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Australasian Coalition Discussion


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"I'd like to inquire about the recent supposed "Australasian Announcement" concerning this war. We never voted on it, and while I may personally support Hansa, saying that this coalition supports Hansa is false. We never decided on it, and we condemn the two nations in this coalition that think they can speak for all of us."

Edited by Pacifism
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"I'd like to inquire about the recent supposed "Australasian Announcement" concerning this war. We never voted on it, and while I may personally support Hansa, saying that this coalition supports Hansa is false. We never decided on it, and we condemn the two nations in this coalition that think they can speak for all of us."

OOC: probably discussed on IRC.

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"Oh, curse that attack that crippled us!" the representative muttered, not caring who heard him. "If it wasn't for that, we would support the Hansa."

"There is still a way." Archer guided the Promised Land representative to one side. "Using a simple airliner to transport troops allows a respectable number of troops to be deployed quickly."

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"There is still a way." Archer guided the Promised Land representative to one side. "Using a simple airliner to transport troops allows a respectable number of troops to be deployed quickly."

The man blinked. "Oh. I hadn't thought of that," he said quietly. 'Well, at least five thousand men, in that case. It may not be enough, but it's all we can do..." he mused...

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The Dragon Empire observer spoke, "We have not acted on either side yet, because we wait to see how this war is going to progress. We would encourage this "neutral coalition" to do the same. Both sides have committed atrocities. The longer we can keep Australia out of the mess the better. We have no desire to become the targets of nuclear annihilation.. at least not until after everyone else has expended their nukes.. if you get what I mean."

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"While we are here, I must inform you that my government wishes to meet with the brothers Constantine." His voice barely a whisper.

"So, you saw through my act," the representative wispered right back. "I'll send for them to be contacted right away."

A simple coded message was all that was required. "Sibling requests meeting with Romulus and Remus."

OOC: if you want to PM Jed about this post, feel free. I don't have time to set up the thread...

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"So, you saw through my act," the representative wispered right back. "I'll send for them to be contacted right away."

A simple coded message was all that was required. "Sibling requests meeting with Romulus and Remus."

OOC: if you want to PM Jed about this post, feel free. I don't have time to set up the thread...

OOC: I c wut u did thar

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In preparation for any possible military conflict, Wanatet Corporation has set up anti-EMP defenses as well as many other anti-missile, anti-ship, anti-tank and anti-aircraft defenses.

In addition, Wanatetan military has been equipped with more advanced technology and trained to be prepared for war.

OOC: The fact that this post is not in quotes means that this post is the real RP of it occuring.

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"Wise action, but it's a bit late to start implementing such things if you are expecting war in the near future with a nuclear armed power. So many people underestimate the cost of such an endeavour. Did you gents know that even one exposed circuit in a system exposed to an EMP blast will leave that system fried? Imagine trying to EMP proof a city with private residents up to unspecified wiring standards."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"We expect war to not reach this region for at least another 2 years, due to the stability of this region.

In addition, it is implied that those measures have started earlier on a small scale, but the projects are accelerating now due to the possibility of a cold war."

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"Wise action, but it's a bit late to start implementing such things if you are expecting war in the near future with a nuclear armed power. So many people underestimate the cost of such an endeavour. Did you gents know that even one exposed circuit in a system exposed to an EMP blast will leave that system fried? Imagine trying to EMP proof a city with private residents up to unspecified wiring standards."

"We thank Dragonisia for their concern, but we can reassure you that it is well within our means. Besides, what we used EMP-proofing for is classified. How would anyone know whether we used it for a city? Alas, they do not. But it was well within our means to do so."

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"In the future, if we ever want to enact a policy over the 'Australasia' region, please make it only apply to regions we actually control. 'Australasia' is a loosely defined inclusive region, and if tight policies are to be enacted, don't refer to 'Australasia'. Instead, refer to 'the Australasian Coalition' or 'territories controlled by AC'.

In this most recent act, I think we came out appearing like a military police force over the entire region, even though we have no business in areas that we do not control."

Edited by XRCatD
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Maelstrom would walk quietly in and inform the Dragonisian Delegate he may leave, "You hit the nail on the head. Hello everyone. I'm finally getting out a bit after my wife left me. I'm glad to see this last situation resolved peacefully. Reminds me of the time the Empire implemented its global sea-crawler net." He of course, was mostly masked, only his reptilian eyes and the faintly grey scaled skin beneath would show.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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