation, BG was

a top 4% nation, and #11 was a top 5% nation. I was top 8% nation and was in two wars with nations in above my level. I would

say I was honored in getting such attention from TFP's top brass but it was a gross use of war resources on BG's part to try and

prove a point. My duty is to my alliance first, my bloc second, and my nation last. If my alliance and bloc do very well in the war

then I have all ready succeeded in my job.

3) Now with the AA changes, I have not made any official posts on the forum regarding changing AA. Yes people will do what they will in individual wars but those actions don't represent the bloc as a whole. I know there are people who changed AAs either to hide or because they want out of the war. I don't blame any nations on TPF side for doing so and if they want they want out of this continuing war caused by BG's blinding ego and his inability to admit defeat I'm sure they will find another AA so they can be left alone. I don't know who would accept them and it's not my concern.

Surrender terms for TPF and her allies...

If you want the war to end, just ask for it. You will get a clean no-strings attached white peace. No public apology, no admitting anything, no changing AA, no lame terms.

Hopefully the terms are simple enough to understand.


Haha, only 48% of NVO in anarchy? Can we claim to be the most awesome fighters now?


Edited by kencojenko
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There are a couple of issues in the OP that I would like to address:

* We were not the ones raiding people at will pissing people off before the war (wait doesn't that sound like MI?!?)

It is true that TPF have been going around raiding people in TE, but quite a few other alliances are guilty of that one. I vaguely recall being raided by someone in MHA a few weeks back because he thought that NEO looked like an easy target before we merged with Viridia, so I don't feel that MHA or any other alliance can claim the moral high ground on this issue.

If you want the war to end, just ask for it. You will get a clean no-strings attached white peace. No public apology, no admitting anything, no changing AA, no lame terms.

I appreciate your desire not to impose humiliating terms on TPF and its partners, but I personally see no reason to give in as I entered tournament edition to have fun and gain military experience. I have certainaly acheived both goals in this war, and I hope that it is the same for my MHA opponents. I have already fought to ZI and rerolled so I can fit in some more fighting before the reset :jihad:

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Haha, only 48% of NVO in anarchy? Can we claim to be the most awesome fighters now?


You can "claim" to be whatever you want whenever you want. Whether or not people believe you is going to be the big thing. I say go for it lol.

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