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"Confucianism is entering a state of emergency. We have been told to remain at this conference and not to leave, since there is a flu epidemic occuring in our nation. As of yet, our medical services have requested no assistance, but we fully expect it will be needed."

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The representative is handed a note, and is visibly shaken as he reads it. He walks unsteadily back up to the podium

"Gentlemen and Gentlewomen... I am... shocked... to read that the epidemic in Confucianism has spread to the capital. Our... medical services... also report... that they are absolutely certain that whatever this disease is, it has almost assuredly been spread to your nations. Following an announcement from Antartida... if they weren't lying... the dormant period of the virus can be up to a week before symptoms actively appear. We... have no cure........"

The representative collapses, weeping, near the podium

EDIT: Deceased in Confucianism stands at 11,000.

Edited by Pacifism
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It depends on the men themselves. Whether or not they should be allowed, is merely a matter of if they have committed any ill-harm towards any Australasian nation. Otherwise, they should be allowed.

"Those of our diplomats and officials that have met them in the past all spoke highly of these brothers, and even if they had found themselves on the other side of a war from us, we believe they would have fought with honor and respect."

"Confucianism is entering a state of emergency. We have been told to remain at this conference and not to leave, since there is a flu epidemic occuring in our nation. As of yet, our medical services have requested no assistance, but we fully expect it will be needed."
The representative is handed a note, and is visibly shaken as he reads it. He walks unsteadily back up to the podium

"Gentlemen and Gentlewomen... I am... shocked... to read that the epidemic in Confucianism has spread to the capital. Our... medical services... also report... that they are absolutely certain that whatever this disease is, it has almost assuredly been spread to your nations. Following an announcement from Antartida... if they weren't lying... the dormant period of the virus can be up to a week before symptoms actively appear. We... have no cure........"

The representative collapses, weeping, near the podium

EDIT: Deceased in Confucianism stands at 11,000.

The representative was about to respond to the first declaration when the Confucianist delegate announced the contents of the note.

"We have experienced several flu epidemics in our past. If it is any help, we can send a few people with possible vaccines to halt the spread of this deadly contagion. We have also been experimenting with cures for some time, though the results with those are sketchy, to say the least. Nevertheless, we will send what we have, and what aid we can spare."

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We recommend immediate quarantine. That is the only cure against a viral threat. As long as people stay isolated, they can not aid the spread of disease.

*The representative recieves a message.*

Well, it looks like we've had a few isolated cases in our outlying regions. About 20, with ten dead. Each zone has been quarantined.

Of coure, it might help that we've had several flu epidemics before, though none with this level of fatality. Perhaps it has built up enough that we've developed immunity to this particular strain...

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"According to a new message we've received, the vaccine for the original strain that was developed by Atlantida has worked, and our nation is now operating at 100% capacity once more. We are distributing it to all of you immediately."

"Thank you. We will begin distribution to our citizens immediately."

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The Confucianist representative takes the podium

"Regarding recent events around the world, we find it necessary to begin prepping our military for defensive actions. We suggest a temporary ban on military vessels moving through Indonesian waters and around Australia for the time being, as well as a general movement of all military forces to a defensive stance of DefCon 3."

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We should urge the Australasian area to stay out of a conflict, so far from our homelands. However, yes, we shall move to DefCon 3 with our ally, Confucianism.

Biohazard steps up to the podium, asking the diplomat to move over

"It is inevitable that we will be pulled in somehow. All wars on this large of a scale, pull every portion of Bob into the conflict. If we are to do anything, it should be to go on the offensive, for our allies, and end this war quickly, lest it be dragged into the Australasian sphere."

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"Confucianism is in extreme opposition to such a stance. We urge the AC to only get involved if we are forced into the conflict. In the mean time, if we do get dragged in or are attacked, we will all be ready to defend ourselves. We find no reason for such aggressive thinking."

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OOC: The war in Europe, and the support voiced for them by nations near us. Since it may become a global conflict, that's what the discussion is over, what we should do currently, or our plans.

OOC: OK, who's fighting who? And who has voiced support for who? I know almost nothing about this war.

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OOC: OK, who's fighting who? And who has voiced support for who? I know almost nothing about this war.

OOC: UFE declared on Gebiv, Maelstrom Vortex and Elysian Plains are both in our sphere and support UFE. As well, Othello moved to DefCon 1. Now Europe is devolving into chaos.

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Archer recieved a call, and took it on the opposite side of the room. After a few minutes of hurried conversation, Archer returned to the group. "My government wishes to recommend that as one we stand with the Hanseatic Republic, who have shown their true honour. As such, we feel they are worthy of our aid."

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Archer walks to the door and beckons the Dragonisian representative through the door.

"We are willing to grant you observer status, however, we must ask you to sign that you will never repeat anything that you here behind these doors. We must also inform you of a possible conflict of interest in the region that may come to blows sometime in the future. If you can accept these terms, we see no problem for the moment."

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The Tanisian diplomat stood up from his spot

The war in Europe is no real concern to us, even though longer arms are tangled in as well, we suggest exercising extreme caution in our actions. Our military has recently moved to DEFCON 4, but our intelligence alert level is at it's highest.

We've canceled all commercial flights to North Africa, Europe, and curtailed flights to Western Russia and the Middle East.

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